Funny Vines May 2018 (Part 2) TBT Vine compilation

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I want to have enough money to eat today [Applause] all right well you go have fun at Marcos doing yoga love you and I love guys who play instruments I just I love all kinds of music I could listen to get out Quincy can I have your cell phone please what's your name you ain't got no job anybody school I'm not doing this I'm posting that that's literally yes yo Jake is so annoying what'd you say huh [Applause] the Fitnessgram Pacer test is a multi [Music] [Laughter] challenge time the ollansky tank it's a given that jar without of cracking give me more you read a book like that I'll walk to the store as attractive as I do let's grab dinner thankee this is us getting married was math I hate it when I offer someone food and they say yeah damn it give it back I was being nice all right keep it natural roses are red grass is greener when I think of you I play with my wiener [Music] I stole his Wi-Fi password when your crush goes from being single to in a relationship that some books oh my god let me take your picture okay why are you doing that cuz it's hot we look hot no it's a long day I'm tired same about a KO this elusive creature has been dwelling in this room for the past three days oh my gonna third it it grab some food and it's gone no we're holding hands which our Ian what's on the menu deokman rhombus boobless during the kiss booty list any kissing scene again some people's desire Sam player 0.0 baby maybe a few bees high coolant best impression for girl a period go foamy let's make a wish come true in pursuit of the murder suspect she has armed brown hair sparkling eyes beautiful smile what is this called a what so forth really I'm good really round me to the store come on get you some I don't know Dwayne can you do summers here I do Melissa stop why dad cuz that is a war and I don't want you to be a ho I really just I asked for no pickles and y'all still gave me pickle just take them all no why did you put them on hey Dad can I go go ask your mom hey mom can I go go ask your father there was a kidnapping at school what there was a kidnapping at school whoa it's okay he woke up Merry Christmas Saints back in one direction what but I'm just kidding all you need to do stand on the resistance base you're tall and handsome may what people thought was a bad place like can we fix it guys who you talking to Bob my construction equipment okay hello hold on is this a Febreze commercial this hotel doesn't have Wi-Fi how do you expect me to FaceTime my dog before I go to sleep he's gonna say my name knock knock who's there surprise surprise who Wow you know I was listening to that panda song and that's a really good song who are you I'm home dad officer I thought you didn't give pretty girls tickets you're right we don't sign here I'm hungry I borrow money I should check the couch thanks for us yeah I used to write skateboard my dad said what stop right there you're going to jail what why for breaking the laws of physics okay your total comes to 420 please boys go to sleep there's a joke want to come up to my web you know I'm just gonna eat you off to sex right enough of the Badman okay oh my gosh seriously guys can you be quiet I have a soccer game tomorrow if you want a tasty talk in your mouth bring the whole family down to KFC where we've got the best [ __ ] in town [Music] yo mom yello-ha what's your phone them five three one three three yeah gady maybe thanks Lloyd like Amanda party Johnny what's two plus two nope put my Boston Queens egg wow that's a big one thanks dad Chris don't think that is it what are you doing you said use freeze breath what the hell is that it's amazing I love caffeine just eyes like just got me like holy crap and no one really understands me I'm like Jessica your mouth put your feet on the ground all of a sudden Brent no J's though hey Lance remember Amanda she's so annoying and wait don't hang up that goldfish button to end up goldfish you want me last year is pregnant it's yours yo can I borrow this yeah just treat it like a baby okay yo market my dad's gonna beat the crap out of you haters dad freakin hate that I see them I swear yo you see what about your friend that's my daughter 15 they mess no dad you nest see where you go here's my paper thank you what is this you said type four paragraphs I thought you said four paragraphs I thought you said four pairs of drafts I'm so funny but I'm not gonna laugh whatever I saw a five-year-old with a phone today who would you need to talk to ring ring hey Dora on my way Mickey Mouse's clubhouse unit yeah it's just been really hard ever since my dad cancelled my xbox live account cuz that's the way I talked to my girlfriend she lives in India we tried our best but we lost her okay well look harder find her please Hospital sucks starting minutes fifty dollars dude [Music] who's that pour me another shot oh my gosh we have to take a picture what Sanders Taco Bell open Tiffany it's a little I don't know maybe I should grab you a large looks great someone you don't like tries to be cool with you I'm just gonna have to find like a really good rebound here for you pistol good submachine gun heavy machine gun Quan I need your help my car broke down my tire pop I got [Music] hey mom thank you for packing my lunch nobody ever helps me in this house you I'm gonna help you clean the table go to your room you know MA I think it's time you got your own phone huh what do you think yeah how are you no you are incorrect sit down which a little dumbass and next time raise your hair before your visit I [ __ ] well you leave me that rope nine-one-one my grandma passed out in the living room I think she's dying well I guess it's not the living room anymore though is it and I'm like totally it's like you [ __ ] her I'm like yeah I am totally her so to me yep he managed to give me a cold one [Music] why'd you sit that couple before us it's a table for two yeah you have ten people yeah guess I'm just an idiot to shoot a lot bang your head on the sink or something pretended to tell me you love me I'll be there in a second okay just got to charge my phone all right phone that'll be $5 I'm charging it money I don't know okay you stay right there boy you are under arrest we got a runner rushing back up requesting back-up dude the reason he isn't paying rent is because he's a lamb dude he's a full-on lab dude 100% dude he's lamb and that's that hey hey hey Josh is this normal how about this Pro Knowles and free white sand quarry into people's papa ya banaynays Chancellor Pope's sham packing a man juice I got it story time the girl loves smelling her phone it filled her with delight she sniffed once more oh my gosh guy don't fight over me story of my life don't get bent us anymore you're never gonna pass they don't catch up this so for seconds a glass it's not my fault you don't get what this is any question are ya okay pop quiz Oh sunburn did you dress up those mannequins exactly like you tell me to why are you texting me I'm right here is duck ever gonna leave look he's right here ones just don't result if mean happy what's poppin bro hey you smell like farts and poop - that's right storytime little did this gumdrop know they would soon grow up to be a mighty princess and I'm like hey oh no oh my god you go buddy come do your chores all right I'm gonna suck okay he shut the door mom mom mom hey guys look at this oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it's my birthday today I'm nine mmm happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Cletus for real it's got some [ __ ] my name's Elroy I'm from Down Under this alligator travels about 15 miles in England don't take no genius to watch them dishes well then go for it go do dishes mom you got this well spring is here again the cows are grazing the bees are buzzin and the Selphy crop is up tenfold excuse me to the bathroom I have really bad kidneys no I like to go to the bathroom three years ago nobody need to go to the bathroom that much why not do you know Jesus my cousin his room no it's imported are you with immigration she's pretty so you said you like their tails right that was a secret oh well say bippity-boppity-boo for your new bathroom you did not reverse sound effects Bryan bana bana pinch of salt [Music] what's that bucks and show it's when two people hang out want some ice cream you let's go get some ice cream tomorrow me living on a farm in as bad as folks make it out to beim you know you have to worry about the spiders I mean choices Jimmy Bob of all you're gonna kill that bike hey eggs so where do you live Alaska that's cool yeah you want to develop an oversize attachment to me yeah even though we'll never meet yeah [Applause] right away okay go hey papa Hey hey cat hey you know you can't throw you ready I come on I guess sugar who told you you can wear that shirt I know it give it to me cuz it's my house and I said so oh and can you clean up this is your house too right free massages oh yeah let's go bday he chapter one Jerome were you from bikini bottom bikini bottom it is six hours later away just look at his alright Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil the grass fed bison come on I mean come on and she had the audacity to ask me what my favorite video game was Wow exactly brainy people say we looked a knife exactly the same that is so stupid when I was a kid I used to play with dolls hey Marcy its national dolphin day scare camp yeah we don't have readied Orff's have to play pool Jake ball security go come on looking good what's your Wi-Fi password by the way never give up on your dreams Billy I want to be a serial killer you should probably give up on your dream no I actually just blocked his number no my text oh my god oh my god you're not a cat what the hell Oh goading use the word chew into a sentence thank you trying to get me together about my man and I think what I need to know argue with you well uh my dad takes photos of famous people he's my paparazzi if not grin this song is called typical white girl dad I after fresh mellow up here with whipped cream you never had coffee never sir your card didn't go through she'll be good now this is the first time I've ever seen a celebrity in real life excuse me baby can I have your autograph baby please time I'm gonna get some water you want some yes thank you what thank you are you saying yeah bro good that what put that way what would you like to try our new chocolate muffin did you say chocolate how would you like let's go somewhere else you say you wanted McDonald have a good weekend guys don't do anything I wouldn't do so does that mean I can't get laid right yeah me fishy blum blum whoa we got a big one hey it's me ride with my best buddy Ralph Ralph sorry for giving you a guy's name didn't know you had a vagina story time he was a gracious soul offering food to those in need is kindness [Music] today's the big day to get out the house seat I can't fly again that's the her like a you problem I'm your mama probably doing are you are you crying check out got my new shoes I wrote really fast now so I can't talk Darin why so cool Oh God oh right likes you I never knew my father he left when I was young Mott's I asked you then yeah don't we ask you where you tell your veil daddy I said to ask yeah let me go you call at the same time every morning below beep I know I am but is everyone else keeping up with their new year's resolutions Cheryl still working out shut up okay you may now place your flowers in the casket thank you Kolby hey hey don't bite don't get that she's cute but she was a cat face like a butter face literally a cat face right there wake up there's my boy Brandi he's single looking for guys you are seriously out of control I don't know what to do anymore this is ridiculous my friends told me I should go on a diet to get a better Beachbody so this is me now I didn't do the diet I just got better friends dude I love these hats let's go show grandma it's locked whitey that's a technical foul let go of her oh she won't be here what's that that's a selfie stick I try yeah sure yeah I got some new shoes that you don't check it out oh you got the new George Washington my girlfriend left me and yeah you know I lost my job I wha what are you doing back grandma what's Obama's last name you may now speak Sally what do you want it's not that simple what do you want I'm more ammo crackers so you know I gave my ammo crack meanwhile in 1957 Your Honor permission to treat the witness as hostile permission granted I'm gonna shoot you in the face that'll ruin my day yo pound snail jelly news voice turning from hamburgers dokie okay hey hi Mick how are you no not wait what helmets on the hands but I got a one I'm alone and stand where did you get that I'm obsessed I'm obsessed I'm obsessed [Music] you see what else boy you don't boo a republic I thought he was gonna call Raphael what what is this that would be a Louis Vuitton Bell dad have you lost - this is a Gucci household talk to you later bye we just wrote first father she is literally provide she is literally / she's lit pervs she's alert oh my god I don't like her ugly cuddle skank you know she's so you agree with me excellent oh I'm so glad we had this talk I love bonding as you but I already know you didn't do it I know the hell you didn't as much homework as I great now I can't watch Caillou tonight hello mother ho have you been preparing me a feast why are you not in the kitchen wait oh my go ahead girl cool see this they got a ramen noodle exhibit you know that's your favorite be careful children that's a lot of sodium you're not mad at me no you're sure I'm fine okay cool Hey Dude come check out my room young man I love your room you got an Xbox and a fish aquarium no this is dope oh my god you are so pretty no way it's so annoying when people think that you're lying because you laughed Oh liar liar he laughs I knew it mm-hmm detective shall we close evidence in it's New Zealand you guys have any questions where are the hobbits we don't have any not one Hobbit a fictional you're kidding [Music] I made you breakfast sweetie I don't want it but it's your favorite I only like it what daddy bakes it will make it every day when mommy leaves you eat your breakfast dude I don't know how I got an A there's only one explanation fairy godparents or I studied yeah with that [Music]
Channel: CooL Vines
Views: 14,677,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Vines, Vine, Vines, Vine compilation, best vines, new vines, vines 2018, vines may 2018, may vines, tbt vines
Id: hD0r9Hr8SdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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