James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go

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Channel: JamesAVEVO
Views: 1,260,270,387
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Keywords: say you won't let go, james arthur, just say you won't let go, say you wont let go, james arthur say you won't let go, say u won't let go, james arthur say you won't let go lyrics, won't let go, i met you in the dark, ed sheeran, say won't let go, arthur james, i'm so in love with you, you won't let go, arthur, sam smith, train wreck james arthur, impossible, can i be him james arthur, valentines day, valentines day music, love songs, playlist
Id: 0yW7w8F2TVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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