MUSIC DIRECTOR REACTS | Baldur's Gate 3 OST - Main Theme

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hello and welcome in my name is drum roll Tony my streamer and twitch musician and music teacher living in Seattle Baldur's Gate three I just bought it I haven't played it yet I've heard so many good things from a lot of different people but I figured we could at least check out the main theme I'm excited for this let's go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God what an introduction did you hear the accident percussion lining up with the voice at the end that was so deliberate with where they were going with that that's a menacing all right let's go back and talk about this drone this big elongated sound that we're getting you can hear a little string tremolos we got left hand piano it's very uh kind of dissonant sounding there's not a real tonal Center here except for that changes everything because against that uncertainty suddenly we can really pick out route to five one one to five interval and it resolves down by half step which obviously is goes the flat five or the chart for however you think about that of course it's the infamous tritone right like back you know when you go to like music school they tell all these Tales but like back in the day if you're writing for like secular church music you couldn't write that interval because that's the devil's interval that would be considered that'd be a real bad thing as you get older and like start reading other sources I don't know how true that is but it was a great story when it was told to me so if you haven't heard of that there you go you can look it up and make your own decision but real quick again developments uncertainty a little more form now that one right there that chords that feels like Danny Elfman that has like the properties of like a Spider-Man like Batman like suddenly there's a little more tone we have like what sounds like kind of like a diminished chord it's still mysterious and we don't really know where we're going but it's different than the beginning so very very good development and then now more of course [Music] [Music] so all that that drone all the dissonance all the uncertainty all the emotional like augmentation where we going is taken away and you are hit in the face and you're very certain with that Rhythm and that Melody and the tonality of the choir there the voice so that is a very impactful opening 26 seconds of the beginning like perfect composition in my opinion all right let's keep going oh [Music] now that was interesting sorry to stop it so soon but do you listen to the string bass it almost sounds like we're on a rocking ship and the ropes are pulling but that's just like really slow speed on the bow and it's digging in and like wow it was so loud too [Music] fascinating dude [Music] foreign [Music] we took our Melody from before that was given to us with the choir and now it's much more deliberate and we've kind of developed it a little bit and it sounds very very cool sorry I can't get over how cool that string based part and the cello part's pretty cool too and we had some very aggressive use of Tiffany so obviously me as percussion is going to be really can you imagine how much fun would be to be on the uh the in the studio for doing this track amazing [Music] oh of course nice variation [Music] ah [Music] well done here so this is kind of a variation on the theme we're still in the same uh mentality the melody was not identical it was more of like a we're kind of like a scalar format we're kind of ascending and outlining the key that we're in but all the main principles of that that theme was still there it's just the obligatory take away all you know let the bottom fall out just have like we suddenly have this triplet feel going on in the harp and then we have some upper Woodwinds coming in it's it's very very nice it's a great composition technique let's keep going thank you [Music] but uh half speeds we're taking the same intervals in the descending part of that and putting it there did you check out though parts of the base and the Little Triangle that's hitting with that way in the background let's go back about 10. that it's just really nice it's really delicate but still it's delicate but still commanding so don't be fooled it's the the kind of scary factor is still there but we're just being presented in a different structure foreign [Music] obviously your ear naturally wants to go up to the top to hear what's going on in the vocal structure but just listen down to try to grab those supportive layers I think those are really fun layers listen I went back about 12. [Music] one two three one two three one two three [Music] that was clever some straight eighth notes or six scenes however you want to feel that anyway the point being a little a little three against two there perhaps I might be wrong I'm gonna go back 10 to see if I can grab that again [Music] wow that was gorgeous the way the horns took over me and the voice met it in there that's pretty cool sometimes as you know if you've been hanging out the channel obviously I get lost down on the lower layers but it's I mean this is something you got to go back and let's do multiple times I couldn't appreciate all the ingredients and how they're like stacked on top of each other but really really cool writing okay here we go we're only halfway through so much good stuff is happening keep going [Music] there must be more please I hope so it's so good [Music] it's loud percussion so we open in a similar fashion for this uh the second movement of this very drone like again except minus the tritone but uh deafening yeah each one of those the fourth partial of that uh that sixth note triplet that was like blown I hope I wasn't peaking for you but it was definitely my left ear out there was like okay anyway here we go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] really cool use of voice there uh a little mysterious little Hollywood sounding and also uh nice uh crescendos and suspended symbol plus a little gong work there sounds like we're rolling on the gong which is pretty good let's go back about here to appreciate that [Music] foreign [Music] similar style and composition [Music] uh so similar to the first movement as far as how they brought in a triplet figure now we're definitely you're thinking really six eight or twelve eight uh and it almost has that Irish sound with the uh the string when they come in let's just appreciate that again as this entrance transition here oh beautiful she has such great use of Dynamics there we have a little bit of piano we have a little flute accompanying that that's just really nice ready and the horns so good thank you [Applause] [Music] oh my god dude what a resolution uh the composition features such a great use of when you're scoring like in your like thinking like the whole orchestral score you like you put it on the page that theme is being passed around for so many sections and then the other sections are just trading responsibilities we've had a moment of like to get way more staccato triplet feels underneath but then that went away and was back to Legato and it's just it's like a baton being it's like hot potato except the potatoes not hot the potatoes chill man it's like just vibing and you just giving it around and everyone's getting a nice little share and we have so many different instruments within the orchestra displaying this theme and um that's that's not by accident that's from good composition so shout out to them great job foreign [Music] there is no third movement it's okay that was a great piece and when I said earlier shout out to them for the composition I was like wait I don't know who the composer is because I didn't look boy just loves amazing composition I love it I want to learn more about you my name is drum roll Tony catchment alive and twitch all the social information is down in the video description below thank you so much for watching YouTube thinks you should watch this video next have a great day click the like button subscribe to the channels and catch next one take it easy bye
Channel: DrumRollTony Reacts
Views: 83,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs game 3 reaction, baldurs gate 3 theme, baldurs gate 3 main theme, bg3, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 ost reaction, reaction, reaction video, bg3 reaction, is baldur's gate 3 worth it, drumrolltony baldurs gate, drum roll tony baldurs gate, video game music reaction, video game reaction, bg3 review, drumrolltony reacts, drum roll tony, video game music analysis, baldurs gate iii, baldurs gate III
Id: c7ZdcaQsNcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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