FAKE BEST FRIEND | storytime

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hi my name is Katja and I give Cooper by all of my friend [Music] hey guys I am back home because of coronavirus but it's the perfect opportunity to fill so we all know I've had some friend troubles in the past thankfully we left them all in 2019 but this particular story it's been a year or more since it happened so I feel like I can talk about it now I honestly wasn't gonna tell this story but then I heard she went to our old high school and told everyone making me look bad so I'm gonna tell you the real version I started YouTube to document my life and this is part of my life so I'm gonna tell it before I tell you the story of a fake best friend I have a few things I want to say first I made a tik-tok and I made a tik-tok recently about my bully and it's kind of blowing up so if you want to go see it I think it's really funny and follow me on takeoff next thing is I want to talk to you about a brand that you've seen a couple times before zips by I have their January box and their March box so I'm going to show that to you now if you don't know it sips by the tea subscription box so they come in this little box and they give you all these samples of tea it's personalized so it says my name made for cassia and then it says this is the January box it has cranberry orange Earl Grey Moroccan mint and Buddha's blend and actually comes with so much so much tea like this is from one box I think you get four of each one so this is the Earl Grey one and you get four of them this is the cranberry orange the Buddha's blend and the Moroccan mint and I do like now is the perfect time to get because we're all quarantined what else are you gonna do then taste a bunch of different TVs in the March box there is apricot sunrise saffron chai tea peach green and vanilla nut so this is the vanilla nut I really like how they're very different from each other saffron chai apricot sunrise and peach green tea so if you want to subscribe to the box you can go to sip spy calm and if you use code cassia 5 you can get $5 off of your first box but now for the story so at the end of junior year of high school I was realizing that my friend group was changing and I wasn't really changing with them and I was kind of scared because those were the friends I had built since freshman year so I was like who am I gonna be friends with now it was a really small high school so like I already knew everyone but through the musical we did I became really close with this girl named Sasha Sasha and I became close because of her mutual hatred of Medusa my high school bully Medusa was in love with Sasha's boyfriend so she dated Sasha's ex-boyfriend to get back at her and we were kind of like ranting about that because when Medusa found out that I was dating her ex she started dating my ex-boyfriend I put air quotes because it's not like a boyfriend boyfriend but you get the point point is we didn't like Medusa so we became friends we also became close because Sasha didn't really have a friend group either so it would be her and her boyfriend and me and my boyfriend like formed another group and we hung out all the time like we even took a trip together we were very close it was all fun and it was all chill and it was all drama-free until senior year now preface on Sasha before senior year she was shy she didn't show up she was humble like she had all these really cool talents but she didn't really push them on you like you'd have to kind of discover them from being close to her but I think so the thing happened this summer before senior year and it was like a switch just flipped in her like I want to be seen like I want people to know what I'm doing which is fine cuz that's how I am but like it was from zero to 100 the first thing I noticed was how competitive she became in senior year her and I co ran a club and at first it was really great like it was a nice balance of power we were like trading off the responsibilities but I'm the year progressed it became more more apparent that she wanted to be like the sole leader she started wanting to do everything herself she wanted to make all the decisions which is like I was kind of fine with bells like why are you stressing yourself out like I can help you I've been helping you this whole year I remember there was one time we had to make piano like practice tracks for the group which takes a long time to play each voice part on the piano all the way through like the whole song she kept telling me she wanted to do it but she was so busy with everything like schoolwork it was like okay but I can do it like I can make them just like no no I'll make them at lunch I'll make them at lunch so I let her but at lunch I'm like seeing her not doing them so I was like I don't know like she said she want to do I'm not trying to like step on her toes you know like I don't want to cause anything so we got time for the meeting obviously they're not done and she was like where are the practice tracks I was like you said four times that you wanted to do it yourself like I offered to help she's like well you said you'd do it I think in front of the whole club like making me look bad there was also this incident in choir where my teacher gave her and a younger girl a duet to do like in the performance and so my friend who was a senior was like oh this is our last year like I want to just ask if we can do one I was like okay so she asked the teacher we can do another do it like something completely separate from them and I teacher was like yeah like I was gonna ask you anyway like I was just looking for a song for you to do but if you have a song in mind like you can do it you can pick whoever you want so she picked me to sing with her and when Sasha found out she cried she cried cuz I had to do it that didn't take anything away from her and she doesn't even know this part but I really begged my teacher to not make me do the Douay I was like no I don't want to perform it it's okay like you gave it to them first even though it's two different songs I was like uh oh my god my friendly I was like my friend can do a solo like it's fine I don't want her to be mad at me and my teacher was like cat it's like it's your senior year I do the duet with your friend and she didn't know that because she told everyone that I basically went in there and demanded that I had a duet because I was jealous that I didn't get one like I didn't ask for this I begged to not have it imagine like I wanted that do it of course I wanted it imagine being so like wary of your friendship and not wanting anything to ruin it that I literally asked my senior year to not have a featured role like I was just constantly trying to give up things to make this girl feel more secure which is so wrong but anyway the worst case I'd say is when the musical came around senior year she was so determined to get this lead role that she actually like stopped talking to me for months cuz she thought I was gonna get it like in her mind I had already gotten the part so she was already mad at me so she stopped talking to me and then neither of us got the lead role and she got a better part than me actually but she still would have talked to me and she was mad that she didn't get the lead role but she was mad at me like I didn't give her the lead role even though I didn't even get it so I didn't take it away from her it's just so frustrating because of course I wanted it but I was like oh she'd be really good like if she got it then I'd be so happy for her because she's never had one before but I just know if I had gotten it she would just be so mad and my best friend got the lead role and what I didn't do is not stop talking to her I literally would go backstage every day and tell her how proud I was that she got it anyway I thought that after all of this it would kind of died down because there was no more performances there's nothing else except graduating and leaving and I was like oh so when we graduate and go to different schools we won't be competing anymore because why would we were across the country from each other like it will be fine so I go to college and every time's something cool happened I would just nap shut all my friends like I had streaks at the time so I would send it out to streak like Oh like I got into this choir or whatever and she would do the same thing but when I did it she'd always reply to them saying that something she did that was cool and when she sent it I would always reply saying oh my god that's so cool Congrats do you see the difference for example one time I sent her like a little snippet and everyone a little snippet of this cover I did and it was an art on a ground a song I was like really proud even though it was really bad but I was really proud of it because I hit like the little high notes and she replied saying oh you brought your microphone to college too like yeah I brought mine too and I just wrote and produced a song that's gonna star in a student film ha ha but I still say oh that's so cool what's the song about when did you write it like what's the film about like that's so cool and like I said I'm a very supportive friend so I don't really care but it's like every time every time I'd say something she'd have to try to one-up it and like I was like just don't reply so when that kept happening I was like you know what I'm just gonna stop sending it cuz I think obviously she doesn't want to hear about it so she can ask me if she wants to know but I'm just gonna stop sending it to her and because I stopped reaching out and like updating her we stopped talking but it wasn't really on bad terms so we weren't officially like not friends until Thanksgiving break now we had talked before we were like we can't I can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving break like we're gonna go to like parties and stuff we could have a friendsgiving it's gonna be so cute also during Thanksgiving break my boyfriend at the time had a birthday so me and his mom planned this huge thing at like a recording studio so he could record his own song yes I know best girlfriend word hello and his mom was asking me Oh like get all the friends that play musical instruments and sing and she named everyone except Sasha who was really good friends with my boyfriend and me even though our friendship was fragile because of her I was like oh let's bring Sasha like I think she would love to be in a real recording studio because she likes to sing I was like she would love that so I invited Sasha and she comes and it's real awkward she's like not really talking to me it was like it's fine I guess she thinks we're like fighting I don't know really so they tell her to play piano and me to do all the singing with him but I was like oh but I bet Sasha really wants to do some of the harmonies and some of the singing because she wants to be in the recording booth because she was just outside on the piano so I was like maybe I can like help fix the friendship like extend a branch I don't freaking know by letting her sing the harmonies with me because I did not have to no one expected me to do that it was like my thing so I asked I'm like oh you want to sing with me like we can split the parts cutting my in half I was like let's split the parts let's write it together or whatever so we did she recorded it and she had so much fun and we left kind of like fine like we obviously weren't mad each other but I don't know where we stood until later in that week I saw on her snapchat story her my boyfriend her boyfriend and all of our friends at a friend's giving things that we talked about that I was not invited to so already hurt by that right I'm like okay we literally talked about this and then she just invited my boyfriend and all our friends and not me okay but then in someone else's snapchat I saw her sitting on my boyfriend's lab so extra hurt so because of that I officially stopped being friends with her I didn't really tell her about I was like she's gotta know we're not friends anymore we didn't speak that a month later it was December and me and my boyfriend had broken up and I found out that they kissed on New Year's Eve so because I was in my feelings and I was so mad I was so angry and I just like wanted her to hear me without me having to reach out to her so on YouTube before I had any followers I think it had 10 10 subscribers maybe I made a video about all of my friends but it wasn't okay like it wasn't mean it wasn't disrespectful I could have been so mean it was kind of like oh this equation happened and then this is how I felt like her stykera in the video was literally like oh if your friend is constantly competing with you like it might not be right to be friends because that's really damaging to your mental health like one time this girl got really mad because she wanted the lead role in the musical and like I'd even get it but she was very competitive with me so we stopped being friends and I just think that's really toxic but that's how vague it was that's how like oh I just wanted to do it because I knew only they would know I was talking about them because I didn't say any names and I thought they would be like oh I didn't know I was making her feel like this so like let me reach out to her and let's have a conversation do you think that happened no no instead she just unfollowed me on everything I didn't really care because I in my head I was like oh we're just not friends already so I don't really care if you follow me on Instagram but I didn't want her to like hate me because I knew we would still probably see each other because we were like at the time we were kind of still in the same friend circle and also if the high school ever hosted anything like we both be there which happened and I'll get into that so I texted her and I was like hey I don't want there to be any bad blood I don't think we're good as friends we just seemed to compete a lot and I feel like that's very toxic and that's not really good for anyone's mind the video wasn't meant to attack you that's why it was vague it was just me talking through my thoughts and like saying what I've learned from each friendship but you're honestly so talented so I hope that in the future you can like oh that and know that for sure and feel secure and like have a great life like honestly wish you the best when I show that to my friends after I told them everything they were like why they're like why did you send that that's too nice you're too nice I was like I don't treat people like they treat me that's why and her applied to my paragraph was your penny so I just I just didn't reply I was like honestly first I don't care because you did all this to me and you're mad okay a couple months later my old high school was having like their musical so one of the girls still in high school was like please come like I want you to come I want you to see me in it so me my friend what did I call her Sally so me and my friend Sally and my guy friend we're all going and playing the sit together and watch this musical however when we got there the guy friend and Sasha were sitting together which is totally fine like I don't care but I was like oh just have them like come sit with us that's weird if we're not sitting together like obviously we're friends like just bring her down I don't care but they don't come sit with us and I was like okay she probably doesn't want to so during intermission me and I got high to talk to everyone and I was like looking for my guy friend I'm like where is he so I'm texting him and he's like Oh Sasha won't let me come outside to talk to you she's making me wait inside in the theater with her I was like what she's making my friends not talk to me so she does have to sit alone because she can't be in the same room as me after she did all that like let's recap but she stops talking to me because of a role in a high school musical after high school and we were in different colleges across the country she's still one-upping me and trying to compete with me and even though I'm being so nice she hosts a friend skipping with all my friends and my boyfriend sits on his lap and doesn't invite me and then on New Year's Eve kisses my ex-boyfriend and she is mad she's mad now this is where I'm gonna start to look stupid and I want you to know I know I know I look stupid I fully know so five or six months later I think I was in this place where I was like I don't want any enemies like I just want everyone to like me and be okay with me and be in the same room with me like ah this is all high school drama because this is like after my first year of college it's like nothing matters anymore I just want everyone doing but I don't like people for a reason you always have to give me a reason not to like you and apparently I forgot all the reasons during this time so I was talking to my eye friend and I was like should I just like call all my friends and just squash the beef because I just I'm tired I can't do this anymore he was like yeah I think that's a good idea like you can't really go wrong with it if they don't want to talk that's their problem cuz you tried and I was like I guess so I called Sasha and I was like she didn't answer obviously so cuz she didn't answer I sent her text and this is the exact text I sent her the exact text tell me if this was like a mean or anything hey Sasha I know this is really random and I wanted to call but I don't know your schedule or anything so I'm gonna say it here I've been thinking a lot and I realized that I don't want to hold on to all the negative parts of high school because when doing that I let it overshadow all the good memories you are a part of a lot of good memories so I wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything that happened between us and everything on my end the video has been taken down because it shouldn't have been public in the first place I should have told you how I was feeling not a camera I know that doesn't change the fact that I posted it but it's the only thing I can do at this point I wanted you to know that there's no grudge or talking or bad feelings on my end we're not expecting anything but I at least want us to be okay enough to be able to be in the same room together and if you ever want to talk about everything I want to too and it's not going to be a huge fight or anything but anyway I wanted to say sorry and I know we probably can't be like before but I at least want us to be okay with each other and she said oh I'm busy I'll call you when I'm free and that was a year ago so I apologize for uploading a video about all the things she did to be looking stupid like I did anything wrong if you're watching this I'm not sorry anymore I uploaded a video that probably got five views you and my other friend yeah me posing video about everything you've done to me doesn't overshadow everything you've done to me okay you're just mad because I made it public because no one knew the you did to me like if you're gonna do it to me then don't be mad when I tell people and don't go to my high school and say that I'm crazy that's all that's my rant but yeah this is why I don't make new friends i but yeah that was a story of my fake best friend if you want to see more go ahead and like and subscribe to my channel follow me on ticked off because there's gonna be a lot of bully content on there cuz I guess that sells and I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Katya Awar
Views: 16,210
Rating: 4.7113404 out of 5
Keywords: katyaawar, katya awar, northeastern, northeastern university, fake best friend, best friend, storytime, story, high school, fake best friend storytime, fake friend, what really happened
Id: rBmRskYgIRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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