Murder By The Clock 1931

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[Music] [Music] I'm sorry lady this is closing time oh just a few minutes longer that's my orders I can't let anyone stay after 6 o'clock [Music] but there's the more people coming now oh that's different that's mrs. Endicott her family owned all this land before the company did she's got special privileges well what are you hanging back for I don't want to see dead people what did I ever do that heaven should give me an idiot for a son you're going to put those flowers on your father's tomb if I have to drag you there don't you see he's pregnant Roberts I will not be disobeyed come well open it puts those flowers there will they hurt me Robbie no oh you cuddling too much I did more of a mother to him than you have did it major treated you unkindly but your family was blended men and women how do you make an effort a great effort to get some of their strength oh I am strong look that kind of strength is no good he does his best it's not his fault it's mine I suppose yes you're a mean selfish old woman do you like all the Endicott not one of them has ever cared for anyone else and Phillip is a result you are not here to put flowers on a grave I know what you were here for you'll be buried alive signals work [Music] I won't be ready for life not I that happened to uncle Martin and we found him turned over in his grave that's why I had it built I want my car get left open it must not be see you I know what oh why do you excite me you know I were weak heart I bet any moment anymore I'm so afraid of being buried alive without anyone knowing it no I won't you won't forget no I won't forget let's go home now [Music] good night mrs. Endicott good night Amy can I help you cross mrs. Endicott no thank you Cassidy do I look as old as all that no matter how old you are you don't look it hey you you know no girl around there aren't you what became of that redhead do you keep track of them all I wouldn't mind keeping track EU and it wouldn't be hard to do here I go let me go I have to answer the door did anybody call while I was up no necklace helpful oh he did I should never have had a telephone what are they good for you only hear from a lot of people you don't like did my nephew say what he wants perhaps this conscience hurts him and he's coming to visit you he conscience dizzy where did he get a conscience he's after my money that's what you said Robbie but he'll never get it Willy is it worth coming he didn't say men she better not see the malicious designing creature ought to be hung for a witch if he comes here slam the door in our face put the chain on the door yes ma'am but Laura darling I can't help it if we haven't got more money don't darling me and do as I tell you be nice to your old aunt remind you an Endicott Leslie impress it on me often enough but Lori you know how I hate to ask for thing didn't hate to ask for me don't think that I'm going to sit around day after day looking in mirrors and watching my youth disappear you need courage why don't you take a drink what I do believe is that on an occasion like this [Music] you could kill somebody with it put that down he's got one that's a sword and he used it in a fair fight he was a brave honest man it's wrong to evoke the dead that some state is if I want to live in the past I will but this knows the present holds that will enough for me put the knife down to it fill it if I were taken away and Roberts - what would you do sure you want to be a soldier no no guns knives with my hands and your to inherit the indicud money and power what a thing to leave behind but what are you waiting for don't you come in with me no she hates the sight of me all right oh stop arguing in gowanni and know you'll spoil my makeup [Music] don't kiss me you hypocrite where are Julius I suppose you think I should rise to the occasion and make it a family reunion yes that's a fine idea aren't you a meeting at the end I get Claire hey like salmon shake hands with your cousin how are you fella sit down bring him a drink friendly never mind the soda and bring him a big blast well I have got a cold not even a good liar well did you come for I wanted to see how you are I'm still an integer you used to be you want a nice boy when you lived here before you married that woman he put it in your head to come I know you want my money oh no aren't you you know I've always been fond of you just as I was saying to Laura the other day yes Robbie come here to me I don't like you but I'm going to do what your wife wants what's that you're there the Endicott fortune must go to an end so my heir will be either a drunkard or a beet a bitter choice everything considered I choose the drunken telephone my attorney to come here at once your attorney you heard what I said it you couldn't repeat it my attorney by attorney my attorney is that clear I want him here at once will you obey me Tom I shouldn't keep coming to your apartment like this why not make the break and come to me for good don't ask me to leave her but all together he had such a hard time for a fellow and it's my duty to console him yes but you deserve better things real life you shouldn't have to worry about money and Dom please don't ask me to accept money from you again you do need money I knew it Tom please good evening mrs. Endicott good evening Gary there you are Tom you do so much for me and I do so little for you why that's not true look Tom how wonderful I shouldn't have done that yes you should oh stop wasting your life on a man who can do nothing for you come with me not your tongue we must be patient this has been drawn up very hastily mrs. Endicott let me see it leave all of which I possess to my nephew Herbert that's right that's fun fulfill it that's right miss Roberts to live here and take care of it Mike and my nephew and his wife to make this house their home well now I have to ask Laura if she wants to [ __ ] you think I'm doing it for it's not to keep up the family tradition no house no money well good night all right all right we live here then it's all settled I thank you are disinheriting your own son think it over first no began to get to die like that anyway I might change my mind again I'm fine now you're a sin shall be on your own head there's no satisfying you I tell you why I'm to get everything when she died when she dies well that can't be long long enough for us to be too old to enjoy it oh we can struggle it on in the meantime I'll borrow some money from Tom Holland why you don't think I could be happy living on any man's money but yours dear well what can I do darling nothing I never had any luck you would be her heir if she died tonight she died tonight what are you thinking of just thinking [Applause] the hearts of indica all Greek men and women through every generation and who are the indica to come after me and the house Govinda give it this police station [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you know where Philip was when you heard that spring no but I'm sure Philip had nothing to do with it seems to me the whole thing's clear enough finger marks on her throat shows that the deceased died by strangling inflicted by persons unknown why not include the whole thing in your report we know did it first turn no no it can't be I spent my whole life reading Philip and he wouldn't do anything like that no now Miss Roberts we know how attached you are to him but he thought he was going to inherit the money we found out he wasn't and in a fit of insane rage he killed her why it's just as simple as Ian might bring him in please don't fight him he's so excitable you're only making his case worse that's all that's all there is George importantly chief you're arresting only one suspect what other suspect is there the person who might have had a motive and who benefited by the will Herbert Endicott how dare you say that no offense mrs. Endicott well it's quite possible that your husband might have done it that'll do I'll go there we've got an open-and-shut case don't forget who mr. and mrs. indicate are now it don't make any difference what position they've inherited how much money my contention is that we haven't got in the bottom of this case and it's our duty to do just that but lieutenant there are times when Duty should give way to common sense I can't agree with you mrs. Endicott chief we can't find Philip why there he is well when did he come in wait a minute how do you spend your time all day to it i think thing well now that's very encouraging what do you think about her about killing yeah that's all very well but i've been told that it's awfully hard to kill people how do you go about it oh I could do it alright maybe with a knife or just my hand yeah look [Applause] no calories satisfied no [ __ ] and Arvidsson is aren't you take him to the station out poor boy he didn't do it Stan I'll take a chance on that if you agree car now we'll call the case closed gentlemen no offense chief but they're just two things I'd like to ask you about well she was strangled wasn't she well you saw the finger marks on the throat till it was strong enough to break that and iron wasn't it what's that got to do with it justice if he's as strong as all that why isn't her neck broken I'm not interested in jigsaw puzzles the case is closed I'm afraid lieutenant Valcour hasn't much respect to your judgment chief in this case no why I beg your pardon chief mr. indigent I'd like to apologize for this unfortunate occurrence oh that's all right of course I think whoever makes such an accusation should be made an example of but I hope you won't punish the lieutenant too severely I'll think it over thank you I think I better cross-examine you why you might be one of those masterminds one of them notorious female criminals that make men their tools where were you when the mother was committed it comes back where were you [ __ ] me [ __ ] I'm a policeman how long have you been a please about three years how much do you make but only a regular cop salary but I'd be promoted pretty soon then I won't be such a bad catch are you married well not that I know of have you any bad habits do you drink or smoke I thought you said bad habits all right I guess you're due hey who was examining who [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eternal rest grant unto her and let light shine upon her forever amen amen [Music] wait [Music] because it Endicott feared that you might be married alone that is to be her signal to make sure [Music] thirdly journey is done she has gone to her just reward now she is at rest pour on Julia you must try to bear up miss endicott I'll try I'll take this room my husband can have the one next to it the balcony outside the windows connects these two rooms yes I've noticed that I'll take the keys miss Robert no mrs. Endicott I've always had charge of them but we shan't need you any longer that is not for you to say the will have taken care of that miserable old hag I'd like to wring her neck you made an enemy of her are you afraid of her yes I'm afraid of everything so would you be if you were done if I had done what kill that old woman you mean to say you killed her you know you put me up to it ah yes that's the kind of sneak you are you always put me up to everything making sure you won't be blamed can't stand the strain any monk what's he our face everywhere day and night and that detective he knows I've taught at the police and confessed do it and hang well the old woman gone postal too bad you know you look kind of pretty when you're sad and that makes me feel good I'll have to go to lots of who knows together no thang I don't like funeral soon doors are nothing to me you know I went to awake the other night and I had a pretty good time you would these are their delegate might I see them alone why suddenly you know what the prison is here now and a thousand insane it's a pleasure [Applause] don't get within reach of him I won't and if I need any help I'll call you what do you want if your cousin Laura to them I don't like I know it's your cousin Herbert who has all your money now Robbie says it's all mine I'm sorry for you Philip are you I like you too I like you like looking at wouldn't you like to come here near me hold me in your arm then maybe if you could get rid of her bit you and I could live in the house together wouldn't that be nice yeah Philip while you're in there and I'm out here these bar the between us why don't you get out then everything all right mrs. Endicott yes everything's all right you know Philip he stole me from you - I'd be yours if it wasn't for him that's right you wouldn't I very strong then tonight when they are not watching you think about me and how your cousin herb it stole me from you I'm going now tweet me jacked on the hand there how do you do lieutenant sergeant Oh have you been promoted no mrs. Endicott and sergeant is one ranked lower than a lieutenant why how did that happen I do hope it wasn't over that unfortunate affair at my house that's just what it was I use the prize dreadfully but I'll tell you what I'm going to do I'm gonna see the Chief of Police myself and öktem it's a special favor to me to reinstate you well don't bother oh really it's no bother well don't bother it's not exactly what I meant I should have said I'd rather you didn't I'd like to know you better I think you're a very interesting man I'm going to know you better I think you're a very fascinating woman fascinating yes I've made quite a study of faces and you have a look in your eyes that is characteristic of two types indeed what are they inspired geniuses and killers Ranjan department store Oh driver oh yes ma'am I've changed my mind 32 minutes Elaine I can't bear to have you feeling so dreadfully darling tell me what's wrong town it's served money hasn't changed him a bit treat me brutally if only you'd married me Oh Tom you're sweet not and to think he stands between ER if only he was there why shouldn't I say that I didn't mean it I didn't you did mean it Lara your secret thoughts slipped out but you never knew your head you're the only person who understands me that because I love you what my darling Tom there's something I wouldn't tell anyone but you what is it he struck me someone ought to kill him yeah [Music] all right second prison police station just a moment please on the wire sergeant hello oh yes mrs. Endicott we have men patrolling the grounds certainly mrs. Endicott whether she would what does the send a man over she's worried about that escaped lunatic well she is a yeah I'd like a chance to get back in that house go ahead okay we've got men watching the grounds what more can we do my husband means so much to me if anything should happen to me in his room Oh heaven you remember sergeant Valcour Herbert he's come here to protect him I don't need the police nevertheless I'll take precautions just to make your wife feel at ease I have some letters to write you're excused I look around the house wait I'll go with you it's awfully nice of you to take such things just to make me be an easier mr. Valcour that's my job you build a wall around your and I'm so anxious to break down that wall and really meet you face to face won't you let me buy that you mean I should stop being an officer and be just a man mm-hmm you veil your feelings delightfully now why can't we to be friends real close friends Cassidy [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he's dead dead [Music] Katzie telephone the station and send up two more men in the medical examiner right away yesterday finger marks on his throat mrs. Endicott your husband has been strangled so you have no feelings my husband strangled it wasn't Ellen oh I suppose you're gonna bring up that nonsense again about why his neck wasn't broken that's exactly what I was thinking good thing I was with you all the time what you say I did it there's a for murder of it has to be present when the crime is committed you hear that you know we're here together my husband alive then we went walking around the ground and when we came back he was dead alibi is the word you're looking for yes I thought possibly you've never heard that's why I reminded you our thanks not at all what do you I've encountered a lot of alibis but this is the first time I've ever been I'm the medical examiner oh yes sir I'll bet it was one of them ice murders ice murder what's that well I read of such a case once in a mystery magazine the victim bit over to tie his shoe lace the murder sprayed him with liquid ice and he froze to death and there he was all rolled up like a hoop in the head of Berea man a bass drum this is no mystery case we're up against a murderer whose mind works like a clock every step was planned to the minute murder for the clock wasn't they be doing next oh hello dr. Hodgins well what is it strangling man can't even finish his dinner anymore greatest ballgame today you ever saw the second half of the night Gary Ganpat lefty Grove pitching and the countless two or three what's the matter doc what is it give me a hand here get him up on that bed call a nurse get a nurse he isn't dead I'm not sure it's just a chance of reviving him what well I've got to try adrenaline does it sometimes but he's so far gone and I'll have to inject it right into his heart muscles you mean to say you can bring him back sure if you bring him back to life he'll be able to tell us who killed him hold your life form chesty yes huh you freaked me why are you here I did it I did it for you Dora you did you killed my husband death Oh terrible but you knew I was going - you told me - I told you - I may have been upset but I never really wished him dead oh it's dreadful her dad is oh how would Laura what what do I do you might get away they might find you here yes but the place is surrounded I'll show you through the passageway hurry and get away no no don't stop to kiss me don't you love me anymore how can you expect me to Oh what's the big come with me I'll give myself up no you mustn't do that but if you don't love me what well I didn't say I don't love you well is it working wait I'm not sure there he's posted going again he's alive wait a minute what's the matter mrs. Endicott I'm all right I thought he was dead just the shock shop aren't you glad he's alive oh yes I will in your answer to what did you have to do with hit there don't you see the strain sheet under just let me ask you one question no you can question her later now let's get her to a room get a mate or someone to stay with her I'll give her something to steady her nerves it'll take 20 click this it'll make you sleep sleep hi there's no blood there it's just your nerves you'll feel better in the morning leave if I could only sleep Oh Sinnott she was famous where is she his wife stays with the other evil people he's dead and they want to make him live okay no no he should be dead sergeant there's something I must impress upon you yes his mind will begin working but exactly the point where it left off that point was one of great shock and terror and we must see that he comes safely through I should like some close friend of his to be nearby where near Wiggins copy his wife I put her to sleep plane sir there is mr. Hollander is he a close friend oh yes sir abort mr. and mrs. indicus well get him here do you know his telephone number sure can lift this Endicott telephone book all right come on and if you were his best friend mr. Holland I thought you ought to be here what do you why I don't know whether I'll be able to uh Amy say you won't oh yes oh yes yes I'll come cassadee you ever have a hunch I certainly did I was gonna get married once and something told me not to it was the girl's husband I can't understand why Endicott's best friend should hesitate about coming here at a time like this I'm gonna find out about this Hollander I'm going to his house yeah here's the phone number and he's address now you stay right here by this phone in case I call you yes what's your name Carrie Smith since when why what do you mean that wasn't your name six months ago when I saw you in the lineup at headquarters what are you doing here i mr. Hollin is valid you know anything about him traitors square is gentleman with a saucer he gave me a chance the only one who ever did and if you mean him any harm that'll do for you this is our motto how long is how long have been in love with Endicott's wife I don't know what you mean oh yes you do look at this in baton with that column all of her what was in this I don't Turkish night where is it now why I don't know where's the telephone in the other room [Applause] hello enter business Cassidy are you listen to me this is what I want you to do whoop stick hello hello quick get me the police station here's a piece of coconut pie hello hello this is Cassidy now listen I can file court that mr. Holland is apartment 32 another Lane get some men they're in a party he's in trouble mr. morrow this is mr. Hollander who is the wait here with you how do you do mr. Hollander we've been expecting you do you really think he'll come to it's an even chance well will he be himself that is will he recognize people will he remember and all that to be a little hazy at first but that'll pass in a moment I think you're just in time I'm sure I saw him move a little did he lift it felt it quite active I think I better go call the doctor will you stay here yes [Applause] hello Herbert it's your friend Herbert tom hollander Your Honor my friend I'll tell you over to the police no you won't hi I will doing and that wife of mine I know you'll know too much [Music] to find that shop - so I had to he tried to stab him these pulses selectively wait a minute [Music] what is that who tried to kill you it was [Music] did she have a bad heart [Music] [Music] if you don't stop that I shall go mad oh then you're not asleep no would you mind giving me a cigarette like it for me please setting it's not at all you feel better after your sleep much better thank you I found this walking stick on the balcony you shouldn't tell probably not it won't help me anything will anything no mrs. Endicott I'll admit I'm completely stumped whoever did all this must be a very far seeing person I'm only hoping that they've slipped up on some trifle no I'm afraid you're hoping in vain I'm afraid I am but the trail has been covered pretty thoroughly you know I once made a suggestion to you but you didn't take it yes what whose neck that we become friends good friend I could be awfully fond of you but I'm in love with my work how did you get into that nightgown you couldn't expect me to sleep in what I had on did you drink that sleeping grass what else could I do with it I don't know you might have thrown it out right there why did you do that I'm going to have it analyzed no you need black things then they'll know you've been here you must go quick but where should I go go down and hide in the secret passage I'll join you there but I'm afraid to go there well don't let your nerves get the better of you do what I say let me have this one kiss before I go I did everything for you I know nothing about what you did oh yes you do he got rid of the old woman for you and then you had me kill him to get the money and now you'd like to get rid of me oh don't stand there and Hagen get out get out no help me there just the two bits here and I've found you out let me go I have loved you too much to let you go I don't love you enough shouldn't it [Music] oh here it [Music] your life I could not hold you no good it fool [Applause] cold as ice it's old mrs. Endicott what's this it looks like a bitten plaster it is plaster plaster Paris I got the whole thing now we're not dealing with ghosts check this passageway and bring me anything you find yes sir you must get away they're looking for you do you want them to catch you at them I want you we'll meet somewhere you've gotten away safely no I did everything you said I won't go away from you that's upstairs Cassie come on this time the neck is broken Philip did this but where is it oh Ryan follow me [Music] [Music] you certainly like to keep your eye on me I have to you're under suspicion oh and what a shame I'm going away you see I couldn't possibly stay in this house after all that's happened here mrs. Hannigan I once said you're either a genius or a killer I find your boat Thanks I can't prove anything but I wish you'd answer a few questions just as one artist to another I can't resist that what would you like to know you're the cause of these three deaths one murder led to another that was your way of hiding evidence tell me who's your next victim you you perhaps you're the only man who's ever said himself against me and I love you for it and you love me cavity yes sir let me have that man yes sir it was you at the window wearing this and was you who frightened your husband to death that's why the body was taken away to make this and then you didn't have time to put the body back you've such a wonderful imagination why not say it was Miss Roberts you could easily convict her she's always saying let the dead stay dead no mr. sambuca I'm going to convict you the trifle I'd hoped for and you hadn't counted on has happened indeed when you helped Hollander make this mask it must have been Hollander he's a sculptor yes you were in such a hurry to have it finished that you picked it up before it was quite dry perhaps it look moist as if fresh from the grave why not add that so moist that you left your fingerprints on it cassadee take us to headquarters yes you won't arrest me you won't no no because in spite of yourself you love me we love each other because I'm a woman and you want me to hold in your arm are you going to arrest me why you're the only man I've ever loved yes it's true oh it would be dreadful to be punished by you you and I will go away together we will won't we yes we'll go away together to the police station [Music]
Channel: Groovy Movies
Views: 324,640
Rating: 4.7537928 out of 5
Keywords: Mystery, Horror, Thriller, 1931, Murder
Id: PHIl5Yi99SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 57sec (4377 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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