How to Find Placer Gold - River Record!

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all right guys this this is easily the best pan I've ever had on this River uh by pure spec count uh it's good it's good anywhere honestly I'm pumped well maybe not West Australia or something still it's pretty good let me show you [Music] [Applause] hey good morning everybody Welcome to inside Ben Prospect and I'm Matt and today we're finding some gold and I think the first thing I'm going to do is try to talk a little bit about reading the river and reading the gravel to find better gold so let's start with that all right so you can see we're kind of in a straight away a little bit of an outside Bend and the creek is split into two up there it goes over that way quite a bit and it's narrowing right here it's really pinching it's getting fast and the water is deep and what that can sometimes mean is it's going too fast it's going to blow all the gold out but other times it helps concentrate the board when it's really wide the gold is dispersed it's hard to find good Pockets when it Narrows up all the gold running through the river systems in a narrow area makes it easier to find so that's why I'm here let me show you something more specific so we got Bedrock here Bedrock here and I just pulled a little poker out of this spot here which this time of year on this River is quite an accomplishment but the reason I dug here was this look at this rock you can see here this is the part that was above the water you can see it's been sitting there a long time because it's stained this has been under the ground it's really heavy it's really dense it's smooth and shiny that means it's dropping out in fast water so you're more likely to get some good gold so let's do a pan see if I can pull out another picker well it's not a picker it's a poker but it's still good for here let's see what we get a big rock all right that's good enough for me Let's see we got a lot of black sand showing up already best one yet look at all that color heck yeah got a nice piece of it up there oh here we go check this out look at this you see how dense this is it's not quite an iron Stone but this is really dense and smooth gravel this is the kind of stuff you want to find stuff like this like this so let's try a pan of this sort of figure this area out because you know if you got good gold right here you better test all around because you never know there might be another pocket or a better pocket somewhere else so let's Pop That that's our best pan yet by spec count that is a really good pan for here so that tells us that the Gold's falling out in a bigger area we got this crevice tool my dad made when I first started pretty sick give it a whirl oh a lot better off coming off whenever you have a material change it's always worth a look here we've got quite hard bedrock very watery right here it's flaky and chewed up by roots it's coming to pieces it's always worth a check all right let's see what we get oh there's some gold I saw gold all right see what we got here hey holy oh you can't see it hold up we've got an ice pan there let me clean it up so I can show you heck yeah that's a great pair check it out I don't know if you can see all that but there's about 50 colors in there and two or three decent sized flakes oh yeah is it time to pan it up there we go oh oh wow we got a great pan oh my gosh we got an incredible pan oh yeah all right let me get it cleaned up so you can see nothing huge but a lot of colors well I got most of it but this pan was like cleaning us loose check it out there's a lot there and a lot I don't think you guys will be able to see with the GoPro but that's our best pan of the day well that's a 50 spec pin right there you don't get those where I'm at often very rare I broke some of the Bedrock out we've got some nice material in here anyway let's check this pan out because it's good look at that that's like a hundred color pan right there wow so I'm not even a third of the way down and this is just all black sand probably half this pan is black sand look at that should check this out look at that Backbone in there it's all black sand this whole damn pan I've had pans of pure black sand that have no gold whatsoever and sometimes you get a pan with just a little with grape gold I think the real signifier isn't the amount of black sand it's the size if you're getting chunky Heavies you're getting chunky gold you're getting fine heavies that'd be fine gold anyway this is kind of hard to do when filming so let me get it cleaned up and I'll show you the color because there's probably some gold in here well that wasn't easy to clean up I'd say there's about 40 colors in there really tiny and I think that's a piece of lead it's like this whole area is catching gold and the lighter stuff's gonna be up there bigger stuff's gonna be down there so and I'm just gonna pull everything down and we'll do another pan oh another really nice pan some bigger bits this time from the upper section of it but it might be hard to see but there's probably about 50 really small pieces of flower gold up there right at the corner so I am happy with that question is how deep do I go like this stuff just kind of keeps breaking you know at some point the bullet's gonna stop I don't know when I might have to do a rinse [Music] oh hey we got oh we got a real nice pan oh yeah we did okay that's like a 200 specker wow I think that's my best fan on this River coming here what two three years uh by spec count easily easily here let me get it cleaned up I'll show you the gold [Applause] [Music] [Music] pile them up together for you so you can see it's definitely a lot of gold and there's still some more over here yeah I'm just going to take it out of here see what we got well I didn't bother showing you me digging because we got work to do and you don't want to watch me dig you want to watch me find gold so check this out you see that hiding there that's our biggest flake of the day all right let me clean it up for you that's a pretty good pan guys we've got a little poker and a heck of a lot of fines a little pile of them oh yeah all right so that last pan I pulled from down here it actually goes pretty far four or five inches there's still a lot of muck down there but uh you know the Bedrock was originally here we're just punching beading through it and we're still finding color let me show you the pan little pile of powder there so it's still in there I guess it's managed to work its way into the clay because of the roots Roots have basically been chewing this Bedrock piece see all the black sand there that's wild we gotta get all this pan and Rock okay we only have a good hour to work so I better get to it there we go oh that looks good [Music] real quick reveal here oh my gosh oh that's our best fan yet could you oh you guys can't see that there check it out all right let me get it cleaned up so I can show you all the color oh that's a good pant I can't believe how much Gold's in this I better hurry check it out look at all that color honestly this pan by itself for the creek I'm on would have been an awesome day but to get a pan like this oh my gosh okay well I better stop screwing around because I only have like an hour and I want to finish this so I'll just start showing you pans and hopefully they continue to be awesome all right let me get to work all right next pan I think we might be getting towards the bottom there's a ton of specs but it's definitely a lot of smaller gold let's do it yeah be time oh hey I don't like you I'll be pumping it so hard on my back but we'll get it done all right we have yabbied small pan but it was another good one so there's probably still some gold down in there that I'm missing but I think I'm a little tired and it's getting late so next time we come here we'll just nuke this place and make sure we get every spec well that's what's done for the day uh I just dumped the Snuffer so we can get a sneak peek let me show you a good day my friends a real good day oh yeah I don't know it's hard to guess the weight I'm guessing it's mostly pretty light stuff but hopefully at least a quarter gram anyway let's go home get it dried and weigh it up see how we did all right we're back at the house uh man I'm just I'm Amazed by how much gold came out of there like I said I'm pretty sure it's the best day I've ever had their pan and uh had better days sniping but as far as just panning getting flood gold that was incredible I didn't know that Creek had gold like that so now we know we gotta look for more spots that are similar anyway let's get this gold weight up looks pretty good well uh-oh well it was 0.45 now it's saying 0.41 but either way that was a heck of a good day well there you have it somewhere between 0.45 and 0.41 but either way that's a panning record for me on that Creek so heck yeah now I just gotta find another spot just like it but honestly for the winter in the area of the country that I'm at that's a great day anyway thanks everybody for watching sure to appreciate you subscribing to my videos and got some new adventures coming up so stay tuned
Channel: Inside Bend Prospecting
Views: 14,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold rush, oregon prospecting, gold mining, inside bend
Id: e5t6AwnzwTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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