Murderer Claims He Is the Victim | John Wayne Gacy Body Language Analysis

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well hey there idiots welcome back to observe and in today's video we're going to be analyzing the nonverbal communication again of John Wayne Gacy this is part three of the three-part series if you haven't seen the other two parts I do suggest you go and check those out first it'll help add some context to this one let's go ahead and enroll the intro for now though [Music] things I wanted to go ahead and give a quick shout out to the fact that we've made some merch over at observe if you would like to be able to go down into the description check out the links there there's a link tree it links all the different socials and merch and things like that go check those out that's all that I've got I I would appreciate it let's go ahead and actually start it to the the content of the video let's step back to let's step back to to your childhood what was your state of health as a child I'm gonna go ahead and pause that there because right off the bat let's step back to your childhood and immediately Daisy begins to have a little bit of contempt come in with one side of his face raising up there and it's not synchronized across both half that is usually an indicator of contempt let's see what his response is to that because he's already kind of showing a low level of moral or intellectual superiority in this point at the age of 10 I was told I had a enlarged bottleneck heart okay and so I uh had a tendency to pass out a lot how about childhood illnesses did you have any I mean uh accidents rather any any sort of uh I was in wineries or accidents when I went to uh the other vocational school when I first went to the vocational school I got hit with a park swing in the side of the head because the master right at what what age was that approximately 14 I believe got hit with a swing we got unconscious yeah I was taken to a medical clinic okay so from what I'm hearing he's had some medical difficulties as he was growing up now this story with the park swing is fascinating to me I don't poof I don't know what kind of Park swings they had back then but they were Hefty I've been hit by a park swing with a human being on it before and was not knocked out and taken to specifically a medical clinic that is fascinating I'm not sure why he's including these parts into this this narrative but it is helping us understand a little bit more about Garden Wayne Gacy's past and the the formation that brought us to where we are now let's continue that was at the time that's when they started seeing that I had epilepsy did you have any uh episodes of uh you know seizures to intercept seizures were according to the doctor they claimed that when I have an epileptic seizure I had 800 times My Own Strength for 800 pounds of strength have you ever been sick neither of those make sense 800 times Your Own Strength seems pretty extreme and then 800 pounds of strength is just a weight so like I I don't necessarily understand where this is but if he did have seizures I'm wondering if this is part of what pulled into his mental state as he's trying to deny being the monster that he was I'm curious if he's going to try to play off of some of these different factors that play into his behavior it's fascinating to make a note of but I woof also interesting as soon as it comes around to psychology which if you've watched the previous videos when it comes around to psychology he immediately seems to fall apart pretty quickly in his understanding his recollection is very very numerical oriented so that is fascinating to be able to note let's keep watching ever been sexually abused by anybody at the age of nine there was a contractor building it building a house next door and he used to pick me up and take me for rides and always wanted to show me wrestling holes with always pinning my head in between his legs but at the time I did not look at it as sexual he was showing me wrestling holes where my head was always constantly pinned between his legs or under his legs that I was 19 I'm gonna go ahead and pause that there so when he when the interviewer brings up this point in case he kind of does a positional re change so this re-posturing lets us know that there's going to be a change in tone and roll on the next portion of what he's saying here and he is a little bit more reserved on this part where he's talking about this relationship with a contractor that was working nearby so with that that is fascinating that we see that postural change he does close up a little bit so that is an indicator of some level of defensiveness but there's no indicators of possible deceit and the defensiveness does make sense that this storyline is genuinely true which there isn't a reason for us to not believe that it's true right now so if that's the case then we're understanding just a little bit more about what formulated John Wayne Gacy let's keep watching it was 19 when I ran away and that was in in 80 not 80. 60 61. I went to Las Vegas for three months wow okay so that was an interesting recollection of dates there so this is a numerical thing and he's been throughout all of his interview very very on the point with numerical stuff except for this here now we've come to this not 80 60. 20 years before actually I'm 20 years off on this that's a pretty sizable difference perhaps it was just a mistake but as you can see here he does lip compression and he has a very prolonged eye blink and there his eyebrows are lowered and Drawn Together in concentration and recollection I find this fascinating he hasn't had to try this hard to recollect numbers in any other area of the interview except for this one here so this is a little spike in his nonverbal communication let's see why that is took off took my car and lift yeah I worked for Palm Mortuary being the night man picking up bodies at the hospitals and stuff for them I worked as a night man only I didn't have nothing to do with the bodies all this talk that I slept with the dead ones or or had sex with dead bodies there is no drift in any of that he didn't live in the um I lived in a mortuary yes but not in the embalming room I mean they make it sound like you know I slept in the crypts with him and I never climbed into a coffin or anything like that that is so damn ridiculous big smile not reaching his eyes fully so this is obviously he's not finding this very funny and he's still laughing along with it now this is designed and presented to coach us away from believing that specific narrative now I don't know the physical evidence around that that Drew people to believe that he did these things but I will say that in this point he is showing a very abnormal spike in his nonverbal communication that was not there before we have not seen him try this laughter thing he's breaking a lot of eye contact a lot of no shaking now evolutionarily speaking The Smiling the bearing of your teeth can be a sign of a vulnerability um but in this area it doesn't I don't know that that's being the case here from my understanding people were a little weirded out by John Wayne Gacy living in a mortuary and working the night shift there and everything else considered in his storyline and what he's been accused of I can understand why people would be weirded out by that and he seems to be aware of how strange that would be but he's displaying this odd nonverbal communication around it let's kind of see how this plays out and see what the narrative takes us it you know it's the same thing the contention is that I slept all night with Robert peace if you want to say I slept in the same house with a dead body okay fine I'll buy that but in the same room no and besides the dead won't bother you it's still living you gotta worry about I I felt okay so this has also come from the guy who woke up came out of his house and saw a dead body on his floor and was like oh I'll just go about my day so apparently he has no or very little now I wouldn't say no but he has very little difficulty around dead bodies and he's saying oh it's the living that you need to worry about and that is another fascinating aspect of Gacy's character which adds a level of eeriness to the fact that he was also a children's clown who is just super comfortable around dead bodies he's a complex character and not not a very um not a pleasant one I would say let's keep watching I felt things were gonna work out because I knew that I didn't do the killing and I thought it would come out in the trial but amaranty with with this Insanity defense and I knew I didn't do the killing and it would come out in the trial a constant no shaking that now a lot of them are micro they're smaller and there could be could be less controlled meaning it's seeping out at The desynchronization Point meaning that he's possibly being deceitful here but they also could be I mean they could be they could be controlled and if that were the case he's saying you might not believe it which then he understands that what he's presenting evidence wise does not back up what he's now saying a year ago you wouldn't believe it so we're seeing this difficulty come out even with his narrative he's having difficulty figuring out a way to present the genuine evidence that was there in a way that wasn't implicative of him let's get brought to sanity defense what I and again you can call it my ignorance of the law it's like I explained in a letter to Chief Justice William Clark the evidence-based is on the theory that the more Sensational the case is the more crazier it sound the insanity defense would work and I still think it was stupid but I think that they did a disservice to me and they did a disservice to the victim you know what people don't understand uh is I I feel I was wrongfully convicted for 33 murders and it was only because of sensationalism and ego the display is pleased to the sloppy investigation didn't this is I mean it may not be the to correctly wording it but the thing of it is is that they had other suspects and they the tunnel vision in to say Let's Escape these house it's easier to put everything on Gacy hey your paintings oh okay so this is the first time that I have heard Gacy mention the 33 victims 33 victims that are involved in this and he breezes right by it very quickly and focuses again on himself and how much people should pity him and then he tries to shift things over to blaming law enforcement that law enforcement didn't do their due diligence because I mean after all all the bodies were found on my property so it seemed as though it lined up most that way which makes sense that would be the easiest answer if somebody who has the history that Gacy has has the personality traits that Gacy does if somebody has a couple dozen dead bodies under their house and it's their house it's not likely that anybody else was coming and stowing some dead bodies underneath another person's house and that was what Daisy's defense was is that somebody else because he had given keys to everybody so everybody had the opportunity to do it somebody else had been taking copious quantities of these victims and putting them underneath his house and he never noticed no I'm sorry even just from the knowledge of gazy himself he seems to be fairly detail-oriented I don't buy that put yourself in Daisy's shoes for just a tiny moment imagine having a house where people can come in and out regularly but it's not an abnormally large house it's not like a mansion or anything like that so you have a pretty good idea where everything is and then your argument when people find over two dozen dead bodies under your houses that well somebody must have probably done that while I wasn't paying attention okay maybe you know what maybe definitely not obviously but like maybe for sake of Devil's Advocate here maybe he just was really hyper clueless of it so let's see hey your paintings uh have improved over the years I think we've seen some uh I think I've learned from each one okay I guess it's the same reason why I relate to Michelangelo because he was a workaholic and Leonardo da Vinci you know people always ask me who my favorite artists are and why oh a sense of grandiose nature to himself too he relates himself to Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci I don't see the similarities we're understanding that Casey does have this rather grandiose view of himself comparing himself to somebody so famous as those people because he's a workaholic okay Aaron why and I did not know that Michelangelo was homosexual it doesn't make no difference to me he was a workaholic he was a skull that I'm not sure about I did not know so that that's synchronized but if you see we're seeing a little bit of this shoulder creeping in here with some lopsided shrugs that's a sign of uncertainty and insecurity centered around this phrasing maybe maybe Casey didn't know but he does have some insecurity around that so that is something that we would want to be able to kind of focus in on and ask a little bit more around that why why did this start acting up when he's talking about Michelangelo's relationships and romantic relationships fascinating let's keep watching it was a sculpture he was a he was a a painter and and did a lot of other things uh Da Vinci was an inventor in that and of course in my life I've done painting decorating wallpapering I've done mural work you name it as you know I'm okay so unless I'm understanding this incorrectly Gacy said that because Michelangelo painted and Daisy painted they were very similar um there are some differences but oh well let's go no I'm a bug about record chiefing all of my business records confirmed where I was who I was with what hotel I stayed at what what meals I ate everything was in the files and all of those files on December 29th of 1978 were confiscated by the Defiance Police Department and those files there alone could have proven that I wasn't in Illinois when 16 of these murders when they finally set the dates as to when these murders occurred I you did say that you never painted yourself as an innocent but I mean the point is is if okay so he's now trying to say that his business records that he keeps were proving that he wasn't in these areas that murders happened at the time that they did so he was trying to use his business records as an alibi and he's the one who runs the business records now perhaps it was done through another portion of the company another person did that so that could add some some relevance to what he's saying however as the owner of the company business records are far from concrete evidence as to say oh I was here or there that and that we're also getting to this one part where it sounds like we're circling back around to Gacy was at one point not presenting himself out to be this very innocent person and he's getting frustrated and so we're going to start seeing this frustration creep out here son Let's see if if you feel that uh uh you're not covering up your part of the the crimes but at the same time you open up the thought that others were involved would you be willing to cooperate with law enforcement people today to uh Avail say the uh the materials that you have amassed and and to more or less pursue uh if in fact there are others that are on the streets that have been involved in these murders would you be willing to cooperate and to assist to uh to pursue that to the ends of bringing others to Justice would you be willing to do that I got no comments about that but what I do okay so going through this we're seeing all of these agitation gestures come out we're seeing the self-soothing he scratches his nose he's doing a lot of mouth manipulators lip compressions his eyebrows are still drawn together and lowered Source we see this reposturing and all of these manipulators come out that obviously lets us know that there is a large amount of adaptation around there and now when he's asked will you help with this he says I have no qualms with that and he has a little micro headshake no but he's looking away let's see what his nonverbal communication says while he addresses this because what I'm already feeling from this with that little microsake no is that from here on out he's gonna somehow find a way to deny helping the research or the the searching of the case trying to figure out anything else around the case let's see if that's the case but what I don't understand is why wasn't it then to begin with Bob it's David is they want you to believe that I and I alone committed the these murders and and I had nothing to do with the murders of anyone if anybody was involved in how many people uh are we talking about beside yourself we believe there was four people involved and that would be uh Michael Rossi David cram uh Philip Paskey here we've got a okay so back to the point before he just quickly shifts off of that he he does the micro Shake now in there but then he does not ever say yeah I would do that I would help out with that he immediately tries to shift blind and say well why wasn't it done already not the question Gacy the question is would you help if you are actually innocent and you have all of this information why don't you help not really an answer that he gives and now he's also trying to talk about how there's the possibility that these other people being involved which sure maybe there are other people that were helping Gacy out again I still find it very very difficult to buy the story that these other grown men were hauling so many corpses underneath Daisy's house without Daisy having any knowledge of it I just no I I'm sorry no a filofassky who would had a newsletter going out of the Cook County Jail and and here he is involved with a guy named John Norman and John Norman was running uh boys for hire they were making snuff films with young boys to me they were pimping them off they were selling them there was a crossover when we checked into John Norman's so during that time as he looking down and kind of running through what it seems to be are his notes he has a number of interesting number will tell us that pop up here first his pitch increases a lot as a sign of agitation possible nervousness we're also seeing this manipulator come up across here it is semi-blocking him from the interviewer himself now these sorts of brow touches like this can often come out in shame as well which I find at very least just fascinating that we're hearing this increase in pitch and a little bit of Shame we're also seeing some more manipulators come up around his mouth and some lip compressions these are all pushing me here the spider right here there's one less spider right there all of these towels are not pushing me to feel that he's innocent or not at all involved in the situation but let's just keep watching to see what's going on a Norman's background that he he goes all the way back to uh the early early 70s involved in uh he ran the Norman Foundation he run run epic International and the Odyssey Foundation out of Dallas Texas and these were organizations where wealthy men could hire young boys for sexual for sexual weekends mail prostitutes have you ever met Norman you ever had any contact with Norman I have yet to see a current picture of him and and therefore I had to say no I I you know so past he may have been with him at one time or another okay I have you met Norman I have yet to see a current picture of him not the question not the answer that was needed and now he's also having some difficulty and we're showing some insecurity come in as we hear that pitch come in and he does a little bit of shrugging as well as he's now talking about well maybe in the past there could have been so let's see let's see how he tries to excuse this weird question Dodge that he does and then all of these signs of adaptation time or another because see again I came home from out of town at times and Phil pescue would be at the house drinking beer or something like that uh David cram is the one that brought uh philpathy and anxious uh cram when they wanted he didn't want to do nothing he got a hold of this guy he said well this guy can get you uh somebody for sex I I have a lot of things that I've forgot that I can't remember for instance I can go back to my childhood and stuff and still remember that but yet you can I can go into the 70s and there are a lot of things I can't remember the same thing with the victims I've looked it okay so we're hearing a lot of vocal verbal difficulty coming from Gacy in this part that means that he's at least somewhat unsettled psychologically stumbling over his words his brain is processing a little bit more Ergo we're hearing that reflected through his pattern the flow of the speech that he's has here so something is causing him a substantial amount of agitation and difficulty centered around this meeting of a person who had these connections and not so ethical circles so we're hearing this come out that is suspicious to me uh for me at least while watching that I would want to try to figure out how to pick around a little bit more dig around root around a little bit more in this area of things because it seems as though there might be a little bit more of a relationship to these people than John Wayne Gacy himself was presenting and now now now we're hearing that Gacy for the first time is trying to say oh well I don't remember everything whereas before he has always been very very insistent and adamant even that he does remember things and so far he's been very very accurate with his memory in regards to numbers and dates and times and activities and things like that not so much about psychology and now we're hearing that perhaps maybe during this one time he just can't remember an entire decade fascinating let's go I've looked at all of I don't know if you'll notice here we have pictures wherever one of the victims here and believe it or not for the last 12 years I've studied these photos of the victims and there is no uh we have a shot of all of the victims together here and when you look over at the photos I have no recollection of any of never met him and we've gone over this more than once they're just names and faces and when you when you look at them uh the thing of it is we took it a step further we went into their backgrounds I wanted to know where they were at what schools they attended who they hung out with and what kind of activities they were into and that's what we dug up on each one of the victims but still there is no association none of them never worked for me none of them they never went to any places that I ever hung around because I didn't hang around that many places unless you're involved in politics or are you if you were involved in clowning then I might have ran into you but there's no way I could have run into any of them they've got all that jury that doesn't belong to the victims he's saying that he went and did all of his own personal research to all these different victims and again we're not seeing any mode of reflection as to the the greatest nature of what he's talking about that's not necessarily implicative of him largely because this is detached from that time it would be nice to be able to see a level of of grief centered around that many many deaths but at least he's uhologically detached from it and his excuses is that I went and did all of these this digging and searching uh as to their backgrounds and what they did and I don't recognize any of them which means that we just have to take him out of his word for I don't recognize any of them and then his reason for backing that up is like I also probably would never have run into them because I didn't go around to the places that they went obviously didn't fly then doesn't fly now there's so many issues with that let's keep watching it doesn't belong to the victims they've got the two just like I consider myself the 34th victim I consider the families victims as well because they did not get Justice from the shoddy investigation all the way down to it that's fascinating that gay C counts himself first and foremost counts himself as a victim and then it's like as a secondary thought he's like oh also I guess the families are kind of victims but I I am a victim like I feel like I'm a victim during this situation it does feel lightly manipulative to me for him to try to group himself into the same group of what the actual victims experienced in their families it feels kind of gross to me that he's doing that especially considering all of the evidence that has been very very firmly stacked up against him for him to still say well despite all of this despite me having all of these victims underneath my house dead and buried despite that I feel like I should also be treated as if I'm a victim wow fascinating okay let's keep watching as I told you when the FBI first came in to check out on me you said that you were kept out of the case back in 78 and that was only because of egos they did not want a professional coming in and doing an investigation so they did their sloppy investigation let it slide that way you see everybody was so excited about the large massive case and everybody was looking with their egos as to how they could close this thing up and you know the only one that they really hurt you've had the the victims family prevent all their hostility towards me and they think I I'm the monster that chilled their son or took out their son and stuff like that when in fact most of them don't even have the remains of their own Sons and you know that's another thing everybody misses from this is that the victims of families are are not aware that that in a lot of the cases they don't even have the remains that that's really interesting this this verbal patterning that he's going through so first I'm seeing a number of he's breaking eye contact but it seems as though he might be referencing his notes he does have a very substantial dry swallow in there that's a sign of agitation nervousness we see that crop up here and then he's trying to say that well these families are mad at me because dot but these families are mad at me and they're not they don't even have the victims remains from the police so they should be mad at the police instead of mad at me for that and the narrative that he seems to be painting is that there's something that the victims families don't know but then he kind of patches it up with this they don't even know where the remains are that doesn't feel like how that was where that narrative was going I'm wondering what he was going to say about what the victim's families genuinely don't know let's keep watching of their own their own Sons because the Dr Stein never turned over the whole body and they took the uh they took the heads off of each one of the victims so when you you turn over the remains to a love loved one's family they don't have the whole body what again another pretty substantial manipulator coming across like that and head dipping eyes Dart around when talking about the removing of the heads this is a very fascinating uh area that Gacy has kind of slid into to talk about and to really bring about into his narrative and it is still designed and centered around trying to shift blame from himself over to law enforcement the your whoever else that can possibly be blamed that is something that Gacy's tried to do here fascinating I'm going to keep watching what do you actually feel that my investigation that my case has been thoroughly investigated I think John in a case like this and I find this in many many major cases at the uh things are at the time of the case are done uh rather hastily because of the fact that you know there's there's pressure on yeah but that's a political answer I know I I don't I don't want a political answer from you I want I want a basic answer do you actually think that the investigation in my case has been done right I believe in your case that uh that there's needs to be there should have been more uh more focus on on other in sets it should have been other instead checked out a little more thoroughly that's that's the belief I've developed over the years yeah okay so the interviewer here in that part had a lot of difficulty you could hear that through his arms and us and stutters and stops in his phrasing so he's obviously feeling anxious and uncomfortable and agitated around that which is a little bit of a power play from Gacy Gacy is not supposed to be Anne asking the questions here but he does take control of the situation and ask that question and set the interviewer back a little bit there's only a few more seconds left of this let's watch it and then we'll talk about it at the end for next years yeah I just think that we're kind of uh wrapping it up here we I think we accomplished something there certainly we put something down on tape but uh that has not been said my feeling is a career law enforcement officer is that uh uh if John Wayne Gacy is guilty then he should be punished if John or Wayne Gacy has others involved then they should be brought in they should be punished basically I believe in in total investigation and Total Justice and that's that's really what I've been looking for all look foreign so what I'm seeing through Gacy at the very end while the interviewer is kind of giving this overly gentle response to gayc is I'm seeing some level of disgust contempt perhaps dismay or disappointment as the interviewer is responding and we're seeing that through a various number of tells across the face with the the eye blocking the slow blinks the looking away the little flashes of contempt or possible disgusts that are coming across the lower half of his face we're also seeing him doing some more swallows in there and whatnot so we're seeing all of these interesting aspects of John Wayne Gacy and then it kind of wraps up the interview there so in summary of all three different ones we were able to see a number of very fascinating characteristic quality traits from Gacy and some inconsistencies that Gacy himself did present from his own side of things even down to like oh well I I'm a fan I have a fantastic memory in certain areas and in other areas I just can't even remember whatsoever and a lot of those areas that he couldn't remember whatsoever over just happened to line up with areas that would be implicative of him so of course he couldn't remember those areas but if there were areas that were going to push people to believe his innocence then his memory was faultless and that in and of itself seems suspicious to me obviously we're working well past the case here this is all retrospect he's guilty everything has gone through but during that time even without that knowledge without hindsight being 20 20 we would still be able to see a number of numberable tells that would push us to want to ask more questions to want to involve more members of teams and interrogations and what not to be able to dig a little bit harder because frankly the answers that he gave and the way that he presented them were suspicious so let me know in the comments of this video if you would like to be able to see any other ones I plan on going through and actually making a number of series on all of the various more prominent True Crime serial killers throughout history so if there's any that you know that you would like to see maybe sooner than later let me know in the comments below if there are any other things on the Internet or whatnot that you would like me to take a read at just let me again let me know in the comments below hit subscribe hit like all those things that you know everybody tells you to do but but without further Ado that's all that I've got for the day my name is Logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and I will see you in the next video cheers guys [Music]
Channel: Observe
Views: 50,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, React, Analysis, lying, detection, reading, behavior
Id: eBD63K0H-Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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