My Dad Is A Real CannibaI | my horrible life

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hey I'm Steve and I'm in big trouble I recently found proof that my dad is a real-life cannibal I'm not joking here and I'm not sure if I should contact the police or FBI but I know I have to do something because my dad needs to be stopped I should have realized that he was weird when I was a kid my dad always told me stories about a cannibal tribe in the Brazilian Amazonas he told those stories with so much detail as if he had experienced in himself he said they normally only ate deceased people but sometimes when they thought someone was a sorcerer or a witch they would make an exception and eat that person alive to make things worse he told me they mostly accused little girls of being witches he also said that those indigenous Brazilian tribes would go out and try to capture men of other tribes and then do a big feast eating them listening to his stories as a kid was scary but I was young and I kind of thought my dad's obsession with cannibalism was normal he also has a bunch of human skulls all over our house and when I asked him where he got those from he said he bought them on eBay but I highly doubt that that's true because four years ago he changed careers he went from being a school teacher to becoming a crematorium operator his new job is all about turning dead corpses into ashes and it's his duty to treat those bodies with respect but I suspect that he has taking those bodies apart and secretly eating them the other weird thing he does is fly to Brazil once a year my mom told me he has family over there and I believed her as a kid but why had I never seen my Brazilian family and why had I never been invited to visit them well one day I found out the truth I went through my dad's wardrobe and at the bottom I found a hidden box when I opened it I saw several sets of human teeth it was so creepy and there was one photo showing my dad wearing those teeth around his head surrounded by some indigenous jungle people another photo showed my dad holding a spear in his hand next to some indigenous warriors it looked like they were about to go hunting I just hope it wasn't for some other humans but now I knew where my dad went once a year he visited the Brazilian Amazon to hang out with some cannibalistic warmongering tribe members and maybe he went on hunting other humans with them so they could eat them afterward I hope this was all a big joke but when I confronted my dad and asked if he had ever eaten human flesh his response was so creepy a big grin appeared on his face and then he asked me how do you know son at first I didn't know how to respond but once I had gathered myself I said you are a disgusting an evil psychopath but he responded no no it's not evil and it's not disgusting I mean what's the difference between eating pig beef or human there is no difference and if a human dies of a natural cause then it's not evil to eat the corpse because a dead person doesn't care so that's why you became a Crematory operator so you can have free lunch at work I asked him oh those are old and sick people that would be disgusting no I'm just fascinated by dead bodies it's really no big deal he responded Wow my dad thinks that being a cannibal is no biggie I'm honestly scared of him because I don't know what he's capable of if he is willing to spend thousands of dollars each year to fly to Brazil just to eat other humans and he might also be willing to eat my mom or me and one time he asked me if I wanted to come with him to Brazil he said it would be a great adventure and I could finally develop a taste for you know what he said it's better than anything else he had ever tasted but why does my dad think that I am even slightly interested in cannibalism this whole thing is so disturbing I am seriously considering calling the FBI but I don't want my dad to go to prison because then my mom would be very lonely to make things worse my dad recently bought a huge barbecue grill I am suspecting the worst but so far he has only used it when I wasn't at home so I have no idea what he's eating on it to be honest if someone wants to eat my corpse after I'm dead I wouldn't mind and I recently read on the internet that more and more moms eat their own placentas after giving birth it's so disgusting but it's one of the hottest trends out there and even Kim Kardashian says she has eaten her own placenta after giving birth I guess as long as you don't hurt others you can eat whatever you want unfortunately I don't think my dad is following that rule I assume that he goes to Brazil once a year to hunt for fresh human meat and two weeks ago he cooked us a nice soup with pork meat inside or so I thought because two days later he asked me how I like the soup and when I told him that it tasted good I saw this creepy little smirk on his face which means that I might have already eaten another human without knowing it please let me know in the comments what you would do in my situation shall I forget about my dad being a cannibal or shall I contact the FBI I mean my dad is currently working as a Crematory operator which means that he might be eating your dead grandpa right now would you mind him doing that thank you for listening to my story and please subscribe to this channel for more animated stories hey my name is Miranda and I want to tell you why I got plastic surgery and whether it helped me win over my dream guy Jordan or not it all started when I was a teenager my latina mom always told me I looked ugly because I didn't have a big butt or big breasts she said I couldn't compete with the other girls unless I got plastic surgery well it was easy for her to criticize me because she was born very curvy and even in her 50s guys couldn't stop staring at her her words made me feel very insecure about my luck's but she was right the guys at my high school weren't really interested in me especially my crush Jordan was completely ignoring me he was without a doubt the most handsome and popular guy in our school and I always wondered if he'd be interested in dating me if I got bigger but in bigger breasts well for my 18th birthday my mom gifted me a butt implant surgery operation was brutal but Wow after the operation when I saw my ass I was shocked it was so much bigger than I had expected and when my mom saw she started jumping up and down screaming and cheering and for the first time in my life she told me I looked good I didn't want to hide my ass from the world so the first thing I did was upload a picture of my ass onto Instagram of course my friends were all shocked and wrote what the hell happened I hoped they would be supportive but when we met up they all made fun of me and said I would do anything to get attention from guys it hurt to hear them say that and since then we haven't talked to each other I realized that if my friends didn't support my decision then they weren't my real friends to begin with I continued to upload photos of my butt and in just over three months I gained 10,000 Instagram followers my mom told me I could become famous and that I needed my breasts done next she even paid for it again after my breast enlargement surgery every guy stared at me no matter where I went I probably looked a bit over the top to be honest but luckily I live near Hollywood where many women have breast and butt operations so I don't stand out too much and finally I felt attractive enough to contact my longtime crush Jordan on Instagram he responded to me immediately and after a few days of chatting we had our first date at first he couldn't believe we had gone to the same high school he said he had never noticed me so I had to tell him about my bud and breast surgery luckily he didn't mind he accepted me for who I was and we officially started dating however it was the worst relationship you could ever imagine he treated me like an object and talked to all his friends about my butt in my body even when I was right next to him knowing that he was only with me for my body made me feel extremely insecure about myself I was always scared he would leave me as soon as he found a better looking girl but at least I had many guys interested in me anyway so I simply broke up with him and started dating another guy that had deemed me over Instagram he was a well known DJ here in Los Angeles and he treated me with much more respect but then after two weeks I caught him cheating on me with another girl so I ended up breaking up with him - it felt like guys only wanted me for a quick fling and then dumped me they had no interest in a real long-term relationship with me that's why I stopped dating guys I found on Instagram instead I signed up for college with the hopes of finding a decent guy there I'm studying marketing and currently I'm going on dates with two different guys I've learned from my past mistakes and now I'm taking things slow I first want to get to know the guys before I jump right in I also already know that I'll become a real estate agent because I think my butt and breasts will make me stand out and help me sell properties so please understand that getting plastic surgery won't magically fix all your problems I thought I wanted to date the most attractive guy I could find but now I know that what I really want is to simply be in a relationship with a good guy that I can trust and who loves me for who I am not for the way I look but at least it increased my confidence because now I feel comfortable in my own skin even though the butt implants are seriously uncomfortable they feel like I'm sitting on two baseball's all day long there's no way I'd ever be able to get a job where I have to sit on a chair all day it'd be a nightmare just heads up I suggest thinking twice before getting plastic surgery thank you for listening to my story please subscribe to this channel
Channel: Share My Story
Views: 11,387,163
Rating: 4.7441235 out of 5
Id: YtpYkL7Niiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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