Roblox Cart Ride into ITSFUNNEH!

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cut right into it's funny escape pop it fidget and then look at all of these tags wow you know this is gonna be a good game right guys yep of course it's gonna be because there's crew in it wait is that ice oh it's a past eye it is i can't even recognize myself this is i don't recognize i think this is the wrong color of blue on my head but whatever it is past crew and future crew we meet oh my gosh this is tributaries well um it says right here finish for a surprise that means there's a surprise at the end like every card right surprises wait do they have all the colors oh luna i'm sorry there's no purple card how dare you label this as a crew cart ride without five cars technically it said it's i'm justice all right get the yellow cart are we ready let's go well why is ready [Music] what you want me to go i want to see the surprise okay let's go yeah let's get to the end of the surprise cart ride we just blast it up i just want to go really fast i feel like you're waiting here i won't i'm pretty sure these like they go faster these type of rides unless you i'm going super fast funny's going super slow hey wait do you see this it's going to take forever no okay we gotta pick up the snow okay surprise full speed it's not gonna last doesn't even go fast look i'm pressing it stop stopping funny i'm sorry i'm trying to press this stupid button jacob funny you're causing a traffic buddy you're stopping the whole train and i don't appreciate it i want to see if someone could fall off the cart just wait uh causing havoc on purpose these don't fall off why where's the push function i want to push b that's because it's very safe because it's a safe crew cart ride okay that's true super safety oh okay we all know that we're all about safety here i'm going to crash my car into it's nothing don't look did you do admin oh you bought admin draco don't you flip me off here don't cut right thing oh i see it's funny right there oh you see that we're so quick the surprises that we get eaten by it's funny i don't want that why not take no giant it's a giant it's funny what are you talking about stop the train take me backwards no we're going right now follow me no rainbow rainbow i think rainbow just fell off rainbow you don't get your prize now no i have to start over funny you stop this i want to see if we can fall off how did you fall off rainbow all right i'm just going to try to stop and then i went go and oh no my car doesn't see you feel stable okay dracco i wouldn't tailgate funny you're going to flip off the tracks just she can't flip me off the tracks i'm going to flip her off the track stop stop oh my gosh pushing this thing yeah are you okay jack are you wheels okay my wheels are fine are you sure yes all right everyone we see a little rainbow down there rainbow go calling little i am gonna go up there very soon what do you mean you look like an ant all right it's almost here now i feel like we need to create our own cart ride we need to create a bunch of fast fun games hi you said when we reached funny we'd be done and we're still going gold you have to wait what is this draco why your hands out my hands aren't out what are you having are you having that much fun guys get draco away from me he's going to hit my card off the track i literally was gonna get scared i was like okay i'm not gonna sit on here for like five minutes for this game to complete i see giant it's funny hello giant it's funny meet you normal size roblox hello oh great blueberry queen now i shall run into my surprise i hope the surprise is good i hope it's not this something basic it's unlimited supply of robux right funny that's what you're giving away i know i'm not giving that away no one listens to rainbow i will rage at the end funny says for breaking rice i'm taking my time it is almost time okay we're so slow we've been in here for about five whole minutes now look if you stop on the slope you can push no funny you stop it bro no i'm not stopping it look i'm not going to end up like rainbow down there look at her is it funny i'm still working my way up no it's not worth it i'm not stopping wow travis is going to push you off jacko if you push it yeah i will kill you oh my gosh they're getting violent this is what carter okay i'm waiting i'm not moving oh wait it's sad it's on you ready how are you going so fast he's cheating funny you're so slow there better be the great surprise finish for surprise what the what the heck is that his mouth for me i'm closing my eyes already felt surprised yeah don't don't have any surprises that doesn't sound good are you kidding me i'm gonna i'm walking rage excuse great does adam come and even work charcoal um no i didn't buy it it's expensive okay i'm buying the cloud it's blocked off i can't get in let me end your card it's clickbait it's clickbait there is no surprise i didn't even get my item you know how we feel about the clickbait you can't get to the end it's impossible what are you talking about that's all not even a badge really that's it we had to make our own cartridges they tricked us we've been trolled finally a place with taste a crew mansion for us please don't ask about gold something happened to her gold that's gold something happened to her in this mansion real gold oh right there oh is that me it's winter me wait what is this on the table is this chocolate i don't think it's a chocolate is it chocolate or did you not clean up that's cute maybe okay well i'm near the fridge it probably means i'm getting some good snacks and he's just stealing the chips i like this they know that we love chips that's true and they know that we also like watching movies that's a good sign beautiful movie theater let's see if this mansion passes the vibe check wow it's christmas in here i could barely is santa here see it's so bright and hello as always i'm the only one with the present because i am the best sure draco all right time to knock over this draco npc there's also it looks like a fire table but still where is gold let's check up the history of gold puppies and they pooped so much poop that's so cute that's a lot of food and then this is just me laughing oh wow there's even tons of uh dog food and it's so cute then there's gold gold is very excited what's gold doing hi and i wanted to ask pass gold are you okay why are you so hyper um she's gold is this a washroom what is this oh a toothpaste bottle this is gold do you need some toothpaste oh no gold's gone all right well this is a long tub this mansion is cool i think it's missing oh they even have chiaria okay that's so cute this mansion needs more potatoes i rate it give it more potatoes more potatoes gold's running away oh what god god goes don't leave them right away oh no i think she's trying to attack me i'm ready someone sue her sue yourself a lunar abi intriguing wow this room is cleaner than luna's real room yeah fast and nicer than luna's this is definitely luna's room though because it's very purple okay well go ahead this is a hobby look luna they know you love pandas so cute they do okay luna now try the obby what's a beautiful abby made just for me also i'm scared of dying how are you even supposed to jump i don't think they have checkpoints in this wow what is okay this is fake this is made for luna this is just to make people cry so maybe oh you know my funny will never pass this out because of your space bun here stop i'm making it oh wait i see checkpoint no this is amazing you guys i don't think this is an obby i think it's a merber oh wait rainbow's on the other side i made it i don't know how i glitched okay okay i got it i just need to jump there you go whoa that was challenging yeah go ahead funny this is so easy you just walk wait are you sure you can't just walk luna i'm going to dislike this obviously i ain't green this is not i'm joking i'm joking it's supposed to be lunar prone i'm supposed to be invincible in this army i can't die well maybe because you're bad lunar okay you know what i'll just jump it's a troll our heads oh yes my head has fallen on the spot did it actually wow it did it did i'm determined thank you the roof gets higher we don't need to suffer anymore one at a time people one at a time no oh my gosh this pringle counts my head hits any part of my body there's no way you're making it over here what is this among us we can okay this is like a very easy obby there's toilet paper there's a bunch of kitties you know i'm making it through guys luna's raging at her own army this is so funny you know this wow this obvious made for you it's obvious painful i feel like he is painful i am dedicated to make it to the end for you guys just to show you bobby is so difficult thank you this is the most hardest hobby in the keys can one body part hit a checkpoint one two oh we're just on paintings because luna likes art yes yes please let me leave this treacherous place is this a cookie they placed a cookie in the maze why is anyone going to make it past you is it just me no i'm crying crater even clearly this creator is really good at this at this hobby rainbow day okay well i'm gonna eat all the cookies in the maze while you try to figure out say sorry for me please no ah a game that is challenging you know what this really inspires us to create one game that is impossible and we could we can let kf try it this is what i'm doing inspiration from because right now this is infused lunar you have to get over here there's pringles rainbow i'm eating all the pizza in the maze there's going to be nothing left for you ah there's so many things everything this is all mine everything oh more pizza i hope there's nothing scary okay i hope you're having fun without the rest of your siblings i actually am [Applause] touch for free pizza at the end it's a total vibe there's [Music] oh my gosh it stuck me in it stuck me in okay well it says you were trapped and i said oh wow very cool there's a cookie man here and he's killing pizza oh pizza bunny you ate all the pizza i did eat all the pizza there's also cake here but it seems like i am trapped between the wall and this pizza so i rate this game not good for big heads yes rainbow congrats for making it can you help me now oh sorry i was just here for the pizza but uh nope it looks like you're stuck you're so cool i'm gonna go take a nap on the lunar bed okay crew hangout let's see what this place is they only got five likes well now they got six um this is awkward everyone has a karoo rank and i have guests what is this oh no what is this complaints to the manager oh you're right here funny i it's fine i even donated 1 000 robux and i'm still a guest i call blasphemy no i'm kidding this is really nice though this is pretty look at that oh it is pretty whoa draco what are you holding i'm holding a dumpling the best way is it it's wow we look fabulous wow very cool let's go to the stage oh yeah let's go to the stage guys come on let's let's just go guest let's go with you okay enter oh i can't enter what the i am maybe it's glitched because you did donate well over here there's a puppy very cute and this is where we sit and we look you can't sit in the totally fulfilled bags welcome to crew live yes i don't think anyone's here to listen to us okay i'm gonna go see what else is there is that a restaurant i see over there is that food okay oh my gosh there's not only food but there is random funny in the middle of nowhere dancing that's me dancing because i donated [Music] i want to be dancing no draco let me dance let me have the one thing i don't have the tag okay dead oh draco 1001 teddy wow how dare you whatever i'm going to the food store i don't need me dancing funny it's rickety bridges uh a rickety ball through the cracks oh look it's a little cute cafe crew cafe that's adorable cute um iced caramel macchiatos today okay can i get one um oh sorry someone took the last one we are completely out there's a machine self-centered establishment i'm that's that's right i'm leaving but goodbye we even have fraps this place is called crew carnival now you already know it's going to be a great place because the umbrellas have fallen apart ah they're frozen broken carnival yes that's how i would coach now let's go have a thrill on the bro slide can we go down that slide it looks like why down the slide it looks like okay let's go a four-seater a four-seater water slide okay no no water this okay i'll go in there i love it okay it's going on the top of the slide out wait up wait up i'm here i'm right there there's only four goals there's always four okay go okay all right let's go okay go go for it i love it it doesn't work where it does [Laughter] that was amazing such greatness wait wait what's over there is that a haunted house where oh i like how there's just random nice like pre-created uh carnival stuff around it i like it it has taste lunar what are you doing here at the haunted thing people under 12 must be accompanied by an adult all right luna you stay here yeah you stay there lunar we are totally over 12 years old wait this doesn't look scary there's like ketchup everywhere i can start it i can i am peeved that this is a crew carnival and there's not five seats no is it going yeah come on don't turn around close your eyes okay actually this is a little sp jerry i don't like this anymore uh i'm closing my eyes mommy it's not that scary oh it wow it's a mickey mouse well um nope [Music] uh scary and loud okay bye oh these are our favorite rides they have controls get in okay it's not my favorite i hate those kinds of rides i know i'm good all right you broke it already didn't even press anything dude okay i have three words for this place you know what i'm gonna say three letters um where are you draco i spawned out of the world oh okay he fell off okay goals maybe get off i think can we go on a safe ride this is safe right here yeah luna's favorite ride be safe yo it says yo-yo for swings and we love sleeping i will be the controller okay whoa okay ready this carnival is too empty there's not enough booming business for an suv we must invite chaos i'm inviting kf to the swings they're following okay everyone get on the side before it starts all right kf let's go everyone on the swings it's safe [Music] super safe totally not dangerous look at look at the groove you're safe with us i don't think kim the person behind me is going to be okay they're swinging all right let's crash the server don't worry guys i can click the button so once everyone's safe and seated rainbow hold on everyone's getting seated let's go you need one more is that okay we're ready we're ready okay people are gonna all right there's a conductor oh someone's gonna start off is this safe wait why is so slow in danger on this [Music] wait rainbow it's not that exhilarating what kind of let me i'll out control it you guys this is not gold exhilarating at all faster faster [Music] this is the fastest i feel like we're in the merry-go-round yes the safe ride remember funny safe it's maximum oh someone just fell off that's s-u-e all right well that was so boring i rate it not fun anymore let's go to this one oh not this one i'll i'll be the conductor for this one extreme are you sure it's called extreme it's a it says energy danger extreme power ready we're extreme okay rainbow you're the conductor put on intense music before the ride starts we are not responsible for any lost articles or lost humans flying on us okay okay and [Music] machine know how to start a ride rainbow i think rainbow won't help let me go let me see how's it going going really slow [Music] oh it's working oh we're still rotating just like the other thing we go through you guys make it more extreme make it extreme yeah super extreme oh reverse oh you're definitely gonna throw up the boat has to work at crew carnival okay the one ride this has to keep all of chaos ride wow it goes up to our faces this is so sweet get in everyone alright looks like someone with green wings will be starting it for us thank you very much i told green wings to start the ride yeah i think they're struggling down there it's definitely frozen oh that's not the kind of swing i was thinking of all right everyone just smiled all right we just rejected everyone maybe we should go get food you know what who's hungry yeah everyone yeah i think it's time for some food let's go eat i'm quite famished yeah i can't possibly sue over food wait there's a mini one this is adorable this has to be the cutest thing i've ever seen can we take a picture this is so this is so cute i think this is like cute adorable okay i'm in awe that is adorable we need this in every game every game should install this yeah except for the part where everyone's falling off this place is inspired off of our crew live city screen and i gotta say it looks exactly like that this is our [Music] what's in here hello thank you for making such a cool city all right gold what are you doing over there um i just saw something i just saw something scary why there's something a circle of baby funnies in there are you really what is it that's not scary that's something oh are those funny i want to take one home i take one home that's too many no that's too many of them oh my gosh it's me yeah i did this hey over here what come on let's go to the cafe rainbow that's too much coffee no it's after dark don't give it to her never whoa is it mirrors rainbow's hair look like she has too much coffee no i have jessica no rainbow i think you might need look at gold you can take a cup of coffee jocko do you know why the menu is blank why because what do you think rainbow serves here um nothing one thing coffee nice this is cute what else do we got do we have any more stores around here that we should explore nope what's this uh oh this one no don't go in there it's like this pop star ah they aren't ice pops they're draco pops too many chocolates all these draco paws that's too much for me did everything so come on out of here quick the other gold let me leave oh no we're stuck in the screen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 13,003,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox cart ride, roblox cart ride itsfunneh, roblox cart ride krew, roblox krew fan games, roblox itsfunneh fan games, fan games
Id: kpoGTID8HgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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