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hey guys welcome back to my channel today's video is going to be about the things that I only own one of some of the things that I only one one up will be linked down below so you guys can check them out for yourself but without further ado let's just get you on into it the first thing that I only own one of is a credit card I only own one credit card back in the day I used to have Victoria's Secret Kohl's Walmart all of those store credit cards and I feel like store credit cards are just a waste of time and a waste of money you're better off getting a main credit card as for me I only like chase it took me I want to say two years of research before me actually getting a decent main credit card and I I didn't want to make a mistake like I did with the store credit cards so the credit card that I only own now is chase unlimited you can get cash back from it I put some of my bills on that credit card such as my phone bill my gym membership on there and a couple other bills that I paid through my main credit card and why I put my bills some of my bills on my credit card because I only used my credit card for things that I really need or things that I really need to pay such as I hadn't really need gas to the car so I only use it for gas groceries for the house things like that and with me putting it on that credit card and paying it off and with it I always paid off in two weeks I get cash back every purchase you make you get cash back so so far having a one credit card just works perfect for me I have no complaints I know some people are probably gonna be in the comments saying that credit cards are bad and you shouldn't get one it all depends on your lifestyle and what kind of person you are it all depends if you are a spendy kind of person and maybe a credit card is just not for you but like how I was back then I used to have so many store credit cards and we all know store credit cards are just trash so for me just owning one decent main the card that I can use everywhere including I can use it outside of the US perfect for me I feel like I can keep better track of my finances with just one credit card as of right now the second thing that I only own one of and that is a pair of workout shoes I only own one pair of workout shoes and I purchased them around two years ago they still are perfectly fine even though the soles are a little dirty their shoes we walk on them outside they're supposed to get dirty I do put them in the wash every now and then because you know from sweating at the gym you kind of want to wash your sneakers and I do not put them in the dryer I lay them out to dry just so things can last longer I'm learning that drying things is not the best way to go so I'm laying off the dryer owning one pair of workout shoes has definitely decreased like the space of the sneakers I have in my closet when I was living back at home I had about five to seven pairs of sneakers and I always went for that one pair so the other you know six pairs that I had it was just money wasted so having one decent pair of workout shoes is perfect for me I'm not a runner my boyfriend's a runner so I get having a runners pair of sneakers and then like you know your weightlifting sneakers or regular sneakers I get that but as for me I'm not a runner I do cardio at the gym but only feel like a half hour and then do the weights and stuff and the sneakers that I have I'm not sure what kind they are I just tried them on at the store they were on sale for $30 two years ago there they are adidas --is but that's all I really know I'll try my best to find them and link them down below for you guys but they're very light so if you like a light sneaker maybe try this one out and again they were on sale so it's kind of why I purchased them so yes I only own one pair of workout shoes the third thing that I only own one of is sunglasses I used to be that girl back in the day that owns like 20 to 30 pairs of sunglasses just to match my outfits I think of it now like really will tell why I just it blows my mind on how I used to be but I'm glad that I snapped out of it owning one pair of Sun this is more than enough for me barely sunny where I'm from like in Massachusetts it's barely sunny and as you guys could tell from my lighting it goes down and up down and up so it's always either cloudy or partially cloudy or it's just to wear sunglasses around here it has to be summertime and we only have nice weather like four months out of the year so with me owning one pair and this pair was actually free so I'd even purchase them my boyfriend had an extra pair of like Ray Bans there all right I don't know if it's just me but I just I'm not a fan of Radiance I will keep them until they break he told me should just keep them until they break save your money and you know that's about it if they do not break within a year or two then I'm not gonna buy any so that one pair is just doing the job for now number four is eyebrow pencil I only own one eyebrow pencil and it works well for me it lasas me forever since I only wear makeup like I don't have any makeup on right now I do fill in my brows very very slightly but I do like the little brush that the eyebrow pencil came with so I I do use a little brush more often than the other side of it but I only own one and it lasas me quite a while so I feel like owning one item like when it comes to makeup is the best way to go because it expires and sometimes you barely even go for that Stern I don't number five is a necklace this is the only necklace I own owning necklaces I feel like is kind of always we usually don't change our jewelry because sometimes us humans can be lazy from time to time and I am guilty for that so having one necklace such as this one is the best for me because the other jewelry back in the day when I used to have a ton I was too lazy to put it all on and I felt like you always go for that one piece of jewelry that just works well for you and I don't even take this off you guys are always asking where did I get this necklace from it is from Amazon I just needed a cheap chain it is sterling silver but like gold plated yes it's not real I bought it like for four years ago the charms on it so how this necklace went was that you can get a charm which other guys can actually see it's so so tiny that little circle you get your initial on it and then the rest I got these from when I was a baby so I wanted to purchase a chain to put the charms on it so I wouldn't have like the charms hitting in a box forever which those charms have been in a box for like 21 years so the minute I moved in here I was like I'm not gonna have a jewelry box hanging around we just for charms in it I'm gonna get a chain just put them on it and just get rid of that box so that's what I did and this is the only necklace I own and again if the chain breaks then I will purchase a decent or a better quality one but as of right now this one's doing its job and that's it number six is moisturizer which is the love of my life my boyfriend actually started using it it is for women and men so you don't have to think oh well the packaging is pink it's just for girls no it's not my boyfriend uses it and he loves it it doesn't have a girly scent to it it has like an herb I don't like a herb scent I can't even explain it but it does smell really really nice and that's the only moisturizer I own it is from Pacifica once when runt one runs out or it's ready to run out you know when you like pump it and you feel the air coming through the pump a little bit then you know you gotta go get another one and that's what I do I know a lot of girls have different like moisturizers for different seasons as for me one does the trick I do have combination skin sometimes as oily sometimes it's dry sometimes it is dull that moisturizer fits both needs whether my skin is oily and whether my skin is dry I'll fit the need for both those days or if it is combined it will still fit the need of that so I don't like to mess around with certain skin care products that I do not know along with skin care products that test on animals and stuff while I'm in the process of switching everything over to vegan friendly and also try my best to do chemical free I know it's a little expensive but I'm trying and with Pacifica you guys know how much I rave about them this is not sponsored in any way I just wanted tell you about products that are actually worth your money and this Pacifica moisturizer is and you guys know how much I love that brand because I've said it for like ever on my channel but not to get too off-topic I only owned one moisturizer and again I will have that link down below and plus a little sign no less is always more especially when it comes to skincare you don't want to break out and putting a bunch of chemicals on your face constantly in all different kind of chemicals it can irritate the skin so try your best to downsize that is a little side note for you guys speaking of skincare number seven is face wash I only own one face wash you guys know I've talked about this again my entire channel for the past two to three years that I've been on YouTube and that is my kale detox from Pacifica it does dry out your skin but I do follow up with the moisturizer but let me tell you something I do get breakouts you guys see my skin clear right now but around that time of the month if I'm stressing out I will get a break out here here I tend to break out mostly like down here very rarely up here but mostly stress pimples here the minute I start using that face wash I use it every other day when I'm not breaking out but when I'm breaking out I will use it every night and it will dry out that pimple and that's it um I feel like it's a miracle worker and owning one is fine with me my shower is nice and neat I don't need a bunch of face wash bottles around so it saves me money because when that's gone I will go purchase another one number eight is my cardigan I only own one decent cardigan I have been obsessed lately with neutrals I'm obsessed with the oatmeal color any kind of like white tans I love black as well and no black something really a neutral color but I just love sophisticated colors lately and I feel like with just having one cardigan with a favorite color that I have which it is an oatmeal color I do want to say owning one cardigan has made life so much easier because when I owned a bunch of different cardigans it would take up a lot of room in my closet you guys know they can get really long and bulky and like I said back in the day I used own like yellow red pink all those kind of cardigans all those little variety of colors in the cardigans and I always went for black like that was it back in the day I always went for black and those colorful cardigans just stood in there now with me being a little bit cautious of where my money goes and also with the space in my apartment owning one decent nice quality cardigan that is in a nice neutral color that I always go for just works better for me and it takes up less room so yes I will keep the whole owning one cardigan for now on number nine is another part of makeup and that is lip gloss I only own one lip gloss the lip gloss I do change it out like I said it right when I run out I will go buy a different one or research and I like I said before as well I am trying my best to switch over to all vegan makeup products so the one I have is from dose of colors they are 100% vegan and I like it I do like this lip gloss it is on the paler side so next time I'm going to get something a little bit more not my skin color tone cuz I don't want to look like I have no lips here but is doing the justice for right now I do like the fact that it is vegan and of course owning one makes life a little bit more simpler I barely even need this desk behind me I mean I use it to edit and stuff like that but back in the day I purchased this desk for all of my makeup and both of those drawers are kind of empty now like I only own one basically all that stuff that was in there so owning one lip gloss compared to when I had fifty lip glosses back then owning that many and makeup products owning like you know say you have fifty lip glosses how many lips do you have just think about that or how many times you're gonna use all those lip glosses throughout the year probably only gonna use maybe four out of all of them and I think like three of them will be like experiments and that first one you'll always just go for so owning one saves me time money and also space so I'm good with that number ten is of course another make up product and that is concealer I'm trying not to say the Boston way we say concealer but concealer I'm trying to pronounce things correctly for you guys you ladies know how the whole concealer game goes a lot of people usually own like probably 20 I find it definitely unnecessary so I kind of swapped the whole foundation got rid of all that and just stuck with one concealer and that's it and believe it or not my acne has calmed down and I only use concealer once in a great while when we're on vacation again for certain videos if I'm like super super up close or you know just once in a while I use it so I did get the smallest bottle and is from Tarte it's the creaseless concealer and I've been using that for a while I do like it a lot I feel like it is heavy duty what I liked the most about it and why I purchase it was again it is vegan it's decent quality it is on the pricier side but I could see why because of what kind of the coverage it has I do have bags under my eyes a little too much Netflix at night but anyways yeah owning one concealer works perfect for me and I will stay that way forever number eleven is going to be a water bottle now the thing with the water bottle you guys know I'm not a big fan of them so I do have one reusable bottle and that is a stainless steel bottle I've had that like cific water bottle for the past I want to say two years and it it stays hot for a long time when you put like tea or they are like even coffee like I don't drink coffee but when I do put tea in it they'll stay hot really we're like 12 to 15 hours it's really really weird I feel like because it is stainless steel I did do a little experiment I love ice cold water so I always put ice and then some water in my little Steel like water bottle I left it in my car it was around 80 to 90 degrees when I went back in there the next day the ice was still ice so that's pretty cool like those reusable bottles are awesome best thing ever invented especially the stainless steel ones because they last forever so I only own one of those that's all I really need number 13 is my unicorn beetle phone case I only own one phone case back in the day I used to own I want to say 50 to 60 phone cases for my iPhone I think it was like iPhone for like it was a little one and I used to own so many cases for that phone you would think it was alive because it had so many outfits I had mentioned this phone case problem in my old videos and of course I do want to bring it up that your phone does not need a bunch of cases it needs one decent heavy-duty case because cases are for to protect your phone that's all they're made to do they're not mean to just like look cute their main thing is to protect your phone and that's it it took me a while to understand this but I narrowed from 50 cases down to only one I've had the same case for about a year and a half now and I really like it it does come with a little stand in the back so when I'm watching Netflix I can just you know pop it on the horizontal side and let it lean it has like its own screen protector nothing wrong with that that's one less thing I have to buy so that case actually has saved me money because I would always purchase screen protectors you know how they break every now and then and with that case it doesn't break because it's got that protected little I don't know what it's like a plastic little layer but it's not plastic I don't know how to describe it you guys have a check it out for yourself it's worth purchasing the next thing that I only own one of and that is my wallet I only own one wallet I used to own a lot of wallets back in the day again which was so silly now I only own one decent wallet I did have a darker brown one it finally just completely died it ripped and it was just on its way out I had that one for four years finally purchased a brand new one I really like it a lot I tried to find one again that was a neutral color and that didn't have so much advertisement on it you know like I didn't want one that had a bunch of designer labels on it it on the black part of the wallet it does say the designers name but you barely can see it and that was the closest thing I could find to a wallet that fit me and it is a little bit smaller and that's what I wanted I wanted a smaller wallets because again I only carry with me like a couple things like my credit card my debit card my license and I do carry in that little pocket part a pen and I also put my phone in there so if I'm out and about I can have everything very nice and compact and just come with me instead of me like holding everything around me a lot of you guys asked me care if you don't own a purse then how do you use your lip glosses so it's simple you guys I don't take that stuff with me all I take is that one wallet and that is it I do not need my lipgloss on me I don't need any of that stuff on me just a pen my phone my credit card debit card and my license that's all I really need on me a lot of you guys are suggesting you should I should keep my health insurance and all my cards I have the app like the health insurance app on my phone that has the digital cards so I think that's perfectly fine for me and the last thing on my list is owning one laptop case I did again have to purchase a new one I got a marble one this time because the last one the last one would have lasted but if only I wasn't so clumsy one day it's easy to just slip out of your hand and that is what happened it slipped out of my hands the laptop was fine but the whole case the wooden case that I had ompletely shattered and I was kind of like without a laptop case for two weeks so that was two weeks without me bringing in around town because I didn't want the whole laptop to get scratched I waited for awhile to figure out what laptop case I wanted and I just went with a nice marble one and it came with a keyboard as well like a keyboard cover so the dust doesn't get in it I don't even know it came with that it was like a free gift but I only owned one case again if that brakes then I will purchase another one but as of right now its brand new and I'm a little bit more cautious when I'm carrying that laptop around so I'm trying my best not to drop it because I don't want it to shatter like I don't want the case to shatter again all right you guys so there you have it those are the things that I only own one of if you guys enjoyed this video please thumbs up down below and also let me know down below what you only own one of let me know a little list down below or if you only own one of one thing in your house just let me know but without being said I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day and I will catch you in the next video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kyra Ann
Views: 86,306
Rating: 4.9073133 out of 5
Keywords: kyra ann, Sarah nourse, things I only own 1 of, vegan, minimalist, living on a budget
Id: b6XLcYAm0sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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