the next five classics i need to read!

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hello everybody today i'm going to be talking about classic literature why because i thought it would be fun and i was inspired by two of my birthday presents i actually do own a copy of jane eyre but it was my dad's copy um that i sort of inherited it's cute and pretty and i i do like it but the i don't know it just didn't feel like it was my copy what do you do when you get a gift card you purchase a copy of a book you've been looking at for years i've every time i see these in book shops i'm obsessed with these editions so i did it i have been re-watching all of my old favorite period dramas with my mom i rewatched jane eyre and i was like how have i never read jane eyre so i picked this up but then i also i picked up the count of monte cristo and again i rewatched the 2002 count of monte cristo which is my one of my family's favorite movies and i was like this is such a good story like i love the movie it's incredible but the thing the reason that that movie is so good is because the story is so good and i was like how i need to read that i need to read that how do i not own it so i bought it but like the thing about this book is it's just so big it's just so big anyways inspired by these two we're gonna be answering some questions from the classics book tag i have so many books here to talk to you about i actually just redid my classics in rainbow order and you can see how they're all flopping over because they're i emptied them i brought so many books out but here's a clip of how beautiful they look in rainbow order delicious the first question is an overhyped classic you didn't really like a juicy question to start with and you're gonna have to stick around to hear the answer cause let's start with a word from our sponsor today's video is brought to us by book of the month book of the month is an online book service for readers their mission is to promote new popular and emerging authors and help readers discover books they love how it works is simple their team vets hundreds of books every month and they pick out five really interesting titles for you to pick from if you are subscribed to the service you get to pick one of those books that is sent to you every month if for some reason you don't like the book selection that month or you just want to skip it you can they have a skip policy that means you can skip as many times as you want at no charge they also have additional add-on books from their backlist and new release titles that you can pick from just get more books if you're looking for autumnal books they currently have the book of magic by alice hoffman and the x hex by aaron sterling available but also the lincoln highway by amore towels harlem shuffle by coulson whitehead the perishing by natasha dion everything we didn't say by nicole bart and apple's never fall by leanne moriarty if you use my code and link down below you can get your first hardcover for 9.99 so check it out down below and thanks to book of the month for sponsoring this video okay are you on the edge of your seats what is an overhyped classic i didn't really like the scandalous scandalous the chrysalids by john wyndham so there's a small tale here i read this book when i was in high school in grade nine i was thirteen and i think the reason i hate this book is because i hated that class i really disliked that teacher i thought she was really mean and just really unpleasant i hated the syllabus but i also like it was a rowdy class it was not a very pleasant room and infamously like she made us listen to twelfth night on cassette tape the year was 2009 there was no need for cassette tapes with 13 and 14 year olds it was a disaster from the beginning but i think because of that setting this book got ruined for me because on paper as now a 27 year old so more than 10 years later objectively i feel like i would really enjoy this book i love i love classic dystopians i want to give it another shot i'm not my journey with the chrysalids is not over i think it might actually be great i think it might be a me problem the second question is a favorite time period to read about i like reading everything i know that like if i had to pick one genre that i could read for the rest of my life i would pick literary fiction contemporary fiction because i enjoy reading about characters in the real world but in this tag when we're talking about classics i like all sorts of classics if i had to pick one because this question is asking near future dystopians i really love a near future dystopian question number three my favorite fairy tale i'm not a big fairy tale person in my brain when i think about fairy tales i associate it with happy memories but i associate it with my mom reading me fairy tales like reading me and my brother fairy tales at night before we went to bed and stuff i don't really affiliate it with reading as an adult i do want to do one big caveat and this maybe doesn't count because it's not a book but i don't care the best vehicle for fairy tales and folk tales more aptly more specifically ever in humans that humans have made is the storyteller starring john hurt okay this is a show that my dad showed me and my brother when we were like kids and to this day i can watch those folktale fairy tale stories anytime 20 their 20 minute episodes they share folk tales from around the world you have to watch it i think they're all on youtube now because it's such an old show what is the most embarrassing classic you haven't read yet something you're a little ashamed you haven't read yet i'm not ashamed i'll get to it eventually but it does feel like a big gap that i haven't read any dickens any dickens isn't that crazy i don't know how you get through a master's degree in english literature without reading well he was on the syllabus the two that i own are a tale of two cities partly because i was completely obsessed with this edition but also because the first line it was the best of times it was the worst of times and then it goes on is so epic that i really wanted to read the book that came after that first line and then i own a christmas carol because it's such an icon again the muppets maybe i only like stories if jim henson produces them but the muppets christmas carol iconic and the story iconic and i thought i really love these puffin editions so i figured i'd read this someday but i still haven't and it's so short the next question top 5 classics you would like to read soon okay this is a big one this is interesting a time for a little tbr ladies and gentlemen so i was looking at it and i actually have read three classics this year because when i read this question i was like oh this is again so embarrassing i haven't read any classics in like the last two years it's not true i have this year i read three i've read emma by jane austen a hundred years of solitude by gabrielle garcia marquez and anna green gables by ella montgomery i didn't like 100 years of solitude very much but i really loved the other two so i was happy to see that i thought i'd give you a little update i'm not a poser but so when i was looking at my shelves there was a couple that instantly jumped out at me and i thought i would put them at on this list so up first is the blue castle by ellen montgomery i talked about this in another video recently-ish i'm really enjoying ella montgomery i want to keep reading more of her stuff and i'm just enjoying her characters and this is a cool character because the character is like 29 right yeah 29 so it's interesting to read one of her stories that isn't about a kid obviously the rest of the anne series also isn't about anne as a kid it's about her as an adult so that would be cool to read this year or not this year there's like a month left i know it's only october but it feels like this year's over somehow okay um helen keller the story of my life this was a biography i picked autobiography i picked up i read her entire wikipedia article and i was like this woman lived an incredible life and i remember watching the miracle worker when i was a kid and being like whoa this is so cool read it from her own words i'd like to do and then finally i have some orwell so if you've been around on this channel for any period of time you'll know that i love george orwell animal farm is my favorite book of all time george orwell is my favorite author of all time but i've very slowly been reading his work because i don't want to run out i know that he has a finite amount of work and so i'm slowly getting through it throughout my life i'm in no rush but it's time to read a new one i haven't read a new book by him in a long time so i really want to pick up down and out in london in paris in paris and london i always say those backwards so these two i'm really excited about because i really want to try reading more non-fiction from the past usually when i think about classics i think about like famous famous novels but i really like the idea of reading more non-fiction from the past so um down and out in paris and london is definitely in my opinion from what i have gathered his most popular famous nonfiction work so i'd love to read this one in these awesome obey covers shepherd fairy did these editions and i love them and then the other one is this graphic novel i found um when i was at a bookshop strange adventures comics in halifax i saw this and i was astounded because i had never heard of this i didn't know that this had been published i didn't know it existed adapted and illustrated by fido neste it says who i think is brazilian this looks phenomenal it looks scary but like it's always gonna be scary i don't know if i've told this story before in a video but for my birthday quite a few years ago i was living in london and i went and saw 1984 as a stage production and i was so excited because it's always exciting to go to the theater and it was my birthday and it was an orwell production and i was like oh this is just beautiful what a wonderful day literally on our walk to the theater from the tube to the theater i had an epiphany i realized it was going to be a really horrible play like not as in a bad production but just as in an extremely stressful situation because the story is horrible like 1984 is it's fun to read in that it's engaging and compelling and interesting but it's really heartbreaking it's devastating and it's also like quite violent at points and scary at points and i was like this is not going to be an enjoyable night of theater and it was not it was horrifying they did such a good job with the production and in order to do a good job of a 1984 production it's got to be dark and it was really dark but anyways excited to read this one so those are some of the books i really want to read coming up in the next year or so let's go on to the next question favorite movie version slash tv series based on a classic huge question because i love period dramas i was raised on period dramas uh my dad loved star trek and jane austen and i grew up watching them with my dad and my mom and just this family loves period dramas so they feel so nostalgic to me as well but my favorite has always been the jane eyre with ruth wilson and toby stevens to me it's unparalleled it's just so beautiful the chemistry between the two characters feels really good the acting the representation of those characters she feels like jane eyre to me um she is meek and she is mild but she's also confident and brave and mr rochester is funny um but he's also severe and there's clearly something wrong with him so i just really love that adaptation however when i was looking up like adaptations to make sure i didn't miss a really important one um i saw a couple other ones mentioned that i was like i guess that is an adaptation of a classic lord of the rings i'm a huge lord of the rings fan and how are those not classics right so i thought i should shout that out a night's tale is one of my favorite movies of all time it's me and my brother's favorite movie we watch it over and over and over and over again and it's sort of a version of the canterbury tales so i was like i guess that counts um but then the two that i watch the most are the new 2020 emma which that came into my life and made a big splash and the 2005 pride and prejudice kiera knightley is my favorite actress um so she in my opinion was the whole that it's perfect it's perfect for a movie it's perfect anya taylor joy is like my new favorite actress of the modern era god do you think anya and kira could do a video a movie together wow worst classic movie adaptation and asks me here i would say the new jane eyre and it's not even new anymore it's like from 2011 or something it didn't feel like it did anything particularly bold or interesting or innovative it was not really a new take on the story i felt like the characters were all really bland judy dench is the best thing in that movie um but otherwise it feels so dry and it's like a good adaptation in the way that like it goes through the story it doesn't like take creative liberties and mess up the story or anything it's a faithful adaptation but i just feel like it's quite a boring adaptation and i remember watching it in 2011 when it came out and not liking it never watched it again until a week ago i rewatched it because i'm re-watching everything right now and i was like yeah no this is dry it's dry like toast as my mom would say okay the next question favorite additions you'd like to collect more classics from i love this question because this is one of the most fun things as a book collector about classic books the fact that we get these beautiful editions because the books are in the public domain or because the publisher of that specific book like wants to reinvigorate the title so i have quite a few to show you show and tell time the first one is this one we have the um these charles dickens i guess it's vintage classics editions they're phenomenal i love this giant text i think these are so good so i definitely if if i read this one and like it or if i want to read another dickens i will get them in these editions like i also showed you i really like these puffin english ones this one isn't even the puffin chalk ones that's not even the best one this peter pen is so pretty this is what got me on the puff and chalk editions that's beautiful that is just beautiful actually these are what inspired the logo for my podcast that's a fun fact then i wanted to mention these editions which i also showed to you guys because i think these are beautiful and there are more of them and okay fine i'll buy them all and then i did have to mention again these ones so the english library hardcover ones i owned these other two which were given to me at a penguin christmas party many years ago in london when i used to go to publishing events uh the day of the triffids and naked lunch um so now i own three of these and these colors actually are really cool i'm looking they look cool on camera yeah they look really cool together wow i love that but these are really expensive so i never buy these like this was forty dollars yikes but now onto some new material that you haven't seen in this video yet i was sent these um these are from pan macmillan what do they call these again the macmillan collectors library they're very little like they're very many if i put this up to one of these which is like a very standard sized book so you book you can see how little these books are um but they have these really pretty spines and then i mean gosh the end pages are really pretty but under they have these beautiful embossed hard covers that are just really beautiful um and then we got the gold foiled edges i mean i have recently discovered these guys modern library everyone's calling themselves the modern library hard to distinguish modern library torch bearers bearers it's a tough word i own three of these now the first one um was passing which they're now making a movie for but passing and then i got these other two recently i think these are really pretty editions um and they seem to like be republishing yeah the modern library torchbearer series features women who wrote on their own terms etc etc so classic women okay here's a debate shakespeare there's a million different versions of shakespeare but these are two of my favorites um these are so beautifully done but also really affordable like this is 10.99 so i love that these were really thoughtfully made um i have more of these but i just thought i'd show you my favorite one richard the third i love the cover on this one but then we also have this one and i love these it's like a neon sign usually i think i don't like it when stuff looks super modern but this still looks medieval just with the like a weirdly modern edge i love these this is even cheaper this is only 9.50 in canada and then the last one i wanted to show you guys these russian classics that vintage does astonishing so this is crime and punishment but i know they do a bunch of oh yeah it shows me here on the back all of the other ones that they do so if i were to get like anna karenina i don't know war and peace i would definitely get them in these copies because i think they're so tastefully beautifully done they look epic they feel really luxurious but they're also really floppy and they have really good font size so it's also comfortable to read damn well there you have it those are a bunch of classics i've really made a mess here but i thank you all for hanging out with me i'd love to hear in the comments what is the last classic you read and did you enjoy it do you tend to read them very much on my podcast we talk about chipmunk books they're like books you're sort of squirreling away a little bit you're you get them and you collect them and you gather them but you're not in a rush to read them necessarily you know you want to read them but they can just be there for a while classics feel that way because they're always relevant so there's no rush to get to them um but that doesn't mean i don't want to get to them and if i don't read them consistently over time i will never read them all or all the ones i care to read so i'm glad i've read a few this year and i'm excited to read some more next year um i hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much to book of the month for sponsoring if you want to check them out they're linked down below and i will see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Ariel Bissett
Views: 65,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arielbissett, ariel, bissett, books, book, book review, booktube, ariel bissett
Id: XnNx_na-qbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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