My 12 Favorite Guitar Pedals (yOu wOn’T bELeiVe #2)

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before i get started let me know in the comments what your favorite guitar pedal is i want to know leave a comment come on today i'm going to go through 12 of my favorite guitar pedals why because i don't spend enough time playing with myself what i mean is i have a lot of stuff and i don't use it enough so i'm making a video that specifically indulges my need to be a guitar nerd a guitar pedal nerd in this case so i'm going to go through my 12 favorite guitar pedals that i own in no particular order the format of the video will be a clean sound and then i'll turn on the pedal play my ideal setting i'm also going to have a little bit of text giving you the details of the signal chain because some pedals i've found sound their best when going through a specific amp knowing how the pedal reacts to the platform the pedal platform in this case an amp is crucial to unlocking the ultimate sound out of it so i'm using certain guitars and certain amps for certain pedals this is not a sponsored video meaning none of these companies are paying me to mention their guitar pedals but i will put affiliate links down below if you are interested in purchasing any of these pedals a spoiler there's no affiliate links for clons and the clone is on this list but other than that all the other pedals are linked down below if you'd like to support me buy them through there if you don't want to support me do not click the affiliate links down below without further ado my 12 favorite guitar pedals ever the first pedal we'll look at is one of my favorite guitar effects ever made popular by jimi hendrix the octavia sound and this is the pigtronix octava it's a micro pedal the only micro pedal on this list it's just dripping with vintagey sounds and there's a lot of octavias out there i think this is the best one [Music] [Music] heavy [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] well that's just a perfect octavia sound what can i tell you moving on to the nuna bar new neighbor new neighbor nuna bar has anyone ever said this company right who cares they make great guitar pedals this is a chorus pedal and chorus pedals are hit or miss for me i feel like sometimes they're too shimmery or too tinny this chorus pedal is excellent because it does the traditional chorus sound which i'll show you but it also does a variety of other different chorusy effects that i find very usable and very friendly to the ear the new note new new new neighbor nuna bar new neighbor knew not new num the inspire [Music] [Music] so [Music] the next pedal is the rev g3 the rev stuff is like guitar hero in a box it's the coolest game pedal that i found and i like putting it in front of a already kind of driven amp you can put it in front of a perfectly clean amp and get incredible heavy tones as well but i'm kind of a mores more guy we'll start with just my ideal setting and then i'm going to turn that gain all the way up and you'll see the full potential of the rev g3 distortion [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey ah as we move on here i have a bit of a cheat i'm putting two petals in one but it's because i like to use these petals in tandem and they're completely different effects one of them is the slow and one of them is the iron horse the slow is a reverb and the iron horse is a massive distortion both of them are made by walrus audio effects the slow is sort of like not your traditional reverb you would use on your everyday gig it's more of an ambient shoegaze look off into the ether and find yourself type of guitar pedal pair that with a humongous distortion like the iron horse that really only does one sound it's just tonal bliss [Music] the next pedal is the saboteus funky vibe they're really doing great work with the guitar pedals in argentina which is where this pedal company is based i've gotten into my love for hendrix and just older vintage guitar pedals in general this makes you feel like you're actually on stage playing at the fillmore east in 1967. was it 68 69 70. [Music] um [Music] come on [Music] you knew it was coming the clone centaur maybe the most fabled guitar pedal in the world and one that i seem to have given a second life to along with other fellow content creators across this wonderful platform a clone is worth every penny i'm tired of all these people slandering the clown the club's not worth that shut up yeah it is and i'm gonna show you why right now [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh that sweet sweet centaur breakup next we have the boss phase shifter this is a phaser pedal and it is one of the first guitar pedals i ever owned and i think mike einziger of incubus inspired me to purchase this pedal when i was a boy i still use it the exact same way i did when i was like 15. and that is the step motion i really love this step motion thing it sounds like incubus or 311 or some kind of really neat synthesizer arpeggiator just listen to it [Music] and of course when you turn that uh rate up it gets pretty wild and maybe the unsung part of this phaser is just the actual traditional phaser sound it's very chewy that's that's a phaser adjective chewy [Music] moving forward we have the mxr law machine first glance you would think it's some sort of octavia sound because it does have an octave boost which i'll show you that gives the octavia but it's really like this sub-octave thing that i like it's very subtle as far as that bass sound goes it really makes your guitar humongous sounding fuzz pedals in general are hit or miss this one hits [Music] and i know what you're thinking tyler what the distortion's only on like three what happens if you turn it all the way up [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] the next petal is the strymon lex which is a rotary pedal you may be surprised to see quite a bit of modulation in the form of like tremolo and phaser and rotary in this case i really do love these effects and i think they're so expressive and can really add a lot to recordings in general so i'm working on an album right now and i'm finding myself pulling these pedals out that might be part of the impedance of this entire videos i've been using a lot of different guitar pedals in the recording context and this is such a cool sound it's just an old-timey feel it just feels like you're sitting in a coffee shop in 1969 and some guy's sitting over there with his gibson and he's got his strymon lex turned on it sounds like that [Music] [Music] [Music] of course the cool thing about this pedal is you can adjust that rotor speed how fast the rotary is spinning [Music] delightful anyway this is a harmonic tremolo it's called the loma prieta from copper sound pedals they make really great pedals and this is no exception it almost does a vibe thing and it almost does a tremolo thing obviously this pedal has a lot of functionality you can do the traditional tremolo thing if you want but harmonic tremolo just sounds a little bit more again to use a phrase i've already used chewy like a phaser almost but my favorite thing to do is to pair harmonic tremolo with delay and i learned that from those petal guys dan and mick yeah it really really really sounds great so i'm gonna have the harmonic trauma and i add some delay in post just sounds great [Music] [Music] in this petal i've used before as like an always-on there's a grit knob it really accentuates the throatiness of a strat [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] moving forward we have the king of tone analog man makes this pedal and there's a four-year waiting list as i documented in a video where i did not wait on that four year waiting list i just was a sap a sucker and i bought one off of the internet and basically this pedal makes every guitar sound slightly sweeter and better doesn't matter what you use i'm opting for a strat fender setup but uh it really sounds good no matter what so yeah the king of tone is [Music] do [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] the next pedal on our list is the source audio spectrum a pedal that i use because of a riff that i came up with using the pedal so let me play the riff and i'll play the pedal and then i'll just adjust a little bit give you a little bit more you'll you'll hear this is a wonderful pedal it has many more uses than what i'm going to show you but just just that sound [Music] so [Music] [Music] top [Music] finally our last pedal on the list you wouldn't think i'd end this list without having a wah pedal right it's the john petrucci crybaby signature wah pedal sounds like no other wah that i've ever heard in a metal progressive like modern context this is the best water is does this thing to your guitar tone that makes it sound like an angry grizzly bear here listen [Music] [Applause] copy [Applause] [Music] ah there you have it my 12 favorite guitar pedals i hope you enjoyed this video maybe it inspired you to pick up your own guitar pedals and tinker with them a little bit more or go hunting for a new guitar pedal yourself the holidays are coming up or maybe you're watching this in like april the holidays are nowhere in sight just buy yourself something um you you have my permission it's okay until next time keep shredding [Music] you
Channel: Music is Win
Views: 177,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wlcec_Uywjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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