Musty tried to teach me how to musty flick...

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hey y'all so for today's video i wanted to learn more mechanics now you may be wondering athena you should probably start with the basic like hitting an open net okay um you know defending now i wanted to expand my resume as you would say for rocket league and i thought what a what better way than to learn how to do one of the most infamous flicks the musty flick and thankfully i had uh the courtesy of being able to learn this from musty himself and he taught me how to musky flick is extremely entertaining please leave a like and please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already uh i think 78 of you guys aren't subscribed and i hope you guys enjoyed the video it is absolutely not what you expect it was 100 what not what you expect but i can't wait for you guys to see you know are you a youtuber or something because that's crazy or something you really should okay now i am going to i i listen i tried practicing i tried i really did try practicing in this and i know that it's this is gonna go horribly wrong we'll see we'll see okay first let's do some uh i like the car yeah yeah uh i thought you were using the scarab and like yeah you do must be [ __ ] the scarab so i would go through your pain yeah welcome okay first let's let's line up right here yeah and let's learn about some physics of the game here so if you lean your car like 90 degrees forward like that okay listen listen listen no no no no no no okay okay we're fine simple geometry very nice okay very nice okay my controller okay oh yeah yeah musty that's a flip that's my okay that's not a must-have i can't talk okay okay no no continue sorry i didn't mean to revive it okay yeah yeah technically any flip i do that would be a musty flip i feel like uh okay so keep doing that for a little bit yeah yeah and okay and now lean your car almost 90 degrees like this and back flip and notice how you go backwards lean it almost 90 degrees okay so you did it over 90 degrees that's what we're going to get okay so if you do it almost 90 degrees and backflip you go back that's not good that's not good that's what that's what you don't want to be doing that's the point of me telling you this information okay so what you do want to be doing is leaning over 90 degrees and then flipping oh so i want it to go forward yeah you want to go forward okay okay okay okay okay over 90 degrees but backflip it's like counterintuitive kind of athena you got this come on i know i know no no no okay wait wait i accidentally okay okay no wait i believe wait wait trust discuss the stress okay yes okay and just i say keep practicing that for that motion for a minute this is not how i expected this to go listen okay no no no no over nine degrees that was like a little bit a little bit uh i think the car is holding me back i think i wanted to be one with the ball and um it is definitely okay yeah it's going better it's going better it's going better perfect okay try it like one more time yes um and there's also a way to do it where you can lean backwards this one's just a little easier uh it's like 90 degree thing to be up now so if you're like this and laying it barely you go backwards but if you lean it over 90 degrees you lean it a good bit back and you backflip your car will actually go full foot wait wait no okay okay this one we're laying backwards okay backwards and back flip every single time is a backflip no matter what every single time is a backflip okay so backwards back flip no no that was a front flip okay okay so for this you just hold your stick back your left stick backwards the entire time the entire time okay yeah wait actually that was so much simpler okay i like the first one most pros prefer the uh the second way where you literally just really yeah i don't know why i like the first way more what okay let's let's just practice the first player more in your car for 90 degrees and back flip okay nice okay now i'll try it first make sure i can do it hopefully i hope you can do it the ball see it's literally the scarab like i'm not even lying yeah it's literally it's the scare-up of course the longer the car it's easier to do uh-huh okay let me let me try again did fun fact um did you know the scarab uh hitbox is the same as the octane so don't you mean the same is it actually it is okay well now that you say that i should be able to get it here uh-huh okay i'm sorry that was all right but it's like visually it doesn't look as like right so it's hard to visualize the hitbox maybe i know when you're one with the ball and you are the ball it's pretty difficult i would say it's pretty difficult all right i'll try i'll try one more time i want to see like what's the easiest way to okay set it up yeah i'm watching i'm watching i'm watching so honestly i guess it's good like touchdown use a little bit of boost and try that motion like i i literally can't do with that can can i switch to an octane that's why i can do it and make you feel bad because you can do it all right i'll be okay you know it's kind of it's difficult you know the scarab isn't for everyone all right did you actually know i have another scared fact i just have all this facts today uh did you know it's with athena they're you're learning you're learning i learned this on twitter today scarab is the highest ranked car so like the the highest average rank is the scale no way yep how did you get that statistic there was someone who did a youtube video on it and he looked into it i'm like pretty sure he's right so i mean i'm not i'm not biased or anything but you know ssl like top 100 crazy that actually is insane all right i just have to get a good one so you can cut out all the bad attempts from the youtube video and then just wait until i get a good one uh-huh yeah of course i would never leave in any of these bad attempts no the ball see it's literally the scarab like i'm not even lying and to see with the bomb top of your car and it should have something like this you know obviously you want to you know hit it into the goal that's difficult for me athena must see flick there uh-huh we're like you're almost losing control of it oh that's great i can do that but like yeah in the very front of your car and then i'm gonna try it no no no no no okay we you know take that one out i'll edit that one out okay yeah yeah no it's fine i got this i got this i got this okay wait i'll just give you a few more tries i'll actually i'll spectate you okay good luck good luck okay i need it uh all right so get the ball oh decent honestly hold on you did something barely off that didn't get it quite as much power let me see i guess this is like a weird flip somehow i don't know what happened it's some something with the scarab yeah that's octane or dominance there i feel like you would have gotten there all right try it again okay okay okay okay okay wait when so when did you create this lick like when did you realize this uh october 2016. okay on that that was too high up on your car when you do the first flip notice how like it pops off your car uh-huh after the after you lean forward yeah and that's because it's too high uh you don't want it to pop off your car so that's why you need it like on the uh the really lower part of the windshield do you okay before i go do you know the meme where it's this woman she's blonde and she has like these numbers floating around like her face yeah i have that i have that green screen really clip in my editing folder yeah that's what i feel right now when you're explaining to me that's what i'm thinking of right now i'm like yeah uh-huh of course the angle yes okay yeah the formula the geometries yes okay on top of the car no oh that was good that you literally did a musty flip wait but it was okay it was almost it was almost right because it went up it went up or does that count you athena if there's a defender where do you want the ball to go okay i know above the defender that's good that's good okay i feel like i can do better that's actually so much better than the first attempt so yeah yeah yeah you're doing good you're doing good uh okay wait no no that's decent that's decent hold on let me see what you're doing wrong okay it's just the scarab is going to cause more mistakes just because it's a scarab but if i get it down on the scare up it's i'll be set yeah that's true like practice like you know how the cyclists uh they perform like super high altitude to practice or whatever uh-huh it makes their breathing easier on the lower altitude it's a same type of thing i think one's way more difficult than the other i think cyclists have way more difficulty than trying to do this probably a little bit more difficult yeah okay i'll try one more then i'll get you to spectating me so okay no um okay i actually don't even know you did wrong let me see why i what are these what are the physics broccoli what is this okay that's that's the uh the 90 degree thing your car your car didn't like do the forward flip because you weren't leaning quite 90 degrees no okay i'm gonna i'm gonna speculate inspecting me show me show me show me show me okay just let me know when you're at like the right screen i am here i'm ready to go all right so what you want to do i'll just show you like from my point of view that this is what you did just before yeah and i mean if you're going forward like your car will still move forward if you're going fast yeah okay wait i actually did it great yeah yeah oh no you did it right how horrible if your car is like moving forward already it'll still go forward but it just won't be i see how like it stops almost but yeah you're already going forward you go over 90 degrees then like your car just keeps going that's kind of what you want to be doing uh so i i guess i'll just do it here so you can be like a first person point of view hopefully i don't mess it up come on and you you would never mess this up oh my god i literally i can't i just can't do it you know it is a tough day it's a tough it's one of those days you know the octane scarab same hitbox crazy absolutely crazy yeah to be fair like my hands are a little bit cold right now that has to be why i'm missing it obviously no it's the servers honestly at this point okay i'm actually cursed or coming you know i believe in you you can do this i'll teach you how to do the musty like did you know that you i'm just kidding i'm just kidding yeah yeah basically what i'm doing though like i'm i'm showing you what like you're not supposed to do like the bad examples yeah flush them out and then we can get like the good ones here there we go okay that's like a perfect one that was so nice and what you can do too is like it's like adding another layer to it yeah is go like this and you flip cancel for just a second see like this is a normal one see my car is like a flush motion okay you can actually cancel it for and then uncancel it so cancel it for just a tiny second like this see how that was like different that can like propel it and like delay the flick a little bit that's kind of like a little more complicated though i actually didn't know that the do you typically cancel your flip i actually do know like a little bit more than i used to like i did it for that one it's like i did this the same 90 degree thing and then i cancel it and then i uncancel it like after like if you cancel it for too long it goes like this i'll drive up next your car okay if you cancel it for too long it will just like your car will do nothing like that you don't want to do that you want to do that same cancel and then like stop the cancel i guess like yeah i don't know if that's too complicated or not okay first you can try it without the ball if you want just like the the cancel on cancels like okay i don't know if you did it or not i don't know okay hold on no okay so first go like this just do a flip cancel it's like that and then move your stick up right after you do the backflip okay okay i do it again dude again dude again okay yeah i actually think that was like exactly what you want to be doing i know it looks funky with the scarab yeah so you can just do like the normal one or add like a tiny little cancel in there if you want to make it a little easier okay okay okay okay no no no no no i felt bad about i felt bad about it yeah and the thing the thing about the musty flip too you have to be going like straight to the center like if you're a little turning to the side it gets harder that's perfect that's literally perfect you're literally better than i am don't say that no no no no no no oh my god okay you know that's it let's go it's good i mean that's perfect okay i want to do one more one more and then yeah okay okay i want to get like a really good one all right all right yeah i'll speak to you okay get the ball no no no just a little a little too high on the car again like whenever it pops out this is like a little too much it's always the issue where it's just a tiny bit too high on the car it's like an exact sweet spot you have to get it it's like really difficult but it's so satisfying it's literally so satisfying at least something good comes from your flick okay my mine's just a joke mine's a meme okay yeah yeah no barely too high again barely too high here and once you get another one here we can try the backflip way if you want to do that yeah i'll try it we're the way where you go back and lean backwards beforehand try to get both of them i've literally never heard of like the the second way that you saw you talked about i've always heard of the this first one hey well you know what i mean yeah i know you but all right all right okay that should be good oh you didn't lean 90 degrees though you got one of the steps right but one of the steps around i got two keys up to it front of the car and over 90 degrees for the back flip i'm never touching the scarab after this after this month is over i'm never touching it again yeah i had to do a cuxer pinch with every car and scared it took me like over an hour oh no an hour how often i'm just kidding i'm just kidding that's horrible it's nowhere near your pain though and this one you just you didn't have quite good enough control like you need to like settle the ball on the top of your car and get like a clean drink and then get keep that clean dribble on the very front how long did it take you to do this consistently uh honestly i mean i don't really have it super consistent i'm not gonna lie really i mean i tried it like five times before this okay no no no but like but before like no no i don't count today your hands are cold okay your hands are cold we don't talk about this one you can just skip this one this one didn't happen um also i'd like to let you know that i'm winning 17 3 but that's just me um no i'm really gonna bring that up i'm just it's not gonna like leak it to twitter or anything i would never i would never all right no it's no i can't do it i literally can't do it oh okay so for that you still got both the steps wrong you was too high on a car barely and you weren't leaning quite far enough back or like far enough forward over 90 degrees it's like i'll i get okay okay okay lean forward of 90 to uh uh yeah lean forward okay 90 degrees nice yeah i think don't even think 90 degrees think over 90 degrees over and over yeah yeah okay no okay that was like pretty decent actually like sometimes it just doesn't work like you did almost everything right no i tilted my car yeah it's like you have to be perfectly straight on for it it's just like kind of annoying in the aspect of it so okay this is it this is the one this is the one i'm gonna do this and then we'll we'll try the second way yeah yeah oh no okay good enough good enough good enough yeah yeah good enough good enough okay let's try the uh the other way so i guess uh show me show me okay yeah so here's how you do it i feel like i don't know if this was easier or harder a lot of people say it's easier but i don't know i think it's about the same okay dude okay i've sick drift i'm not gonna lie uh-huh okay yeah yep what's up no no it's messed up okay i was like okay i was like there's no way i can replicate this okay that's asking a lot hold on i'm going to turn my dead zone up a little bit yeah of course change the settings you know tune it to it to uh look at my car look at my car yeah i'm not i'm not moving to the right right now it's literally like wait what the heck wait i just got this new controller it's so annoying what what do you use uh it's an xbox controller but i've i turned my dead zone up i think it'll be all right yeah i have an xbox controller as well what the heck i i hate having controller issues that's probably one of the most frustrating things like sometimes one of my eight and my a button just gets jammed and i'm like oh no oh no and i mess up my kickoff yeah okay we're better yeah all right so the way to go the way to do it on to like lean backwards is like you you want to unlike the you don't want it on the front of your car you can just have it on like a normal part of the car okay and pop it up and then basically like that that was an all right one oh my okay hold on so that's why a lot of people think it's easier is because you can just have it on the top of your car and you want the ball to pop out pretty far off the car to do this so you jump up and then you backflip yeah you jump up lean over 90 degrees to like the up part and then backflip yeah and you can still do like some flip cancel like this if you want i don't know whatever you want to do but that the main aspect of it is just hold on leaning a little over 90 degrees up it's like this wouldn't work that wouldn't work like that would work for the back foot okay i'll just do it one more time i'll try this three times but i'm letting you know no expectations no okay notice how i boost a little bit here too like you can boost to get it on like the right spot i don't know it's it's kind of muscle memory for me at this point until i get it where it because you want it to end up on the same spot as the forward front flip you know what i mean where it's kind of on the front of your windshield after the back motion so i'll show you what i mean okay just focus on like where my car ends up before the flip okay see how it's like in that same spot where it's on the front of the car basically before the front flip that's kind of where you want to end up oh my and you're hitting this way more consistently than the first one which baffles me hold on let me try the first one again because my hands are warm though that could be it oh yeah of course that's all right yeah i feel like it's like i was honestly a little bit easier than the first one yeah you're literally hitting the second one way better than the than the first okay listen you hit the first great okay there's nothing wrong with the first one but like the second one you're popping off what the heck i will spectate you now and tell you what you're doing wrong if you do anything so everything um so every everything okay hold on so you go like this i'm just gonna do it without the ball eh yeah yeah see some some that's why you have your first jump has to be straight back completely straight back your car like tilt weird perfect that's literally perfect and you can like use a little bit of boost if you need to you can boost forward or like backward when you're in the air a little bit to get the ball in the sweet spot no shot no shot no way you have to have a first try you know what i mean okay listen i'll do this one more time but there's no shot that is okay and you think this is easier yeah i do yeah okay okay no this is easy you know this is easy all right yeah easy yeah it's like your dribble is already like off to the side that's why it's like that's honestly what i was traveling with a little bit like if you can't go to the side or it's like it messes up everything it messes up everything yeah one last one and then okay this is fine we're fine this is fancy no all right try it keep trying it like give three more tries okay okay okay okay okay that started off pretty good but like the bone a little to the left after the jump see like that would have been good if you stayed exactly in the center okay okay what is your uh what's your dead zone at right now uh let me check if you go to settings and then controller dead zone uh i'm at 13. point sorry yeah point three or point one three sorry i could turn it up to point two just for this okay that's what i did i was on point one but point two is like you won't have any if you're if you're starting the center your car should like stay in the center okay okay no no no no no no okay two more tries yeah i'll tell you what you're doing wrong here i mean obviously okay yeah knowing anything wrong but everything everything it was amazing so you can hold okay i'll join the match really quick you can uh you can hold back on the controller like i can drive like this and i'm holding back on my controller on my left stick right now just do that for a second yeah drive forward but hold back on your left stick yeah and then jump and keep holding back and your car will automatically go back straight after the jump so you can hold back even before you jump so instead of jumping and then going back that's slower okay you jump and you're already going back okay okay okay okay i know what you mean now yeah yeah i feel like once i i just want to see you get like really good control and then if you mess up you mess up but i want to see you get like a really solid attempt at once okay okay okay okay okay no no no no no yeah a little too far on the side and then you see how you jump and then you're starting to lean back i just overthought that one okay yeah yeah it's a lot of things to think about that's funny honestly honestly okay i actually want to do a stream and practice the second one i think i think that that might be the wave because that's what it did with the with the flip reset and that helped out immensely so i might just take a stream uh uh take a day where i just practice this and hopefully hit it in in in an online game but no thank you so much what the heck this is way more complicated the second one i still can't believe that you found this way easier than the first one that's yeah i think it is because i feel like you can get it uh but yeah no problem that was fun and that's definitely the best way to like get better at something whether it's air dribble slip resets yeah just for the people watching just literally dedicate like if you have any free day dedicate like literally four hours straight like however long you can do without getting like burnt out yeah it's like practicing a mechanic and that's like the best way to get better at like a particular mechanic and rocky like just grind it out takes time to learn for sure yeah no thank you so much and for the for those of you watching uh who don't know who musti is mostly do you want to tell them where they can find you of course they know you where you look up a musty cow on anything tick tock instagram twitter uh and youtube omasikao thank you thank you thank you and i'll catch you guys later thank you so much for watching if you haven't already please leave a like and please comment down below what you guys would like to see and make sure you're subscribed like 76 uh i believe of you guys 76 yeah yeah it's horrible it's horrible they're a bunch of punks they're all plot players that aren't subscribed it's horrible it's kind of sad honestly honestly hit the sub alright catch you guys later bye
Channel: Athena
Views: 536,829
Rating: 4.9280043 out of 5
Keywords: athena, g2, rocket league, rocket league pro, rocket league best, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league gameplay, musty, amustycow, musty rocket league, musty flick, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide
Id: oZRg9rXhjGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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