Piper Cherokee Annual Cost! | The Annual Inspection On A Piper Cherokee 180.

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hey guys samuel the aviator here in today's video i'm going to be talking about the annual that was just done on our piper cherokee i'm going to divide this video up into two parts the first part is going to be kind of the work that was done on it some behind the scenes footage of the work being done how the plane looked when it was all torn apart and then part two is going to be going over the figures the numbers the cost what you guys are going to be looking forward to this is going to be an honest video of what a annual inspection actually costs on a piper cherokee now obviously annuals vary a lot so our cost might be thousands of dollars off of your cost if you would take a 1968 piper cherokee and get its annual done however people are very hesitant it seems to actually throw out real numbers and real experiences and people don't really have any idea of the cost of what an annual um does cost what owning a plane cost and i'm going to try and help with that a little bit so like i mentioned we're gonna go over the first part first and then in the second part i'm gonna be going over the numbers and what it cost so make sure to stick around for that all right so a couple things before i start on my list i've got my list here of what work was done or some of it and i just wanted to mention a couple things the first thing is this was our first annual with our aircraft we bought it last november i believe i'm not 100 sure but um the annual was just done and it was due in november again i believe now again i'm not sure um it might have been uh due in december but anyway so the annual was just done on this it was our first annual and we're fairly particular and our mechanic is fairly particular we want everything in tip top shape and if something's half worn out we went ahead and replaced it or fixed it so yes the annual could be done cheaper however we believe in putting safety first and making sure that everything is in tip-top shape mechanically um and that's the most important thing of all so it might be a little more expensive than what you would do but like i said we like to keep everything running perfectly and everything in tip-top shape so i'm going to go over a little bit um what we did on it so i've got my paper here of the discrepancies noted that were fixed first thing and i might have mentioned it the valve cover gaskets were leaking we replaced all four of the valve cover gaskets and that's fixed um there was some oil hoses in the engine that were seeping a little bit and we went ahead and replaced those the carpet cable was worn just about through and that goes from the carpet control in the cabin to the carburetor and we went ahead and replaced the carpet cable and we also replaced the cable connects to a little hinge rod in there that was worn and we went ahead and had that replaced as well and we replaced some of the pins and um assembly there on the cowling i don't know if i have pictures of that or not but basically with the cowling hooks together there's um just a little male and female end there and the pins and were kind of worn out so we went ahead and replaced those as well it looks like on the list the lower cowl intake boot was deteriorated so i assume we went ahead and fixed that um it looks like we have some loose cam clamps on the engine mount that's fixed and there was also some spots of corrosion on the spinner back plate and that was fixed as well so that's about it for the engine and prop discrepancies and then for the wings the fuel cap gaskets were worn we went ahead and replaced those and then it looks like a couple other gaskets were leaking and a couple rivets rivets i know were popped on the bottom of the wing and on the belly we went ahead and replaced the rivets that's all fixed and as i mentioned before the tires were about um worn to nothing and they were also the wear pattern was a little bit wrong on them the inside i think was the inside of the tire had more tread than the outside so it definitely needed um alignment so we went ahead and replaced the tires and the tubes and we also got an alignment done with some little metal shims i'm not exactly sure how that was done i wasn't there but we went ahead and did the alignment as well as new tires and tubes so that's done and then the brake rotors were were hundredths of an inch below minimum thickness so we went ahead and replaced both of the main brake rotors the pads were still good i actually helped fix the brake rotors i helped replace those so that was um very interesting good learning experience for me and then the tail the hinge was worn on the right side of the uh trim tab and we went ahead and replaced the hinges and the pins and that and it helped tighten it up it's still not 100 perfect but it's going to be a little bit worn you know that just with age but that's a lot better we also went ahead and um cleaned and re-lubed the jack screw for the trim now the electric trim works perfectly as well as the trim wheel goes a lot easier so that was definitely the issue there um it says here the lower fairing was missing a fastener in material and that was fixed so i'm not sure what that was all about but that's fixed um belly's sturdy it doesn't look like he has that checked off so we should still clean our belly but uh we replaced some rivets and then the antenna a couple of antennas were loose and the sealant was kind of um worn off on the exterior so he went ahead and tightened up all our antennas and re-caulked those so those are good he treated areas of corrosion on the fuselage battery cable covers on battery box and it looks like the rudder cable tension was low uh he re he fixed that and i know he went over all the tension of all the control surfaces um and the rudder was actually a little bit low and it looks like he removed some old insulation in the spa area and replaced that so that's what i've got written down here i've also got another list that was just his uh immediate list of discrepancies i got another list here in my notebook that i'm going to go over a couple other things that we replaced and worked on all right so it looks like the only thing i missed on here was that we replaced the vacuum filter for the vacuum pump that runs our vacuum system and i actually helped on that that was interesting was up underneath the instrument panel that was a lot of fun to do and then we also replaced the engine air filter as well and put a new sock on that i believe so that's about all of the parts that we did there might have been a couple things that i missed but that's about the majority of it alright so now for a couple things that we actually did not address at the annual so as you might know and you may not know but there is a wingspar inspection ad coming out for the pa 28 series and it might might be for like the pa-32 series as well i'm not exactly sure on it all i know is it does apply to our aircraft and what it is it's an inspection for corrosion on the wingspar and you have to put a couple inspection plates on the bottom of the i think it's the bottom of the wing i'm actually not 100 sure now those were back ordered we ordered them they didn't get there in time for the annual to be done so we went ahead and finished the annual without that being done because it does not take effect right away there is a period of time that you have to get that done after the ad is out so we're going to have to have that addressed in the future and while we're doing that we're also going to pull the fuel tanks out and reseal them the one fuel tank looks like it's leaking the slightest bit so we're gonna go ahead and reseal our fuel tanks and we're going to put our inspection plates in get the uh the wingspar inspection done and we're also going to put some corrosion prohibitor in um the wings and everything like that so we're probably going to have that done in a month or two i'm not sure exactly on the date of that so i guess you could roll that into the annual if you wanted to since we could have done all of that at the annual nothing is you know extremely important for the airworthiness of the plane so it wasn't done but it does need to be done in the future and i don't have an exact cost on that if i had to guess i know the wing access kit with the plates and everything was 250 bucks and then there's labor on top of that and then um as far as the tank reseal it could be a few hundred bucks a fuel tank it could be a lot more i'm not sure so like i said i can't really mention how much that's gonna cost for sure um but i guess if you're keeping track you could roll that into the annual a little bit all right guys let's head to the footage of the annual actually being done and the plane being apart and show you guys some of the footage of that and then we're gonna hop right into the cost of everything which i know you guys are really looking forward to all right so they're currently working on the engine right now so i'm going to start actually at the back of the plane which is a little backwards but that's what i'm going to do so the first thing that needed done back here is the hinge rod or the hinge right here on this stabilator trim that one had a little bit of wear on it and we wanted to replace that so that's been replaced also the jack screw here for the elevator trim is getting cleaned and lubed and hopefully that's going to fix our stiff trim and electric trim as well all right then working our way up over here we have the wheels and hub assembly off and i'll just go down here a little bit so we actually replaced the tires and tubes on the main gear and then um repacked the wheel bearings re-greased and lubed everything up and we also replaced the brake rotors as well because those were worn down and i'll show you what the old ones looked like in a little bit but this is what it looks like with the wheel off and the brake off and as you can see that's our new rotor everything's cleaned up shiny and greased up so in addition to that some of the work that we've done on the engine is it needed a new carpet cable the old one was about worn through and it also needed a new control rod for the butterfly valve for the carb heat that was worn as well so we went ahead and replaced that some more stuff that we did on the engine we replaced the valve cover gaskets because those were leaking and we had tried a little while ago to just tighten up the screws and see if that would help but they were still leaking so we replaced all the valve cover gaskets and hopefully that's going to fix up our oil leak issues [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so i've got the invoice right here from the amp and i'm not going to show you guys the invoice just yet just because that there is also more cost rolled into that than just on the invoice this is just his labor and a couple parts he ordered we ordered a lot of the parts ourselves i'm going to go over what we ordered the cost of each part and then i'll show you his cost for the mechanic then i'll tell you what the cost was with everything included so that you guys get an idea of that all right here's my list of the cost of all the parts that we ordered and i'm going to run through these real quick and i'll have a total for you guys so don't worry about keeping track of it all right so it looks like we got an air filter seal for 86 bracket air filter for 32 shop materials i was 50 bucks tires and tubes that was 300 new carb heat cable that was 156 dollars and we got the carb heat shaft fixed that was only 10 bucks to get that fixed elevator hinges were 15 bucks a piece we got two of those fuel tank gaskets was five bucks the vacuum filter was nineteen dollars and fifty cents the hinge pin was five dollars and sixty five cents filter stock three dollars twenty five cents valve cover gaskets thirty four dollars brake rotors were 92 dollars a piece for new rotors and then the shims to do the alignment was 45 so that's a list of things that i've got here that we ordered ourselves all right then i've got our invoice right here for you guys to see um annual inspection miscellaneous repairs 30 hours of labor at 50 an hour that was 1500 now keep in mind that my dad went over quite a bit and helped him during the day and helped with the work being done so that lowered our labor costs quite a bit i'm not sure how much but if you didn't help at all it probably would be a little bit more now this was still more than i was expecting um but it was fifteen hundred dollars in labor and then his parts and material which was just a couple small stuff that was 168 so the grand total of his cost was 1668. then we have all of our parts yet to add up as well as an ia inspection the amp cannot sign off on an annual so an ia has to inspect that and all the work done and sign off on the annual so i'm guessing that's going to cost us let's just say a couple hundred dollars to be safe all right guys now the moment you've been waiting for the grand total of all the work done for the annual everything included was two thousand six hundred sixty dollars and thirty cents so for the first year annual on this aircraft it was quite expensive um i was definitely a little bit more than i was expecting not an extreme amount it wasn't like five thousand dollars or anything but i was expecting like 1500 bucks at the most and yeah it was a little bit more than that but it's still not terrible for first year annual and i'm super excited to have that done and know that a couple issues that i wanted done were taken care of so super happy about that all right guys that's it for today's video i hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to smash that like button also if you want to follow my channel i talk about basically all things aviation videos like this i also do some flight vlogs and everything in between so if you're interested in aviation type videos go down below this video click on the subscribe button ring the bell next to that you'll get notified every time i upload a new video also feel free to drop down in the comments let me know what your annual cost and what plane that was on i love to hear those stories especially if you've got any interesting stories or any um really scares that you had on your annual or boatload of expenses or anything like that i love to hear from you guys to make sure to drop down in the comments below and let me know all right guys that's it for today's video make sure to log on next week uh next monday 9 a.m and i'll have a new video out for you guys see ya
Channel: SamuelTheAviator
Views: 34,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: roNfr5Cseio
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Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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