Addy's First Horseback Riding Lesson

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today is a DS first day of horseback riding classes back in Phoenix she was really into dance and we looked at her I assumed she'd be ready to do dance again saying it for classes but she said she didn't want to do dance and she wouldn't share horseback riding so we were really lucky and we found this writing school that's just like two miles from my house and we're excited to have her first lesson today this horse's name is told son I am Tulsa the city in Oklahoma and that was pity your mama'll afford it I saw the tour shoes did you [Music] the [Music] this guy [Music] is that the horse you're gonna write addy what's the horse's name Nick ah make it beautiful you brush it in circles like that hi Nick you'd be good to addy today you be good to addy today this is her first time as part of the horseback riding lessons not only do you learn to ride a horse but you learn how to care for a horse had a groom a horse so it's gonna be an interesting experience cuz I bet we're gonna learn a ton I've already learned that you start with a curry brush and then we're using a hard brush now that really flicks off the dirt so it's gonna be a fun learning process for all of us lick that dirt off girl [Music] is the horse eating back here what you notice with this horse's name is [Music] a rooster ceruse tree here [Music] so there's the currycomb hard brush soft brush mean and tail brushes hoof picks and then on to a scraper get it some flight spray on it [Music] Adie sports Nick keeps biting the wooden post Fitz teeth and I learned that called cribbing and kind of an addictive thing and it releases endorphins so once they start to kind of keep doing it's very interesting I'm writing me of like a baby or toddler who like teas on a crib when they're first getting their baby teeth in how are you feeling out of your excited are you nervous a little bit of both she'll do just great today I'm so excited to watch you this is like a fun adventure for me - is he cribbing Stu [Music] so what do you think this made you think you might wanna do Chris back riding lessons - yeah yeah what made you change your mind you like horses when I sign adding up for birth decorating lessons Maya did not want to do it but I think when she fell out eating too fresh the horse and take care of it I think she really wanted to be able to do that - so maybe next week we'll have a D and Maya doing her sec riding lessons together like she's getting on her when Addie first told me she would do horseback riding lessons I have to admit I was a little bit nervous especially when I had all the waivers and liability releases I had to sign I never had to do anything like that for dance so I'm a little bit nervous about this but I feel like we're at such a beginner level that nothing too bad can happen right and then we'll have time to reevaluate before she gets more advanced but right now just going to have a good time and I think she's learning some pretty cool things well a DS doing her horseback riding lesson mine I decided to come back to the barn and get to know all the horses and what their names are Dani we met penny earlier hi penny okay this is Jimmy okay who's over here where am p hi scampi a scamp is hungry Ram Roman Roman bless you we're gonna let the horses are we I roam in you can go say hi are there more over here Gertie's back there but birdies hiding from us mmm I expect there to but are you hiding from us okay I came gertie good graze pretty eyes oh this is another Nick I guess it's another Nick the main doesn't look blue doesn't it see the horses that are over here apparently they have about 20 horses that they keep here blocks [Music] [Applause] [Music] Addie's needs some tricks not on the horse looks like they went through some cones and we'll see what she's gonna do next it looks like she's going around a cone now on the horse you see her risk over the poles you missed it it was pretty cool time to do it here I think it's gonna do it again Maya how did the horse see a walk to go I bet addy can tell us more about that because I am coolican Bertha I had to laugh because it's a very hot day and when adding out in the car at the school to come here she asked me if the first reading place is going to be air-conditioned she thinks it looks like they're done [Laughter] adhi root how was it did you love it did you learn a lot oh good [Music] with that's the girth okay curtain with what holds your settlements in this part is pull it straight up [Music] all right thank you - Akron they'd attack them right now [Music] so after writing the horses they're taught to come back and put all of the equipment backward Phillip belongs to the tack room and they brush off the horse for the settlers I think it's really neat and really important that they're learning all aspects of caring for a horse and taking care of them rather than just simply writing it gives them a appreciation for all the work it takes to take care of a horse I love it [Music] [Applause] well I think the first lesson brattiness success she absolutely loved it and I think mine might be joining her officially next week Rob come here look what's over here we're getting ready to leave but I see it look there's some goats over here it was a dog tied up to a car Oh after them we don't want to scare him ma there's a little goats we don't want to scare him though they're so cute when you hear some things that you learned today something you learned about horses or how to take care of them how to ride them so if you want to move them to my right you just have to like pull on the controller I don't know what a train maybe I don't know and you just pull it to the side you want it to the horse to go to and if you don't want it and if it's doing a good job and you don't want it to change then you'll just put it down on your hands down on it yeah and then I know what it's your horses mostly kind of walking I don't know the correct horse term for that but some of the horses were going a little bit faster oh they don't what weren't new to this place oh they are we're like trotting oh you could do it with my horse - but your first time probably just gonna have it go slow when do you think you'll be able to tried it that's the thing you do in like your second lesson or more like your tenth lesson - have any idea you tried to try out my second oh you can that's pretty cool should we head on out girlies hey my you come back next week yeah all right I think she wants to you got a teacher Addie [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 2,415,112
Rating: 4.4945245 out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, vlogging family, Addy and Maya, Jason and Lucy, tic tac toy family, kids, parents, fun, horseback riding lesson, first time horseback riding, horse, school, training, horse riding school, learning to ride a horse, ride, addy
Id: x47zFRoI9Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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