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my daughter Everly and I have been to a daddy daughter dance every year since she was only three years old because my daughter started homeschool last year and we moved across the country we weren't able to make it to the daddy daughter dance so I had the best idea to throw our own daddy daughter dance here in Tennessee not only will everybody be able to go with me but also my other four-year-old daughter Posey will be able to attend this year and to make this daddy daughter dance even that much more special I'm going to plan the entire thing and keep it a total surprise for Everly until the end of this video first things first to pull this off we're gonna need a venue let's go look at something okay so this is our backyard and it's pretty big and it would work pretty well only problem is it is the end of July here in Tennessee and it is so hot so there's no way that we could do the dance out here so we gotta go inside okay guys so this is actually our basement we have a big basement space in our new house and I think it's big enough to where it could work let me show you so it goes all the way back there all the way through here and all the way around here so there's plenty of space only problem as you can see there's no ceiling no walls so I don't think that the girls the daughters would love it so I feel like we just gotta find an indoor prettier venue that's quiet that works that just feels awesome so let's go get some okay guys it's time to find this venue we are running out of times it's a very last minute daddy daughter dance but if we find the perfect venue then this thing could still get pulled off and be super epic guys this is it okay guys so this is it it's kind of dark but I kind of like the vibe and on top of that we'll have more lights there so there you can see it I gotta go see it in person but I think it's gonna work okay I got the venue now we're gonna need some music I gotta go buy a Boombox let's go buy one okay I'm back I forgot to film myself getting the Boombox but we got the music we got the venue now we're gonna need some games I'm thinking musical chairs just the dads versus the dads the daughters versus the daughters then we can do our daughter first favorite things like a sheet of paper that we print out so you can get the most things right we can do a daddy daughter dance battle that'd be a lot of fun and I'm thinking of ending it with like kind of cute three things that we love about our daughters while they're still young and um some kind of like daddy daughter slow dancer something cute at the very end I just realized I have not invited anybody I need to go invite a lot of every friends so that we have a lot of people there otherwise this thing's gonna be awful if nobody else shows up so I gotta go and buy some gas and then I gotta get outfits I got an outfit for me get some outfits for the girls this is gonna be an awesome surprise I gotta pull all this off ASAP hey you're invited to our daddy daughter dance this weekend me yeah can you make it to the daddy audience this weekend daddy daughter dance this weekend be there yeah it's this weekend you can make it great all right we got people in okay the very last thing before this daddy-daughter dance is official is we gotta get an outfit I'm thinking the dress entire needs to be suits for the guys and dresses for the girls that looks really professional and a lot of fun so I gotta go get a suit for me and dresses for the girls these are the only two suits I own I'm trying to decide if I should go black suit or blue suit what do you guys think okay it's almost time to get ready I have three dresses I'm gonna show Posey we have this pretty green one we have this pink kind of Flowery one cute right and then last but not least we have this blue one which one do you want to wear the green one okay oh my goodness so adorable look at these girls all daddy daughter dance ready okay girlies time for the day your dance bye buddy sorry you're staying here we're getting out of here okay so for the first challenge of the night we are doing daughters musical chairs so whenever the Music Stops sit in your chair last girl standing win sound good okay here we go three two one dance all right oh really fast really fast oh who's on a chair oh and me oh breaks my heart I was pulling from me I was pulling for her Amy's very talented she will win the rest of the competitions throughout the night so she's just giving you guys an advantage here okay so you guys gonna stand up this is my dad everybody say hey to my dad hi Dad so one chair's out same thing here we go and move [Music] oh oh oh oh that was very kind I saw what happened there oh wait oh there's an open chair there's an open seat wow good girls win look at that wow see that happened sometimes gotta keep our eye out I did not see that coming remember the winner gets a very very lucrative up to ten dollars gift card here we go oh oh oh oh okay we're down to the final seven six chairs remain somehow a little Posey is still in it okay here we go keep it going oh man look at that all right six left final six only five chairs and go for it oh man that was a close one there's an interesting open chair down there okay guys my only ask is that you guys don't let Everly win okay everything is very competitive and she wins a lot of things all right here we go and dance oh oh my goodness wow guys there's only three chairs left the final three who's gonna be top three it's now or never here we go oh there it is you did a good job Posey good job and go for it oh oh man oh first girl down I'm telling you I really will throw elbows she's not playing around I can't give her the first price tonight you better beat her okay she can win other game saw that I just thought the first one only one here the final chair here we go [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] oh I think I really did get it oh my goodness guys I had a one request I had one request all right everybody's the winner first prize of the night you can get whatever you want from Chick-fil-A after this don't worry guys we have we have more games more prizes and now it's the dad's turn it's the dad's turn to get out there all right we gotta show the girls that were fun I'm ready are you ready yeah hands on your back yep [Music] my dad my dad [Music] I wasn't about to knock the guy with a broken leg out of the seat all right [Music] oh oh wow lucky me lucky me yeah well yeah that was a lucky attempt laughs ah not a chance not a chance as I am going for it fourth honestly hey I'm not mad about him [Music] oh I heard a crunch whose crunch was that whose crunch [Music] the winner of a 10 Chick-fil-A gift card Daniel congrats go to the daughter go to work good work one that one straight up foreign [Music] we're about to do our next little activity you could say so I have two papers over here one is for the dads one is for the daughters and it is a how well do you know each other kind of thing so we're gonna see how well you dads know your daughters we're gonna see how well you daughters know your dads Because then at the end we're going to go over the answers and see how well you did good luck [Music] okay guys I'm gonna be honest I printed these papers out for everybody and I don't even know how the answers this is not good [Music] okay pins down write down your final answer pins down and then what I want you to do is I want you to get with your dad and you're gonna go over each other's answers you're gonna go over the answers with him he's gonna go over the answers with you if it's wrong put like uh yeah put like a line through it you're grading each other's papers okay so you you're gonna see how well your dad knows you and how will you know your dad [Music] here we go so this is all about my dad this is Posey's all about my dad let's see how well you guys know me we'll do everything's first my dad's name is Cole Richard LeBron my dad's name is Cole you guys both got it right two rights he was born in Alabama he was born in what would that say what's that say does he Alabama you don't know I think it says Alabama so I think you guys both got it right good job because it starts with a name his job is YouTube videos good job okay so three for three in his free time he plays with kids or makes videos really good his favorite food is steak ribs barbecue Pizza steak and broccoli good job guys good answers that's right his favorite book is the Bible I gotta say yes to that Posey said my favorite movie is Pokemon that's a good answer and my favorite book is Pokemon books that's a really funny answer I love that that's good my dad is scared of nothing that's a good answer oh he said I'm scared of nothing I always said my dad is scared of losing someone he loves those are both true I am scared of someone losing someone I love I'm also scared of nothing I am strong thank you okay everybody hopefully you win over your answers fairly well I was thinking of doing a prize for that one but I think I'm Gonna Save the prizes for the next competition um because I kind of want to see people get more into this next one so this next one's going to be a daddy daughter dance battle so we're gonna randomly have one dad versus one daughter obviously like a dad and their daughter go up and then everyone's gonna cheer or vote for who they think won and the winner could win a prize okay I know the dad's got some moves so are you guys ready to do that everybody get up oh wow [Music] hi who won hey cheer cheer up everyone [Applause] hey okay so everybody pose your turn I pose you did first you go first go cozy oh good job high five I lost you won okay I only did my dancing yeah yeah oh hey oh oh oh oh wait hey wow oh all right clap for Daniel [Applause] only the daughters are advancing okay oh you're up okay no pressure no pressure we gotta get out there oh very elegant oh wow oh my goodness just like copying her oh here he goes oh hey oh talk to the hand he's going to start fasting that was good time for the daughter yeah all right here let's go next okay Amy show them what you got oh [Applause] man all right how do you compete with that that's it okay okay clap for Amy yeah hey come on we need we need some dad to win okay it's one of you guys [Music] hey hey oh [Music] hey yeah good stuff okay got turned oh yeah oh the airplane the airplane what the crotch oh oh good job yeah tap this guy yeah that was really good one leg stop a daughter okay the final dad and the daughter of the night oh hey oh oh oh he's not playing around oh Lily [Music] okay hey clap for Lily yeah oh the only guy that's advancing is my dad okay so if you're a winner you're staying over here and you're gonna go head-to-head with somebody oh I like it I can look at her in the eyes while she's doing all her moves yeah oh hey clap if you think one time if you think one all right Amy advances you hey you beat me you beat me and you beat your dad which is more important okay we're gonna have YouTube go okay back there not going now I gotta fight not gonna fight hey ready girls class yeah it's so good yes so good yeah good job girls all right Everly and my dad five six seven eight oh oh yeah that was advancing oh so good here we go yep I like the confidence of this one yeah good stuff hey clap if you think of one yeah good stop everything one that's a close one but we'll give it here we got final four final four we're gonna start off with Jose name and head on out there oh yeah that was so good guys so good clap if you think one really good really good yep all right Cloud if you think one you guys both look so good all right pop pop and Kinsey five six seven eight oh oh very different styles of dancing whoa oh whoa are you kidding me this is a good job okay we're gonna call it we're gonna caught clap if you think one yeah okay pretty good crap if you think wine okay this is the finale of the dance battle we have Posey versus Kinsey all right you guys ready for this oh here we go [Applause] oh hey all right is that it we're done all right good job okay ready guys give a good cheer if you think Kenzie won [Applause] all right because you guys both did so good you both win Chick-fil-A cards yeah two winners two winners yeah good job guys you're both winners everyone's a winner yeah we're gonna somber it down a little bit and we're gonna have all the girls sit in chairs and we're gonna have all the dads come up one at a time and say two or three things that you love about your daughter okay so it's kind of a moment just to tell your daughter something that you love about them all right so what we're doing is we're going to be saying two to three things that we love about our daughters right now that we might miss whenever they grow up because you guys are all growing up so I'll start with evely my oldest I love that Everly is so passionate she is extremely passionate about everything that she does she dances hard she works hard we know that everybody's going to be successful in whatever she does and we just pray that she's a good person because she is a leader and she's very passionate and she's very fun you guys all know everyone's a very fun person so I love that about her and I love making Pokemon cards with them that's kind of our thing right now is we're working on making 100 Pokemon cards together and then Posey I love how sweet Posey is posies are very sweet kid everybody's very sweet too but everybody's kind of strong we always joke that Posey if she like trips on a rock she's like gonna break she's very fragile like a flower like a posey so I just love how sweet you are and I hope that you always stay that sweet and I love how much you still love me and cuddle me and hug me and all those things you do because you're only four and everyone used to do that and now she doesn't so we'll see [Music] she's four and a half [Applause] I know I forget my daughter's ages all right that's me breaking the ice I'll have my dad come out next all right this is my daughter Lily I love Lily's heart she's very a tender hearted person she's just about as kind as you can conceive of a person with all types of people I also love it when she burps she has man-sized burps so she can she can she can probably burp louder than I can at any given moment prove it you want to prove it see now you can break my Premiere let's just try this this is something I'm really proud of I'm not burping on camera I'm a lady okay um anyway she has uh uh Lily is also something I love too is that I'm actually a dad who doesn't mind to shop and she loves to shop I love spending time just uh going out shopping with her she loves the beach I like hanging out the beach with her and she's just very thankful I think that's missing a lot in our society but I could get her something at a Duncan and she's a family member but she will say thank you Daddy for getting me this or thank you for doing this and it's constant thanks for the simple things and I'm very grateful to have a daughter who's very appreciative and says thank you so love you yeah I'm here with my three daughters who I love very much so we're gonna be here a while everybody I'm just gonna no I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep It concise Hadley I'll go with you first my youngest daughter Hadley I love how smart you are and I love how independent you are and I love how energetic you are but I think most of all what I see in you that I think is a really admirable trait is the way you empathize with others especially when they're hurting the way you see that and come alongside them and comfort them so I love you Hadley Savannah my middle daughter I love your smile you have a beautiful smile you're always laughing you you you are a really talented singer and actress and I'm really proud of you and what I love about you Savvy is that you you are a really great friend you you go out of your way to love your friends well and I I love that about you my oldest daughter Sydney Sydney you're beautiful you're talented you're smart but I love the way you Shepherd and care for your younger sister and I'm really proud of you so love you guys probably have to make this quick because I'm a crier uh let's see what I love about Emmy she's like the sweetest little kid every time she comes into a room everyone wants to grab her and hug her and swing her around another thing I love about her how tiny she is so something I'll miss probably when she grows up is it's very easy for me to kind of scoop her up swing her around throw her around because she's so little she always encourages her friends she's an excellent dancer she works super super hard and of course we're excited to see where that takes her for the rest of her life so we're very proud of you Emmy love you very much alrighty what I love about Kendall is she has a very very Fierce competitive spirit so I don't know how the girl got that and the boys didn't but she is all about it she's here to win it and she's also loving so she has both sides so she's going to be super competitive but she's also going to care about everything like she will give you the shirt off her back like you could not ask for a better daughter I mean she she's just fantastic so my daughter is Kenzie and Kenzie's amazing she's so talented at everything and I want to be humble saying that but it's incredible for me to look at my daughter and see that she's just good at no matter what she does she can sing she can dance she can write she's so creative she's so strong and so smart and on top of her being brilliant and beautiful I love you Kenzie all right taking it home Maddie Kate we could be here for a while if I said everything I love about you but I think to me what stands out for you is the energy and the joy that you bring to a room like when people meet you they're just drawn to you you have such fantastic a fantastic presence like the way that you are in a room is just beautiful to be a part of I love the way that you love our family the way you take care of Mom and love her so well and an amazing daughter I love you a ton lots more to say but we'll wrap it up [Music] so we're just going to wrap it up with a father-daughter slow dance and after that the daddy daughter dance the first annual we might turn this into an annual thing it's pretty cool that you know there's seven dads here this would be a fun annual thing to do and it'd be cool to you know keep it smaller but also see the group grow and the girls grow with each other and I'm very fortunate to have a great group of dads here who love their daughters so much I think it's super important and um kind of Miss in today's lives and we know how important it is to be a present and loving dad so uh we'll do one last little dance and uh kick everyone up so here we go quiet why all of the smoke and light don't bring me closer to these real world [Music] [Music] there's three words
Channel: Cole And EV
Views: 2,043,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everleigh, dance, daddy daughter, Cole and ev, salish, dance battle, Labrant, family, emotional
Id: oV4KzkUtsRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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