My Daughters First Sleepover In Alphabetical Order!

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the last sleepover my daughter had was with Salish matter we actually did a competition to see who could have a more epic sleepover Everly and Salish or me and Jordan that video was so much fun that we want to do it again only this time we're doing it at our new house and instead of Jordan my wife is going to be my partner one more twist is we have to do the entire sleepover in alphabetical order and at the end of this video we want you guys to vote in the comments whose sleepover was more epic the parents or the kids oh yeah I forgot to mention this is my little sister Lily she's only three years older than Everly and she's spending the night tonight let's go so I have 14 of every's all-time favorite sleepover activities everyone's gonna choose to do seven of them and then Savannah and I her mom are gonna do the other seven okay so I'm gonna read these to you and then you're gonna pick yes or no if you want to do it okay scary stories no no okay that's mine remember you gotta choose seven tattoos no no tattoos oh my goodness okay that's mine too not my arms makeup not my arms makeup yes yes that okay your first one there you go performance yes okay we're two for two here we go pinata challenge no no you guys mind give me that matching photo shoot yes yes truth or dare yes yeah spa night yes oh man okay he knows he has to do more than the rest of her mind and Savannah's blanket fort no no okay high five Contest no no okay bait yeah yes yeah I figured you'd say that because I have three more activities you can only say yes to one of them be careful blindfold snack guessing game no no okay skincare routine yes yes then we got left with face the cookie okay guys now that we both have our activities it's time to go to the store and get some supplies let's go okay guys so we are now in Target everyone you only have five minutes you can 100 and try and make your sleepover more epic than mine you ready time starts now okay guys so we need to go get some baking stuff and I think I know where it is it's right here let's go okay guys so I already have some supplies at my house to make chocolate chip cookies and I don't have chocolate chips so I need to get some chocolate chips okay guys we need to go find some skincare or something or some candles or something to have a skincare and a spa night okay so I found the candles and I want to taste test them so come a little bit closer hey says did you say taste test you're gonna taste these candles yeah it's disgusting I'm gonna smell them smell this okay so this one is pumpkin shortbread oh it smells like Halloween it's not Halloween yet oh I think this one's the one okay guys I'm running out of time so I need to get some things for spa night skincare routine okay let's just go so I really wanted to get you better hurry up you have less than two minutes okay less than two minutes I really wanted to get this Berry mask because it's like red and it's supposed to be for spa nights that's 20 bucks all by itself you only have 100 so be careful fine yeah and it's like supposedly super gun let's keep on looking okay I think I'm gonna get the purple one it's huge yeah it's only 12. one minute okay okay let's go let's go okay guys we need to get some things for the no hand makeup challenge I think these would be perfect because it's all different colors and look at this one this one has a lot going on oh my gosh whoa and guess what guys they're literally only seven bucks whoa okay I'm just gonna get like all this because I feel like that would be so much fun and stuff fun and stuff for sure I need brushes but is that a lot of money it's only five bucks oh okay yeah okay right now oh no guys I'm running out of time but I need to get some cucumbers for my spa night let's go okay so I think I'm in the pita out and I need this for the matching like photo shoot it's very thirty seconds it's very tall yeah you have 30 seconds what which one that one this one this you're gonna need that I like that it's pretty cute oh what the heck is going on there okay you gotta get one for YouTube I know 10 seconds nine seconds uh why are they okay guys I'm gonna ever got this outfit and then these challenges they're all size 14. okay guys I'm still looking for a small wait oh my gosh I found the same okay guys so I think the very first thing I'm gonna get is for the pinata challenge I've been looking everywhere unfortunately Target doesn't have full-size pinatas all that they have is these tiny pinatas I'm gonna come up with a very fun tiny pinata game for to do only four dollars I'm gonna get a lot of them [Music] okay guys so I think I got all this stuff for the pinatas next I gotta get stuff to make tattoos so I'm gonna get washable markers because I learned my lesson in one of the last videos if you saw these a permanent marker on me this is washable markers let's go all right so now we are doing face the cookie which you need cookies for so we're just gonna get Oreo cookies that'll work and while we're here I'm also doing guess the snack challenge so I'm gonna get a bunch of different cookies and snacks that you have to try and guess what they are that'll be fun okay guys these look fun they're Scooby Snacks but they're technically graham crackers but they're not shaped like it so it might be tricky let's do it eh we got chicken and a biscuit that is looks like a cracker but it tastes like chicken might be weird do it okay guys we gotta get something spicy Savannah hate spicy things these blue heat ones are really hot let's do that and of course you gotta get some of this she's gonna hate mustard okay guys so we both have all of our supplies let's say if we were able to stay under 100. okay guys so I actually got all my stuff for only fifty dollars oh the two outfits alone 33 bucks eighty dollars this is gonna make it go over 90 dollars oh 130 bucks we're gonna let it slide but 130 bucks oh my goodness okay guys we're finally back at the house and now that we have all of our supplies it's time to see who can have the most epic sleepover adults versus kids and we got this all in alphabetical order so what's the very first letter of our uh challenge that we're doing um let's get started our cookies okay I make homemade cookies a lot and I totally know what to do so I'm pretty sure we do um two cups of all-purpose flour and then I'll be adding some sugar I don't really know how much sugar you're supposed to do I'm pretty sure you're supposed to do two cups of sugar okay you can go ahead and crack our two eggs I'll be melting the butter while she does that so the Butter's melting and now we need baking soda and then I do pure vanilla extract and then baking powder Butter's ready while she's getting the butter I'm pretty sure that's all we need what about the chocolate chips okay go ahead and put them on the baking sheet and then we're ready and rock and roll Savannah is it good at least is it good yeah actually he doesn't want to eat it because he hates my germs you know what it has more flavors so it's time to put the cookies in oh yummy wait 10 minutes and they're all done okay guys we are officially kicking off our parents sleepover and don't worry our parents sleepover gonna be social fun then the kids sleepover don't worry those cookies probably won't even taste that good first off put this on are you ready you have any idea what we're doing something like you trust me okay so we're gonna be doing a blindfold yes the snack challenge I have a bunch of snacks here which you guys saw me buy from the store Savannah can't see anything and we're gonna see how good you are getting to that blindfolded are you ready for the very first one I'm ready let me just open this bad boy up man you're taking so long I just want to get to our sleepover already oh this is a sleepover oh okay I was ready for the sleeping part oh no no that's at the end okay so are you ready for the very first snack ready okay can you say awesome ready I have it first I know what it is it's supposed to be a guest snack right it's good like this is a cookie chew it up what do you think it is snack number two I'll give you a little sniff on this one going to sniff what do you think it is one of those like chicken in a biscuit things am I wrong yeah you're wrong interesting guess though you ready ah what is it oh a toffee a Taki yep I thought I smell chicken in a Biscuit yeah I know that's weird that you said that but it's not just any Taco it's a blue heat Taki it's like extra spicier is it good these are really good are they kicking oh yeah yoga I love Takis these are my jams what the heck you know I like spicy yeah okay here we go are you ready for the next thing yeah I'm ready okay you wanna smell this one what do you think this one smells like I don't know no idea I don't test myself and what do you think it is crackers it's so weird that you guessed this last time I love these growing up you are pretty good you're doing pretty good pay ready for the last one you don't guess this one then something's wrong here we go on the count of three I'm gonna have you open your mouth okay okay one no spiders right no spiders one no nothing bad nothing bad two three wow why do you have to do so fast what do you think it is Oreo yep and Oreo Oreo nothing you don't face anything else interesting you don't think there's anything crawling they're dumb no ants no I don't you want to say anything else you wouldn't do that to me I wouldn't but I did put the chicken and biscuit inside of it which is funny that you didn't even taste that well I like chicken in the biscuits okay well that guy that concludes the very first segment of this pigment but anyway but don't worry it's only gonna get more fun we should we should take the shot okay guys we have a full night ahead of us okay Lily while we're waiting for our cookies to bake I have to tell you something we're gonna do a matching photo shoot and I got his matching pajamas look let's see them now we're gonna do our transition into our pajamas three two one uh who picked these out okay girls you guys ready first up just a cute hands around each other smiling pictures hands over each other's shoulder ready what's why I guess so awkward I gotta just yeah you know hey no just hand over your shoulder like a normal smiling picture no no no no no a normal a normal smiling picture okay you know this is enough pair now like it's really Christmas I think that was a silly picture but silly picture it ready silly face okay kind of the same thing as last name but definitely very goofy okay now like you guys are secret spy agents okay okay now if you just got off a roller coaster you're about to throw off okay now he just saw a scary monster outside your bedroom one day it's been like 20 minutes hurry up I'm sorry okay oh no oh no they look pretty perfect to me good they can join yeah look at that okay I think it was an A plus okay guys so the next thing on the parent sleepover to-do list is blanket forts okay so we gotta make the most epic blanket for something that's gonna make the girls so jealous that they're going to want to knock it over no no no no no no no no we don't want him to knock it over they're gonna say whoa your sleepover so much cooler than our sleepover and everyone watches a good accommodate over because they're gonna be so jealous that's it yeah okay let's do this here we'll go got some blankets right here I already got some blankets we got a couch ready if you guys don't know this is actually our movie room you know if you like in a blanket for and you're watching a movie so fun oh yeah so we can like roll over I gotta get some like tall things you can put like the blankets on top of to give it some height there we go then you also gotta make sure it straps in good then we just kind of get this piece like it into the corner we're gonna get this get this because the girls are having so much fun I can hear them laughing hey what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing up here are you guys not having any fun oh you want to be in our blanket for you got blanket for didn't you yeah why are you in our room hang out with your friend oh oh no oh no oh no actually that's gonna work I can come right underneath like this see look like this look how cute that is okay Savannah come in here you're not cute you're not cute come in here hey we're going to go on we're about to watch shreds are you so jealous no are you so jealous I'm so jealous she's so jealous she's she's so jealous we're watching track can you guys get out of here this is our sleepover get out get out and I'm gonna give him a big kiss yeah yeah she is get out of here I want to sleep over so awesome so awesome yeah yeah okay the next challenge in alphabetical order is the not hands makeup thingy I don't even know so Lily has her hands behind me and she's gonna be doing my makeup let's just get started okay go Lily my face is right here Ah that's not where it goes okay next color what are you doing now oh Lord oh oh delicious yum okay that's eye shadow that's purple orange my eye is the rainbow yes you have an eye do the other eye now no do some of these lip smackers right there oh oh no okay I'll give you my lips stay there no stay there at least my mouth tastes good now okay I I oh Lord that was so hard whoa guys I did a really good job no you did some fixing actually yeah I actually did a really good job uh I'm gonna go check in the mirror and it isn't too bad I can barely even see it whatever the next challenge for the best sleepover in the entire world in alphabetical order is face the cookie taste the cookie face the cookie you know how it is okay so what you do is you put a cookie on your face and you try and get it in your mouth without touching the cookie you can only move your face okay whoever loses has to prank the girls you yep okay ready I need more if it falls off you gotta start over oh Savannah oh wow that was great eyelash it was helping me a good day very good not good enough here go through two orders on them are there two Oreos at them yeah throw Oreos hit them so hard yeah throw them as hard as you can foreign okay Lily so we did all of the like the makeup stuff and everything but next is P for performance and not just that but performance there's a stage in my sister's room but she's sleeping so we have to be so quiet and shut the door like very quietly so come on let's go [Music] okay guys we made it inside the performance last stage room it's time to perform so I'm gonna perform an original chair and it's called our sleepover is awesome we are the fattest and Lily and we are better than cold and sad [Music] oh this is the best sleepover ever yeah it's the bestie forever I heard noise coming out of Posey's room guys Posey's asleep poses asleep what are you all doing in here get out of here oh he's asleep okay guys we are ready for another competition this one is eight for handshake competition but we can't do this by ourselves so we're gonna challenge the girls come on in here we challenge we challenge the kids to a handshake competition we are challenging the kids to enhance it whoever can come up with the coolest handshake in the next five minutes wins all your cookies wins all of them okay you gotta go to your intake we're gonna do ours and we're gonna go down and then we're gonna go [Music] oh that's pretty cool wait we have to figure out the pizza all right Jake is awesome all right handshake I'm a robot that's good okay you got it all right we're ready we're done and then go like we're done you want to go first US you guys four first this is everything and Lily's official handshake here we go [Music] oh that's horrible that's a body shape not a handshake yeah that's like pancake it's awesome I am a robot I am a robot do it no hated it will you guys comment down below his handshake was better I thought it was romantic and comedic it was like a robot all right whatever next on the to-do list is skincare routine so I have a full-on collection here of skin care but this is what I got at Target so we're gonna be using this at the end and let's just see I'll do my toner this is the glow recipe toner you go ahead and just pour on your face so then I just rub it all over my face kind of and then this is my Dew drops it's the two drops that's the best thing on planet Earth okay one more thing and then we're all done this okay ready cherry on to the next challenge okay guys for this next challenge how this is gonna go because I have four tiny mystery T-Rex piranhas what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw piranha pinatas guys it's getting late I have four mystery T-Rex piranhas guys it's getting late it's like almost 10 pm here okay we have a few more challenges let's see how we're going to do this oh I don't know what we're gonna do because I have it okay yes okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw a big line under this one okay okay so I just drew a line on this T-Rex pinata I'm gonna put it down you're watching I'm gonna mix them all up then one at a time you're gonna smash a T-Rex until there's only one T-Rex left if you guessed the right T-Rex add the line you win a mystery prize okay are you ready ready keep an eye on this T-Rex okay okay [Music] [Applause] yeah no no cheater okay smash my T-rex [Music] oh she we were confused by the rules what I thought you were supposed to smash the ones that wasn't it what yeah you're supposed to smash the right T-Rex yes oh man all the Slime you can think of I only said that my kids can't have this in the house it doesn't mean that I can't have it in the house for me yeah awesome sleepover I'm so excited awesome sleepover okay so it's parents for this because we can't light the candle and we can't cut the Cucumber so Dad come on what we need you to cut this cucumber and I do this candle guys yes unless you're an adult are you sharp what are you gonna use this cucumber for okay what I got four slices two for you two for you oh yeah there you go yep we have two eyes each and then light your candle here we go okay I think you guys ready for spa night [Music] ah this is the life these cucumbers are getting the spot okay guys so for the next challenge we're gonna be doing for our most awesome sleepover ever is scary stories okay so we both have to tell each other a 20 second scary story and you guys are going to vote whose story is scarier down in the comments you ready ready okay once upon a time there's a big bad scare monster outside and the monster ate everybody including your mom and the monster ate everyone else that ever was on Earth and breathed fire and he scared everybody really loud okay your turn okay okay once upon a time there was a scary wolf wolf is so scary he scared all three of the pigs out of their houses and they were so scared and they ran away home forever all right those are both pretty spooky to me you guys let us know who's just spookier to you I'm Delirious it's getting really late this is our last and final challenge to figure out who has the best sleepover me or my dad but it's really cool one it's truth or dare I really love to be there because like you get to find out things about people that you don't know so let's see Truth or Dare do you have a crush yeah truth or dare dare I dare you to stop five Takis in your mouth okay and I have to eat five of them oh is that five uh-huh one two three five okay spit on the paper towels put all the paper towels ew your mouth is so blue so spicy okay Lily just gave me a dare so I'm hoping she picks there but Truth or Dare okay I'll do there yes um plague and sing the ABC's backwards backwards I don't even know what ABC's back just do it I'll give it a shot z x y w e q w x oh okay um who's your celebrity crush hmm in some ways I like Tom Holland in some ways but I don't really like him that much I just can't figure out like anymore right now she's the one who drives a crush whatever okay guys I'm seriously getting so tired so this is our last and final challenge we're ready for bed we're old but we're trying to make the sleepover as epic as possible to beat the girl sleepover so our final challenge is and last thing of the alphabet is T for tattoos so we each get to draw one tattoo on each other these are washable I didn't get permanent all right you know last time I didn't put a minute okay you wanna go first or second you go first I draw on you first yeah okay let me see it right there then I know how mean to go yep here we go mm-hmm this would be a really good tattoo actually Savannah doesn't have any tattoo so this is our first ever tattoo this would be really cute oh it's so cute this is so cute do you like it that's cute you like it yeah show them show everybody so cute what does it say I love poop no it doesn't I heart I heart poop that's a heart emoji okay my turn for my tattoo you do like poop though don't you I don't even care what she's gonna write I are you just gonna do the exact same thing I'm gonna read it after you writes it for you guys I have small I have small muscles oh my gosh you are so rude whatever you don't even want to have sleepover with you anyway I'm gonna have a sleepover with you I'm not having a sleepover with you get out of here I'm gonna have to sleep over with you anymore get out of here I don't know what the girls go go go already in my room it's a typical call Tuesday night listen can I have a sleepover with you guys sure sure because look what he put on my arms oh I'm not having sleepover with him I'm so over it come on I'm in my room it's a difficult Tuesday nights I wear t-shirts sheets [Music] thank you
Channel: Cole And EV
Views: 1,358,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: everleigh, sleepover, salish, alphabetical, order, 3am, labrant, family, Cole and ev
Id: gUD9zFUgpXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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