My $20,000 Engine was gone for 4 months and 19 days.

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[Music] what is going on guys welcome back to the channel today we got an engine we got a waiting for this hi for months and 19 days wait how do you know that I looked it up this morning today we're talking about it here is our engine finally back for the mr as you guys know we sent this engine off a while back because we were having a low compression issue which after sending it back to them ended up being something super minor which I'm gonna explain to you guys it's actually pretty funny four and a half months later that minor issue was fixed so we got it back yeah yeah yeah nice 50% of what we do is unnecessary height there it is Wow it's been a really weird string of events for the last few months if you guys remember like I said we had issues with this car the worldís engine at least the engine was low on compression we couldn't figure out how to fix it we tried getting on the phone with him after we exhausted all of our efforts trying to fix it we shipped it back to them to get faced let's get this thing on box check it out and I'll get into telling you guys what was wrong it's kind of funny so the cans were degree by NMR to 112 degrees and 118 degrees whenever we had this engine assembled the first time we were degree in the cams and apparently that is exactly where we went wrong the reason why we had low compression across the entire Bank funny enough was just because we forgot one tool when degree in these cams now typically on other types of cars that Doug has worked on so I didn't agree these cam I'll be honest with you I'm not really too knowledgeable on degree in cams period so Doug degree these cams whenever he degree time we didn't buy the little tool that in marcelles whenever your degree in these the little tool is essentially just a lock out piece that holds the chains tension that way whenever your degreeing them because if you imagine you spin the chain one way and now you've got slack on this side so one of your degree it's spinning it back that slack will cause inaccuracies and that's what happened on that side we didn't know that there was a lock out tool so after trying to fix it over and over and over and over having no luck we ended up sending it back to them once they got it back they were like hey did y'all use a tool for this and I was like what tool they're like ah okay so that was that was wrong they they run out of screws we've got half the thrills in this thing Phillips half of them allons half of them lag bolts hi Gavin our conversation the engine was disassembled in this video linked here contrary to the statement made in your video the agent does have all of the piston rings awesome we were attempting to do diagnosis on an engine that had low compression we mentioned a save it that possibly the rains could have been left out it appears as though the difference in compression was due to three contributing factors so here's why this Bank moves low on compression and while we can figure it out in correct cam timing incorrect cam timing procedure and incorrectly installed chain tensioner yeah we are unable to determine the original we were unable to determine the origin of the short block while it does have some MMR brand components inside of it the external modifications block water jacket supports would suggest that this engine was assembled by someone else as you guys remember I did buy this engine used I stated in the video buying the engine that I was finding this engine used not directly from any more at the time of me making the video about the engine having issues I say that this engine was not from a memoir the guy that I bought it from had the receipt from him and Lauren MMR also told me that they had the order on file from where the guy placed the order for this engine and claimed that it was a different engine because it had blocks ports in it and that just because it had the MMR parts in it did not mean that there was their engine regardless the short walk seemed to be in decent shape considering the power level it was ran for one pass well actually about a half a path making probably a thousand we award stars 1505 short blocks so at this point the interval require reassembly new head gaskets cylinder hone new piston rings and final assembly with correct cam timing MMR is happy to offer this for no charge including a return shipping a total value of over $3,500 if the following conditions are met MMR agreed to finish this engine up for us thanks guys I really appreciate it we got our cam timing issue fixed which was super minor and four and a half months later we got the engine back so I really appreciate that if you guys want to go check out MMR they're great company great products will link their website down in the description down below so this is what we had to do in exchange for them to give us this engine and again this is not slanderous this is not us doing anything that is grounds of being sued for it this is again just stating the actual facts that happened so here was a bullet point number one we had to immediately leave modular Motorsports A+ Google review the Google review must reference the fake reviews left on behalf of by others on your behalf by others so let me go ahead and clarify essentially what happened is modular motorsports had a few different bad reviews that had mentioned my name and they were like MMR sucks they didn't fix gavin's engine right from his justice safes or something like that that had nothing to do with me if i would have left that review i would have been a lot more creative if you would like to submit a draft of the review prior to posting it on google which suggested they put in parenthesis we were happy to give our seal of approval this condition must be met prior to us beginning any reassembly work so I went on Google I went to modular motorsports and despite the fact that the reviews that were left on there had absolutely nothing to do with me I suggested that people don't go reach out to them about the issues that we had with the engine I also asked that people go delete them whoever left them they were not on my behalf I did not recommend that anybody code ooh that I did not want anything to happen out of this all I wanted was my engine fixed that's it number two immediately remove all negative comments pertaining to MMR in the video comments section of all it's just the six videos that's really difficult to do because we had so many of them that were negative comments pertaining to MMR that we kind of just agreed that we would just leave them there and from here on out please guys don't leave any negative comments this condition must be met prior to us shipping the engine back to you and lastly MMR would like to see two videos made exonerating our company so this one is the first video and on here they outline and they say the first video can be a simple update video stating that you reviewed the disassembly video and that MMR was correct so I got done reviewing the video that they sent me and MMR was correct the cam timing was off also the suggestion / assumption to my viewers that the engine is missing piston rings on one side wasn't correct I was wrong even though we didn't say that the engine was missing rings I did say hey maybe a reason why it could be low on compression is because it's missing ranks who knows I'm sorry that I said that that was a false statement it had all the Rings we were wrong about all the guesses that we had because we were unable to figure out that this cam timing for the lockout was wrong because we didn't have the lockout tool awesome we learned that's the point of this channel is to be able to learn we do stuff for the first time on this channel that we have ever done as a mature people that way all of the amateur people out there who wants to go buy products like this to do it themselves they watch us make the mistakes because we can afford to make them that way whenever they do it they have learned the same way that we have so we try to provide an educational experience to our viewers in this video I need to offer a simple apology to MMR for that assumption MMR I am terribly sorry that we were diagnosing the engine and I said that a possibility for the engines low compression on this Bank was because the Rings possibly could have been missing after that apology I need to explain that MMR has offered to help with properly degreeing the cams and getting you all set up so MMR was nice enough to get these cams to greed for us and get them shipped back to us we got the entire engine assembled by them and this thing is perfect now I believe we're gonna figure out once we get it back on the car and crank it up and really push the limits of it but so far it looks really good I'm happy about it they got the cams to greed in spec using the proper tools which means that we're gonna be set up and ready to go so if you guys want to check out again MMR stuff you can go down the link in the description what other website down there if you guys want to go check out their product I'm really really happy I am excited honestly to be able to because like I said last time that we had this engine in the car it is a 1500 horsepower capable engine which means that we can throw pretty much all the power that that VMP blower can put out throw it out this thing and it will be perfectly fine which I'm really looking forward to plus the cool thing about this is we've got these cam lock outs and these stage 3 cans from mm are gonna chop and sound amazing so I think that's all as you guys know we've been promoting their products on the channel now for about a year and a half none of them okay without any kind of I'd never even had communication with them or anything I'd been running view their products on different cars and things like that like for instance I've ran their oil pump gears and everything that I've had so whenever I got this engine built as you guys know the reason why I went and got this engine in the first place is because I couldn't afford one brand new at the time of getting this thing so whenever we went and picked it up it was still new but it was secondhand the guy had bought it from him and more and he had it sitting for about a month or two I think and then never ended up using it because his car ended up getting traded in maybe or something like that or you wanted to change directions so we ended up picking it up for a little bit cheaper than MSRP the engine normally I believe is like a short block is like $10,000 I ended up picking it up for like seven thousand so we stayed a few thousand dollars it was a brand-new engine everything again would have been great on it if it would have been for us not knowing about this tool for the lockouts which again there hasn't been a lot of videos made there's not a lot of documentation on that kind of stuff so honestly we just really didn't know and I'll be the first person to admit that this was something that I told you guys whenever we were doing it the lockouts the big timing set and everything super strong stuff really cool with those big cams and everything but you're eliminating the phasors and you've got to manually set the timing I was that was not something that I was comfortable with just because of the fact that I have never done anything like that it was cool to learn about it it's definitely still cool to learn about it I learned a lot in this whole entire process but whenever we were similarly in this thing that was something that I knew was going to be a possibility that we were gonna have issues just because we had never done it before it's just fun to be able to try to go into unchartered territory and learn from it actually don't forget MMR whenever the disassembling this they said if you were to keep it with low compression like yeah everything would have been a hundred percent fine had just been down on power alright so there was really nothing even wrong with it it was just the compression was different bank-to-bank we tried to figure out why it just normal stuff but they offered to fix it so we sent the engine over to them and they fixed it and they sent it back and again this is stuff that I really wanted to tell you guys that was going on for a long time but we actually couldn't even mention anything about this engine whatsoever so that's why every time that we would talk about it I just told you guys yes it's coming yes it's coming there's just complications because there were complications and we couldn't really just get it back seriously that let's I want to open this thing up and check it out I'm kind of curious to see how everything looks looks good from the outside but I want to see I see there's a little box up here on the top I think I'm really excited because as you guys know we got an engine built similar spec to this about RPG RPG thank you guys so much by the way it will be kind of cool as you guys have been asking a lot lately we've been trying to get this car back together that way we can race the GT versus the GT 350 they've got very similar power I'm excited to see how it stacks up against that twin-turbo GT 350 there though this is completely different platforms completely different engine builds completely different displacement completely different force induction method should be pretty neat heyo well say it looks great I mean here to put a picture on Instagram honestly if you guys want to follow me on instagram go follow me at it's just six but I think I might get a picture of this thing here in just a second I should you should update the channel members yeah so that's a good point too so in case you guys don't know we have the channel memberships thing for anybody that's tier two or higher we do these little updates like behind the scenes so this video is filmed but of course it takes a few days for the videos to be edited so that's why a lot of the times whenever you guys see these videos they're about typically three to five days past real-time is because again it takes days to edit upload and things like that and a lot of people get upset but just to keep people in the loop for real-time what we do is on the channel memberships page we'll go to that community tab and kind of post like behind-the-scenes pictures and stuff so we're probably going to go post a picture real quick of this engine just let those channel members know that we did get it back so in the next few days they should be expecting a video of the unboxing and then following that will be hopefully getting the video of having this engine installed in the car which is exciting damn that's a nice picture Gavin thanks man come on fat girl up she goes again this time it should be the last okay this song should be last time we had to pull it out for at least another few months till the new setups ready huh hot off the press for Doug it's a perfect day for that shirt well not that one torn L yeah something I did notice I don't know if y'all saw this or not the tensioners right here was swapped out me and Doug were noticing this whenever we were taking it apart I'm not sure what that's exactly for but I know that we were reading somewhere I think somebody was having some issues with these tensioners failing the old style I think these are the new style so Steve and his other name shall be unmentioned anyway his dog was talking to the guy and he had this ironically this same tensioner fail and whenever they pulled it apart the tensioner had no tension on the timing chains at all what happened was it actually came out of timing and broke a bunch of valves down the valve train and stuff like that I'm not sure if they were having like maybe some kind of issues with the stock or the announced stock but the other tensioners that there had on there I just noticed whenever we got the block back from them the entire engine here it did have different tensioners so that's kind of interesting whatever no swing this thing this point it's relatively simple clutch transcenders back here on the hedge valve covers timing cover supercharger intercooler and lower the car back down on to it so just crossing my fingers hoping everything goes well this engine shouldn't have any problems though because like they said that is completely assembled by them so they pretty much signed off on and shipped it back to us so we should be good guess we'll see so check this out as soon as we stop recording speaking of these new tensioners that I know weren't on there already yeah Sally found out they weren't on there oh yeah I mean this is the same one that we had on there all the belt one we had to remove our VCT sensors from I mean this is something minor that can be made work but see whenever it goes when I have supposed to line it won't where you can see little holes you have to clock it and then angle it and then it never actually stops flushing on there and then the crank is like all the way over here around the whole finger there and then nothing there so we're gonna have to grind I guess the inside of our timing cover I don't know like I said can be made to work but I just wanted to show you honestly yes we'll see oh yeah I know the other ones that we have a red these are completely different and they're obviously much larger because they're not clearing the timing cover now or something larger or something I don't know well I guess we'll call them real quick and see why it's not clearing hey can I speak please yes this is Gavin from it's just a six hey this is pretty good hey I was just letting you know that we did get the engine back in so I appreciate it but I noticed once we got it back in we went to go put the timing cover on and whenever we went to put the timing cover on we noticed that it wouldn't actually fit on and I noticed that the tensioners have gotten swapped out so I didn't know if they were we change the tension around now it's got a limiter inside of it because basically those things are known for kind of pumping down when it sits at you know when the engine sits out of certain basically a at rest so if they'll pump down so we our new gen tensioner has a what you might call it like a for lack of a better word it's just a spacer inside if it doesn't allow it to pump down so you may have to do just a slight bit of clearancing on the timing cover where it where it would touch okay I got you um was there any issue with the tensioners that came off of there I didn't know if that was correlated to any of the issues or previously no issues with them at all but these are just been doing we just wanted to put the door update on it for you okay I got you well yeah I guess I was just making sure that we were they okay to clearance the valve cover the timing cover sorry I didn't know if we were supposed to be it's weird because some of them fit some of them don't but I think it's just because it's a casting it's it's not held to a tight tolerance in that area there's coarse shift in the castings and they move around a little bit so it just take a little bit just a slight touch right there and it'll be good to go okay cool well that is what I need to know then thank you so much together do you remember what what method did you guys use to decree the cams because they were they weren't like off by a lot some of them one of them was off by almost 15 degrees just curious yeah it was with a comp cam wheel that we had the degree kit from comp whenever we put those cams in there I figured that the comp cam kit would be the best for agreeing yeah so that's what we got to use regardless it's good now it's perfect so you guys should be good to go okay awesome well thank you so much then I appreciate the conversation sure thing thank you so much that's gonna be a wrap for today's video guys thank you so much for watching make sure you drop a like on this video comment down below let me know what you guys think about how the MMR engine back finally and I cannot wait to see this thing running so the next few videos should be us getting this engine installed into the car getting this thing started back up and uh yeah I'm really looking forward to it so hopefully you guys are too till then see you guys in the studio [Music]
Channel: itsjusta6
Views: 349,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camaro, corvette, ls2, ls1, drag, race, lsx, ls7, z06, zl1, ss, chevy, hellcat, dodge, horsepower, supercharged, turbo, nitrous, fast, vs, Ford, Mustang, gt350, gt350r, racing, coyote, manifold, headers, tune, tuning, voodoo, tires, wheels, motorcycle, Suzuki, gsxr, 600, 1000, honda, cbr, rr, r1, r6, 500, Yamaha, bike, life, wheelie, crash, bikes, biker, compilation, Ducati, karma, wreck, 848, evo, ecoboost, diavel, bmw, s1000rr, single, cab, truck, Silverado, short, bed, lifted, slammed, lowered, flex, seal
Id: BY_Eys-FiwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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