My Abusive Jehovah's Witness Mother Tortured Me For 13 Years | Minutes With

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so there'd be freezing cold water and she would lay us down in the bath so she would hold you down under the water and of course you you hold a mouth full of air and she would Hold Us Down to the point point where we had to release that air and you see the bubbles go up um and then you swallow water and it was only when we got to that point where you're basically drowning she'd maybe Hold Us for 10 seconds more and then pull us [Music] up so I I was born in the lovely town of chelam um and my parents they both had substance abuse issues so my early years weren't the best but you know they did try my earliest memories are in a house with no carpets uh looking for food with my sister how old are you at this point I I would have been not much more than 3 years old um just over three years old at this point my dad was really struggling to take care of us at all um along with his heroin issues they started looking for private fostering arrangements and they heard of Unis spry she was kind of like a bit of a hero in the local community and was well regarded she'd already adopted a child um you know she was always trying to look out for other children and I don't know who made contact with who but um she had like a half an hour conversation with my mom and next thing I know we are packing our bags and getting into the yellow Volvo and moving to chicksy do you remember much of that experience so I like weirdly i' I'd been only coming up for four years old but I can remember everything of that day we drove through the countryside to chicks spry and we arrive at you know we' lived in quite a derilict house before this so to arrive at this really quite nice big four-bedroom house uh in a quite not welltoo but a quite nice neighborhood I remember walking through the house there was a playroom uh just filled with toys uh there was a garden filled with like you know sand pits and water tables and stuff and it it was amazing I I remember her having to pretty much drag me in that first night cuz I I was just playing in the sampit and like those first memories were really good for me and who else was living in the household yeah my sister moved in with me um there was a Victoria or Tor she was called back then and there was a girl called Charlotte who was adopted by Unice Victor was also adopted by Unice and though uh Eunice's real daughter Judith who was part-time living in the house and of course Unice and what was your initial impression of Unice being a Jehovah's Witness she was always quite strict every Sunday we'd go to church for two hours um Thursday evenings there was you know a church session where uh we probably an hour in church in thiss evening and then you'd have Bible studies and then you'd also have Bible Club you know straight away there was it was quite evident she thought we were sinning all the time she would be quoting scriptures to try and point out everything we were doing was a sin so yeah it got kind of messed up really quickly and what was that I suppose turning point in her treatment of you we were all called up to Charlotte's bedroom which was the nicest bedroom in the house and Unice had found out some chocolate had gone missing in the house and she was determined it was one of us three uh so myself victoriaa so she asked us to all stand in a semicircle and asked us one at a time did we take the chocolate I said no um Aloma said no Victoria said no and she was right up in her face while asking this it was weird I I made the mistake of laughing cuz it was a very weird situation you know I'd have been 5 years old at this point five or six she then walked over to the corner of the room and picked up a an old gnarly chair leg and then she took the stick and smashed it across the tops of our feet now this is probably the the first time I've ever felt real pain like real real real pain and straight away I I collapsed on the floor and my sister did the same only Victoria managed to stand up to it actually which really P Unice off and the next round so she did it all once on our feet the next round was way harder because Victoria had managed to stand up but yeah that that was the first Crossing that l an instant probably within the course of a month we went from having very basic Jehovah's Witness star discipline to torture very quickly and you know this torture ranged from being forced to stay up all night being you know not allowed to sleep um she wasn't really starving us so much back then but very bland food not being allowed to eat what she was eating or Charlotte was eating um daily beatings and forcing us to tell on each other if one of us fell asleep we would have to wake Unice up and she would punish us or we'd keep a tally and she' punish us the next morning or walking up and downstairs for hours on end you know it's kind of messed up stuff and were you all um experiencing these punishments and tortures Charlotte was never abused or not that I know of but she lived a very luxury life in compared to USS and my little brother Caleb wasn't abused um now Caleb Caleb's a weird one because um he was had from birth as was Charlotte Caleb was treated so differently like Caleb was never really allowed to grow up he had this dream life he was getting fed he was getting to playing the sand pit you know that was my sand pit you know he was doing everything I wanted to while we were working a farm and barely struggling you barely staying alive if she was beating you and you would have been sustaining physical injuries you still going to church were you going to school we went to school and Aloma got caught stealing food because she was hungry so that raised alarm Bells I went to school and Unice had kicked me down stairs we were starting especially when we moved to The Farmhouse later on we were starting to sustain quite nasty injuries so I I had bruises all down the one side my body and of course School picked up on this straight away that scared youit straight away and we were all pulled out of school within weeks of each other and home educated and you mentioned The Farmhouse so at what point did you move there and where was the farm so we moved there I think around 96 uh an old guy called John John Drake uh owned it and Unice befriended him um and decided to move us all in so she could take care of him Unis had never met this blo before um but I think she saw gold signs he was in very bad Health was having to go on oxygen Etc and he he he died semi suspiciously because he'd been in quite he was in bad Health but um he' somehow turned his oxygen off in the evening so didn't get oxygen while he was sleeping and I think everyone around him found that a bit weird to be honest Unis had decided that we should all go visit John's body so we all paraded around John who has just LED their dead to be shown that at six years old is it's horrible you know she liked to see us scared that that that was evident so I I think she must have got something out of that because yeah why would you parade children around a dead body it's just it's just weird like she must have got something out of it it just it's just weird that his will changed a couple of days before he died and left everything to Charlotte um so suddenly Unice is in charge of this Farmhouse she is Charlotte's mom and all the land and all the money that went with it it's just a bit weird in my book do you think that Unice moved oh 100% think she did 100% And I don't think I'm the only one once we'd moved to The Farmhouse and John had passed um she basically had an open canvas to abuse us there was no one around we didn't have daily visitors um there were houses in the area but they were far enough not to be issue alom and Victoria you know we had a very weird Bond we genuinely kept each other alive from nursing each other's injuries um to you know stealing food to keep each other alive yeah we had a bond that was way more than sibling Burns were some of the bad things uh Unice had this thing where she'd like to get her hand and quickly touch it on top of a there like a fire cold driven oven and it would have this steel plate on top where which would get hot cuz there's a flame underneath it and she never we never knew when it was going to happen but quite often it would be random she would just grab your hand and force it down so one of us would come in with one of these injuries and we would try and wrap it and keep it clean and some of the worst things get you know getting hit around the back of the head with an iron bar and blacking out and coming around you know minutes later it was like being at War and try to keep each other going and like you know doing life saving care you know all while still trying to run a farm and be kids I know that she um did horrendous things she like fed you washing up liquid and that there were the washing out liquid thing was um she was cleaning our mouths of Lies it's really hard not to be sick and then if we were sick we would have to eat that sick up so the we couldn't be sick you had to keep it down but you you're gagging continuously um in these early years we probably you know we were taking a beating a day minimum but then she almost started to run out of excuses to punish us so that's when the starving start started um we were given very little food any food we did eat would either be stolen or would be foraged basically there were potato patches on the farm and apple trees and stuff and we we lived off the land for most of those uh later years and she very quickly realized we couldn't be surviving on the food she was giving us so thus started a vicious circle where she'd accuse us of stealing we were but and the punishment cycle kept going on so she would start using bamboo canes on the feet they really they really hurt it's like a cane almost across the feet we would scream when that happens so she would shove sticks down our throat some of the hardest times were the winters the early Winters cuz we weren't allowed to live in the main Farmhouse and it was in a horrific State there was no electric there was no heating there was you know um it dripped uh there were rats in it but those Winters were hard staying warm keeping each other alive I remember one day going into Victoria and her being so cold I couldn't wake her and eventually I'm like shaking I wake up and eventually she woke up and I genuinely thought she was dying uh you know we were so malnourished and so not well up in the bathroom within the Farmhouse there was this cast IR roll top bath and um she would fill this with freezing cold water and she would lay us down in the bath and the first thing that hits you is freezing cold so you almost fight that straight away so she would hold you down under the water and of course you you hold a mouthful of air and she would Hold Us Down to the point where we had to release that air and you see the bubbles go up um and then you swallow water and it was only when we got to that point where you're basically drowning she'd maybe Hold Us for 10 seconds more and then pull us up and I often think back and it was only luck that probably meant that one of us didn't die did you like experience Joy experience happiness as a kid at all yeah as humans we we always somehow managed to find the best scenario um and we lived in this beautiful area that the Summers were incredible you would lie in the fields and there'd be deer running through the grass and you would just sit back and watch them I would go down and um you dabble my feet in the river um in the morning at 5: in the morning the sun just rising and some you know there were some amazing memories you know we H we had this amazing holiday in Florida uh that came out of nowhere so we we were being heavily abused this is just after all the starving going on we were really in a bad State and then one day Unis announces we're all going to Florida and we were all uh bought clothes suitcases we all roll up at the end airport we fly business class to Orlando like we rolled into Florida and she was being loving you know we landed at the airport we drive through uh Orlando along I think it's Highway 41 and there's all these hotels and like theme parks as you go along and water parks and bungee jumps and I'm a kid from the country I've never seen any of this like this was amazing and we arrive at this Villa and there's a swimming pool and cupboards full of food and she puts us to bed gives us a kiss on the cheek we wake up the next morning I'm expecting our daily Punishment No we're given breakfast we're given actual food and we go to Disneyland we go to Kate canaval I swam with dolphins and stingrays and we had a the best holiday in the world and no abuse and when you were in Florida did you feel like you loved her 100% yeah 100% um she was my mom she you know she' give us a cuddle each morning she was feeding us she was taking us to these amazing things um I want to think that maybe she was really loving us at the time but how can you flick a switch that easily I don't know I you I've got my personal thoughts I I think we were sexually abused at America that is that is my thought because there are evenings I can't remember at all we're in this nice Villa there been lots of visitors and I I can't remember most of that and it's only as an adult now when I try and piece together the pieces I'm like this that something didn't something wasn't right out there also how did you fly all those kids across the world you know she has no job that's that's a lot of money I think there was a reason we were out there but I don't know I have no proof of that that's just my thought what happened when you got back so again amazing flight home and we arrived home and we open the door and there steam in the house and turns out someone had left the immersion heater on which is like a big water tank and it uh BS water she flew into an instant rage and within hours of being home I'd had my first beating [Music] and emotionally having had no abuse for you know six seven weeks and thinking actually we finally made it you know we finally became the good children that she always wanted you know to suddenly come back to the abuse was very very hard to deal with and I remember going to bed that night questioning everything so I I was living with Eunice's parents at this time um both were very elderly so I became their living Cara basically and it was only 5 minutes walk away from our chicksy house but in that time I didn't see Victoria at all I didn't see I saw Caleb very briefly Our Lives had kind of separated a bit but what I didn't realize was going on that um Victoria had been going to church again and a few of the Jehovah's Witnesses broke Rank and decided to ask her about the scars and we we were in scars but hers she was very pale complexion so hers were quite obvious and they broke Rank and decided to ask her and like say you know you've got to tell us now initially she stopped She didn't want to tell them but eventually they kept asking and she broke down and told them our story and then two days later the the police raid happened 6:00 a.m. on the DOT I'm on the mattress on the floor it's only a one bedroom Bungalow and there's a massive knock on the door and there I Scurry on out to the door and I open the door sleepily and there's a policeman and he just says your mother has been arrested you need to come with us we' always been told that when Armageddon comes like the governments and the police will be involved and stuff so we went into protect mom mode and I basically gave a amazing story of how amazing our childhood was and you no she's never she smacked us once in a while but you know oh yeah we have the best food in the world and for an hour and a half I just sat there and basically lied to them and said everything was fine but it didn't feel like I was lying it felt like I was protecting um our family and Jehovah it just felt right at the time so the police decided that they'd end the interview there and I was what I didn't realize is some phone calls were being made in the background and they decided to take me to go and see Victoria now I hadn't seen Victoria in over nine months and she was in hospital but she was paralyzed um so I'm expecting to see Victoria in a wheelchair or on her bed etc I walk into this hospital room and Victoria gets off the bed and walks to me at that point my life changed forever and it turns out all these years Unice had been denying her physical health care in the hope that compensation would be reached so Victoria wasn't ever allowed to get the care she needed to help her walk so she looked paralyzed I steamed out of that room smashing through corridors just I wanted to get away I was in full flight mode that was the start of my new life that point there that was the first realization that actually everything had been a lie how many years at this point had you been in un's care so I was 16 years old when the police raided and uh I'd been in unisis care for uh 13 of those years I was at work when she was found guilty BBC News flashed up and this this lady's been found guilty I was in the break room and I remember this lady across the way when thank she you know she was horrible she's going to get what she deserves I I remember thinking one wanting def to defend her for a second and go arrey wait wait wait that's my mom you're talking about and then actually just sat him back and going actually yeah she was horrible and I think that was the start of me trying to rebuild and get over Unis spry she got sentenced to 14 years which at the time was the largest I think it still is one of the largest child abuse sentences uh the judge said he couldn't give more so she got sentenced to 14 years um that was reduced to 12 on appeal and then she served half so I think it's seven years in total just sounds so minimal for all the you put you and your siblings through it's quite hard on the victims I think to try and deal with the fact that their lives have been ruined you know I the thing is she got seven years in total but for us it's a much longer sentence to have to deal with the physical side you know I live in hospitals trying to fix some of the stuff internally and externally what's happened so my sentence keeps going even though she's now living a Wonderful Life fully paid for by my taxes and gets another shot at life and actually we're left to deal with our injuries I know that your sister Victoria she took her own life it took a day for me for it to hit me and then it hit me hard and it was it's been one of the hardest things to get over that I've had to deal with with um I've dealt with a lot of trauma and a lot of things in my life but to try and get over her death yeah it's very hard to deal with very hard to deal with for any victim of abuse whether it's an abusive relationship an abusive parent do you have any advice my advice my main advice would always be to talk um the worst thing you can do is try and hide this and hold it um inside of you any abuse is wrong it doesn't matter that years have passed Etc any abuse is wrong and you deserve a chance to make that right you know there's always that thought that maybe because of my abuse I'm not worthy to have a child so that actually put me off having kids for years I I'm very lucky to be a dad uh I have an amazing little 2-year-old boy he's the best thing that's ever happened to me um he's incredible they and how someone can harm a kid I I don't know he's my world if you could say something to that little boy version of yourself all those years ago what would you say to him just because you're not feeling love now doesn't mean love doesn't exist and love is a hard thing to describe but once you felt it it's an amazing feeling even though that light is very dim there is still a light at the end of the tunnel you got so confident with the abuse I would be invited to his house and so would another boy abuse one turn over and abuse the other and that's how confident he was in being able to abuse young boys still knowing that even though somebody was present in the room that they wouldn't say anything
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 229,534
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Keywords: LADbible, lad bible, the ladbible, the lad bible, lad, bible, ladtv, ladbible tv, sportbible, sport bible, tyla, unilad, uni lad, celebrity, funny, viral videos, interview, documentary, eunice spry, christopher spry, abuse, child abuse, torture, murder, prison, near death, survived, true crime, real life, jehovahs witnesses, jehovahs witness
Id: YVWhZVfj7-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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