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oh you don't play baseball hey mrs. Reid you have any water bottles back here ah sorry we don't okay hey guys uber rating of Jake's mom's car sucks hey what's up man you my uber driver no but I can dance [Music] yeah that's a bee's knees the cat's pajamas the chickens trousers the [ __ ] was that Janet guys - come on hey man would you got there - cop you bet your [ __ ] answer - Cup Christmas is next week you know that means all the kids want electronics so get RadioShack happy Father's Day to my real two dads jamie and adam from mythbusters I'm pregnant what that's impossible what about my college plans feed LSD to this little [ __ ] girl in our neighborhood yeah and we lock arms around her and go night clear night night when your shoes your toasters just do it oh wait I did you why more like I'm Gigi hi can I get you guys started off with some drinks how much money would you give me to fall asleep right now I don't know like a billion dollars I woke up the next morning a billionaire welcome to all the garden want some breadsticks wait what rustic Swanson do you just say breast dicks I don't know did I there's a rocking chair for sale at my neighbor's house I'm from Toronto Canada stayin all right campers we're gonna play a little game called the name game you can go first my name is Chuck Scott and my dad knows God mr. Johnson hit the Lights no it doesn't Oh Bree what do you say to the boys on t-pain you know me convict music na VI of a hey how would you like to meet the Black Eyed Peas don't be clowning a clown you'll wind up with a frown Wow did you smoke pot again last night your life is headed down a dead-end road we can gills man or dolphin oh my god oh my god where are your pants from here what's the tag say your fingers in my back cracker get you a man who could sling cheese what's up my name is trellis and I'm tryin dirt boy girl and dog [Music] have you guys seen my girlfriend did you check in the trash I'll go check dude she's dead yeah she said no but after a few hours of belittling and intimidating we'll see what happens no hi I'm Jane the wrong Johnson I'm Jane wrong Johnson I haven't showered since last year ooh [ __ ] I was just kidding you know what Brandon I didn't want to say this but what the heck hi can I just get some heroin please I hate my body I hate my body I hate um good night to all the [ __ ] who don't wash under they titties under they till you smell like a baby Nick when they gave milk on there about a dog and a basketball team hey all right but the opposing team should question the shut your mouth okay we'll make the movie put the gun down it's gonna be called Air Bud I open the Bonefish Grill would you like to try new growth bone fish [Music] just ashton my interior chamber [ __ ] is your right now okay Patrick if you're gonna sneak out just be quiet floorboards in this house are made of two thousand year old whale scrotum are there good cops let me show you something he's right in here let's let him sleep six chicken nuggets fries and a medium drink I think yes head over to Wendy's for hey guys its national twerking day have fun twerking happy mother's day and all the mothers out there but do not forget that its bottles birthday today do not work and for the pledge of allegiance Jessica so disrespectful I'm looking to buy a fine automobile from him well dad Steven please what's up my name is Todd varsity football okay varsity football welcome to my diner we like to serve everyone even towels welcome to France name please yo you got it all you yeah gotta you know me yeah I know you selling drugs oh but you buying drugs [Music] this one's out for the ladies if you have sand in your vajayjay and you want to get it out it can be cumin there as in vacuum hey guys what's up so today I'll be doing a review of these saline enemas they're one of my summer favorites because they're so refreshing [Music] why don't you make me a sandwich go back to sleep and starve we all have that one friend that went past the awkward place smooth by Santana feat Rob Thomas of matchbox 20 you have the right to remain sexy anything you say can and will make me bust a nut here yes I do give abortions how many do you give a day twenty five at least did you just say that the guy what's up guys just wanted to give you an update um my worms are back yay hey I fixed the Xbox monsters face [Music] you know what Derek Simon real name no it's not it's Doric what I don't even want to bully you anymore oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] those [ __ ] fouls with somebody in my [ __ ] hallway [ __ ] hey guys if I get a million likes on this video I will eat this bagel I swear to god wait we are Whitely up with we can we go wait we often do what is dog Matthew what are dogs hey let's make this toast out to Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for us to Jesus meet my mother she's a gorilla oh my god would you like a banana you know what yeah I would I was just kidding they're mine oh my god is that the Pope no that's really he's a piano prodigy I mean who hasn't grabbed a woman by her okay stop it right [ __ ] hey guys like your leave mine if you love arson hey Billy I think that you're gonna get adopted today really no April Fool's go clean your [ __ ] room broke pass the weed Marco what the [ __ ] I was scared man oh good you're not busy actually Cassidy I am busy this [ __ ] i'ma tell you right now when I see you you get lit up [ __ ] it ain't no words that is so like you you're such a cancer Wow okay well your AIDS I meant your zodiac sign but okay man you need to go yourself who's trying to look China I know did you hear Donald Trump I'm just kidding hey [ __ ] I see you trying to cut fruit like do some goddamn some around with it broke the saw daddy don't work let me show you got a summer ride is big so hungry let's do it mom got at the grocery store just turkey feet again hurry up a dime on and run man Ram yes yes brother amen at night I think of you I want to be I don't care what they say about you man you're a good kid what did they say about me come on you're a little [ __ ] sometimes just remember that if you ever having problems with your BMS that we're in this together a Merry Christmas to all the Keith's that show up when you google search Keith Merry Christmas King
Channel: hey hi
Views: 167,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: KLl68CiUua4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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