Building the PERFECT Downtown | Cities Skylines 2 Let's Play

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hey everybody how's it going Tim eister here and welcome back to Bixon in City skylines 2 here I am overlooking the entire city to give you a glimpse of just how massive the city has become over the last I don't even know the number of episodes but I'm just amazed by the size of the city and and the scalability of this game it's really really great but what's even more crazy than this is who if I zoom out all the way to the Max look at all the free space we have yet to expand it's crazy guys the city is going to be huge my goal in Bixon is to just create a giant classic American sprawled City it's going to be great uh but we still have quite a bit of work to do and in today's episode I'm going to be focusing my attention to the downtown area and I'm going to reconfigure a few things in this episode so if you look down below here I have 35 progression points points that I have yet to use yet and um that's going to allow me to start unlocking some end game things here we're going to be finishing a couple of tech trees here pretty soon and the first thing that I want to get started on is placing a Central Bank near downtown so I've been recommended a couple times to uh to plop this down and uh I haven't done so yet so I'm going to go ahead and unlock the central bank and we're going to find a spot to put this building and I know just the place I I've done a little bit of planning off camera so uh I don't have to bore you with me just trying to figure out where to put stuff um but where the central bank is going to go is right where this High School is and now you're probably thinking okay well what's going to happen to the high school well it's not going very far um I am going to relocate it just up the road because this High School's kind of been a pain point for me for a long time it's kind of a pet peeve like it's it's just in a horrible location it's totally messing up the the grid pattern so I think it's time that I move it and um like I said it's not going very far I'm just going to move it up the road over here unfortunately that means that this neighborhood is going to have to be demolished but you know what it's all in the name of urban growth am I right um okay so this road seems to be causing me some issues here I think it's yeah it's because of this pillar I think um okay I'll just connect this up like so and that will allow me to get rid of this street which will then allow me to move the high school across the street and there we go oh yeah that looks a lot better yeah that's that's way better um okay and what I will do now is I'm just going to to make a little little Street going out back like this and then I will relocate this park and this dog park as well I suppose I'm going to put it right there and then I'll be able to connect up these two roads and that's kind of going to fix the grid pattern a little bit I know this road is kind of diagonal but that's okay that often happens in uh in a lot of cities you know and then let me just fix the sidewalks here get this all nice and uniform there we go and that is going to free up all all of the space needed to plop down a central bank isn't that exciting guys now I think I'm just going to plop the central bank to the side here yeah that's quite all right and then for the school I don't know do I want to build I might just build a road uh let's see here existing geometry Ah that's what I want okay there I just wanted to build a street lined up with the school and then I think what I'll do here is just line this up with with some Row Housing and then I'll do the same in back of the building over here and there we go and you know I I didn't even read what this building offers uh so here we go it offers minus two loan interest not that I'm ever going to use any loans um minus 5 import cost Citywide and plus five import profits okay so that should help our economy quite a bit not that it needs any help uh but who knows when this is going to get rebalanced actually actually if any of you have read the latest um patch notes I guess or or or notes from the city skylines developers they're supposed to rebalance a lot of the uh the taxes in the game so I'm expecting this to drop by quite a bit but it's okay I got tons of money in my Reserve so even if it does drop a lot I'll still be okay I can I can afford to go into the negatives for a little while all all right so another thing I really want to focus on this episode is I want to upscale or upzone a lot of this low level residential that's around downtown like I want downtown to grow uh because there's a number of other things that I want to build here pretty soon such as um I would like to build some landmarks around downtown specifically this Tower here coincidentally enough it's a a a tower an observation tower from tempier um but I want to place this somewhere in town I was thinking think maybe like in this region over here but I'm not 100% sure yet but for now I'm going to be focusing over here in College Hill I'm going to get started on upzoning some of this uh this residential here let's get this upzoned to some medium density residential and I got to strive for Signature buildings too guys like there's a ton of signature buildings that I have yet to unlock you know there's some really nice high density uh Office Buildings yet to unlock let's get started here I'm going to have to kind of fix my uh my road layout here I'm going to add another Street in this direction I think actually I'll do this first and I'm just doing this because Row Housing behaves a little bit differently than single family homes and the lot sizes are are a lot different right so uh how am I going to do this [Music] now yes we can get some more small Row Housing in here so I'm going to do the same over here oh invalid shape what okay just like this and then I'll do the same why is this in invalid shape okay I guess not do this this one is okay and I think the rest is okay and the reason why I'm making these paths here is I just want to break up some of these Lots uh nope not that one I just want to break up some of these Lots so we can spawn some more appropriately sized Row Housing so I'll just add a sidewalk here yes there we go ohoh we got a fire where is the fire oh oh shoot oops oh yeah that's plenty far I I don't have to worry about that we're good all right so we'll let this area grow let continue zoning away here for a moment oh shoot both of these zones are connected so I'm going to have to lay a path after [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] all right and you know what guys I don't even have a lot of European signature buildings like I barely have any and I think yeah look at this like some of them I'm really close to unlocking like the sculpture Mansion corundum condos yeah so maybe I think I'll make an effort to start plopping down some European themed medium density buildings and oh yeah that's right so I have a ton of zon here downtown that nothing is built on and I think this is just a result of um low rent housing not having any demand in this area so all of this low rent housing has been abandoned so why don't I just replace this with a European themed medium density and that's going to get us closer to unlocking some medium density signature buildings wow okay I had a lot a lot a lot of low rent housing over here as well now I don't want to go too crazy with the European themed buildings cuz I don't want the city to start looking European but I think with the grid Street layout I won't have to worry too much about that and the European themed um Row Housing still looks really great yeah so I'm going to upzone all of this and the European Row Housing I'm going to try to keep close to downtown because they actually fit quite well in a downtown setting because that's normally the most historic area in a North American city right and typically those these types of buildings look very historical uh but still I'm I'm going to try to mix it in I'm going to plop some American in between some some European themed buildings should be pretty cool so all of this low density housing is going to be [Music] replaced and maybe some more mixed zon AG as well get those nice wall to--all buildings and I guess all of these as well and the thing is you got to be careful though when you're plopping down some Row Housing like this you got to you got to watch what orientation you're plopping it in otherwise it just it might not work right all right so we'll give this place a little bit of time to start expanding there well while all these buildings are growing let's see what else we can unlock cuz I still have 27 points in the bank let's see here so police and administration you know what I may as well finish the police and administration Tech Tree so I'm going to unlock these Central Intelligence Bureau I have no idea what this building looks like can we plop it downtown it kind of looks like a big Stadium no we cannot because it is absolutely massive all right well uh at least I have it unlocked so I'm just going to keep it in my back pocket for now and let's move on to uh let's see so I got 19 points um fire safety I think I'm okay although you know with the tornado that blew past Quincy Harbor the last episode I may want to look at getting into some shelters and and you know more security systems uh okay what else do we have education what do I have left for medical oh yeah that's right I've been wanting to put a medical uh or a health research institute down I think I'm going to go for this next it's probably going to be a massive building oh that's not bad at all wow that's actually pretty pretty tiny okay well this building we can definitely fit downtown then but the question is where at this point because I've made my grid patterns a little small in some areas we might have a difficult time finding a spot for this building but let's see here uh oh it actually looks like oh yeah maybe I can plop it like right here cuz it fits perfectly well into this street what is it what's in the way oh I think it's the subway here can I move this I can probably just move it across the street what if I plop it over here is that going to like ruin the whole the whole system let's check if I plop this down oh yep Subway lines are not happy right now here let's see if we can fix this okay so let's fix the tunnel connect this back up track required oh I think that's yeah I think this station is not happy guys okay I'm just going to demolish it I may have to refix this line let's plop this yeah that's what it was okay now unfortunately I just broke apart that entire subway line I think did I oh no there it is okay it's fixed but I think I just have to reconnect it to the station yes that's what I have to do I think if it'll let me oh there we are all right cool that wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it was going to be and now let's go ahead and place our health research institute which gives plus 10 Park entertainment Citywide minus 10 disease infection risk Citywide so I'm going to go ahead and plop this right here bam look at that fits perfectly into this lot wonderful looks like a very nice building too cool all right well this area is already looking much much better oh I think I forgot to rezone some of these buildings hang on I think if I demolish some of these homes will I be able to Zone this probably not so I think what I'll have to do is is to drag a path like this and then Zone this nope but then I don't want it to Zone in this direction so I'm going to build a path like this and then I think if I delete this path is this going to work yes perfect all right well things are looking great guys oh and I guess I forgot to rezone these Lots here but if we look in the interior this actually looks pretty cool and then I'll quickly rezone this maybe some more apartment buildings actually you know what maybe let's switch this up let's have some European themed Row Housing just to get our numbers up so we can get closer to unlocking those signature buildings like some of them actually look really cool I'm excited to unlock some of them uh here so let me lay down a path like this yep that's exactly what I wanted to happen and then rezone this and there we are all right guys I was just zoning around and I unlocked vertigo Square probably as a result of building enough uh European themed medium density Row Housing so let's take a look here what this looks like it is a row house in itself so let's try to find a nice spot here so uh I doing a little bit of work off camera here pretty much rezoning this whole area so I think oh yeah actually this building should fit perfectly within this neighborhood so I think I'll plop it right here among these row houses that are eventually going to appear there we go so in a few days this uh this building should blend nicely in between all of these buildings all right so um I'd like to work on over here in Gast town a little bit so we have a ton of low density commercial zones I think this is just a result of like super High commercial demand early in the game cuz I haven't touched this area since um I'm kind of thinking guys I wonder what you guys are going to think of this I want to place down uh some tourist attractions near downtown and one of them that I was thinking about plopping is this building here which I'm not even going to try to pronounce it's basically an observation tower which ironically enough is located in Temper so you know I think we would be making this map a good service by plopping this Tower somewhere near downtown Al although I have no clue where I'm going to fit this building uh because it is quite large but I think it would look cool probably near the river over here um so maybe if I delete this street Hillside Street which unfortunately is one of the main roads of town uh maybe I can fit the tower like right near downtown so I'm going to try this out this this might turn into a big mess I'm doing this live let's see how this is going to work out so I'm going to delete all of these buildings well I'm going to un Zone all of these buildings there I don't know do I have to move this park let's maybe try to fit this building in here yeah it looks like I'm totally going to have to move the park and I can't fit this building in this orientation either so the park is going to go actually should I save it the trees are starting to get kind of grown up maybe if I if I just move it temporarily to somewhere else maybe I'll just like Chuck it over here and then I can go ahead and plop the tower now I think I want the tower to be as close as I can to downtown so I'm going to plop it in this orientation yeah right here and let's zoom out to see how this looks it looks not bad not too bad you know it's close enough to downtown I think if I add a few more skyscrapers in this area I think it can look really nice but it's kind of a shame that there's like so much parking and so much land around this it would be cool if it could be like a big Plaza or something you know we could have like some buildings around it that would be pretty cool uh but there we have it we have a landmark what do this Landmark even do it provides plus 75 indoor Recreation nice all right so with that um I'm going to spend a little bit of time up zoning downtown might as well right since we have all of this new zon there so I'm going to start to put down some high density Office Buildings among some high density uh commercial buildings and we'll see how this area develops and maybe I'll do some mixed housing as well um I'll do North American theme there let's switch this up let's expand downtown guys I think it's time you know downtown is ever growing uh no let's do all of this mixed zage like this maybe another like big old skyscraper right here and then and some high density commercial I really like to mix it up guys I like to not have like an entire Zone the same type of zon AG because then you have like big skyscrapers spawning one one beside each other like way too close so I like to change it up a little bit and uh it just it just makes in my opinion the uh the skyline just a little bit more realistic now there's one exception to that rule will say the mixed housing I feel Blends in really well so in this case I don't mind having like and because of that I don't mind having like an entire block with mixed housing there so let's try this out let's leave these buildings to grow for uh for the next little while and then we'll see how this Tower Blends in with the rest of the city I don't really know what to do with this extra space here um maybe I can aot some of it to to some public transportation perhaps like maybe a subway station like I don't know how I can integrate this into the rest of the network let's see here oh I can't go underground but let's see is there any like yeah so none of the tunnels are going in this direction but there potentially could be eventually I think I'm going to feature another episode at one point guys I really want to like redo the whole Metro System I don't think I really did a proper job on it so I'm going to revisit that at some point all right so let's keep going here I still have a ton of you know single family homes over here which is not necessarily a bad thing but I really want to like upzone this entire Peninsula so I'm going to do a mixture over here of both European themed housing and American themed housing as well I think I might solve a lot of the rent issues that are plaguing uh these areas too I'm hoping there let's do a little bit of medium density over here cuz there's a couple of signature buildings that I would really like to unlock there let's try that out actually let's take a look here what do I need I kind of want to unlock where is it kandum condos so that's pretty much the next thing in the list um the sculptures mentioned should be pretty easy to get I just have to Zone a ton of low density single family homes in the European theme so that's that should be easily done but this here so we need 500 cells of residential and the cells that I need are are just like the the zones that are plopped down this doesn't actually equate to the amount of buildings that are spawned up as long as I just have the zones down um this is all I need so we need another 400 and some so I think we have our work cut out for a little while I don't think there's any more low rent housing in this area is there not that I can see so I think I'm just going to go crazy here a little bit plop some European themed housing down I'm just going to replace some of this low density housing over here maybe now I don't want to have too much oh there's some here too I don't want to have too much European themed buildings around town because then it's just going to start to look like a European city and that's not what I want so uh I'm going to try to be a little more little careful but yeah let's check here so I zoned a bunch yeah look at that so now we're at 180 cells so it actually goes up fairly quick let's maybe go on over here the other side of town and I'm going to try maybe rezoning a couple of these blocks now this is pretty much all Row Housing except here so I can maybe squeeze in some European apartment buildings in here very nice I got some European Row Housing over here yeah I'm happy guys this is coming along really good oh we got our very first skyscraper over in this corner very nice let's check uh oops let's check over here let's see what I need to unlock wow okay I need 3,000 high density office cells to unlock this building I don't know how that's going to work guys because down sound's going to get a heck of a lot bigger if I do that and I don't necessarily want that though that's the problem but you know what the city needs to grow City needs to expand so may as well here let's have I wonder what the EU Style mixed housing looks like let's let's convert these neighborhoods here let's maybe have like a big honker of a skyscraper here in this lot I'll just destroy this so it's sure to grow okay never mind the the zone won't allow for that or will it uh not really there let's change this up let's let's really make this whole neighborhood a part of downtown like an actual proper neighborhood of downtown there and oh it looks like I've completely quashed my high density residential demand and both others are low enough oh yeah you see here guys so this is kind of what I want to avoid see these two skyscrapers they're just way too close to each other this is not really what I like so it's an easy solution all I have to do is lay down some mixed zoning and I guess I'll do the same here I just have to choose which building I want to keep uh I think I like the one by the side of the road most so I'm going to plop this and I think instead what I'll do is I'll have a big chonk and skyscraper Zone up here if if I can get one to build no it doesn't look like it's going to be the case so I'm just going to replace this again with mix zoning just like this and there we are oh is this building going yeah it is there perfect and then like yeah here as well it's not really ideal so I'm going to replace this I'm kind of surprised like a big skyscraper didn't spawn here weird there we have it we got some nice buildings coming up here guys change ing the way downtown looks I actually really like this uh this Tower here it's going to be really cool when everything grows around it all right guys so I've zoned a fair bit of downtown let's go back into the progression trees here and see what else I could unlock maybe there's some other things I could add to downtown you know I have a Disease Control Center uh what about here in recycling how am I doing for recycling anyway garbage processing status I'm still okay I still don't have a land landfill but I don't need one because I'm processing more garbage than I'm producing so I'm I'm not going to do that now uh let's take it oh wow am I just on the cusp of getting to level 17 holy crap I am all right well might as well jump over to level 17 here cuz I it should bring me over any second now now as far as Fire and Rescue Services um you know I could get the emerc shelter because we did have a giant tornado ripped through Quincy Harbor last episode but I don't know I think I think we're okay for now what kind of education building can I unlock actually yeah you know what a geological Research Center I've been wanting to plop this down for quite a while I'm going to unlock it for now and the geological Research Center it's going to be a part of the Technical University and uh the reason why I wanted to to plop it is because of this um mining operation that's going on here and I feel like a geological Research Place would would kind of tie into that really well so I got seven points left um so right now I got seven points left but I'm on the cusp of getting more um maybe I'll do a server Farm how am I doing for Telcom oh yeah oh yeah we got Towers all over the city and I think see the the reason why all of these buildings are yellow is because of the traffic that is being generated uh from all these buildings here so I think I'm going to invest in a server Farm there we go and that leaves me with three points which I think yeah I'm not going to be able to afford anything else yeah Okay so until we cross the line into level 17 I won't be able to afford anything but we only need like 150 some points so let's see here maybe I can just up Zone a few more buildings here here let's do some more European themed medium density residential replace some of these buildings and that should cross us over at any point hey there we go perfect the corundum condos all right now this is actually a good looking building now where can I plop it can it fit anywhere near downtown oh yeah look at that it fits perfectly well into this area and it looks like there's like a courtyard or something attached to this building you know this building has a backyard so I think I'm going to plop it right here and there we go crossed over into to level 17 giving us an extra 5.4 million in the bank an extra 19 points to spend and 41 more tiles to unlock so let's go back into our progression panel wow I only have three more levels to go until the megalopolis guys that is exciting wow we're like end game now all right so let's take a look what can we unlock so we have 22 points let's go shopping let's maybe finish a couple of these Tech trees uh or these progression trees or what whatever the proper term is so I'm going to get the Disease Control Center we'll finish the medical tree um radio telescope this might be cool there so that's going to leave me with 10 more points what else can I unlock if I finish the policing and administration tree airport and Space Center uh I'm probably not going to get into those Bixon isn't that big of a city Uplink satellite I think I'm okay for now I think I'm going to invest in uh an industrial waste processing building wait let's just see here I don't know too many choices I'm probably not going to need to to plop these I don't need nuclear power actually I think I'm still like way good for power uh I'm not way good wait am I importing oh I'm importing power see the thing with power is I can just plot more power plants that are existing and I think the nuclear power plants like crazy expensive so I'm going to hold off on that maybe I can do a solar plant leaving me with six points now is there anything that is six points there's an emergency shelter for Four Points I'll do that and now there's nothing for two points for sure yeah so I'm going to save my two points oh yeah there is look at that hydroelectric power plant I don't plan on building one of these anytime soon but uh there we go boom that takes care of all of our points crossing over into level 17 so that is very exciting guys and actually I got to take a look at this new building that I plopped where where did I plop it did it even where is it did I even put it down corundum condos I thought I put it down like right here oh it's right over here there it is oh wow looks very nice nice fountain in the backyard if these are trees and not just bushes they'll grow up to to be like all nice sweet and we got some new skyscrapers here in the downtown area very exciting guys looking really nice along with this Tower all right there's one more thing I want to do before I end this episode and a little bit earlier we checked on our Telecom service it's struggling a little bit most of the city is in a yellow State meaning that I think the signal is okay it's just the traffic the the the network can't handle the amount of traffic that's trying to go through it because I have Towers right near downtown and we're just not getting enough throughput um except over here in the mountains it's like pretty much the only place that's green and maybe over here uh so I think the best thing I can do to fix this is to plop down a server farm and luckily enough if I head out a little bit outside of downtown we have this oil deposit over here but if I check my natural resources you can see that a lot of the oil deposit has been extracted from the ground so there's not much left here to extract I think it's time that we get rid of this and that we plop some newer cleaner Technologies such as um this big server Farm here now I'm going to see if I can't fit this a little bit better into this neighborhood I I don't know if this is even going to be possible I might be forced to just like plop it sideways like this it doesn't really look the best but I think I think for what it is it's okay it looks like a giant Warehouse to be honest it doesn't quite look like a server Farm but it's fine honestly it it may have even looked better like over here in the industrial area uh but it's okay so let's see what kind of a difference this made it looks like it's made a decent difference I think I think that the city is like a little less yellow maybe like you can clearly see that there's like a giant circle like this so anyway hopefully that's going to help um so I think I'm just going to take a second here to rezone some of this so maybe if I just like build the street out this way build a little cu the saac at the end and then o I'm not going to have much room here to build anything but we could maybe squeeze in a a warehouse or two in the back here perhaps and then a little store here just to fill that in and then let's do some more commercial over here and then um sure why not some residential there all right well there we are and I think that will be it for this episode guys so as you can see we've done a fair amount of progress we have like this this extension of downtown going on over here looking great and uh downtown is going to expand a lot over the next few episodes because like I still have quite a few buildings to get through um more specifically the Disease Control Center which is probably massive oh it's not that bad can probably find a spot for this somewhere in the city um but yeah we have a number of other special buildings to plop in the city and a lot more expansion to do so uh stay tuned for that guys there's going to be a ton more content coming down the pipe I'm not done with Bixon yet I might only get done when DLC starts to roll around and at which point I'll start to like build uh some of that DLC content in this city uh all right so that's going to be it for today guys I thank you so much for watching I really appreciate you guys watching my videos um if you enjoyed this video in particular feel free to leave a like drop a comment down below let me know what you think and don't forget to subscribe to the channel it really means a lot to me guys and it keeps you notified of any future uploads that I may do um so twice a week on Saturdays and Wednesdays is my normal upload schedule so just keep that in mind and uh with that I will see you in the next episode thanks for watching again guys take care
Channel: Timeister
Views: 19,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines
Id: qIuHj3IawxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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