My 100 Wand Collection Part 1: Ollivanders Wand Boxes

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hello welcome back to the channel my name is Michael and today we are filming a very special milestone video I have just acquired my 100th license Harry Potter wand I'm really excited and I'm going to be showing you all of them today all 100 of the wands that are in my collection so I'm a Ravenclaw and so I want to qualify this pretty much right away I do actually own more than 100 wands I the way that I do my system and I'm gonna be linking a link to my Google Doc that I use to keep track of the collection in the description of this video so you can use this as your own reference and kind of see how I'm organizing things but I don't count in my collection things that I've been made for me by really talented wan makers or that I've bought I also don't count things like the like promotional wands like very special wands that like this one that I've shown in a previous video from the sorceress jump premiere these are gonna be the licensed sold wands he's gonna be sold by noble collection by the Universal Studios was in World of Harry Potter wands and then also the cursed child ones those are my list of all the ones that I'm trying to collect and so when I say a hundred I mean from those so I actually have more than that but anyway these are the ones were gonna be talking about today so I'm gonna be going through each one of the hundred and then if I was gifted it I'm gonna try to remember to mention that I was gifted it by somebody and if I have any special kind of little stories or anything with each wand because they each have little little stories and I'm like surrounded by them right now I'm really excited to show you all of them but they're all around me and I've never had this many ones in one place before so so let's dive right in alright so so the noble collection is really where like the biggest source of wands that are out there and so the noble collection started selling Harry Potter replica wands right around the time of Prisoner of Azkaban being released so that's why you don't see bonds like Gilderoy Lockhart's being sold because they didn't get the like the licensing rights to start making the wands untill Prisoner of Azkaban so the very first one I ever got and so some of you might recognize this so you see the box here so these all came in Ollivanders in one box so just like in the early films I'm the king with ribbons and everything and so that is going to be Harry Potter's wand and so this this Harry's was the first one I ever got this is actually not my first Harry Potter wand and so my first kind of wand story is the first Harry wand I ever got so I had it for a while and you know I collect ones because I just I enjoy having them I enjoy like waving them and playing with them around so my first Harry Potter one said this is actually made of wood you see this shaft here it is actually like this is wood the early noble collection wants actually were made of wood and so they're not really made like that anymore so the first one I ever had I sat on it I had it sitting on the couch at my grandparents house and I sat on it and I snapped the wood right there and I was devastated and my grandfather was really like I was so Moody all day and my grandfather's really not having it it was kind of like telling me to buck up so he thought I was being really dramatic but he just didn't understand you know like Harry Potter wand I was really sad about it so this isn't actually my first one I actually buried my first wand so like I had a whole funeral and everything for it so I guess my grandfather was kind of right I was kind of dramatic but uh so this is my second Harry Potter wand that is in the Halle van der box and so it's still very special to me especially since it's made of wood since they don't make them like that so much anymore so that's gonna be my first one the second one I ever got is also one of my favorites which is going to be Lord Voldemort's wand and so I got this one for a Christmas the year after I got Harry's my parents gave Harry's to me and then they gave me Voldemort's so one of my favorites I love cause playing Tom Riddle because I get to hold his wand with his like long fingers with the the hook around the end such a cool design I love when they introduced this and go but a fire and very cool I think the next one I got was the Christmas after that or something historic kind of starts blurring together but that is going to be Albus Dumbledore's want or the Elder Wand and so the box that it comes in is very Dumbledore and of course you might already know this but the designers of this wand used only triangles circles and lines in this decoration and they did not know about the Deathly Hallows symbol when they were making this prop JK Rowling hadn't told anybody about that yet or even if she knew what the design was going to be at that point but it's pretty cool coincidence that that is what they use is just lines of circles and triangles just like the sign of the Deathly Hallows but this one is really great it's also I love having like a multiple places to highlight have Voldemort a lot more holes Wang so cool like how he holds it kind of up here or further down so great wand really glad to have this in the collection too from one of the earliest beginnings next and I think we're keeping with the trend of Christmas presents is going to be McGonigle's wand and so this is Minerva McGonagall one of my favorite characters in the entire series she's got a really great a wand this little knobby beam thing on the end has broken off many times I've had to hot glue super glued it back on many times because so I'm very careful about holding it now where I keep my fingers up here because it's a little a little awkward to hold but hers is another really great one love the shape of it love the design and so hers was from Chamber of Secrets but since it continued on sand she continued to hold it after Chamber of Secrets that's where the whole like Prisoner of Azkaban licensing thing happened pretty much any care to like Madame hooch Lockhart flicks first wand things like that you really don't see those sold by noble collection because they weren't loaded in the first two movies they weren't really carried over at those licensing rights and I think we're going out of order now because what I'm starting with with this video I'm doing all the noble collection the noble collection wants first and those are gonna start with Ollivanders wand boxes and so this is Slughorn's Slughorn's was from in a Ollivander box and so the slime trail there and then his little sluggy eyes up top very cool design great to hold and then in his green and velvet box just like his pajamas probably other than Harry's all of the Ollivanders boxes have the same sticker on the end as the same design so Harry's got a unique design so that's where you know you're looking at his if it's on your shelf all the other ones kind of blend in but they do have different colors and then once you open to the inside you can tell the color too and so next we're going to have Severus Snape swanned kind of a shorty but he's got a really intricate handle it's nothing that's a particular picture is just kind of it might be based off something I'm not aware and it's a little Evangel ER or avuncular how do you pronounce it where it's not really a circle it's kind of to flatter sides with the wider thing so kind of short short little handle but the one that killed Dumbledore whew but uh but that's a great one too now we have the brightest craziest a box of hall just like fluorescent yellow box and who else would it be but Draco Malfoy I don't know why they gave him the brass box would anyway ask what he's got so this was a no third wand that was introduced in Chamber of Secrets that carried over into the rest of the franchise and so pretty simple most of the very early the the Sorcerer's Stone or Philosopher's Stone and chamber secrets once were pretty simple so most of the ones that were carried over from there have this kind of more simplistic design but I like it because it's a kind of that more classic look kind of a good grip right there with the two rings so good one too we have serious Lex wand another very popular one very popular sold at Wizarding World and very popular with the noble collection wands and so this wand is the my original one so I got it in in the box when it was when the boxes were still coming out like this but it's also part of the marauders wan set which i'm going to be showing later in the video so lots of swirlies lots of swirlies going on and then this very cool runic design which I have a couple friends who have this as a tattoo so I think that's awesome like the temptu like going up their arm I think that's a great just great idea I actually don't have any one tattoos um Haley has a wand tattoo on her foot but I don't have any which I don't have any tattoos let's see a speaking of Haley this is the first one she ever got me so this is gonna be narcisse's wand she got this from me when we were just starting dating and she got it for food for Christmas so isn't she thoughtful this is narcisse's wand very pokey very pokey handle very uncomfortable to hold but so very rich in fancy looking just pretty basic black and then uh berry pokey handle very uncomfortable and so Draco uses this in a Deathly Hallows part-2 but I think doesn't it also get lost in the fiend fire so this one has toast as well oh yeah but yeah that's the first one that Haley ever got me so that one's extra special and then last in that I have in the Ollivanders wand boxes there were others sold in Ollivanders one boxes I just saw a Cho Chang that was available on eBay today for like $200 and maybe one day but right now I've already got shows so I'm good but I've just done a video about this one this is gonna be the mad-eye moody wands the goblet of fire design the only one in the films that we actually see so very short very squat and stubby very Jabby but this is I was very happy to get my hands on this one because this one is not available anymore this design is not sold at all either in the ribbon box or in the slipper boxes that I'm about to be showing so you can check out my other video where I'm showing off this and talking about all the different moody designs so that's all the ones I have in the Ollivanders ribbon box they've reintroduced the ribbon box with the fantastic beasts and crimes of Grindelwald wands but we're gonna be getting into those in a little bit back up my pocket right there that's overflowing so now we're gonna be moving on to the slip boxes and so the slip boxes are the ones that looks like these these are the ones that are sold more commonly now from the noble collection so I call it a slip box because it's got this slit case on it so just a cardboards all of them have this it's just a standard black I don't think it has any kind of identifying this one this one's got a sticker on it so you can see that this is bill Weasley maybe and and then it's the actual box itself from the noble collection has the character's name there in a in a shiny sticker every creation of the famous wand and then on the inside it's going to have instead of the like the velvet and satin ribbon this one usually has a protective styrofoam layer there to protect it from the top a shrink wrapped plastic mold that's going to fit that wand individually and then the noble collection bonds also come with these little clamps and so these are meant to go with the noble collection wand displays that they sell so you can clamp this on to the little of the bar that's part of that so you can identify each wand since I make my own displays I haven't actually purchased any of a noble collection one so none of these have seen any use but they're pretty they're pretty nice and if you want to purchase the noble collections displays or maybe you want to incorporate those into your own then unless 70 something you can do but I don't use any of them so they just hang out in there slick boxes and so now we're going to get up to all the ones that I have from the slip boxes so let's just start with my you can't see my pile but it's really big I love seeing them all together right now oh there's so many all right so let's start with just the one that's on the left so that's going to be Cho Chang so Cho Chang swanned is very nice this is one that used to be sold in the ribbon boxes but isn't sold anymore and so this one is just sold in the slip boxes now but lots of different design going on there and this her her kind of shaft design here is used a lot with the universal park ones which we're going to be getting to later on in the video so you might seem that design before if you've gone to the parks but a the handle is also very comfortable because it's got those swirlies on the end so that's chose one I guess we'll keep with a theme of students so next is going to be Seamus Finnegan's wand Seamus is is quite small it has a teeny little handle with the swirly design there and quite small this kind of make it looks like marble makes me think of like an Egyptian tomb or something like the like the mummy ride at Universal Studios with a kind of a knobby little and there so that sheamus's and then we can do Seamus his best friend Dean Thomas and so Dean Thomas said I like his wand a lot it's got that really cool twisted root design very interesting kind of knob at the top and it looks like so like I like an octopus or something just kind of like grabbed on to a wand and and stuck on so I like his a lot so that's Dean Thomas's so this one is technically Haley's but you know we all share this we all share but this has Luna Lovegood tulip wand and so her tulip wand is very common now so we don't actually ever see this in any of the Harry Potter movies so this is the one that Ollivander makes for her after they were rescued from Malfoy Manor he makes her a new wand so that she can fight in the Battle of Hogwarts we never we never see her use this one ever but this is the one that's sold individually we're gonna get to the Dumbledore's Army one set where you can see her original wand but this is the one that's you know never seen but it's labeled as Lunas it's kind of like Maddy Moody's we're like why does that why are there so many designs that are never seen but now I'm glad that we do get to see these because they're out in the open so also very fragile we've had to repair this one several times so if you purchased this one please do be careful because or keep superglue on hand because you're gonna need it if you drop it next we have probe are deeper tills another great one I got this one in Universal Studios which I don't usually recommend the universal park the character wands there are actually up charge from what you can get from the noble collection so it's more expensive to buy just character wands from Universal than it is to buy them directly from the noble collection calm even with shipping it's still cheaper so but still you know here in the park you want to buy a wand to go for it so it's got that really cool dragon wing going on there kind of wrapped around very unique and fun design and really fun to hold to kind of wrap your fingers around those points and so looking over all of this I'm realizing that this video is probably gonna be a lot longer than I thought it was going to be it is 100 after all so what I think I'm gonna do is break this up into probably four different videos I think I'm going to cut it off here so we'll see you next time keep the magic alive and we'll see you later I
Channel: Michael and Hayley
Views: 179,588
Rating: 4.8966789 out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, wand, noble collection, collection, collecting, wizarding world, family, funny, ollivanders, wand collection, gyffindor, slytherin, hufflepuff, ravenclaw
Id: FZE2vFnTUgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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