Gordon's Guide To Mushrooms | Gordon Ramsay

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mushrooms are one of my all-time favorite ingredients i use chestnut mushrooms with the beef short ribs because i love their firm texture and nutty taste but there's a huge range of other mushrooms that are great for slow cooked dishes and when it comes to buying them there's one expert green grocer who's a fountain of knowledge borough marcus fred foster he started off on the memphis dead still in pimlico really he had a salad stall with other 20 years of experience he could actually write his own mushroom encyclopedia mushrooms as soon as you pick them the moisture starts coming out of them so you need to buy them when they're fresh certain products you smell for flavour and they tend to be fruits mushrooms don't smell nice at all they smell kind of metallic really so you have to use your eyes as your guide of what you buy with mushrooms really really important wild mushrooms are literally grown wild in the forest they're just quality wherever they are this is morel mushroom a fantastic product so hard to find in the world it's almost got an apricoty type of flavour earthy woody and of course as you cook it the flavour increases for extra flavor and texture highly prized morels are ideal when added to slow cooked stews and casseroles as are the trumpet de la more which have a deliciously rich flavor another wild type to try is the chanterelle its subtle fruity flavor is delicious and perfect fried with butter parsley and garlic when you're dealing with wild mushrooms you need to clean them it can be quite a slow process it's with a soft brush don't don't use water never use water with mushrooms it deteriorates the mushroom rapidly oyster mushrooms are very meaty mushroom just a lovely silky smooth flavour really nice how do you tell whether it's fresh those gills are bright never cut an oyster mushroom always tear it look at the whiteness of that beautiful that would be grey if it was old although also found wild oyster mushrooms are more commonly cultivated along with a similar type the enoki their delicate taste is great in salads and soups finally fred saved the best until last and of course the pinnacle is the truffle they are really really sought after the smell is so intense that smell it's hard to describe because it's such a unique smell the more expensive the truffle the more intense the smell so that's why you use such a small amount on a dish it's amazing the way they get these they used to use pigs of course they don't do that anymore they use dog steel but because the pigs used to eat them all this magical tasting fungi is by weight one of the most expensive foods in the world it's phenomenal eaten raw shaved over pastel or risottos or drizzle of truffle or turn slow cooked stews into something out of this world people are actually scared of mushrooms aren't they so it's amazing really they shouldn't be because take away the fear and just close your eyes and taste them they're just amazing they are amazing [Music] slow cooking is a brilliant way of getting lots of extra depth and intensity into your dishes the secret is to lock in all those flavors at the start and let the ingredients do their thing as it cooks these are beef short ribs and there's basically five to six bones across there and as the short rib cooks it sticks that bone the bone implants flavor and the meat just sort of melts cooks slowly gives it that nice level intensity slice alongside the bone straight down you can see that marbling that sort of disappears and disintegrates i'm cooking them in a roasting tray get it on the heat until nice and hot season these short ribs beautifully olive oil in bone on the top we'll start coloring that in [Music] really important to give the beef short ribs a really nice sear if you didn't brown the meat off it goes in the oven and it looks like boiled meat so you really want that nice dark rich coloring just cut the garlic in half slide that down the side that's going to give that beef an amazing flavor [Music] to give body to the sauce stir in a heaped teaspoon of tomato puree i'm just hitting the bottom of the pan with that tomato puree and we call it cooking out that smell of puree otherwise it just goes in there raw and it gives this sort of tartness to the braised short ribs red wine in don't use an expensive bottle of red wine there's no need bring the wine up to the boil and reduce it this burns off the alcohol and concentrates the flavor makes a big difference when you reduce the red wine down by half because it gives that nice dark rich intensity look at my garlic that is just gonna sweeten everything up incredible stock in beef stock perfect chicken stock fine just to about an inch underneath the beef short ribs bring it up to the ball to lock in all that flavor as the beef ribs slow cook cover them so they braised from the bottom and steamed from the top into the oven two and a half hours 170 to 180 degrees in she goes the great thing about slow cooking is you do most of the work in advance and then put your feet up five or ten minutes before the beef short ribs come out of the oven start your garnish this is light cured pancetta we want nice thick nice big thick sticks of crispy bacon [Music] these are delicious chestnut mushrooms i'm not going to slice them i'm just going to cut them in half but look at the color on those lardons now all the whites raw fat have disappeared the lardons have shrunk right down and all we've got there now is the proper bacon mushrooms in beautiful so the mushrooms get seasoned from the bacon i'm pan frying these separately to the beef so they remain crisp and have a different texture [Music] leave that to cool down now this is like christmas day for me when you unwrap that fall once you see what's underneath it [Music] wow they smell incredible lift and place on your tray beautiful to make a fantastic rich deep sauce press the soft roasted garlic through a sieve into the cooking juices all that nice pureed garlic coming through there because that is going to make the most amazing flavor scrape all of that off the sieve nice then just start sieving all that lovely brazing liquor in that smells delicious take your sauce and just glaze do them individually they deserve that respect spoon on your bacon and your mushrooms beautiful be generous with these mushrooms i'm telling you they taste amazing flat leaf parsley all that freshness over those amazing ribs incredible never ever be embarrassed about going to your butcher and asking for cheap cuts because the results are incredible amazing beef braised short ribs with bacon and mushrooms it's mushroom and leek pasta this fantastic fast and simple pasta dish made with everyday ingredients just goes to prove you can eat good food whenever you want really important put the water on first so you can just have it gently swimming away ready for the pasta while the water comes to the boil start the sauce by slicing mushrooms first off fingers one in front two behind up and down then add olive oil to a hot frying pan [Music] i want that nice color on the mushrooms off the heat literally 10 seconds and when you toss something really important you get all the ingredients at the end of the pan push down and pull back that noise that's that's all the water coming out of the mushrooms next finely chop a fat clove of garlic [Music] then prepare your leeks just take your knife and go down through the center turn it over and again into quarters see all that opening up and then just rinse the top of that to get rid of any potential dirt or sand it just breaks up into nice little quarters add all that leek into those mushrooms beautiful and now the secret is to get rid of that water inside the leek as it cooks down all the water's gone you just left that really nice intense flavor garlic's got nice and crispy now we're going to add a touch of chicken stock in there beautiful lasagna sheets i'm just going to drop the sheets in to the water lasagna sheets are an unusual choice for a dish like this but they work brilliantly although any type of pasta you've got in the cupboard will do and just twist that pan that stops any pasta actually sticking to the bottom of the pan chicken start to reduce down by half and it's almost delays the bottom of the pan basically washed all that wonderful flavor off turn the gas down and add a couple of tablespoons of cream this just enriches the dish bring it back up to the bowl and let it simmer for three to four minutes now the secret with the pasta is just taking it out a little early so you've got that nice texture hold up the sheet and just nip it and you can feel your fingers in the center it's ready turn the sauce down and lay these beautiful sheets of lasagna into that sauce i'm just going to turn the gas off now and let the pasta sit in there and absorb that amazing sauce finish with chopped fresh tarragon it's a delicious herb it goes brilliantly well mushrooms and leeks just let that sit and almost sort of infuse to serve i'm making a quick bruschetta by toasting fresh chipata bread two nice slices drizzle that in olive oil a little bit of garlic just rub the bread the crust as well crust is what really takes that garlic now pan for the bread little touch of olive oil as it starts to smoke bread in [Music] but look at the pasta now it's been stained by that amazing sauce to serve i want a nice spoon of my mushrooms leeks and cream then i'll take my pasta just twist it and let it sit on top that tarragon has just lifted everything bread on and that's the beauty about something so simple they can be done in 20 minutes with everyday ingredients a stunning pasta dish adding easy and versatile dishes like this to your repertoire is what cooking at home is all about so you can always make great tasting food at the drop of a hat you
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 1,458,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, gordon ramsay mushroom, gordon ramsay mushroom recipe, gordon ramsay slow cooker, gordon ramsay beef short rubs, gordon ramsay pasta, pasta, beef short ribs, mushrooms, mushroom recipes, beef short ribs recipe, pasta recipes, mushroom pasta recipe, slow cooker beef ribs, slow cooker beef
Id: H6r65SHkpVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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