MURDER ON THE LAKE!! | Lakeview Cabin #1

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to Lake View cabin collection if you all recall I played Lake View what is this I played Lake View cabin a long time am I gonna have a gun yeah sorry okay that's weird okay alright then okay I don't understand why that's a thing I just kind of got dropped in okay hold the peak the sewers Oh God what the hell is going on here there's not this neither a lake view or a cabin I really miss those are horror fest Lake View cabin three four and five oh okay how do I have a box why do I have a box hello are you a zombie you look a little solid and sunken destitute and horrible look you cabin three in the world is this like some bizarre level select some dystopian future where all video games are actually horror movie set mateys oh good huh what happened to Lake View cabin two O's II I don't have a Z button Z hey there we go okay oh what's dropped it okay oh I thought I was gonna drop the puppy in the ocean I don't like well oh I can press the button to switch up doing the characters okay you're just gonna sit there for a little bit I'm gonna pick up this and figure out what the hell I'm doing so anyway with legs evil alright naked well that's not what I was expecting okay well I didn't know that was the thing I could do I'm gonna be this no I'm gonna be this late I'm gonna be this guy cuz he's got a nice mustache and I'm pretty sure this is the same guy from the original game be red was here good I'm glad so if you remember the first game it was it was weird like admittedly it was very weird yeah oh no I get off there are you so gross I need that flashlight X are so weird why is any of this any of this why is any of this at all anything I'm saying look guys it's gonna in the river okay bye you have a good day now grade wood chipper who's that gonna murder okay well that wasn't fun oh no I'm sad now ah ah my face what the hell happened then oh okay I can hide lying in wait behind a tree oh oh this is much weird Oh ah let me just bleed on the bed a little bit owner how many places around this I can bleed and why why did I do any of this no I'm not gonna play a guitar I'm just gonna smash it okay cool okay I'm naked now is the whole front of mine just ripped off am I just a walking corpse I do not look good oh okay okay here we go here we go okay apparently apparently apparently apparently apparently well now everyone's not looking so good in the puppy is dead Wow what the hell happened I busted open the cooler for some brewskis I didn't get a key though so that was something that guys sacrifice was totally not in vain what in the hell just happened I have no goddamn idea I mean if my objective was actually to kill people I guess I did good but I'm pretty sure that's not exactly what I set out to do why is there a total pool of skulls getting a little more bizarre not much more bizarre but a little bit at a time okay I got a kidney I've no one okay so okay okay dirt dirt dirt okay so the eight was red I don't know why I don't know why any of this is Luke II don't know what I just got still bleeding profusely everywhere I want to be very clear about that I'm very much bleedy bleah okay can oh I can put on a mask this is just giving me the heebie-jeebies because I have no idea what's going on okay I got a gun now I really don't know if my objective was wanton murder but uh here I go anyway oops nope need that for things and stuff okay Wow I'm almost dead now because my leg is gone oh wait I picked up my leg oh okay I'll just put that in the cooler for later and get my gun back because that's what I really want okay so I can't go here this will kill me if I do that so excellent oh oh okay maybe I can use teamwork to get that why am i doing this this is what my parents warned me about about going into the woods everyone would just somehow kill themselves because that's one like I forget what that well what was the movie like Dale and Tucker versus the EP happened why did I oh why oh god I'm naked bleeding I'm bleeding naked ding what the hell this is so bizarre everything about this is really bizarre ok I guess I'm just gonna keep going as a walking zombie skeleton that's bleeding everywhere until I find out what's gonna kill me and why did he die you're lucky I'm out of shells I guess because I just can't stop murdering everyone why and what and how man this is so as to be it just a fun outing into the woods turn to dead horrible okay what do I do literally what do I do Oh what happened what's that what's happening you know like you that whatever the hell that was I haven't the foggiest idea man when the murderer finally shows up because you're not gonna have a job like hey well then alrighty then I did not know about that there's comfort in that never happened he's not following me I'm just hopping on one leg well you're gonna die is the long and the short of this but you're gonna crap all about in here how about here don't ever find me so long as I don't leave a trail of blood behind me I'll be just a gay Oh oh that's not good you I have to admit I was not prepared well you your dog and your friends are dead game over all right I've always wanted okay so let me try to do that a little bit better whatever the hell I did okay cool so our objective is to survive the night not kill each other before we get to the point where we need things are going bad cuz I don't remember lake V well Oh who was the wait wait wait a little I saw that I saw that okay oh I saw that I saw it okay so that's good that means that there's an identifiable threat and I know he's there so we do have to use teamwork to try to get past this but there's got to be poor goddammit I'm such an idiot okay so this is a trap this is literally a trapping and use this to my advantage hmm ah piss I'm such an idiot god damn it okay Fido you just stay nice and safe over there so I got to find a way to build like this to get over there because that's gonna be one of the best things it's gonna be able to a B ok so there's got to be like supplies that I can pick up here we go just tools over here go here pigs is hey yeah I'm doing it okay [ __ ] alright there's something no this week structurally unsound okay so I need to find something to put up there so that I can go where I need to go mmm crap well I'm spooky okay pick this up put this down [ __ ] god damn it uh I'm surprised I'm not dead yet okay damn it what am I supposed to do I found something okay I found like a piece of a map or something so that's gonna be useful hey you guys doing good over there okay so I need to here we go that's right I need to like there we go okay what is this no that isn't this is a dildo this is a really heavy sock made us a shotgun shell okay in here it was like a key come on come on Oh zip sorry sorry sorry sorry didn't mean it didn't mean it didn't mean it yep hey so oh oh oh I can pick people up that's really handy I think all right let's move everyone has a team over let's move everyone as a team over to where we need to go there's gonna take forever no not what I wanted okay here we go everybody grab your partner damn it not the partner I wanted to grab not that either put the beer down for one second what the bear down we gotta go onward [ __ ] okay here we go I don't exactly know where we're going to but hey [ __ ] okay I will solve this problem by putting this over there done forever we're safe now why is everyone's mouth hanging a gate okay stay there they're gonna go in here up here out here yes this is where we're gonna make our stand it's probably not gonna help me in any capacity at least it'll be something anything to do with anything we'll be a little better than what I'm doing now okay and now we wait I suppose we can tell scary stories lower here once upon a time alone was lost in the hidden valleys of Romania there once lived a little old lady in the woods all by herself and in these woods this little old lady loved the farm and baked goods for the whole neighborhood she was really nice and nothing bad happened at all the end great story okay here we go sooo so there's a zip line that can zippity-doo-dah out of here in case we need it I suppose I mean it's the only objective to be able to survive the night really quiet maybe we should have all gotten naked before this you know just as a last effort why not Oh oh crap well that was a mistake pick up your leg get back up here you back of her now I did not know that that was going to happen she seems to be doing awfully well for holding her own leg up but she's a survivor is this singing I think it was singing here comes the zom-bone er oh I think I saw something oh no those leaves falling okay so far so good papi I forgot about bumpers oh I forgot about buffers nup oh no honey someone's gotta go get him oh no someone's gonna go get him someone has to go get him Oh someone's gotta go get him rubbers up what her sent her top huh oh god damn damn break son of a [ __ ] off or something hover bumper suffered bumpers up or get back here bumper dumper you can't be here this is it bumpers up I'm moving you got you okay come on pop it up we're gonna get to safety we're gonna get to safety no one's gonna murder us Bubber silver gonna survive we're goddamn surviving team oh crap that was not good well what happened I got buffered up lalalala well maybe Oh is dawn breaking I think dawn might be breaking no Dawn's not breaking it's still dead of night crap well this is uh is the thing maybe it is it is it totally is oh that's not a good fog that's like the opposite of what I was hoping for hey morning we survived I don't know what that means but we did it all right all right all right all right we did it we did it guys we did it we did it it was team effort go go team go wait who did you go okay I thought I was gonna go right into the malls of death let's get naked cuz meeting these hazards by myself is gonna be very difficult hello Bertie okay never mind then still don't know how to get out of here she's crippled he's got a puppy she's weird so I guess I'm just stuck down here what was that oh I see it now oh crap he said he's dead what's that okay who's just that easy huh perfect little jack on two tractor when I'm naked bad things happen goddamn rake yeah till you stay there with that hey I got one leg but I'm not too unhappy okay since you you're a hobbling lady you're gonna you're gonna blaze a trail here for the good of everybody trust me it's really for the good of everybody heard another bang bang bang bang bang oh it worked okay it worked Wow she ain't doing so good but least it was for the good of everybody come on Papa shut up we're gonna get out of here we're gonna get outta here puppy shop oh don't you worry a little bit I got your back too bad I'm not naked all right there little peppers nup I don't know we gonna do over here but we're gonna find out oh no I think it needs gasoline puffing up sniff out some gasoline or leave some alcohol for me oh boy there's the shotgun shells that's good is the axe which is also good I'm gonna put you down poppers no sorry to throw you didn't me do go get naked pick up the action I'm good to go who all's room hello put that over there oh ha read about enter Oh Justin you're sorry sorry oh okay all right II then so the shotgun was in here well no not up there over years over here I believe it was look some bear be okay when I get back all right okay Lisa I should be able to pass down any lock door Oh locked are you Oh No haha there we go ah my bear bear okay look there boink good out there you dead put it down get up here okay got it okay now I can go get what I need to get and did I mention that I'm er naked I'm still really naked howdy ma'am how you do a naked naked here we ran naked now I'm gonna be ready further than that Buell wait why am I sitting on a stump not what I wanted not what I wanted dammit what these are there's obviously a box of shotgun shells here this is the box of matches which it could be oh it was matches okay I'll buy fire auto fire poppers jump over double jewelry oh good well Burt McGann new crisp that's awfully nice the least I made a fire ahh kind of well down ain't normal I'm pretty sure that ain't normal there only go see what's going on here welp I got whatever the hell this is don't really know but it can good well okay and I'll get I'll have two people with weapons now ah - is far better than you still hot by that tree good luck to you sir good luck I'm still naked okay so what guy happening hmm oh well then gee ah now what the hell happened okay what did I get I don't know what they'll give us beating me in the face all right whatever getting dark anyway well sorry about this donk okay oh I got my weapon I'm very naked in battle ready she's got her weapon she's battle ready and totally unhindered okay we'll cover pull hook that's not what I'm intended hmm this guy's hiding over here so he's gonna be fine maybe he's grabbed a light or something or a beer yeah that's better this is the best way to go about things naked drinking beer that's good stuff whatever does that is yep yep yep yep yep yep yep that's good Jim yeah that's good stuff okay maybe I can get the flare ah damn it god damn it tits well dad's gonna yeah burp you burp there yeah all right okay there's no barber job I forgot huh burn up come with me come here pump it up I may be extremely drunk but I'm gonna save you well okay then all right okay probably this cuz I'm extremely drunk I'll set you garish up you will you poor dick Luda finish with my laughs I just cut up that old leg well bad things are gonna happen tonight I bet I'm just betting a bet probably oh no oh no oh thank you poppers knob let me do I really didn't mean to oh no I'm legitimately sad horrible oh crap generator went out oh crap well that ain't good sounds I think good sounds at all find out what's going on woohee that's going okay all right they may be coming right through the doorway okay we're ready ready ready I'm ready right I'm ready whoo I'm ready ready for you ready you ready oh god oh god oh god I'd best get ready dude I'm going to run well leaving him behind oh we didn't go right into death you still drink oh god oh god oh god ah my leg broke okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay hide hide hide hi Bond Street hide hide hide behind Rick Henn jury oh here we go still live I think we're still alive somehow oh god oh no oh no bra no bra na na na I turn this on while there's no power we hit the rake suck on that you bow he's not dead besides he's not zombies clamor oh crap oh okay do or not do or die you're done give me a rock give me some give me some Oh give me something Oh give me anything maybe this foot takes off whoa crap okay this ain't good I ain't good ain't good and good I just need to be able to throw stuff adam rapp yeah could have been better huh damn it oh crap oh crap oh crap crap crap crap okay why does he sound like a baby okay okay okay okay I think I still alive still naked behind that tree totally unfazed what a badass I'll just be here Ricky do you're still here why are you still here why is he still here you shouldn't be here you shouldn't be here crap I guess I guess it's just it then no okay okay okay I don't know what this is all this more matches okay shades oh yeah bruh oh boy oh he is still here well ain't this just a life lesson on bad juju there had to be more stuff here you like that I bet you don't this Oh flies water that's not helpful oh okay the ovens on that's good okay not good not good not good oh I'm gonna do a kamikaze attack where to go where to go at all all right I gotta find a way to kill him I don't know how oh forgot this guy only has one leg he's not unfazed crap that guy that guy looked bad all right mr. wobbly man's gonna come get ya because obviously I can't do anything I'm gonna die come here you [ __ ] come here you rat bastard I'm gonna finish this oh never mind that's what you get kids don't do drugs not exactly what I was hoping well at least I can make my death musical Oh mr. monster baby come back here and show me what could be too pretty go where'd he go I want to see you a song to sleep Oh mr. monster baby you're a big [ __ ] I'm gonna speak to [ __ ] are you you come here you somebody here for you twitchin okay alright did it tow that was late for you cabin I have no idea how to play this I'm gonna play it again later but I'm gonna look up a walkthrough on how to play so I'm not wasting you guys in time that was really fun there's a lot of creative stuff here and there's like other games in the series it's really weird and bizarre so there's probably a specific said oh hi you weren't there before you're the guy from the first game okay what market darken so thank you everybody so much for watching I will play this game some more because it's really fun and weird and bizarre and really creepy for some reason it's really really disturbing and awesome I love it so thank you again everybody and as always I will see you in the next video literally physically impossible okay go man go God with you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,877,453
Rating: 4.9389377 out of 5
Keywords: lakeview cabin, horror, horror movie, lakeview cabin gameplay, Cabin By The Lake (Film), cabin in the woods, The Cabin In The Woods (Film), old school, old school horror, zombie, halloween, zombies, scary, scary game, scary movie, jason, freddy, friday the 13th, nightmare, Survival Horror (Media Genre), Friday The 13th (Award-Winning Work)
Id: -tHIzIcPS-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2015
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