Daddy's Guilty!

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(upbeat music) David Paul. Good morning, sir. Would you remove your hands from your pockets please? Okay, Mr. Paul, you have two violations of speeding and you have another violation of, parking violation on Debaw Street, okay? Um-- Who are these young, beautiful young ladies with you? Those are my daughters. And what are their names? Um, this is Daviana and Casiana. Daviana and Casiana? Yes. You wanna come up here? C'mon. Get over here. And your name? Casiana. Casiana, how old are you? Nine. And where do you go to school? Veterans Memorial in Central Falls. Come over here you. And your name? Daviana. Daviana, how old are you, Daviana? Eight-years-old. And where do you go to school? Veterans Memorial. Okay, now your father has some traffic violations. You wanna help me out with them? Yes. Okay, first of all, what do you think, do you think he's guilty or not guilty, what do you think? Guilty. (laughing) You think he's guilty? Yes. Yeah, yea, he's guilty? Okay, come here. Don't look at me, don't look at your dad. You gotta be honest because you're gonna be a judge right now, all right? So you have to uphold the law, it's important that we do the right thing up here, right? Okay, so what do you think about your dad, is he guilty or not guilty of these traffic violations? Guilty. (laughing) Guilty. You're dead! Okay, well let's see, let's see if we can find out how guilty he is, okay? All right, you can come over here too. All right, your dad is charged with going a little fast in a school zone, he was doin' 19 miles over the limit. That's, that's pretty guilty isn't it? Yeah, okay, we think he's pretty guilty there. Then he has another speeding violation, he was doing 18 miles over the limit in a school zone. That's pretty guilty too, right? Wow. Your Honor, if you check the timing, I can't be in two cars at the same time. (laughs) Okay, what do you want to tell me about the speeding violations? Yeah, one of them was not me though, I was only driving one of the cars. Who was driving the other car? If you notice, there's two, there's only few minutes apart, I can't be at the same, in the same car. It's a different registration, I understand that. Yeah, my wife was driving the (bleep). All right, you want me to send this back to Kerrigan to go pick up your wife? (laughs) Naw, it's okay. You gonna accept responsibility for her? Yes, I will. All right, it's gonna cost you $50 for her. All right. Okay, slow done in those speed zones. No problem. Take these guys for breakfast. Yes, Your Honor. You guys have breakfast yet? No. No? Well we was supposed to be going to school where we got late. Are you hungry? Yes. (laughing) What do you like for breakfast? Cereal. What do you like for breakfast? Cereal. Cereal, yeah? And what about you, what do you like for breakfast? French toast. French toast? Chocolate milk? Do you like chocolate milk too? Yes. And french toast? Yes. All right, now here's what we're gonna do. On one of these speeding tickets, I'm gonna reduce it from $50 , all right, to $15. It's gonna leave you $35 to buy these guys breakfast this morning. Sure. When you go to breakfast, you order up everything you want, all right? (laughing) Hey, that money didn't exist. (laughs) You gonna order a big breakfast? Yes. Okay, you ready, you excited now? Yes. Now you tell him when you get in the car, say, "If you don't take me to breakfast, "I'm gonna tell the judge." (laughing) Okay. Okay? You understand that? Yes. Okay, and you're hungry too, right? Yes. (laughing) Take care of these hungry kids. I will. All right, good luck to you. Thank you, Your Honor. Bye bye. Come on, how cool was that? If you'd like to see more cases like this one, tune in to Caught in Providence every week day. Excuse me? You didn't know Caught in Providence is also a TV show? Oh wow! Your life just got substantially better! To find out what channel we're on, go to, click on your local listings, scroll down 'til you find your home town, then start doin' your happy dance. That's it, move it, move it. Nice. All rise and hit subscribe, so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one. Share these videos and weigh in on the cases. You be the judge. Subscribe now.
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 3,204,919
Rating: 4.9218984 out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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