My GT350's Mysterious Engine Failure.. **SOLVED**

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figure ready for the major flood to come there she goes that's the cylinder that we're down don't see anything oh hang on dog okay yeah we've got something what in the all right so today is the day that we are finally going to be pulling the gt350 voodoo engine apart which is kind of kind of scary but if you guys remember a few videos ago if you haven't seen that go click up above and check it out but anyways we pulled the engine out of the Shelby once we got the engine out we pretty much got it up on an engine stand split the trans open looked at the clutch did all that good stuff as you guys know I do have a Mannix Windus I'm gonna be replacing the stock clutch with cuz we were blowing through that thing with the twin turbos and if you guys don't even know why we're doing this if you're new here we pulled the engine out because we actually lost one of the cylinders after well technically it was before we twin-turbo dude I bought the car and these engines have a lot of issues bring land failure which I believe is what we have going on here but there's not really a way to determine it until we pull it apart today but anyways whenever I bought the car I didn't notice that we were already down a cylinder and sounds stupid but we actually twin-turbo tit after that so we didn't even find out that it had any kind of loss of compression or anything until the turbos came up and kind of made it a prevalent issue so now after that we pretty much pulled the engine out because we knew that we were gonna have to get a new piston put in it and we're hoping that today whenever we pull it apart we're gonna find out that the ring land is the failing point which I'm hoping and crossing my fingers that it is and hopefully get everything replaced and fix back up so we can get this car running maybe in the next few days as you guys can see we've actually already got the transmission split off of the engine we got the engine pulled off with the k-member and it's actually up on the engine stand already as you guys know if you've been listening to me talk about it for the last few days we're getting all this stuff pulled off of the stock k-member and we're actually replacing it on to this tubular k-member here so there's magneride on the GT 350 Doug noticed and I didn't even think about it but melts the stock k-member right here but the issue is that this new tubular k-member does not have mouths for that anyways well we'll figure that out but the goal is hopefully to get all this transferred over to the tubular k-member got our transmission here on the ground like I said the stock clutch actually doesn't look that beat-up anyway so we're getting rid of that junky heavy stock clutch and we're replacing it with a manic twin disc as you guys know here's the manic triple disc of the black car we've got literally just parts everywhere in the trans here trans here supercharger kit up there rejected Kaman broke against the wall there's k-member on the ground there's one inch in there there's turbos there there's just there's there's stuff everywhere it's a nightmare in here right now how'd you guys see the engine has already pulled down valve covers and take manifold timing cover or we're trying to do now doug is marking the timing chain so that way we can pull the timing chain off the front pull the phasors well actually gonna have to pull the phasors we can just pull all the cam caps and lift that all out of the way this engine actually has head bolts we should have just go ahead studs we're gonna pull the head bolts out lift the head off once we get the head off we'll be able to inspect that cylinder in there farther diagnose or figure out another problem we would just figure it out one way or another but hopefully no further problems definitely but you you ever say this is all my stuff almost just broke your stuff's doing good oh you have a snug heads a slipping clutch just and of the world I just got this car and the engines out and the clutch was slipping Jesus anyways today it should be pretty fun let's just uh let's dive into it I can't shake the feeling that it's about to happen and I'm gonna make a killing a guy trees a night being in front of millions awake got stressed out yelling at the cilia and what my life go will ever be on my own after the last two years seeing how that win a pretty car alright so the cans are ready to come out now you should be able to just lift straight up now head studs are busted loose now cams are out of the way we're gonna do now kind of unbolting them all out of each slot I'm gonna be able to pull the entire head off what's your hypothesis what's it gonna look like Greenland yeah it's in face nah it's gonna be something pretty minor again once again a ring land or a ring it so I think we're just gonna see more the same what we've seen lately unfortunately we seen lately we've got coyote block over there at cracker England's we just shipped off a coyote that had I believe some ring and she was still not sure yet what's going on with it are falling apart this one it's just like every every engine that we've got going right now it's not working out right alright guys time to switch cameras we're gonna get this head off figure ready for the major flood to come there she goes oh yes that's the cylinder that we're down you don't see anything oh hang on dog oh my god well what are you looking at what am I looking at oh okay yeah we've got something going what in the is that that's not good it could have been running like that for ten thousand miles and we never knew it oh no way that's a new blog dude it's bad figured he like not even a joke feel that honestly yeah that's bad yeah throw back there I think it's called a Ford and I said hey it sounds like there's an issue it's start up and it sounds like it sounds like it's down on power it sounds like this and that and they look at it they're like oh no it's normal to worry about it let's give them hang on here that this is smooth this is what we've got oh oh oh my gosh I don't even know what to say right now now it was not what I was expecting when we pulled that thing apart I was literally sitting there I was looking at I was like well we got it open I can see it I don't see anything else they oh my god that's how you go from bad to worse like like that you know what the worst part about this is this part that I'm really upset about I'm trying to hold it all in and not freak out but this is a fifteen thousand dollar engine I think the part that I'm most upset about is the fact that I bought the car like this I took it to Ford complaining about it they didn't even look at it and I can prove that it was like this already whenever I've bought the car and it was still under warranty whenever it was bone-stock our stock plugs are fouled out because this was already a pre-existing issue No yeah that's something else that people probably forget about too is that this car was only boosted for a week and it was on six pounds and the first start up though you remember the first startup that we did with the car it was smoking so bad and I was like what is that and we were like oh it's probably just the pipes breaking in which I mean that makes sense except for the fact that now see what it was see so look now this is the problem I was sitting here and I was like well my morals were telling me that I probably shouldn't probably shouldn't just take it back to Ford now that it's been twin-turbo and do all that I should probably just suck it up just bite the bullet let's make some content let's have fun with it was just replaced that piston now that I see all that now it's pissing me off I'm not gonna lie cuz I took it to for God dude job security yeah no I'm good I just don't know what to do now that's that's real bad most of the time I'd also be joking around I'll be like oh that sucks but it's okay this is just not one of those situations where I was like oh this is this sucks but it's gonna work itself out this is really bad actually how do these things keep happening I don't know what I did I feel like I'm a good person guys it's just six calm /aa right I think the thing that I'm most upset about too is I didn't want to say this on camera but the cameras is on this engine are completely screwed no I know I have a feeling what please don't tell me the bearing oh my god hey dude what happened this thing oh my god are you kidding me we've got a spun bearing it's not on it's just definitely pretty that's it's not close just being spun though Oh like that is the fastest that my day has been ruined in a really long time let me see the inside of the bearings were quick going here I'm pretty uh pretty not happy what's the ring will look like it was damaged on this lower side here I don't see anything that's not you know what that tells me thanks um I've been in sounded yep you know also look those weren't really that far out of phase the Rings look fine the piston looks fine circle the piston room I don't see anywhere on the piston damaged that's probably a brand new piston you know what that means that means that this was definitely a pre-existing issue long before under the car was almost new I guarantee you it lost the cylinder ring land issue it tore the block up they threw in a piston in there and just sent it back home because it was running it was running fine what I'm quote just like they told me from the warranty that is a brand-new piston with reused rings and it's the same raw to guarantee it same thing that we were about to do just now except for it happened previously the Pistons fine the Rings are fine no cracks no cracked ring lens no nothing it's pretty odd to say the least you see anything I surely don't that looks like a brand-new piston it looks pretty new I mean it's worn in you can see some skirt wear that's probably because where the puck was torn up or whatever tore the block up originally is not there in the engine anymore is my point you know I'm saying yeah that's that's fine why on earth does the block the cylinder wall look like that because the literally the only answer is because it blew up in the past that's well that's gotta be why the bearings look like that something happened I'm telling you this this this engine has been through hell for some reason but why is that okay that's alright see if it rings was almost brand new to look at that that's crazy yeah okay this one has a slight 45 on the inside here so we can note that as the top-ranked take this one it should be our second compression ring probably has a scraper on it ring looks brand new to notice we say top here with a dog dude I wonder if that top means it's supposed to be at the top but you get in no it's not look we've got see this little notch here a little 7 looking nothing it means the Cystic and airy ring scraping oil back down into the crankcase obviously dude there is not a single problem with the ring when we were looking at being right down here is where our wear would be and it looked perfect you can just see blue bar right here with the oils been blowing by yeah also explain why we're getting smoke out of the PCV remember we have in Decatur here mm-hmm this is our arrow facing forward so we're gonna go from there that means that we would be right about four to five o'clock position right here and there's nothing on that pistol indicating that that was what caused that on the blog normally typically guys if you're looking at something marring on the cylinder wall that bat you're gonna be looking at a crack reel and so bad that it's gonna be like a corner chunk blown out yeah that could also make some sister while we've got bearing issues they could have over torqued it whenever they put it back together yep I wonder who did it normally got a new piston in it normally I'll say Ford doesn't allow Tech's to do voodoo stuff they normally will replace the entire block or the entire engine no I can't I mean we can only speculate you know we can't point fingers we can just take well what I'm curious about those what happened in the past for that to happen and then them to replace it with a piston but then throw it all back together and not replace the whole short of the whole block the long block Ford replaces the long blocks typically why would they have taken a car that is bone-stock under warranty to another shop to have them swap a piston in it and like you said that would explain the bearing issue too they could have over torqued it we don't know I mean the only thing we can try to contact last owner and might be like look we don't we're not trying to point your fingers here we just know what's going on I mean this bearing really if you feel it it doesn't feel completely marred but it's definitely got some uneven wear marks you can see in there the bearings still not happy either way which is odd for a stock motor I don't know it's a stock motor with low miles there's it's cotton how they alright I just confusing I mean I really don't even know what the same I'm really mad I'm just trying not to start saying a bunch of stupid but Jesus and then look this is what I was gonna say is check out on these cams they look really close these are marred up so bad and these don't have bearings on as you guys know these actually just slide into the race on the head so like this is a coyote head but like they just they just slide into the head itself and there's a cam count that comes over it and there's oil that goes in between it and that's pretty much how it works it's like a little bearing so why would that be like that on every single one also fun to the odd that whenever we pulled these rings out they were barely clocked out of phase I mean you have to understand rings do move but normally there's a certain amount of revolutions per rpm so normally if you clocked them 180 out then they will also move 180 out under moving up and down the cylinder wall think it's like oh you didn't think about that yeah because they were so close to each other yeah so like when he's talking about is the end gaps of the Rings whenever we pulled this apart it was like four like this they were laid on an engine whatever you're assembling it you've got one ring right here one get one gap here and then 180 degrees you've got the other gap here and like Doug was saying typically whenever you rings it will move around they will shift but typically they'll stay 180 out from each other and just move around or close yeah they won't move to be to the same which also points us in the direction that somebody has been in here I did not know what the they were doing it's kind of frustrating it's real frustrating actually yeah I'm not comfortable just boring it over and putting bigger Pistons in it oversized Pistons I would personally rather just see it being sleeved or get a whole new block the cheaper alternative at this point it's probably going to be just to get it sleeved but the problem even further than that is that inside of the heads the races are completely marred up which means that we're probably now I'm gonna be able to use the stock heads or the stock cams which under Ford's warranty if they would have replaced the engine they replaced the entire engine on the on the Voodoo's like Doug was saying they typically do not let any of the the Ford technicians they don't let them work on voodoo engine so they'll if there is an issue with it I determined that it's an oil consumption engine which means that it's got blow wire in this case I don't know what the going on with that but typically they'll just replace the entire engine as a whole which would have fix this issue completely but instead now we're stuck with completely screwed stock head slightly screwed stock cams and a completely screwed block and bottom end that's not good I'm gonna call Jeff real quick at Helens performance he's been he's been trying to help us get this engine back together let me call him and let him know I told him I'd update him he's one that shipped us the piston kit to fix it by the way come on cuz you got an answer even know what to do from here personally I wouldn't just leave it come on I would just have it bored over 20 thousands to put larger fishings appcode you not see whether this leaves can just deliver Tom you can drop the sleeve you can have sleep imperfections boring a motor is honestly if you wanted to be extremely reliable probably the way to go that's nothing that will support quite as much horse powers of sleep but you have less issues over time from the longevity now if you're trying to send it make 50 on the horsepower just leave it but at that point you know you're probably gonna blow it up somebody anyway well at this point why not just Bose leaves in there throw head studs in there throw cams in there the reason really was a transmission I mean you're gonna start breaking everything else and then you're gonna end up with a black car again yeah alright well there we have the guys I did not want to see that I was hoping that we would pull it apart we'd find a cracker England we'd be dingleberry holding it right now slap the new piston in there and get it back running but it looks like the Shelby is going to be down for a lot longer a lot longer than I expected so that's really not fun by any means but I'm gonna try to stay positive like I said guys call me down below and let us know what you think this situation is pretty bad I won't lie it seems like it keeps getting worse and worse every situation over the last few weeks but whatever figured out good news or bad news first which one you want sure okay the good news is that we don't have to use the piston that you sent me yep well the it'll need it'll need a block to get sleeve aha I'll send you a video is gonna need a block heads and cams most likely well we didn't do anything at all but what I'm assuming happened do the evidence is that it it looks like the previous owner completely grenaded that engine and it looks like somebody I you not took a grinder and ground out three or four or five six thousandths out of the cylinder wall in one spot from the top to the bottom of the cylinder wall yeah I lost to a Ford truck right it can be sleeved not really the stock sleeves no not entirely it was the cheapest on the market in the United States well the heads I think can be salvaged but it's gonna need for sure' new cams and new cam caps like without a doubt MMR mags billet cam caps three hundred hours so what kind of money are we looking at here yeah stay in your lane I take a trip across the pond just to flex the saying yeah we got a long flight say she got a man but that ring is going waxy my greatest fan [Music]
Channel: itsjusta6
Views: 497,822
Rating: 4.8858776 out of 5
Keywords: camaro, corvette, ls2, ls1, drag, race, lsx, ls7, z06, zl1, ss, chevy, hellcat, dodge, horsepower, supercharged, turbo, nitrous, fast, vs, Ford, Mustang, gt350, gt350r, racing, coyote, manifold, headers, tune, tuning, voodoo, tires, wheels, motorcycle, Suzuki, gsxr, 600, 1000, honda, cbr, rr, r1, r6, 500, Yamaha, bike, life, wheelie, crash, bikes, biker, compilation, Ducati, karma, wreck, 848, evo, ecoboost, diavel, bmw, s1000rr, single, cab, truck, Silverado, short, bed, lifted, slammed, lowered, flex, seal
Id: kdBj-TJ729Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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