My $750 Month Japanese Countryside Apartment ๐Ÿ  Japanese Apartment Tour

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to fog mess and welcome to my own today I'm finally going to be giving you a tour of my apartment here in northern Japan if you're new to my channel or if you missed me mentioning it in earlier videos I live in a city called Morioka you want a Prefecture I pay about seven hundred and fifty dollars a month for this apartment so here's my entrance and then you come in and there's a space to take off your shoes and I've got this huge shoe closet which is great because I have lots of shoes what I really like is there's a full-length mirror here right by the door so you can make sure you look decent before going out here's the entrance to the main part of the house so as you come in here you can see the living room the sitting area I guess this is the dining room and the kitchen this table was not meant to be this big I ordered it off Amazon and it looked a lot smaller on the website so it takes up quite a huge portion of this room I find myself like pushing it back into the corner a lot to make up some more space here but it's a nice looking table and I ended up using it from my desk I do have a proper desk but I guess it's more comfy to sit here the air conditioner up there keeps this room warm so it's easier to work from this room I've got my post-it notes everywhere reminding me of the million things I need to do today my cold tea from this morning yeah that's basically where I sit down to eat my breakfast and dinner I've got a calendar on the wall here planning out what to do for each day of log mess all the plants in my house are fake I travel too much to be able to keep real plants unfortunately I've got another really pretty full-length mirror here I like to pull lots of mirrors throughout the house I just feel like it makes the space look a lot bigger and this is my cozy living room I really like how it turned I found this sofa at a local furniture shop for about a hundred and fifty dollars which I thought was a pretty good deal because I think it looks pretty fancy I think it looks like it cost more than that and I decorated it with some really hairy pillows from Amazon and a little throw blanket just to keep it a little warmer in the winter because this fake leather material is pretty chilly to sit on on a cold morning when I moved in I really hated the color of these curtains I thought they're hideous but they're kind of growing on me now I feel like now the place is decorated but they kind of work what do you guys think would you change them I'm pretty happy with them now they're like a weird gold color don't even know how to explain it at the moment I've got my little Christmas tree over in the corner here decorated with my pushing plushies normally I would have a different plant here and this decently sized TV that I got off of Japanese Amazon for about thinking was $300 which i think is a really good price because the quality is great I've had zero problems with it yeah I think I got a really good deal on that it was brand new these shelves that the TV is sitting on I also got from Amazon they're kind of cool because you can take this piece and flip it over and stack it on top of this one if you want a rectangular TV stand but I kind of like it like this I've got my playstation down here some books some random stationery and stuff I really need to clean up this area it's so messy and in these really cool trunks is where I hide all my camera equipment I got these off of American Amazon so I'll link them for you guys if you would like to order some hopefully they still got them but yeah they store tons of stuff so I hide away all my electronics and that stuff what would make my house look super messy inside here and they also make a really good footrest when I'm sitting on the sofa oh also santa came early and got me the Godzilla humidifier so I'll show you guys this in a video when I get back did you after my trip but pretty stoked about that Thank You Santa mark my fine art on the wall here you guys have seen this and some more art that a friend drew for me fake cactus and yeah that's about it that's the living room I really love this accent wall here which is not real cement it's a just a plasticy wallpaper I think it looks pretty realistic if I hadn't have told you would you thought it was real one thing I really like about the living room are these lights on the ceiling you can dim them with the switch here and if you tap this button really fast they change color I don't know if you can tell but they're a very warm toned at the moment I believe this is the mix of the two and these are the cool lights let me so you can select what you're in the mood for I usually use the warm ones in the evening but yeah that's pretty fancy this is probably the fanciest lighting setup I've ever had I would think in Japan so I really like that and I have this little machine here it has a camera outside my front door so if somebody knocks on the door I can see who it is and I can talk to them using this button this room beside the living room is identical to my bedroom but at the moment all I've got in here is this really cool lamp that I haven't found another spot for I really wanted to put it in the living room but there's no space in there unfortunately I love it I got it on sale at the furniture store because it was the last one I think it was about $70 and then I've got my piano over in the corner I practice it when I have time which is unfortunately not enough I would like to get some more practicing done I'm not allowed to have instruments in this apartment but I can plug in my headphones here and play with my headphones on so I can still play and above the piano I've got the retro Godzilla postcards that I got at Nakano Broadway this room also has a really strange closet set up it looks like this is a door leading into another room but it's actually just part of the closet so this whole wall here is a giant closet and basically I use it to store cardboard boxes then I can't throw away yet and I keep all my suitcases in here and that's about it right moving on to the kitchen area I recently purchased this shelf here and I loved it I feel like it's just a great place to store all these knickknacks that would normally just be crowding my countertops and tables this is some of my tea collection I've got three tins of tea here and this is my jar of random teas which is almost finished how crazy is that my favorite little Paris plushie down here and this is a really cool book so this is a five-year diary and you just write one line from each day and each page is the same day but throughout five years so you can see like where you were at a year or two years or three years ago and it's it's really interesting to compare I haven't completed the first year yet I bought this last New Year's so I'm almost finished the first year it'll be fun to move on to the second one and compare them I think I've got some random currencies in here holy self random currency and down at the bottom here I've just hung my shopping bags and a hat this is a recent I herb haul that I haven't sorted into my cupboard yet my oatmeal that I eat almost every morning and a fur remover to remove dirt and cat hair and stuff from my clothing if I have any I have a really big kitchen sink which is awesome because it's always filled with dishes I don't like doing the dishes so I have space to let them pile up in here which is nice and it came with this little rack for drying which is also super convenient this is great because this comes off and it's a hose my stovetop is an IH cooking stove infrared heat I had the choice between gas and IH when I moved in here it was a brand new building so I could kind of design how I wanted the room to be which was really cool I went with IH because gas scares me I'm always scared that I'll leave the gas running or something and I just really love cooking with IH I feel like it heats the pan really evenly and it's super handy it heats up super quickly as well I just push this button here and then this one to turn on this burner and I can adjust the level of the burner here and then down here there's a little fish grill that I use once to try and heat something up couldn't figure out how to use it and never used it again so that's a shame it's kind of a waste all my spices and seasonings are just kind of sitting in the back here because I haven't been able to find a spice rack that will fit in this little gap I have behind the stove I would love to have a nice spice rack here but no luck finding a thin one this little kitchen unit has so much storage in it which is great I keep all of my cleaning supplies saran wrap stuff like that in there down here and there's another one where I keep all my stationary stuff over on this side I've got my dishes and my utensils and down below is where I keep all the pots and pans oh there's an image right here for elastics not so moving on to the other side I bought this little table off of Amazon and I feel like it it works perfectly here because I can kind of tuck away all the different garbage cans that I need we've got cans PET bottles which are like plastic drinking bottles plastics which go separate from the plastic bottles this is burnable garbage and in here I have glass bottles it's kind of annoying because I've always got garbage sitting here waiting for the garbage day when I'm allowed to throw it away I can throw each one away once a week I think on top I've got my only oven I use this tiny little toaster oven for making toast or making a pizza heating up stuff it's really all I have because I can't fit an oven in this which is really the only thing I don't like about it this is my favorite appliance so you fill this up with water and it comes to a boil and then it keeps it the perfect temperature for tea you can adjust the temperature setting here depending on what kind of tea you drink I always keep it at 98 I find like that's perfect and then you just push this button and boiling water comes out always ready for your tea it's awesome this is an espresso machine and some capsules I only drink the sweet ones like vanilla or chocolate caramel I've got a pretty small fridge but I feel like it's good enough for me it's got a decent sized freezer at the bottom and I've got my microwave on top there and there's even more storage up here which I rarely use because I can't really reach it what I can open it and then I can't reach any further than this I can't use the top shelves you guys have seen my pantry when I did that organizing video where I tackled my tea shelf tea shelf random foods shelf more random foods and down on the floor I've got bills and water bottles and soymilk and stuff like that I love that pantry and right behind the kitchen is my bedroom you guys have seen this in most of my videos you've pretty much seen the whole room I've got a full-length mirror in the corner here for when I'm choosing my outfit my closet is super messy so I'm not going to show you inside there my ever-growing glasses collection here I've just got some important stuff like my passport ID cards stuff like that if I ever need something important it's probably inside this little chest some fake plants I got from Daiso my Chanel perfume I really love this I hate most perfumes but I think this one smell is really nice and inside here I've got my jewelry collection some notebooks then my bed I've still got my koala mattress that I made a video about a long time ago it is super amazing i highly recommend koala not sponsored please sponsor me again I love you guys little table I got from Ikea my aromatherapy kit and this is a really cool light you can set it so that it slowly glows brighter in the morning like the sunrise and it's supposed to help you wake up in a natural way it's really neat this really cute cloud lamp I got from sunny thank you so much sunny as a housewarming gift I love it so much a little lamp over here and some candles fake one and a real one and my bed has this charging station so I can charge my cell phone it's pretty cool that's my little bedroom right moving on to the bathroom area over here I've got a washing machine this didn't come with the apartment I bought this from a thrift store when I moved in my laundry basket my vacuum back there which is charging over on this side I've got my makeup all the makeup that I use daily my face wash my electric toothbrush makeup brushes and in here is all my skincare oh by the way there are a few skincare boxes left if you guys are interested in purchasing my Korean skincare routine I will link that video down below just got an update and they said they have a few boxes left so if you were thinking about getting one you can still do that risking care in the middle I keep lots of hair products sunscreen that kind of boring stuff and got some bath powders and stuff like that in this one so again I have so much storage here which I really love and I love this cute little fake marble countertop down here is where I store all my makeup that I don't use on a daily basis and some skincare stuff as well all right over here is my towel rock got my towels my laundry basket and my laundry hangers toothpaste shampoos stuff like that here I use this little basket to store all my hair tools and more stuff down here detergent stuff like that this is all my extra skin care that is yet to be used caught this little rock off of Amazon and I love how it just fits perfectly in this little space so thankful for that I've bought one of those like absorbent stone bath mats I really liked it I was kind of like if you bought them at first but it works great and it dries quickly now this is my favorite part of the house I am so stoked to show you guys the bathroom because it's amazing and it's the reason why I decided to rent this apartment so first let me show you the shower it's got so many different settings I do not use them all there is this waterfall style shower here this one here is so interesting it's just a really thick jet stream of water that comes out and if you sit under it it kind of gives you a massage if you aim it like on your shoulders your back it's really cool but honestly I only ever use the regular shower head but I do have that choice if I am ever in the mood for a waterfall or a weird Jetstream shower put on my shampoos and stuff in the corner here now are you ready for the main attraction so I have a TV in my bathtub that's cool it came with cable so I can watch movies or TV shows while I'm in the and it's a jacuzzi bath it has jets which I can operate with this button here and this controls the lighting in the room I can dim the lights pretty fancy eh let me actually dim the light so that I can show you guys the best part this button right here watch this it colors my bath different colors now it doesn't look overly cool at the moment but when you have your bath filled with like a nice bubble bath it will color the water the color of the lights and it looks so cool and there's so many different choices I think there's a rainbow setting as well the last one yeah this one I think it changes color isn't that crazy this is the best bath I've ever seen I love it so much oh and this little system here is really cool I always forget that this isn't normal totally it's by God but as I do this to turn the hot water on and then I can adjust the temperature of my water here and with the push of one button jido it means automatic it will fill up the bathtub for me and it'll speak to me to let me know my bath is ready when it's full how cool is that these two buttons here are really useful when you're having a bath this one will add a little bit of cold water to your bath and this one will add hot water to warm it up oh and this button here you can use it to talk to people in the house so if you're in the bath but you want to talk to somebody out in the living room it's got a little microphone right here so you can talk back and forth to each other alright and the toilet room nothing overly fancy but again I love the accent cement wall and I just think it looks really nice I love how it's got its own mini sink here and mirror and it's a really fancy Japanese toilet that does way too many things like my bathtub this is the day I can change the temperature of the seat I can warm it up in the winter this changes the position and pressure of the water for the bidet this is a big flush a small flush this is a jido cleaning like automatic cleaning button I've never used that I don't know how exactly it cleans itself but this one says massage and I've always been really curious about that but I can't think of a situation where you would want a toilet to massage you so I never push that one and yeah that's the toilet and I guess that's about it I hope you guys enjoyed this tour of my apartment if you have any questions about anything we've been down below in the comments and thank you so much for watching I'll see you again right back here tomorrow for another vlogmas bye guys [Music]
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 904,618
Rating: 4.9117231 out of 5
Keywords: sharla in japan, day in my life japan, japan vlogs, sharla japan, sharmander japan, life in japan, japanese apartment tour, japanese apartment, japanese house tour, japanese luxury apartment, Sharla apartment tour, rural Japan apartment
Id: 2-pLdHKIDE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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