My Best Friend, Taiwan

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Nancy Pelosi! Welcome to Taiwan! How was your flight? Longer than kickin’ a field goal from your own two-yard line. I have no idea what that means but this is MOMENTOUS DAY First time a member of U.S House of Representatives has visited Taiwan in a 25 years! Don't do it... don't you do it... SHE DID IT! CODE RED! COOOODE RED! Emergency status 4928-7199-5757! Uh…4921-7… what? Begin passive-aggressive training exercise! Are we under attack!? Come on you b*stards! I'll take you ALL on... We're not under attack, it's... freaking China. China!? What do they think THEY're doing? Testing my patience. I swear... if China thinks he can intimidate me with this clear Act of aggression I'll punch him right in the- Woah there my Taiwanese buddy. Let's not jump to violence You literally just pulled out a pistol... to fight an airplane! What? No, that doesn’t sound like me. Anyway I think it's about time you, me and China sat down... and had a chit chat. Oh-ho lovely day for a meeting. This little military exercise of yours is clearly meant as a threat! CALL IT OFF! A threat? How could any of this possibly be seen as threatening? Huh... you were saying? Do you guys hear that? It kind of feels like I'm talking to myself. BECAUSE I AM! You're ME Taiwan! You're part of the People's Republic of China. Stop pretending like you're independent. But I AM! I am the Republic of China. BIG difference. There's only one China around here... and it's... BOTH of us. Everyone, cool your jets! What happened to you two? Didn't you two used to be a team? Remember when you guys fought the Japanese  together during the second Sinnoh Japanese War?   THAT was some crazy ass teamwork! haha yeah... I guess that really was something wasn't it. GET OUT OF HERE JAPAN! This is MY country! Your country?! This is MY country! Shoot at them, communist dog! They’re invading us! Uh, did you forget we’re in the middle of a civil war right now you NATIONALIST PIG? We won’t even have a civil war to fight if the Japanese take over. Japan rules! I DO hate these Japanese invaders more than I hate you. Samesies bro.. I mean, we already worked together once with the United Front. Is it… is it SEQUEL TIME?. But what would we call ourselves? Second United Front! I seem to remember our partnership only lasting for a few years and what a wonderful few years they were, am I right? Man... such good times we had when we were together. Working as one nation... O̵̫̮̬̖̥͗͌̃̍n̵̤͛e̶̯̋͛̅͜ ̴̲̘̈C̸̡̈́͆͆͌̈͂h̷̡̎i̷̢̢͍̚n̵̮̻̬̯̺̩̎̔ạ̶̡͍͕̬͊̓͋͜ Yeah... until you started being a total *sshole again! Who me?! Are you sure? I think I'd remember if I was- Just pay attention to the flashback! Well... I guess we don't have to worry about Japan invading us anymore So... now what? You still set on this whole “nationalism” thing? It’s the best way forward for China. And you still believe that communism is best? I know it's best! Yes... hmmm... They're getting away! Does this mean we win? Can I go home now? What...what is this mythical land we have discovered? This is Taiwan you idiot. It has always been here. No my friends this is the NEW capital of the Republic of China Well, temporary capital, until we can CRUSH those communists... back on the mainland once and for all. Is it just me or is it sunnier out here? Man... I am gonna get such a good tan. You're still mad about me winning our little Civil War? Come on little guy we’ve come such long way. That's ancient history! It's RECENT history and you KNOW it! Oh, you want to talk about recent history?! Remember when you ruled your new little island home as a dictatorship for 40 years, and imprisoned people for speaking out against you? You did stuff that was just as bad, WORSE even. But I have changed. I've been honest Democratic Nation for decades. Exactly, see? We've both changed and it's time you- and it's time YOU accept what we agreed on in 1992. What are you talking about? Yeah! What the hell are you talking about? Our 1992 consensus? Don't you remember? We agreed to the ONE China policy. Now, you're acting all- You and I remember that meeting very differently. I didn't agree to CONSTANT military incursions. Okay, it's time to get serious. If you don't stop messing around with the US and living in this Fantasy Land I'll be forced to use the full military might of the Chinese military to bring you back in line! I've had enough of your bullying. Holy sh*t where did that come from? Is that some kind of cool new stealth Chopper? Ha, Nancy want one! Lower your weapon, little me. I'm NOT a little you! I'm My Own me You'll never be your own you. You're just a me who thinks you're a you. Is anyone else really confused right now? You can never match my military power! This is pointless! You're right... but the United States can! Right? Uh yeah... leave Taiwan alone or America will kick your ass! Ugh... probably. I don't know, it's just complicated okay lets... let's just not find out. Fine! I'll cut off the training exercise, okay? Thanks... I guess. Can we get off this ugly barge? I mean, who suggested we meet here? YOU did! I hope you enjoyed your time here in Taiwan. Yeah well it was definitely... eventful. But don't stress about it. I'm sure China's already forgotten all about this whole thing. You're already mine little Taiwan. You just don't know it yet... Really dude?! You're ruining my moment! I hope you liked the video.
Channel: MrSpherical
Views: 3,666,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: polandball, countryballs, countryball, countryball memes, polandball memes, polandball history, countryball history, comedy, History, animation, funny, usa, america, pwa, no idea, no idea animation, politics, cartoon, kraut, geopolitics, memes, geography, countries, country, china, best friend china, ukraine, russia
Id: pjbivcydPbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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