My Botox Experience: Forehead & Crows Feet

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[Music] I'm good how are you are you ready for me so welcome to this week's video I am joined by my dear friend dr. fred aguilar board-certified plastic surgeon here in houston you've received a lot of accolades over the years and whatnot for the work that you do in this town and you are not only a great surgeon but you're a dear man and friend and so I I love you and I trust you and and I have you here with me in this video for a very important reason the ladies on my channel who watch and follow ask a lot of questions about beauty and yes you know Beauty can be makeup but it can also be skincare and it can also be plastic surgery or injections and ways to enhance youth and to bring back or maybe even restore a more youthful look so one of the big questions is Botox and that's what I want to talk to you about today you're my Botox provider and I'm a stickler for a certain look in my forehead and let's first of all talk about what Botox is and what it isn't Botox is a paralyzing agent and so it works to stop the movement of the muscle and the muscle that we're paralyzing are the muscles that are responsible for causing the wrinkling mm-hmm so by paralyzing that muscle it means you no longer have the wrinkling occurring and that's why it's important to start earlier in age than later in age interesting and Botox is not a filler there's sometimes a misconception that Botox fills wrinkles but that's not what it does that's a very good point to make a lot of people come in and they really need filler versus Botox or they're confused about the fact that yes what you said is absolutely correct Botox is not a filler it only paralyzes muscle so frequently we have patients that need Botox coupled with a filler to help eradicate the lines that have already been etched due to the extreme movement they've had over the years that makes sense so what are the most common areas for Botox use Botox use works great for forehead wrinkles the glabella wrinkles what's that that's a big fancy name between the frown lines right at number 11 okay Lee talks about that's the glabella area alright and so it is a big important area and we actually do Botox around the eyes as well because it helps create and stop crow's feet from developing got it and I think a lot of women and I know this was why I initially came to you it getting those frown lines those 11s that in my case were genetic and my mother had them I have them I developed them early on you look frustrated all the time when you're really not and so for me the purpose of Botox was to eliminate that frustrated look and also to prevent the shar-pei thing from setting it in the forehead it's a look of frustration and sometimes people look angry yes so people other people wonder well why are you so angry today why I am looking that way and so you're right smoothing that area out makes it a more youthful look it also eliminates that look of you being worried or upset mm-hmm let's talk about one of the biggest issues with Botox and that is placement and I think what scares women away is that trademark Botox look of of this and not every Botox job will turn out that way it has to do with the placement of the botulism correct exactly exactly and one of the things that we have to help some women remember is that just because in eyebrow elevates mm-hmm doesn't mean that that's a more youthful in fact I like a more horizontal eyebrows because I think a more horizontal eyebrow is a more youthful it is better if you look at an 18 year old young lady those eyebrows are pretty Australian and it's a really great look yeah and it's more youthful it's the older women who've had over arching of eyebrows that give away their age and so if we can get an eyebrow to look more horizontal in reality that's a better look and how do you achieve that where does the Botox go and exit the Botox in an area that that allows us to define the arch of that eyebrow so if we want to drop this part right here that I'd a little bit right there we don't use as much there as we would in the center area mm-hmm because we want this to be much more still because we still want you to rise just a little bit correct to have some movement and that's what we try to achieve with you and I think we consistently hit that where we get a very good balance of keeping your eyebrow horizontal right but still letting you show some movement and that's important to me that's very and I think that's important for all women you don't want to be frozen and you don't want to look perpetually surprised exactly that's exactly right and that and I'm glad that you agree with the concept of a more horizontal eyebrows because there aren't a lot of patients that just don't seem to get that that's true yeah good all right so we're going to start yeah let's start yes so I'm going to start with doing the middle area which causes the 11 we're going to just do a series of shots in here it won't hurt and I hold pressure after each shot okay so that you don't bleed yeah I'm all made up and I got to go to work Fred now I know we're gonna make sure that hold it back and I just hold it down for a minute and let let make sure that there's no bleeding right and you're doing great just feels like a little I don't know an ant ant sting may be yeah and so there's really no numbing I mean you can do sort of the bag of frozen peas if you're really sensitive to this right we have a few patients that like to have the ice pack put on we have it maybe a handful I'd like to come in 30 minutes and apply numbing medicine got it but eighty percent of the people come in with no anesthesia and no ice and they do just great yeah I think once you once you sort of know what to expect then you may it's like beautiful bikini wax you just go in and bite the bullet exactly raise your eyebrows and I frequently have my patients raised while I'm doing okay relax again and then I know more or less where I want to put it mm-hmm and with you I'm going over more laterally because we want that eyebrow to be transverse more horizontal meaning right where's your eyebrows good and again just hold pressure in that it's hopefully if there's going to be any bruise it's going to be a pinpoint little bruise right where the needle went in but it shouldn't be really bad I've never had bruising on my forehead never that's wonderful yeah that's wonderful and if so I mean it's easily covered with concealer also how long does it take for the Botox to take effect it's not instantaneous it's not instantaneous some people it seems to work almost overnight for most people between five to ten days is the full time that it takes to kick in fully right so you don't want to come back and start correcting until it's fully solid at least at least seven days to ten days I'd like to see them okay okay raise your eyebrows good see I like where we are we've done it just where we need to and we're going to go ahead and do around your eyes now okay and it's just going to be right here where the crows feet tend to happen mm-hmm so what time - ah when you do a real big smile it prevents what really strong wrinkling yeah that kind of squinty wrinkling it takes place on the outside and one of the great things about you is that you have started with Botox well before all these wrinkles have been etched into the skin and so right now when the Botox kicks in the skin looks smooth and wrinkle free so that is why you're getting such an ideal response unfortunately we get people in here who have already had the wrinkles embedded or etched into their skin so the Botox will stop the movement but it won't make those wrinkles disappear and that's when you have to move on to a filler that's exactly the same okay that's why you say just turn your head a little bit like that the earlier the better exactly very good you're being very cooperative today you're not bleeding at all thank you maybe it's you maybe so it's team wonderful that's great yep very good I'm very happy bring our brows together one more time okay I'm going to do one more touch right in the center near where the nose meets that area just to stop that mm-hmm a little bit of pulling downward that occurs yeah okay it's still part of the Elevens though so it's the lower part of the 11 exactly the base exactly now having said all of that that you're doing really well and even with you who I know when I've been treating for a long time I still want to see and hear from you in a week or two and see how you did and you're always so great about that because you'll call or text and follow up and say how's everything doing is it settling in are you happy let me know if you need to come back right or I'll text to say haven't seen you for a while mm-hmm that's usually a good sign everything is a-okay that's true all right I think we can we can sing call it a day for that fantastic so you'll be able to see and I can do a follow up with you in about a week for my next video and let you know how things are going that'll be great I look forward to it thank you q is she had it Fred my clue okay so with anything that you do as you've learned the key is to research to ask a lot of questions and also to find a capable provider exactly yeah board-certified plastic surgeon always helps doesn't it really absolutely that's very important in all that training okay Thank You Fred thank you love you love you too be bold be blessed I love you too and I'll see you next time
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 213,026
Rating: 4.8696852 out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, botox, my botox experience, botox forehead, botox crows feet, what is botox, dominique sachse botox, botox wrinkles, plastic surgery, botox doctor houston, dr. fred aguilar, houston plastic surgery
Id: mznaJdeOfZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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