MY $435 JAPANESE APARTMENT TOUR | moving into my first apartment alone

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okay i live in a suburban area so i am confused by this vending machine like why are there men's sexy shorts some freaking panties for sale in the vending machine right next to some coffee and tea japan can be so weird sometimes my nails are crusty i need to go find some nail polish it remover supposed to rain today but it's okay that's good that's good all right take one yo what's up you guys valerie here take two yo what's up you guys it's valerie here and i'm still excited as hell i have been in japan for a month and six days total but i've been living in my apartment for two weeks now and oh my goodness this place is perfect for one person especially my size i'm pretty big especially in japan and it's all for about 435 u.s let me repeat that for you 435 dollars you s this is probably the cheapest place i've ever stayed in and the fact that it is just me on my own wonderful i'm up i just looked at my screen but it's okay it's okay [Laughter] my work is only a three minute walk from here the place was partially furnished basically fully free well not fully furnished it depends when glass but it was pretty it was pretty fun it was pretty furnished and i got a balcony with a pretty peaceful ass view like i can see the mountains in the back over there and the sky has been like on one like it's just been so pretty so beautiful lately so the sun just peeks through i get good ass sunlight and the living room as you can tell and girl look good folk anyways let me stop talking and let me just show you the place all right let's get it let's get it let's get it let's get it let's get it let's get it let's get it let's get it [Music] [Music] okay so first thing you see when you walk into the house is the gang con so this is common in all japanese homes um the purpose for this is to leave your shoes here because they believe the ground is very dirty which i mean it's true so they don't like to have your outside outside shoes walking in the clean home so 100 makes sense so there's my my cute dogs more cute dogs and here is my shoe cabinet this was obviously built in take this off i was sad because i didn't get to bring all my shoes here because i'm team bigfoot and it just wouldn't fit in my luggage all i could fit in some docks my fat ass nike air maxes and uh some work shoes but that's okay anyways and then here's this cool ass clear umbrella all the japanese folk be having this seem like this was left here for me so anyways oh this thing i'm sure y'all are wondering this is the mailbox slot so if anyone wants to drop in a little little present little i have a stutter that's where this drops oh that was loud and then up here i mostly have like miscellaneous items like a smaller umbrella everything in here was given to me besides these thermometer covers because i'll be checking my temperature because covey but anyways oh and those latex gloves i bought those but there's just some lights uh some string to tie up boxes band-aids shoe polish things like that bug spray you know a lot of miscellaneous stuff and this right here is actually the garbage and recycling schedule so if you didn't know the japanese trash system is very extensive so these are the days i can put out certain trash so wednesday and saturday they pick up household garbage so that's like regular trash recyclables on thursday this is where i kind of get confused but they have a whole separate day for plastic so like yeah it has a special sign like this or whatever no that's not it oh yeah that's it i didn't put something in the wrong thing okay i'm gonna have to change that like i said we still learn and we still learn it anyways so here in that door is the bathroom so let's go ahead and take a look but before we go in there so this thing right here so this is to warm up the water if you do not turn that on your water will be cold as heck so if you don't want no cold showers make sure you turn that on anyways so here is the bathroom i need to switch this light bulb out because we got some horror movie stuff going on it's still going flicker watch watch that's how i cut this one off anyway so here is the vanity oh hey hi so i really dig this you know all this little open space right there there's also an outlet so if you ever like flat ironing your hair blow drying it or whatnot you have the option to so there's that and then if you walk straight ahead here is the bathtub with the shower so the way japanese shower is they typically rinse off and then they get in the bath will shower they shower and then take a bath because who wants to take a bath in your own filth right low-key though i don't think i could fit in this tub i haven't tried it yet actually let me try to try let me try let's see i'm gonna show for y'all okay oh i got my socks on let's see oh hell no so home curl can barely fit in the tub but if i'm desperate all right let's get out oh just a second oh i ain't doing this again oh okay oh man yeah that was a struggle i don't think i'll ever take a bath here anyway so there's the shower head so the way the tub works let me let me show y'all oh let me not play myself oh i will be i played myself but you see that comes out that way and then you switch it that way to the tub see i don't play it myself but anyways that's how that works let me get out of this okay turn that off and then straight in the back is where you drop your deuce deuce so we got the toilet right here we got our teepee my co-worker had to buy the toilet paper for me from when i first got in and she was so concerned if i liked the color pink she was like do you like the color pink and all that stuff and i was like not really but it's toilet paper is gonna end up in the toilet anyway so i appreciated her for her concern oh and then i also have a washer i actually haven't used it yet but i do need to do laundry so i will be getting right to it i'm pretty sure i just got to push this button or something i'll figure it out but that's okay so that's the bathroom and then right when you step out here is the kitchen so i only have two eyes on the stove which is fine i mean again it's just me so it's not really that big of a deal and all of these spices for the most part was left here for me the only thing i bought was this vinegar i brought these two from home in america and i bought these two like glass jars i want to get flour to put in this one and then here's my sugar and yeah so they had left me with oil ketchup some hot sauce some hot sauce turmeric salt so i was like hey thanks y'all so and then in terms of pots and pans oh most of it's in the drying rack but this was left here for me so this is where i put my pots and pans and then if we shimmy on over this this cabin is pretty much empty so i'll fill it up with something i don't know what but it's it's empty space and then the cabinet under the sink they left me with cleaning supplies some kleenex trash bags two cutting knives these some big boys too simple [Music] scentsy and then one thing i'm really digging is how big this sink is like bruh i could wash your smile small child in this i don't know why i would have a small child here but big sink for the win and then up here in this cabinet is some glassware i seen those wine glasses i said oh girl you will have to get you some wine but yes we got some cups in there and then here is like the plates and bowls strainer tupperware more space for me to fill up on my own and yeah basically all these dishes in this drying rack is from the apartment from the previous [Music] foreign teacher that was here and then in here again they pretty much provided me with everything i did buy this because uh your girls haitian and needed a pilon i'll insert a picture of what a pillow looks like because i'm pretty sure not everybody knows what that is and then i bought my own set of chopsticks because why not these were like a dollar anyway so they're cute too i think it has like a little owl on it you see it oh it's so blurry oh there it is got a little island and i said oh damn you cute you cute anyways so that is the cooking kitchen area but dan i am pretty sad that we don't have an oven like it's not common in japan to even have a oven so this is what i got to work with so i will be looking up a lot of toaster oven recipes and i will try to make my desserts and whatnot in here i can't be extravagant of course but it is what it is this was also given to me as well don't mind the mess i'm a little messy but i'll just be checking my stuff back here but just more storage for food and what have you and then they provided a good old rice cooker this sings to you when it's finished same with the microwave it opens like this bloop it's actually pretty interesting let me show you how it works so literally you push this button and then you turn the dial to how long you want let me do 10 seconds and then you just push the dial oh oh hey hey hey hey what it is what's up what's up okay see i'm telling you everything sings and then this little fridge it's perfect size for one person got my bacon and my pork in here i'm making chicken today too so i got it marinating in the fridge right now but i need to uh stock up at the grocery store again not much in here it's pretty empty but anyways so that's the kitchen and then one step over i'm gonna shut this because i got the heater on gotta keep the heat in the room i'm chilling in so i'm not gonna lie i have no idea how to work this thing i think it's so if someone's outside of my front door i can like talk to them um let's try to google maps or google translate what the hell this means anyways let's see let's see if google can help security um this thing tripping out you know what we're not even gonna mess with this i don't even know this looks like a dangerous button like i'm not even gonna bother but anyways here is the living room slash bedroom give you a little quick little piano so your girl got hella closet space like this is one whole closet a whole nother closet so it's a mess but you y'all can so this here is the futon that they gave me and not gonna lie i could not sleep on it like it lasted a week before my neck was really just hurting so i was like i need a sofa bed but shout out to them for even trying they got me some blankets that's the summer blanket underneath the futon those are the winter blankets got my luggage here pillow a mess but anyways i keep my towel in here because when it's in the bathroom it gets so cold so i'm like nah we need a warm towel so it stays in here with me so that's one closet boom closet number two has all my clothes in it bow all my business clothes and all that i'm sophisticated uh i got my small little luggage there they also gave me this vacuum which was pretty dope again these bookshelves and drawers they gave me and i got more space up here again a mess oh y'all see my addiction right here let me let me get a little fix actually right now i need some sour patch yes your girl brought a whole pound of sour patch twitter it's my favorite so there is a sofa bed i recently got oh that shower anyways i actually only paid fifty dollars maybe less because it was five thousand yen for that sofa bed off of a facebook page yo i i swear facebook groups have the best deals for anything people are usually just trying to get rid of stuff especially out here in japan because it costs more to pay to throw things away so it's better off you're better off just selling it online so boom this rug i'm not really a fan but like i said it's cold in here so i know rugs help bounce off like heat and absorb the coldness or something maybe i'm making that up but i believe it so why not they gave me that coffee table it's cute little white aesthetic there's the desk over yonder you know i'll be sitting there like all the time because i gotta be uh i have to have good posture it's crucial but anyways oh hey it's me y'all anyways so this tv i barely turn it on but again it was left here damn anyways but this tv was left here so it's there it's taking up space why not it's okay and then lastly we have the balcony so let's take a little peeky poo there's a lock right there step outside and there is the view ain't she purging but yeah also japan doesn't have dryers so this is where i'll be hanging my clothes when i do laundry not a bad deal i usually air dry most of my clothes anyway so ain't no fine but a chicken wine but yeah boom so there you have it that's it that is my humble abode y'all so i hope you enjoy this video and uh maybe it'll inspire some of y'all to get you a gig to get you a gig to come out here and experience the japanese lifestyle and like i said this was a company provided apartment it's only 45 000 yen a month which is about 435 dollars american and that's not including utilities so electricity gas i think water is included in that i haven't paid that bill yet because like i said i've only been here for two weeks i'm kind of nervous because i've been cranking the heater non-stop so hopefully it doesn't cause the arm in the leg but it's all good i need my warmth but yeah it's very nice apartment nice area i'm so glad to be here and i just can't be anything but grateful for this experience again so if you like this video give it a like go ahead and comment down below if you got any questions for me and yeah anyways i'm off because your girl gotta pee real bad deuces [Music] is
Channel: Valerie Nestor
Views: 4,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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