Living with Britain’s Most Notorious Serial Killers - Fred & Rose West | Minutes With | @LADbible

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they killed her and the baby even to this day it still hurts so I left her there with that baby and they never got out of there which does make me realize that I was the next victim [Music] shall we kind of start from you telling me about your childhood what was it like I had an amazing childhood unfortunately my dad passed away when I was 14 which led me to I didn't understand was grieving procedure um which led me to leave home at the age of 16. I just wanted to go and be my own person I've always been a bit of a funny individual and I thought it was a bit of an adventure to become an adult it was around about October of 1976. I had a boyfriend at the time and his parents had a spare hay so I went to stay there um and then that led me into meeting up with Anne-Marie who I'd been at school with who actually told me that her parents had a flat going and from there on I went to meet Fred and Rose look at the flight and be accepted to the flight I moved in within the week talking about the 25 Cromwell Street what was your room what was the house what what did it all look like um yeah you go in the front door and to the left-hand side was Rosie's room um to the right hand side was the family living room which was always very clean very tidy almost surgical um and then through the living room was the kitchen out the kitchen was the back Garden um there was a set of stairs as you went in and I was two flights up I was the top of the house at the front and my room was just a room with what I needed in it in between my room was to the right there was room on the left with another couple in and there was a little kitchenette in between us what was your first impression on Frozen Fred and Rose were besotted with each other absolutely besotted with each other and it showed Rose was always a little bit aloof but Fred was a true gentleman very friendly um a very good landlord um I didn't see very much of the family life because unless you were invited you never went into the family area which you know which is right um when I used to babysit the children it used to be a little bit of playing time and then straight to bed so there was never really because they were a lot younger they wouldn't really have had conversations in that respect anyway um but I never heard anything negative from the children once I eventually was asked to go through and sometimes I go through to the kitchen to take my washing through um I'd I'd see Rose having a go at Anne-Marie mostly um because it seemed Ann Marie had to get the children ready in the morning for school and you don't give them a piece of toast without water so she was quite sort of full on with with Anne-Marie um it seemed like they were unmarie's children not roses I thought it was a bit over the top but then every every family is brought up differently I basically kept myself to myself and so I had a boyfriend so he'd come and see me often and my siblings came to see me um I'd only see the children when they were going in or out of the house or unless I was asked to look after them and I just see if there are any problems with the room I'd say to Fred um and I'd see him then or just see him walking around the house but very rarely saw Rose because she kept herself to herself I just happened to be in the living room one night slept with him watching a movie I can't remember why and Fred was in the kitchen doing something and the doorbell went on a red light litter and I just remember saying oh my goodness it's like the red light area and I was just oh shh mum has her friends in there and we're not allowed to go in did you ever see any reaction from Fred Turtle did it seem to bother him no he just carried on what he was doing they never argued they were they seem to be the perfect couple do you think there was a moment where you got an impression that something might not be right in the house did you get any hints yeah it was the reason I left was because I'd heard Heather screaming in the middle of the night stop it Daddy stop it um several nights in a row I heard the same thing I couldn't father make what it was but it didn't sound good whether she was having nightmares or not but I did ask and a member of the family said is what he does he feels is his right to break his daughters in I kept playing it back in my mind what could I do but I don't think I could have done anything different because I was a runaway um nobody was going to believe me if I went and told anybody so my best defense was get out because I couldn't be a part of whoever was going on so I arranged to move out and didn't tell them until the day I was moving out hold was Heather the at that at the time of that incident I remember right she was about eight so obviously now we kind of when we know we know about Rose and Fred we for example know that a lot of things happen in the cellar have you ever been there yes Fred said to me one day come on have a look at what I've done for the children so okay he took me into the cellar which was very dark very dank uh he'd painted bits on the walls he'd put a little bed in there he'd put a little box of toys in there but I'm claustrophobic so I immediately said to him this is very nice but I need to get out of here and I was in there probably five minutes talks just looking at it and praised him up for what he'd done for the children I'm gonna ask a question you don't have to answer but we now know that among other things Fred raped and kind of forced into prostitution uh Anne-Marie I can honestly say I was never aware of it I just thought she was out with her friends and she wasn't in the house it was never made aware of that so can you talk me through you moving out of the house when after after what you've heard and what you've seen I just made the decision that I I didn't really want to be there with those circumstances I find an alternative place to live but something made me not tell them that I was moving out until the day I moved out which was the day that I would normally pay the rent and I just said to them I'm moving out they went oh when I went now because I'd already removed all but one bag full of stuff anyway and I just walked away what was their reaction to rosenfreude shock um you kind of said are you sure you really want to move out yes yes I find somewhere else to live and I need to move out did they ever try to stop you no I think had I told them that I was moving out before I moved out I actually don't think I would have got out of there you mentioned surely what was she like she became my best friend so when you moved in she was already pregnant yes did you know anything about the father of the child eventually she told me that it was Fred but I disbelieved her um because I thought yeah yeah she's just yeah the landlord's my boyfriend I just thought she was being a bit of a girl how old was she she was just a little bit older than myself so like 17. uh she I think she was nearer to 18. um yeah we were good we had plans uh when she'd had the baby she was going to get a flat and we were going to meet for coffee uh yeah we were very good friends she was a lovely person did you stay in touch with any of the children after moving out I went back to see if surely had the baby and if Rose had the baby because they would both do pretty much the same time Shirley had gone and they said she'd left which confused me a little bit because we were meant to stay in touch um but I went to see them and I went and had a coffee and saw Rosie's baby which kind of shocked me a little bit because it wasn't quite baby I didn't realize at the time and just had a general Child bed my goodbyes and went do you still think about it a lot a lot you feel but I I feel that had I had the guts to tell somebody I don't think the outcome would have been any different but what I think about is that Heather was innocent and I left and I left Shirley there and she never got out of it so I happened to show they killed her and the baby even to this day it still hurts I left her there with that baby and they never got out of there which does make me realize that I was the next victim at what point did you find out what happened to Shirley so it wouldn't be good 20 odd years after I'd left because I I cut that side of my life off um and just forgot all about it and until the news came out that Heather's body had been found or I'd forgot all about it not forgotten all about I'd locked it all away because it was a part of my life that I didn't need to think about every day um as it broke on the news it horrified me even more because of the room that they found the one behind the chimney breast was my room and the one that they found under the bath was where I bathed so when you found out about the scale of the things that were happening in the house how did it make you feel devastated heartbroken for all those that have been lost and angry because I then started to date my thoughts about what could I have done but I still came to the same conclusion oh I couldn't have done anything different nobody would believe me there's no different answer Fred and Rose were arrested in 1994. and then as they were waiting the trials had committed suicide and it was only Rose left to present in court how did it make you feel I'm angry that he'd taken his own life to get away from what was happening uh I'd say Rose was the domineering one and the last time they crossed paths when they were going in night of course she shunned him and I believe he couldn't take it when you saw rose on trial what did you think of her I hated her hated her for what she'd done for what they'd done and I can honestly say I stood in that Dock and I stared her out my fret Fred had done this before he met Rose and Rose had done it on her own and then they carried on to do it together so they were both as guilty as one another how was your life after Rose went to prison for a little while I was a little bit um I wouldn't say traumatized but I was a little bit confused over what they'd done how it happened could I have spotted anything I racked my brain could I even though the sentence had been served it still made you think about could you did you but the more and more I thought about it the more and more I realized I didn't have any signs there was nothing I could have done so I then did my normal shut it into another little box in my head and forgot all about it and got on with my family life but you still cut this quite I mean quite disturbing information to yourself for quite a few years how did that feel I kept it to myself because it was something that was a part of my younger days and as I said I didn't know what I could do about it so it was just best to walk away from it and just lock it back in but I still do ask the same question and I still do think about maybe if I had or could I say surely could have saved Heather but then I still come to the same conclusion and lock it back in again to look back at these events how does it feel it feels like um even though it was real is not real it's a part of my history the only way affected me was slightly of a mental version when it all came out but the fact that the person part of this team as I would call them has been dealt with that's another one off the streets how do you feel about the fact that the house was demolished ecstatic because it should never be left there what they've done is amazing it's narrow remembrance Gardens and it's beautiful I've been to see you I was going to ask if you've been there how was that it was it was a bit daunting because I knew that's where it had taken place but because they've made it so lovely it was absolutely lovely to go and see and the thought that they've remembered all those that were lost do you think it made you feel a bit better about Shirley and her memory slightly I'll never feel aware about her [Music] and as I walked faster I could hear his footsteps getting faster and faster and then sheer Panic took over and I started to run towards the end of the road and as I ran I could feel his his steps getting nearer and nearer and nearer so close behind me
Channel: LADbible TV
Views: 601,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lad, bible, videos, viral videos, viral, funny, comedy, documentaries, exclusives, interviews, ladbible, funny videos, fred and rose west, fred west, rose west, serial killers, true crime, crime documentary, glasgow girls, 25 cromwell street, serial killer victims, murder, true crime documentaries, police investigations, jayne hamer, heather west, anne marie west, serial killer couple, prison, detectives, family murders, serial killer families, britains serial killers
Id: rVI59cOFOpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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