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this is where me and ava first slept we are about to prank ben he thinks that we're going to be doing a bike race between him and mason what he doesn't know is that his bike is gonna literally fall apart mid-race all right so basically ben you are gonna be racing against mason first person back gets a 500 cash prize are you guys ready yeah all right here we go three two one go oh no why is it not going what just happened i might break this is the worst ever all right so i am back with baby jeremy all right all right what in the how do you think jeremy's going on yeah oh ah there we go here's some desserts jeremy just spit on me what did you just give me that is not dessert never having chance all right so it's almost thanksgiving and you know what that means ben what does it mean well it means that our annual thanksgiving meal is coming up and we don't have a turkey yet i'm hungry ben i can't help you with that i don't have one good thing i have three and they're on the slip and slide right here which one you catch you get 100 bucks hey you're not catching me ben ben are you ready i'm going in for the kill three two one go oh all right that's two there's one more left go go go all right guys give it up for ben for uh catching the turkeys for us how much longer mason until the turkeys are ready like 15 more minutes you said that like 20 minutes ago [Applause] you burnt the turkey oh good oh look oh wow at least we still have stuff over here guys so everyone come get some food oh brent this is so sweet oh thanks lexi yeah where's dawn sipping sipping sorry dog all right so since it's thanksgiving we're going to go around the table and pretty much say what we're thankful for i'm thankful for my wonderful ex-boyfriend the reason why i'm sitting on this side of the table and alex what do you think before i'm thankful all right allen what are you thankful for well i'm thankful for being a more attractive twin to smarter twin and more athletics all right i am thankful for all of you guys that support me and support us i'm thankful for mason's terrible cooking skills and burning my hard work macy's you burnt the turkey i went i got a new burger you burnt hey guys guys they're fighting over here you know what oh my god i'm over it wait what was the point all right so i am here with my mom and she is going to be pretending to be me for the day this is going to be so much fun so basically she's just going to be really annoying all day you're so mean lexi what in the world how do you like my new look see how bad your style is brent hey lexi i guess we didn't get that mouse in the mouse trap my pranks aren't that bad no they really aren't ugh there's never any food in this house why doesn't anybody ever go shopping next week what are you doing i don't even think it's working lexi do you have wi-fi okay where are we dropping boys where not now mom i'm playing a video game no no don't pod oh shoot mommy maybe lose all right let's give it up for my mom oh wow you did a good job thank you now you know how annoying you are true so pearson i heard uh you're taking me to hawaii tomorrow yeah guys pearson thought it was a good idea to bring ava it is a good idea you don't like us together because we're plotting against you yeah every time even i hang out we talk about you and sometimes it's not see that i don't like all right so we are finally in hawaii and you guys are sharing a room together right yeah i guess i'm third wheeling what you look so cute when you drink coffee too look i'm editing our cute photos right just jealous because he he once had you he once had me and now he has no he has jeremy [Laughter] all right so we are on our way to the beach right now apparently third willing ava and pearson oh what are you guys telling secrets now hello um ben what's going on with the girls i think they left you wow all right so because ava and pearson are having their girl time over there i decided to make my own friends guys come in here all right do you like avison or do you like brierson better them what are you kidding me all right you know what you guys have fun with your girl talk i am going to go hang out with the boys person believe it or not this is actually where ava and i went on our honeymoon yeah this is so great should we uh show you around and sure all right so pearson this is where me and ava chilled by the pool yeah great and this is where me and ava kissed for the first time on the beach wow pearson this is where me and ava took our instagram picture remember this ava yeah we made out here too are you done oh my gosh this is where me and ava had our picnic oh and pierson actually in this bed this is where me and eva first slept don't say another word guys alex has been a little down on himself lately i don't know i just feel like people always call him the more attractive twin and like i've been gaining weight so that's not true and i want to prove it to you i bought a bunch of boxes of pizza so we're going to go around the mall today and we're going to give boxes of pizza to people that can compliment you so today you're going to get a bunch of compliments all right so basically i'm giving out boxes of pizza if you can compliment my friend just one compliment uh i like your eyes no no no no no no this is alex so we didn't give any of the pizzas away it's okay what was the point of this i didn't know that no one would be able to compliment you i mean we got pizza leftover pizza that's right wait is that the only good thing that came out of it all right i challenge everyone to comment a compliment to alex because i feel really really bad also i want to see how many of you guys are single out there so if you are single just like me go ahead and like this video this week's shout out goes to addie if you want to be next week shout out all you have to do is like this video and then comment down below done and i will see you guys next week adios [Music] amigos [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 17,490,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SeDbIuCncMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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