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hello party people and welcome back to my channel i have a very exciting video planned for us today actually it's incredibly boring because i'm a doo doo dumbo this just in this year's super bowl is scheduled to take place on you guessed it my big forehead what the [ __ ] oh god geez the nervous some people so i think it's common knowledge that there are 24 hours in a day wait really yes lexi really but what if we only had one hour in a day we wouldn't be able to get everything done we better get started what else oh [Music] go go good book great wow great youtube this week thanks [Music] hulu netflix [Music] all right so if you're watching this you're probably human you're human i'm human we're all human um speak for yourself okay most of us are humans and as humans we all make mistakes i asked you guys on instagram what your most embarrassing moments are and you guys came back with some pretty embarrassing stuff i'll definitely be keeping some of you in my prayers tonight but anyways today i'm going to be recreating some of your most embarrassing moments that you guys sent in why because embarrassing myself just isn't anything i'm not used to falling from the stairs oh that one's gonna be fun oh my god are you okay are you okay oh my gosh that's so embarrassing i'm good guys thanks no we're out nominated wow are you hurt or not i'm a little bit hurt now you know what i don't care anymore let me get the first aid kit so joke's on all of them she still got her worst prank ever all right let's all go push pearson down the stairs yeah i wanted to see how i looked when i kissed so i tried doing that to my mirror and my mom walked in oh brother okay instead of having my mom walk in i'm gonna have my younger brother logan walk in and get his reaction and now i'm going to make out with this chick oh god here goes nothing what are you doing oh my god are you kissing your mirror what is wrong with you practicing that is the weirdest [ __ ] i've ever seen you do in my life what is wrong with you ew there's a mark i'm practicing get out i want to see how i look when i care there's literally a mark that's so gross now we're coming here again ew okay i hated every second of that never again the back of my dress was stuck in my backpack oh that's rough i've been there one too many times and it's rough and you just don't see it coming and then coincidentally that one day you decided to wear frog print underwear if it's gonna happen can i be wearing some cute victoria secret underwear okay but for this one instead of having a backpack i feel like that's not as realistic so i'm just gonna tuck it into my underwear because maybe it just got stuck in my butt okay that sounded weird all right roll the clip all right guys so as you know i have done posting a tick tock every hour for 24 hours two times now and this is number three okay and this is tick-tock number seven that we're going to be doing wait you're doing it again i'm doing it for a third time this is dedication you guys this is dedication so this is tick tock number seven so what we're gonna need to do is literally i thought that was the prank was that for the video or not oh my god you can look i'll look away you look and i look away hey brent's peeking i'm sorry it just got stuck wow i actually thought that was friends acting like he didn't like what he saw you know what i am not too happy with that reaction brent i i was no jeremy i don't want to hear it i'm still out of work jeremy's like yes jeremy's life when you try to kiss your girl but got rejected okay i don't have a girl to kiss so i'm just gonna try and kiss brent and see how it goes i think i think he'll reject me because we just had a conversation like a couple weeks ago that we just want to be friends for now yeah we'll see i actually wanted to tell you that i think we should date and what wait you were going to kiss me back did i just reject my date yeah yeah do you what you want this is so sudden did you just wake up this morning and just i was like yeah i i want to date brent so yes or no well we talked about this we kind of decided we were like you know i'm going to stay friends for now i mean i don't know if this is a prank or not but i'm not a prank you want a date how'd you like the date in paris it was fun and i want a date now do you not want to date me no i do want to no what yes or no yes or no what yes or no date yep you darling me i thought that you you wanted to be friends so is that a no no i i i'm down to look more into it okay i'll just be so sudden yeah i'll just take this as getting rejected so it was the title gonna be i got rejected okay i got rejected we get it we get it okay so my mom is on the phone right now she's gonna probably come in any second and that happens we're gonna have a very awkward conversation i may not have a mother after this one because she might disown me manny will you will you adopt me sure yes we came over last night and he brought over condoms so now i have four freaking condoms in my nightstand what you have condoms in your nightstand ew oh my god what are you serious i didn't know you were there you're not first of all you shouldn't be doing it unless you're with someone for like a long long time well pearson like i mean i'm glad that you're safe obviously it's a smart decision it is well um actually we weren't actually talking about condoms and there's no condoms in my nightstand god no even though if you do it remember no glove no love oh my god all right that's enough of this okay here's a bad one getting my period in front of my guy best friend slash crush oh come on [Music] yikes this does not look like anything you've ever before los angeles i hate shirts that say weird stuff but really um is your sister home by chance um i'm not sure i think i think is bella home why i what that time of the month oh and i was wondering if um she had anything yeah i'm sure she does ask her um can you check for me really quick if i what like check if i have any blood [Music] there's a little bit of food see right there oh yeah it's it's it's all over really oh my god it's in the front too it's not real oh it's not real fun not really i was gonna say i'm like this is a mask we gotta clean this up now it looks like somebody got murdered oh my god damn you really put a lot of blood on you in that area yeah it did nice it's a heavy flow it's a heavy flow watching you okay that one hurt a little bit uh subscribing to your channel why are you guys so mean i have feelings too you know i went to a public toilet and forgot to lock it oh that one hurt i'm just gonna stay here until someone has to go to the bathroom okay [Music] i'm gonna break the toilet okay why does our house never have toilet [Applause] it's like i don't have any privacy you didn't lock the door you're taking a [ __ ] oh my god holy crap what in the world hurry up okay jeez did you see anything no maybe my whole life yeah i feel that one all right guys that is all that i have for you today psych i got one more i ripped my pants in high school lexi what did the banana say when he answered the phone he said um um yeah what you ready [Applause] here [Music]
Channel: pierson
Views: 8,096,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Brent rivera, Jeremy hutchins, lexi hensler, lexi rivera, Brent and pierson, last to leave hot tub wins, she crashed her dream car, surprising my crush with his ex girlfriend, asking girls awkward questions, I tried to kiss my best friend, scaring my little sister for 24 hours, 24 hours with me and my best friends, who can do the most dares, he was caught saying this about my sister, I bought the worlds biggest kitten, I pranked lexi and pierson, vlog
Id: RTkvpuc-bBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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