My Daughter Survives Overnight At A Waterpark

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it's officially summer and that means it's about 100 degrees outside here in Tennessee what better way to kick off summer than to spend the night inside of Tennessee's biggest water park if I'm being honest I don't even like water parks the big slides scare me but my daughter loves water parks so we're going to challenge ourselves because although Everly loves water parks she's still pretty scared of the dark so we're both facing our fears in this video and going to see if we can spend the entire night at the water park however if we fail get too scared and leave early I have to face the worst consequence I've ever faced at the end of this video there's only one catch my younger brother Clay is hiding five magical light-up Rings all around the tire water park for us to find if we find all five of them Before Sunrise we're gonna stay the night inside of a luxury cabin if we don't find all five Before Sunrise we gotta find some place to sleep so as you can see it's still light up right now but it's gonna be getting dark in the next 30 minutes so we're gonna go do an awesome course right now while it's still light outside you ready let's go check it out guys we've got new GoPros just for this video I'm so scared dad hold me here we go you got oh come on up oh let's get deep oh it's getting deep come on are you gonna get my back I mean it's not even it's not even demon I'm freaking on my back oh they totally on the water here we go we're almost there oh that's good okay get on get off get on get up and don't forget we gotta look for one of the Rings okay if we find a ring then we only got four left to find I don't know gotta wait for me wait for me I gotta get up all right should we race or should we just try to find the ring just try to find the room I think we should race we are not buying these things in the water okay I'm gonna pocket anything boy walk across we don't lose them you got it come on okay you gotta go around that's the only that's the only one other around oh oh man this is tough I go for a sec at the same time okay here we go I just got jumped forward oh how the heck are we gonna do that one oh that's a tough one that's a tough one [Music] okay we're at the top what do you think Jeff I can't do this are you scared yeah it's pretty cool so I just ride around Sunset you see the sun's going down over there go first everybody [Music] that's not even Dark Yet we found one yeah open it up yeah put it on that's the first ring so guys yet let's go okay guys so as you can see it's still light outside right now it is 7 17. so it should be getting dark in the next 30 minutes to an hour so we're gonna head over to the next ride it's a racing slide should be a lot of fun here we go we're not the we're not the bravest people because I'm actually scared of heights so uh everybody's not though it's a brand new ride too they said this is a brand new ride no one's ever ridden this except for the people working here so but also we're not paying attention we gotta find rain there's a lot of rings so we can stay in the cabin because it's getting dark and it's getting dark quick keep an eye out clay could have hit him anywhere Clay's here with us riding rides all over the place so we'll see where he's at look at that view that's nice you all ready yeah I think wait is everyone up there I'll go grab it whoa another one a new one was gonna be on this ride all right that's two of them can we put it on yeah all right two rings down three to go it's not even dark yet on your mark get set go oh my God [Music] all right so we found the ring that was up there but because Traders got over their place we're gonna race me versus you if I beat you if I beat clay in this race and you guys called which ride the next Ring's on all right which ride you going right all right but if we lose then we lose oh oh he's just a fan screw you gotta tell us which ride the next ring is on all right the next ring is on the kitty Park to the right the kitty park over there yeah okay so we got two rings we need three more to stay in a cabin if we don't find all three because he is getting dark out we're sleeping we're sleeping on our water slide oh she's got the slides on oh God you need to try that a little easy save it save it all right so clay said that it's over here by the kid area so then we have three rings found and we have to find two more while it's dark so then we can do the cabin yeah otherwise we should start looking forward to slide we want to sleep on I brought our sleeping bag just in case so oh that's a big kid area oh man how are we gonna find this thing that's a big hit Area let's go let's go all right you go that way I'm gonna go this way okay guys so um I need to find this ring wait I feel like someone would hide it in there see anything no that's dude this kid area it's actually turned off right now so it's a little creepy because it's getting dark my guess is he hit it up top is it in here no no no no I bet could I hit it up high that's my guess I don't know what you don't think he hit it up high no let's see what color is the person I don't know it could be any color oh good spot it's getting dark if we don't find these things before it gets dark oh you found one a pink one okay so we found the ring yes all right so now we have three ringed fouls so we only gotta find two more but it's almost officially dark the sun just set it's gonna be dark in a second guys you didn't know that this one's scary and giant and it's dark it's our first ride in the dark out so scared I haven't really thought dark get in the side though oh man that's just picture black We're not gonna see anything oh man hey you just gotta hang on tight what do you see how the heck did you see that what oh my gosh you found one I found how the heck did you see that thing there oh my gosh that's four it's not even pitch black yet we only need one more yeah well unless we don't find the last one clay said that the last one's the hardest one oh no he probably made four easy ones and one hard one that's why I get to Clay we're also gonna have Clay ride this ride with us because this ride needs multiple Riders so the more people the better play look at let's push it back inside dude all right guys look I got a phone with a flash you ready yeah oh man [Music] oh wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was terrifying in the dark yeah all right guys it's officially uh 9 32 so it's getting late we only need one more ring yeah we were trying to get to bed before 10 but uh I don't think that's gonna happen because a couple of rides that we gotta do and Clay's not giving us any hints to where this last ring is so we just gotta walk around yep we gotta go we can look anywhere I could have hit it here oh it could be anywhere yes I know I'm cold I'm hungry it's not gonna put in a trash can you wanna so there is one more big ride that we haven't written yet he could have hit it on this big ride yeah we can check there at least stop there let's go check on the ride I don't know let's check the ride yeah Mega Mayhem one of the scariest rides here check this out well you're gonna have to go on this one too because it's a five tuber oh baby big drop right there totally dark out here we go y'all ready here we go [Music] okay so I don't know where this final ring is it's uh it's 11 25. you're looking everywhere guys this is a huge waterpark honestly we've looked at a lot of places that we haven't even filmed the only place that we haven't looked is the Lazy River so we're gonna go to The Lazy River it's not the other side of the park it's gonna take a second to get there I just want to get that cabin I just want to get to a warm cabin with a bed blanket and food thank you okay so we just made it to the Lazy River this is a giant Lazy River it wraps around the entire part so Eva we just gotta search the entire Lazy River we find the ring we're gonna sleep in the cabin if we don't find the ring sleeping in a tube on The Lazy River you hear me are you looking yeah okay you gotta look everywhere oh my God on this guy here we go one two three you see any rings fly where'd you put the ring I'm cool I'm sleepy I'm hungry I want to go to a cabin I want some pizza I want some Dippin Dots I wasn't cotton candy Pizza ready ready [Music] where's the ring check out the waterfall come look over here ring checked by the waterfall maybe put it up top look at the camera we got all five rings let's go to the cabin let's go eat pizza pizza thank you ah yeah the cabin whoa [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cole And EV
Views: 3,303,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: waterpark, water slide, swimming, pool, 24 hours, overnight, everleigh, LaBrant family, Cole and ev
Id: nDNGjdyXwb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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