More Flipbooks I Made as a Kid

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okay so I work as an animator and quite a while back I posted a video to YouTube where I showed three flip books that I had made as a kid and just recently that video has gotten a lot of attention and a lot of comments and some of those comments were things like well I'm a kid and I can't even draw a circle or I'm a kid and I can barely draw stickman so I wanted to go back and show you some more of my flip books including my really early stickman ones and I'm sure when you see those you'll realize that you have just as much drawing talent as I did back then if not more so and then at the end I'll come back and I'll show these three again so here are some of my very first flip books let's actually start with my very first flip book this is the one I basically consider this one my first flip book I remember I was in class and I had a teacher who showed us how to make foot books and so I went home after school and I cut up some index cards and I made this and and I remember being super excited to go back to school the next day and show my teacher what I had done I just was really excited about this a lot of the flip books that I made were double-sided this is called the balloon the accident I said did one of this balloon getting popped and then a car accident hope goes off on the stretcher bye bye so you can see you know my very first flip books were really pretty rough as well like this one these guys boxing just stick them in see these ones are really rough but you know it just kind of didn't matter because there was just there was still something just magical about seeing my drawings come to life and really it's how I started learning how to animate I always say even if even if all you can draw is a stickman you can still animate I'll see this one is the guy carving a pumpkin this is something so these are business cards my brother and I we had one time we found a whole bunch of business cards in the garbage the hand so we thought they would be perfect to make flip books and so we you would get stacks of these business cards and make flip books so this is a ninja turtle one ninja turtle up at the top getting hit by a car and then on the bottom of the tank so yeah for anybody who says they can't draw very well you can see where I started these aren't necessarily and these aren't in order but so this one I remember think I remember the time being really excited when I figured out that I could do cuts you know I could cut from shot to shot so I did that one with three shots and then nothing on the back of that one let's see here's another one this is a really very rough stickman one guy I think this one's missing something at the beginning I think this was like three three little notepads stuck together and the first part must be missing because he's already flying into the garbage can he must have been running and tripped I think flew and fell in the garbage garbage truck comes and dumps it my wallets gone and then he runs after it jumps over a wall and then he gets picked up by the garbage can jumps out parachute and keeps going let's see if there's anything on that oh there's a car crash the ambulance comes picks him up in a stretcher drive to the hospital he doesn't gets in a car which flies there you go oh thanks for the air this is a transforming helicopter hover car boat it goes down and transforms back into a jet car and a tank so that's a really early one this is another copy of the two-headed guy I'll show that the at the end so the two-headed guy I had made for a class in my graphic graphic arts class I did that as a project and we printed a whole bunch of him and so that one yeah it was cool because I was able to print a bunch of them and give them out to people and give one of my science teacher okay this one you're gonna hate me for this one ready The Adventures of the Invisible Man wah-wah here's another stick man one the whoopee cushion puts a whoopee cushion on the chair and he goes and sits on it I think this one is probably missing some pages also the weightlifter that's the weights and then transforms into a skinny stick man this is uh this is a little character that I used to draw in this one he has a paper airplane fly at his head let's see so this one well I was gonna do something bigger and then I ended up not finishing it I only did these four pages yeah I wish I would have done more with that one but let's see so this one here's another one so this is similar to the effect in the my two-headed guy flipbook where he where there's the explosion then he turns to ash I used to really love that effect turning into a pile of ash see if there's anything this one a lively volcano and all my credits there on the front you can see that the lot of the paper that I used has really kind of turned yellow over the years excuse me this one I remember really being excited about so sky riding a skateboard goes up in the air transforms into a hoverboard comes back down back to a normal skateboard over a jump and then this power slide at the end you can kind of see there's some that'll focus there's some dust that comes up but I remember just thinking that that power slide looked so cool and I had a I had one of my friends at school who was a skater he wanted to buy this flip book from me I think he was gonna give me a dollar and I changed I almost sold it to him and I changed my mind and decided to keep it so here's another set of business cards I playing basketball and then you've seen these you've seen these ones before in my other video but I thought I would show them here since this is a bit higher quality so this is the droopy face guy and hotdogs this one is it's probably my favorite flip book of all the flip books I ever made I would say this one is probably my favorite one there's actually one on the back look how I've kind of worn out the the paper is on that one it's very well used on the back of this one there's actually another one this spider coming down this one's a little bit unfinished yeah and last but not least continuing Adventures of the two-headed guy the sad thing is that this was the only a two-headed guy flip book that I ever made and at the end it says to be continued and they didn't continue it so maybe someday I'll have to draw part two actually that's a pretty good idea maybe I should do that well thanks for watching I'll be posting another video soon with some tips for making flip books and I'll also put a link to my flip book making kit in the video description thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Andymation
Views: 24,549,187
Rating: 4.8518934 out of 5
Keywords: flipbooks, flip books, flipbook, flip book, animation, cartoon animation, cartoon
Id: 6T_dQniyXIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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