My Boyfriend Of 1 Year GHOSTED ME... NOT CLICKBAIT !

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I can't believe I'm filming this video mom hello gorgeous welcome back to my channel or hello if you're new and if you're just happening to stumble in this video it is going to be a wild one so make sure you guys are subscribed i've upload every single week and I actually got inspired to do this video because one of you have been commenting on my videos saying that I should do a straight time and you guys miss my story times so I was like you know what I have been meaning to tell this story years ago and I never had the guts to share it though I did film this video years ago and I'm kind of glad I didn't upload it because I totally was in a different mind space back then compared to a few years later now but I am finally ready to just share it you know it might be a little bit of a long one I got my coffee and grab your teas there's definitely gonna be some tea spilling and no this is not clickbait this is my life so there's that I am laughing now but honestly this was definitely one of the hardest times in my life I was very confused I was heartbroken and it gave me a lot of trust issues on people I'm not gonna lie it's kind of want to also make this video because unfortunately I know ghosting is something that a lot of people do to others which is a really crappy thing to do so if you are someone that is ghosting someone just don't do it don't be a coward and know someone might be going through the same thing which you can share your choice down below or share it with me on my Instagram at Nicola XO YT I am currently in a relationship I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend Nicklas he we've been together now for two and a half years and it is not about him obviously because we're still together this was actually my last relationship and I never thought I would talk about this but you know Here I am right now and we're gonna talk about it so much time has passed and I'm in a happy relationship it's all good in the hood ghosting this is the urban dictionary definition when a person cut off all communication with their friends or person they're dating with zero warning or notice beforehand you'll mostly see them avoiding friends phone calls social media and avoiding them in public that is definitely what happened to me I'm so bad at telling stories but we're gonna just just get into this so I'm gonna rewind back all the way to summer of 2014 so going into 2015 my best friend Jessica and I booked a trip to Barcelona Spain for our university graduation trip this was our first time traveling to another country by ourselves together and it is one of the best trips and it was so much fun we landed on my birthday which was super cool so we were celebrating my birthday and just celebrating being done school and my best friend's birthday was like a month later so there's all of the celebrations and we were living her best life and we were obsessed with the city we stayed there for two weeks and a week into our trip we decided to go out one night so you know we got all dressed up we went to this strip in Barcelona which basically is where like all the tourists would go it was the beach and then there's a bunch of different little disco clubs as they call it there so we went out one night not expecting anything and Jeff actually met this group of people that were from Denmark and there was actually these two girls from Sweden just introduced me and we kind of hung out with this group from Denmark and Sweden Denmark and Sweden so we were like the two Canadian girls hey girl hey when we were in the group I met this person who I'm gonna call Denmark because he's from Denmark so I thought that would be fitting so from here on out we're gonna call him Denmark when I met him in the group and we kind of just clicked and hit it off I'm someone too that doesn't open up very often and when I do it means that I'm really clicking with the person and I also just get this sense of trust with a person and this goes with even friends I have really close friends but I don't have a lot of friends because I just find it really hard for me to open up and there's only a select few of people that I feel comfortable just being completely myself and opening up and for some reason I felt completely comfortable with this person I actually met Denmark the night they were going home so they were leaving that morning so it was just like I met this person for one night and I was I remember being so sad knowing that he and his friends and like everyone was leaving the next day and Jessa and I were still in Barcelona for one week so it's just like wow Just My Luck I meet this person who I thought was really great and we just hit it off and I'm like of course they would be leaving the next morning story of my life I remember we like talked all night and then he obviously had to go home cuz they had a super early flight and then Jes and I just went back to our hotel and we exchanged numbers we got what's up I kept getting asked about what's up when I was in Europe I actually didn't have that app before I didn't even know what it was if everyone I pretty much met were from different countries in Europe and so Jess and I downloaded what's up to like stay in contact with all our friends we met on that whole trip Denmark messaged me the night I was in the hotel room so that night and then all the way throughout my entire rest of my trip so I was there like I said for one more week and he was just smooth talking the crap out of me he basically made it seem like oh my god like I've never met someone like you you were so different I'm so sad I had to leave I want to come back to see you ever since that day of us meeting from that one night that we met each other he's messaged me every single day for morning tonight I kind of didn't know like what was gonna come out of it because of course once I went back to Canada we lived literally halfway across the world from each other so I wasn't really expecting anything to come out of it but I still wanted to talk to him even though I didn't really think like anything could obviously happen because the distance that we had I was kind of sad about it because I usually have a really hard time meeting people when it comes to relationships because honestly there's a lot of F boys around here I know especially at that time I never met someone that actually treated me with respect and I'm not someone to that dates a lot and have dated a lot in my life so when I find someone that I like it's really hard I am pretty picky I must admit so I knew that nothing probably would have came out of it we're probably gonna talk for a couple weeks and then it's gonna die down and then we're gonna move on with their lives and like we don't even know each other but that actually did not end up being the case so me and Jeff we spent the rest of our trip had the best time ever it was so much fun and I still will always remember that trip I was so sad when we had to leave I was done in the fact that like we had to go back home and in the back of my head I was kind of sad knowing that now I have to go back to Canada which is even further away from where this person lived in Denmark also the time change was gonna be different now that I was going home to Canada I believe in Denmark now that I'm trying to think back it's either six or eight hours difference let me see the difference it's been so long yeah so it's a six hour difference so I Canada we are six hours behind and in Denmark it is six hours ahead so I headed back home Denmark kept messaging me and at first I was kind of like like we're gonna keep talking but like eventually it's gonna fizzle out because I knew that there was no really way for me to go to Denmark to travel to Europe is expensive from Canada at that time I had like a full time job I didn't do YouTube as my full-time so I knew like I can't just take time and travel that I had to go back to work and even just taking those two weeks was pretty much my vacation time for my job so I just thought you know we're gonna keep talking and it's eventually gonna die down I just knew that I just went to Europe and there's no way I'm gonna be able to go so quickly even though I really wanted to but I knew it just wasn't in the cards so he actually kept talking to me and talking to me and ever since he like we met each other from that one night in Spain which is just crazy to me it was literally one night he kept talking to me and making it seem like he wanted to be with me and that I was so different and so special and yada yada yada if you would literally write me essays of Texas which maybe all pops him up I don't know it's so weird to like look back on that but I will maybe put up some messages but he would send me messages upon messages just pretty much complimenting me and making me think I'm the most amazing human being on the earth he would send warning messages and goodnight messages and would talk to me every single night on whatsapp we'd go back and forth of course by this point we had each other on all our social medias on Facebook on Instagram snapchat I think even at that time and this was the time to when I came back from Canada from Spain that he said let's start skyping so we would start to Skype every single day this relationship because it was long-distance we spent so much time talking to each other there was no day we missed Skype there was no day we missed messaging each other it was very consuming because of course if you the person doesn't live near you your relationship is based all on communications you have to put a lot of work and effort when it comes to a long-distance relationship at this point it's like September now because I believe I came back from Spain near the end of August so we talked all through September October rolls around and in October Samberg starts talking about how he wants to come to Canada and visit and he's never been to Canada before and I was just like oh yeah I love that but obviously I didn't really think it was actually gonna happen because I knew like I wouldn't be able to do that so I thought he was just kind of saying that but he's heard saying he has time off because at the time he was going to school he had a job and like I don't know it was really weird how it works but he got really good vacation time I remember and he decided that he wanted to come to Canada near his birthday and we could celebrate together his birthday in Canada and that would be the first time he comes down he actually went ahead and ended up booking the trip to Canada for early November early November comes and I am honestly so nervous because of course I like met him when I was in Spain and we clicked and we've been talking ever since and was have been on skype for months now talking to each other but I did it I was kind of nervous to see him in person and how he was gonna go I was kind of scared like how about if it literally goes wrong in this person like came to Canada to visit me and so I he ended up coming to Canada I went down to Toronto to visit him and he it was like we picked up right where we left off we became so close after that it pretty much felt like it was official from the first day we met which is so strange and weird and bizarre to me but even he said it was like the first day we met we just clicked and we felt like we were together I feel like that never really happens in relationships you know you go through the dating stage you're like okay maybe we'll date or not but we felt like we were together ever since we didn't talk to anyone else and we just were kind of committed to each other and making this like weird thing work out so when he came he actually spent time in Canada it was his first time here so I showed him all the different places around Toronto and all the different things you could do and I remember the first time of him leaving and I was so upset I didn't want him to leave a hardest thing to say bye and not knowing when was the next time that we were gonna see each other it made us a lot closer and of course me being such a girl I was just like wow this is so romantic he lives halfway across the world he came from halfway across the world to see me and I was just felt like I was living in a movie and that it was like a fairy tale this is gonna be it this is a sign what are the chances I meet someone halfway across the world and it actually like we're actually together this is a sign I had like all these things in my head just come at him obviously when we were in Spain and she loved him and my best friend at the time also she met him and like was in Toronto we were all hanging out and she loved him too and thought he was such a nice person and all my friends pretty much approved they really work for it and they really liked him they thought he was like the sweetest person ever and they got like no bad sighs nothing bad so he ends up going home and we continue talking every single day we talk on skype I remember like we even talked on like New Year's we were skyping on New Year's so I Skyped like for his New Year's which was six hours ahead and then he came on skype when I was mine years to celebrate like happy news from my side so we spent like all our time talking to each other and he would talk for hours upon hours I don't even know what we would talk about for so long to be honest I remember one night before he came down for the second time we had this huge discussion because I just started thinking about the longevity of our relationship and what was gonna happen because of course we lived on two different sides of the world and for it to work one day one of us would have had to move for each other and I just knew in my heart that I would have never moved because I'm just super close to my family and it just wasn't something that I could see myself doing and so I remember I talked to him one night and we had a really serious conversation and I pretty much was saying that if he I couldn't see myself moving one day so like I don't I don't want him to move for me when I wouldn't do the same so I didn't want to feel like I am the pressuring him to move and then he's going to resent me or something so I said that we could totally be friends he did have I think a couple more years of school and I had my full-time job and we both had separate so I remember saying like I don't want him to feel pressured to be in this that we can always like pick it up maybe a couple years down the line it would work out and maybe like that's when our paths would cross again but he made it he assured me that that is not what he wanted I remember he was getting really upset he actually cried on skype and that was something that he just never did he's not like a super emotional person so when he did that I was like wow he must really care he was saying that no he wanted to be with me and he couldn't live without me and he would move and a hurt B he didn't care to stay where he was staying he's like it's not something I really like I I really need to stay in Denmark he said down the line I wouldn't mind moving he's like that's not I'm not gonna like ever hold that against you like I want a 100% be with you I would do anything and yada yada yada goin on and on when that would have been the perfect time for us to you know move on with our lives and there would have been some closure and I was saying you know we don't need to make this work but this person was begging me to stay in this relationship and that he couldn't live without me this is the best relationship he's ever been in I stayed in the relationship and I was like okay well we'll see down the line what ends up going I'm just gonna kind of go with the flow see how it goes and actually not long after he and then a booking his second trip down to Canada it's just crazy to me because this is now the second time within the year that he came down and it's not like he knew anyone in Canada he's like I said he's never been to Canada before so he came down and once again I saw him we spent time together we WA did a lot of different things again went on different dates and it was a good time the ending is always difficult of course to say bye everything was good again at this point we were like together for months and now that I think back I cannot remember if he came one more time he might have come one more time but honestly this happened years ago and I kind of like blocked it out of my life so it was either two or three times he came within the one year now we're going to come to the and so you know I felt like I was living at this dream this fairy tale I was like thought this was the best person I've ever met in my life they had so many things that I was looking for in a person they checked all the check boxes I felt like there was nothing wrong and I felt like we were stronger than ever and that we were gonna make this work and so it was coming near the end and I remember Denmark had exams he's really stressed near this time he was also played soccer or football in Europe so he was super busy in the head he had his job he had is like co-op so he it was totally a busy person which is something that I really liked about him we kind of had like a disagreement because he was kind of like in this like snacky mood where he was like stressed with his exam and I think he was like kind of taking me out on me it wasn't anything extreme it was kind of normal like it wasn't it wasn't being like super rude or anything but he was like apologizing saying he's taking out he was taking out on me and this was all through whatsapp and mind you that there is definitely a language barrier he spoke really good English when he text sometimes his English wasn't the best but when he would speak English it was really good so there's definitely always a little bit of a language barrier when it came to us texting sometimes I was in like that extreme but I could see like maybe you know because we are from different places that you could take something a little bit wrong and I think that was what was going on there it was just kind of miscommunication but I didn't think like it was gonna lead to what it did so after that message we went back and forth a little bit after that I went to work and I kind of was just annoyed so I wasn't really texting him and I was like oh he's not texting me whatever ruin it probably we'll talk tomorrow I will go back to normal and move on from this I can't remember now the sequence of what happened but I think I tried texting him and then he ignored me and then I was like that's weird because like I said like we talked literally from day to night for an entire year straight and he's never ignored me so I thought it was so weird and then I I messaged again and he still ignored me and then I went on to my social media and I noticed that he blocked me off everything so he blocked me on Facebook he blocked me on Instagram he blocked me on I think snapchat he blocked me on literally everything and I think he ended up blocking me on whatsapp I'm pretty sure because then the messages weren't really going through and at that point I was like frantic I was like how could this person do this to me like what is going on I was so confused ghosting at the time this was like a few years ago and it wasn't such a big thing and I definitely know I've never been ghosted in my life especially when you were in a relationship with someone for an entire year it's not like you went on a couple of dates with someone and they just stopped talking to you this was literally like we were in a year this person flew out to see me and all of a sudden this person like completely just cuts me off with no really nothing no answer and I remember my best friend at the time she actually messaged him on her social media and then all of a sudden he blocked her off Facebook he blocked her Instagram he blocked even just because Instagram and stuff he literally blocked all my friends off social media my good old friends they tried their hardest I remember my best friend messaged his friend and he like answer back but like it really got nowhere dumber still didn't try to reach out to me or didn't try to do anything after that it was like a whole ordeal and I remember I messaged him a bunch on whatsapp which I probably shouldn't have done but your girl was totally going crazy during that time I was so upset I just never saw this coming I thought this person would do anything to hurt me because of course he would always say I would never do anything to hurt you like he did so he cut me off completely and he was like peace out and then he like dipped down he's like I lived halfway across the world from you so you're not gonna bump into me peace it didn't necessarily break me down so much because we ended their relationship I feel like if we just you know mutual ending we talk to each other ended it properly what bothered me the most and hurt me the most was the ghosting part the fact that I didn't know why and it left with me with a million and one questions I didn't trust people after that because I thought like how could this person be so fake to me like ghosting someone it's just the biggest coward move you could do it doesn't take a lot for someone to even just send a message or like come front if you're gonna do that just talk with the person and at least give them that closure I think it is a horrible thing for someone to do it is disgusting and pathetic can you be any more of a coward probably not I was scared for a long time that people are just gonna leave me for no reason and I hate that I would never do that to someone ever and the fact that he lives so far away I think he just took that and ran with it he's like well I don't have to deal with this because this girl lives halfway across the world and I'll never see her again so that is my ghosting story obviously it's been years that passed and to this day I have never gotten an answer or reason why he did that to me my friends and I have totally come up with a ton of conspiracies let me tell you that we have like our theories but to this day I cannot give a definite answer as to why or why that relationship ended or what was the problem or what was going on I definitely had to feel and go through heartbreak and I totally did not date people for a very long time after that so Aria if the angle change my camera just died because I was talking too much so I had to change batteries but yeah I hope you guys enjoy it you know we can enjoy off my heartbreak it was fine to just sit down here and do another story time if you guys want me to do more or you want me to do a video on a certain topic you can always let me know leave your stories down below we can always relate I feel like so many other people go through this and if guys want to talk to me privately you can on my Instagram I kind of also wanted to make this video because I remember back at the time when I was going through all the fields I thought like oh my god I did something wrong it must be me what did I do and I realize you know it had nothing to do with me I had to do with that person that person is just a pathetic coward and never think it has anything to do with you because if someone's gonna do something like that and disregard other people's feelings and just care about their feelings they're obviously not a good person and you don't want to end up with that person in the long run I am so thankful that it did not continue on for even longer than it did because imagine I wasted even more of my time and invested more of my time on that prick can we imagine that if someone's gonna do that to you they're just not a good person and it is time to walk out and move on and find someone that's gonna treat you like the princess or the prince that you are don't forget to subscribe to join my YouTube family I upload every single week and cue for listening to my ghosting story so and I know I will catch you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Nicoletta xo
Views: 569,776
Rating: 4.8442822 out of 5
Keywords: story, storytime, ghosting, ghosting storytime, boyfriend, he ghosted me, he ghosted me will he come back, break up, break up story, break up in the end, how to get over your ex, how to get over someone, how to get over heartbreak, nicolettaxo, how to get over a break up, we broke up
Id: nOTiHaPOUfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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