Hitler's "Lucky" Warship

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[Music] I hope we haven't come all this way for nothing you sure it's their ship Norway if we don't have something cool relax you'll get your cute info bides norian TV it's got to be her ah here we go I don't know if I can take this all this water no way out just infinite Abyss snap out of it BBC get a hold wow but now wa is it the Bride of Germany the battleship shanor [Music] [Music] we found it heck yeah oh you know if stupid Hitler hadn't sent her out things might have gone differently back in 1943 the German Navy is weak useless we should scrap the entire I think someone just on my gra pardon m f but we still have the shanor H yes lucky as the people call her that Wasing the symbol of Blitz Cre what do you have in mind Admiral well we send the Shan host and a few other ships out to they sent the shanor and deterant to patrol Co lines and Hunt [Music] convoys those British Supply convoys won't hide from me that's right we Brits were sending supplies to the Soviets only need a bottomless deps of the sea will get up could now pirate king hit War here what's the status sir we've been to beat out must be the subs in these Waters sh B you're no use to us limping along get back to Port we'll carry on a i m pirate fura that's pirate king fura keep your eyelids peeled munchkins they might come [Music] back I'll get you you floppy British Fish it's almost impressive how overconfident he is well the ship is pretty sted how do you mean it Wass 234 M long by 301 creu size of almost to South and it had tons of artillery 928 CM quick loting guns and rotating turrets 12 15 cm guns even a functioning airplane hanger okay slow down how the bloody Heavens do you know all this oh duhh because I play World of Warships nice I love that game uh they have over 500 different ships including history's most iconic warships I prefer a strong attack and defense so I play with battleships like the one we're own but you can also choose aircraft carriers for long range attacks Cruisers that deal a huge amount of damage or destroyers if you prefer surprise attacks yeah it looks kind of cool it looks looks really cool each of the over 40 maps have upgraded graphics and a very realistic weather system that change the tactics of battle each time you play it's a unique experience I know I already played it how could you if there's new content added each month new ships new ingame nations New Missions you'll never run out of stuff to do oh I must have missed that and starting in October all active players will have access to the exclusive Captain's Club you can get the captain's rewards discounts and off from World of Warships partners that sounds really nice welcome to the club use the link in the description with the code Bravo to get a huge starter bonus of 500 doubloons 1,500,000 credits 7 Days premium account time and a free ship that's awesome can't wait to meet the captain it's just the name there's no real Captain play World of Warships Link in the description hitb to home hitb to home come in home boys here what the deal m F we are one hour away from the evil enemy Convoy no longer will the Allies help the Soviets what they didn't know was that I was listening to their plans listen Britain the Shan hor is on its ve happy hunting and so the Trap was laid Roger that no way thanks for the assist I'll Crush these convoys and the Soviet Army's Advance towards Germany will starve and fter what's that that's the Anvil waiting for its Hammer [Music] fire but an ambush sir they've taken out our radar you're blind what will he do what do we do tell our escort to head back home we may be blind but we're still faster than those Brits AA return to Port repeat All Ships return to Port do not engage All Ships return full speed the that way and so Z shanor Str drove on blind alone and unaware of zah hammer heading her V Royal nav is Force to the Hammer ready to smash the Shan host well it's not so bad he may be blind but that's only a bad thing if they're running us into a you guys know your incorporeal memory ghosts right the past can't hurt you you've obviously never had your heartbroken besides it's funnier this way more emotional whatever sir we've taken a hit directly to the boiler room it's not good get me on the line This Germany your answer gentlemen we are surrounded driven into a trap but we are Aryan men we shall fight to the very last shell but sir what's now we are sinking well it's been a good run well that doesn't B well Abandoned Ship we are going to die the British are going to ready Torpedoes Torpedoes ready sir [Music] fire incoming they do get us all together man not so lucky anymore is she no when the shanor sand of the crew of 1,968 men only 36 survived wa why the Allies left quickly well deal I guess luckily the Germans lost the war long after the incident a navigating officer from one of the Destroyers remarked in seafare one is always very sorry for the sailors it's the ships you're after not the men it could have been you thanks to World of Warships for sponsoring this video remember to click the link in the description to join the captain's Club use code Bravo to get that giant starter pack
Channel: WorkerBoi
Views: 303,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hitler, MrSpherical, countryballs, Workerboi, solarballs, animation, wwii, ww2, history, education
Id: mV2bd7zFOWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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