How to Build a Perfect Guitar Pedalboard

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this is your your ideal starters board like somebody says what do I need to build a pedal board where do I start you're going to give your personal recommendations to build an essential Guitar Rig where does a man like you start with the tuner always first tuner so you're going with a tuner and not you know having the clip on if you don't have you can't you can rock with it like let's think about what Rockstar has used a clip-on tuner and looked awesome not one this this not I mean I know people use them because you know you don't lose space on a pedal board but you know it's hard to get your mullet flowing whenever you're not gonna weirdly enough there's definitely multiple tuners in here well they all sound different yeah okay I don't see any tuner do you even tune you don't change it um I don't which would explain to my videos back there okay so we have yeah oh okay and this is polytune there's another one down there where let's see one oh we did yep you have a poly tuned to a nepali tune three well this is a true BAE bypass and a buffer that's just cue bypass apparently what is true bypass and buffer mean to those who don't know so to bypass means your signal whenever it's off your signal comes in and goes out just like there's nothing in the way the best way to explain a buffer is if you have a bunch of cable or a bunch of pedals and you don't have a buffer then you're gonna start to lose high end through the magic sorcery of circuitry it makes it so the cable doesn't take off the high end we need a compressor for sure I like to run my compressor before any sort of dirt personally don't have to I just like it better that way so let's see what compressor options you got yeah you got a JHS through the loom pedal yes the weighty tidy yeah let's go with the fruit limp oh okay the fruit of the Loom is that an inside joke with you and Josh no it's for loose I mean some people use sayings I think fruit looms actually don't restrict as much we're gonna overdrive next you say we're going overdrive I really like top mounted jacks you can fit mo on there she's not empress is not like saris not I got a lot of overdrive pedals and none of them are top mount I know a guy that makes them let's go with the nobles which is kind of a staple especially in Nashville mm-hmm super cool to drive nice and transparent down low and a favorite of Tom bucha back that's a very rare nobles to Tim Pierce amyloid uh Tim gave you this huh yeah he said he has ten I was like okay they all sound different they really do the tolerance is all wacky on him yeah which is that's an early early nineties if I'm not mistaken that's cool ah somebody's things I'm not sure what they do actually like isn't that the fun of pedals what is this one oh it's blood noise I've never played that one that's a delay reverb thing so it's not a distortion no it's you're looking for Distortion do certain era know it's all just all by size what I could give it perfectly maybe I should go backwards because to me like overdrive and distortion I like a lot of flavors mm-hmm so maybe I should start with like reverb and then go delay like work backwards sukkah and see see how much space I got it's your board blues guys are cooling I'm gonna be a good one but that's kind of like everyone like everyone uses the Strymon far as reverb goes zebra yes yes there's something called the wash go wow that's a really neat reverb pedal that I got actually he he drove out to meet me in Asheville at a bar and he gave me that this this knob here does like a modulation effect does it do delay as well mm-hmm it does do delay delay it's like I got a delay mix and presents oh that's perfect let's read let's go with that when you're when you're looking for any guitar pedal how much is it by its looks versus the sound lick is it like guitars where you see it on the wall and you know so this is kind of one of the weird things about me I actually could care less what it looks like yeah even even our own pedals I don't do any of the graphics or the colors because I don't like it I really like I would like here's one of my old ones for example I just wanted it to be silver with no marking just you know play around knobs figure it out but the people around me said you know we'll probably sell a lot more if we put you know a name on it and markings the Toby what it does just stick to building the pedals me yeah they're like yeah stick the breadboard dork at this point looks like I do need some mini pedals because I've got that top row it's not gonna fit a regular sized pedal very well what's a Java Lena that is a boost type pedal she just loves their undergarments don't they yeah more that's an envelope filter obviously mm-hmm it's a nice pedal right there Oh new XFX I haven't not Knut's effect yes that ducks no I always thought it was nuts it's hard picking for me big line of pedals you haven't seen before it really is what are you going for right now distortion I'm trying to find different flavours of overdrive or distortion so for example I know I'm gonna be using the at before it also already have a JHS pedal on there the walrus Iron Horse is a nice flavor if Lou that's a good color I've heard of I haven't played it yeah the nice it's quite it's quite nice rich a more Distortion so I'm going to go into ths back pedal you've had your eye on that one for a while what's so great about it uh you know I love this circuit if I can go into nerd girl firm that it's a non-inverting into an inverting op amps I'll clipping circuit that clips to ground and it has a special type of feel and I just like it it's really similar to like a governor or a shred master or a sir riot or there's a bunch of pedals that kind of follow that topology and it's just uh it's a cool it's a cool thing cool sound okay so at this point I think we need some fuzz yeah I see the hip brush there and first fuzz is pretty clean la machine is a nice kind of octa fuzz this is the rotten apples really good like I said that Danelectro Eisenhower fuzz is this really psychedelic this let's try that this is I've never actually played this but the relic is interesting I've got the nemesis at home I like this a lot so go and do it hisses [Music] all right can you explain what's happening right now okay so we're we're listening to some odd AM radio station it's coming out of the amp which obviously means it's picked up by one of these pedals right so we started trying to isolate everything to figure out where it was coming from so whatever I just happen to hit this and I took the power away from the pedal because if you have power on a pedal and even though it's off it's still the power is actually still engaged you're just routing the signal around the power around the circuit so it doesn't make any you know doesn't go through it why is that one pedal that is it something sometimes it can be a desert-like part of the design like maybe you didn't put some filtering in other times it could be layout that's normally what it is just a kind of a weird lit but the actual circuit board layout can cause some noise problems if not done in a particular way so that would be my first guess I haven't opened it up so I don't know maybe well open it up I fight I find a lot of handmade pedals have problems like this more often than something that's been like professionally laid out mm-hmm just because they can go it can go wrong so so much easier so all right we're gonna have to replace the wash with something else never happened to me before in the studio only when Brian comes and we've isolated the the cause after swapping out some pedals we've had to swap out the wash because that's what we thought it was and it turns out it's the nobles which I've used before so I've never had this problem using it only in Nashville here is this very specific coordinates it's picking up some crazy broadcasts and we do you have any idea why this would be more than likely it's probably just the filtering on the inputs probably a little off or it could just be the delay out on this particular it is an old pennant yeah it's an older one they've redesigned they've redesigned the circuit board I believe since then so it's probably just something as simple as that but there if it ever does happen with the pedal you have there are ways to fix it sometimes so from you know really helps all right more than likely it's probably just the filtering on the input it's probably a little off or it could just be the delay out on this particular it is an old pattern yeah it's an older one they've redesigned they've redesigned the circuit board I believe since then so it's probably just something as simple as that Trey's entered the equation hi we're gonna go with another overdrive so let's zip it oh that must be your own spot oh yeah here we go and mess up my my function a yeah that okay so I know I think I know that the mxr modified OD should work pretty well in place of the OD hmm the OD r1 okay let's try that yet there's also a sparkly version of that if you care o always go as well sparkly because because glitter you know so let's go with let's go with the glitter all right the OTR one okay let's try that guy there's also a sparkly version of Dino if you care o always goes well sparkly because because glitter you know so let's go with let's go with think that this is the final board can you give a 12-second synopsis of what you sure think you came up with now yeah I'm going up to here up to this into the walrus into the at and to the fuzz and to this play into that play so you know when you're building a dad rock board and you're wearing your dad rocks shorts I like those knees yeah I made sure where my dad my dad clothes today yeah what what you really needs a lot of dirt some delay and a little bit of reverb from the up in this instance so if you don't have an amp with River just don't yeah just start your pedal in there you're probably not going to be playing in a church I imagine if you're feeling a dead right word maybe you might be a little but my church nice reverb any with the churches yeah he'd reverb is yeah caller so if I was yeah if I build a praise and worship for to be completely different but this is the I'm gonna drink some beer and playing the VFW board but this is also a pretty versatile board for a lot of different genres too I would yeah yeah you can I mean you know fuzz you have delay got distortion nights and compression and I'd say this covers a pretty big gambit never wear your white New Balance you poser gray Nikes they were dirty from name I had so why don't you take us through don't you have to spend too much time each pedal but like go through how you like you know different pedal combinations and what you're sure maybe like 5 presets would be okay to build something out so I'm playing your PRS which is actually really nice like so we got a compressor here got overdrive here compression does what you would think compression would do if you're doing like your country if you're doing so if a country sort of thing I like to run a little bit of compression a little bit of dirt and [Applause] [Music] did you mean to hit that flat there no because it's awesome yeah I actually do that again and play that every time [Music] I didn't react quick enough the other hand I was sweet but yeah so that's that's probably my sound most of the time it's a little bit of compression a little bit of overdrive and are really loud am mm-hmm you know so other than that let's go that we got different types of overdrive and distortion so it's go into the walrus ah [Music] it's a little more chewy little more grindy than the an overdrive this is important vernacular to have as a pedal nerd because you need to know what you're looking for and describe your tone right in ways that maybe just go beyond the traditional high-end mid-range yeah there's there's only terms that guitarists understand like they're like the chewing chewing us for example I mean when you're talking to an engineer or you're designing something you can never say make it more chewy you have to expect you're talking engineering terms and you're saying increase the resistance before the first non-inverting op-amp you know what makes it more natural this pillow has circuitry so if your guitar players like just make it more chewy you know or make it more woody or whatever you know whatever whatever sound you're looking for ok versus you know speaking of woody like I go into the at pedal [Music] to me it's not as chewy it's a little more boxy in a good way hmm you know not boxy like your plants or a little fender Pro Junior you know so like that's more it's sort of more refined like a pointy ER edged I think so yeah a rain hmm yeah I mean I got I'm I'm really like I I use that pedal just because like I don't I don't want to have it scooped like I want the mids mm-hmm I want the highs and that's what I like about the air knob on that yeah does something to that mid-range yeah yeah it's a really cool feature on that I forget what they're doing there but yeah sounds good on it they're in vert it's before they invert you're gonna want to hit the automatic infrared reduction yeah it's simple it's yeah I'll teach you all about it later we've got overdrive hmm fuzz distortion sure and then this one is like kind of overdrive a distortion sort of thing yeah Allah so many people don't understand like the difference between them and really a lot of its kind of terminology I'm I've seen similar drives that are actually more like distortions yeah I've seen some distortions that are kind of more like an overdrive sometimes it's whatever's kind of in vogue at the moment I think kind of recently the idea of a distortion pedal has been like off limits because we think of like I don't know something like the metal zone which because most people don't really know how to use it cuz I was 14 and I bought it and I didn't know what to do with it and I spent hours tweaking knobs and it was terrible but you know so sometimes distortion pedals are now being marketed as like a preamp pedal right so that people do and use their idea of preamp and overdrive and warm well yeah that's very hip right yes current-day and also because it kind of gives you a instruction if it's a preamp pedal you're gonna put it in the effects loop return so that it's you're skipping the preamp on you're bypassing that everything you know so which of these would you use in tandem as far as the are these just different options I mean both really so I mean there are different options by themselves but I mean if you stack things so let me see if I get here let me go into the Iron Horse whenever you're using distortion you can here gain a lot more just by hitting like sort of a single staccato note so and not that's real handy whenever you're playing anything but if you're trying to set up two different pedals I'm kind of doing okay seeing how much again I have that way it's playing with a band if you have too much gain a lot of times you just kind of fade out of the mix yeah you know and I want to I would still want to hear articulation but I still want that to me it's kind of like cheating then we're getting you have the easier and it gets to be sloppy the articulation it's lots of rice stacking them up right so mean there's kind of that fine line I've always just kind of so ideally if you're starting out you want to pick a color and stick to that you don't necessarily have to have three different OverDrive's or distortion right well we're driving to distortion is going to get you more form or gain basically fuzz though this is a cool fun [Music] yeah this one gets gnarly higher up the neck too with the overtones there's like an Octavia thing then huh yeah yeah that's cool yeah that's real nice it's again it's sort of is it easy to play you know yeah yeah fuzz is I mean especially if it's it that to me feels more like a tiger fuzz versus something it's real loose and you know just feels like it's falling apart in a good way right okay so that's that's a coin like that I think it's funny that any sort of adjectives that you used to describe a sound like that you can either be like now that sucks or like oh it does this thing that's you think is bad but oh it does it in a way it sounds like it in a way that I like it sounds like it's completely falling apart it's a piece of junk but in good in a good way well thank you all right what's going on with the amp paint effects here okay so two different delays I got the carbon copy just because I like Bukka porque delays what does that mean analog delays analog okay system you can emulate in DSP but it's it's the real thing so you'll have to pretend mm-hmm and not that it's not stupid versatile like the nemesis but if I got the space for it I'll probably throw it on it okay especially since I've got four dirt pedals already yeah so are you running these in the loop right now are these just right at the end right now just completely in front of a clean amp now if I was using I guess if it's if it's clean at overnight it doesn't matter really yeah as long as I mean unless we start using the distortion Channel or we're trying to plow enough to get distortion that's when like delays and reverbs really start to kind of change quite a bit yeah you know based on what they're seeing whenever they hit there it is I like that's better okay I'll use the tap tempo so now it's a thousand right right so does that maybe a little bit loud but just just kind of a quick slap back and then actually that's probably a little too fast [Music] I probably turn off the reverb yeah quite a bit of reverb whenever you know just something real quick and how does a compressor factor [Music] the big thing by the compressor is just going to take your dynamics and squash them down or if you're playing lively it's gonna bring it up so you can kind of play lightly and your volume is still higher than it would be versus that was off [Music] [Applause] yeah we're and then when you dig in turn that blend all the way up when you blend when you dig in it squashes the level you know versus well that's probably a clip there yeah mm-hmm you know it's just it's just trying to bring the level that you're playing closer so it's compressing it I see the compressor that's the best way to explain it without drawing diagrams you know in charts and stuff well correct me if I'm wrong but generally it's more important to use on a clean tone because a clean tone is gonna be more dynamic and it's actually going to affect the volume level that's coming out of your out of your amp and if you compress it more you're not gonna have your engineer back there like playing with with the fader it's gonna come out a little more even you're not gonna destroy people there's - yeah there's there's two different places I prefer it at the front some people prefer it at the end just leave it on all the time so so it is a consistent level all the time I tend to think when you put it before dirt it kind of smooths out some of the rough edges of dirt yeah so I mean and we're getting pretty nit picky about you know sound here and at the other day no one in the audience can hear it no one really is a guitar player in the back corner with his arms folded yeah you know I knew that but I and he'll never be happy anyways might as well make it miserable so I think we've all learned a lot today and you can learn obviously a lot more from Brian what would you say chasing tone podcasts is that is this may be something that would appear on there this would be a combination of my youtube channel with probably chasing tail vodka did you also build amazing guitar pedals none of which are featured here but yeah that's fine so check out Brian's guitar pedals and his youtube channel and his podcast check out Trey's YouTube channel and care guides and I think the last thing we have to do is turn all these pedals on it once and see what happens except the tuner no one's on my body is ready [Applause] it's something I like that I kind of like it that maybe spend all that you build pedals could we just put that sound into a pedal we can actually yes it can't be done [Music]
Channel: Music is Win
Views: 354,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mini pedalboard, mini guitar pedal, best mini pedal, best mini pedals, best mini guitar pedals, small guitar pedals, guitar pedal order, best guitar pedal order, guitar pedal signal, guitar signal, signal chain guitar, daisy chain guitar, best guitar pedalboard, guitar pedalboard, how to build a guitar pedalboard, which guitar pedals to buy first, guitar pedal shootout, Brian Wampler, Wampler music is win
Id: y4UX-73uPLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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