William Shatner 1963 "Million Dollar Hospital"

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[Music] a case is the case is a case bill a patient's a patient if you think of them as god's children you're in trouble fella quote the intrusion of emotion impairs efficiency unquote dear old professor okay no argument i just want the patient to be my patient my case and my responsibility responsibility he wants yet five hours in surgery backing up the great man on an open-heart job and he wants responsibility he said the key words charlie backing up was his case not mine always will be as long as you stay here any other city hospital the answer is private practice if you can ever afford to buy one gotcha man there's always the peace corps lots of responsibility there interesting cases too they got elephantiasis poison guards come on just because the guy is head to the teeth working as an assistant scrubbing doesn't mean to say he wants to be alfred schweitzer but i recognize the men in white syndrome fella the word is challenge for myself i want a nice cushion practice gyn lucrative never a night call you're welcome to it charlie i can't see making a career out of hot flashes and hypochondria hey hey listen to this ad will you barry logan md offers rewarding practice for young doctor not interested in typical career price one million dollars can you beat that yeah i read it what are you waiting for bill yeah you should get plenty of responsibility for a million bucks but a million bucks who needs responsibility well as a matter of fact i thought of going over there and seeing what it's all about i looked up logan in the directory he's pretty solid he should be harvey cushing for that kind of door what are you planning to use for money well i thought i'd make a 10 down payment i'd leave me 29 for the rest of the month hey you know where this golden opportunity is waiting for you elm street stoke indiana even if it was park avenue there never was a practice worth a million bucks that's exactly why i thought i'd take a look-see it's crazy isn't it that ought to put it right up your allen yeah let me see that oh that's got to be kitten there bill you know that that's likely to be some funeral parlors or a clip joint i'll let you know tomorrow afternoon when i'm off that's where i'm going a million bucks some opportunity you're [Music] crazy [Music] so million dollars [Music] william grant md was suffering from that restiveness that assails many a young doctor after years of interning in a big city hospital but those years in the efficient modern building working with all the gleaming equipment available to modern medicine had left him unprepared for the little storefront emergency hospital to be found in the odd corners of our cities but not much to look at certainly they don't have a million dollar look but they fill in need and surprisingly bill grant was to find this particular one held something important for him [Music] too [Music] there we are just like new you'll feel like a million tomorrow it never yet felt like a million never know how two cents feel more like two cents what's your trouble young man uh dr grant to see dr logan oh pardon me doctor uh about the ad right you won't do your dad's ready now miss wesley that'll be a dollar as usual robbery not dad now dad i still say robbery what time does dr logan come on duty you'll see the sign on the door open 24 hours he's having a nap right now he was get this coffee quest done it was me dr grant doctor we're all out of chili nuts coffee too you better go buy some before we get busy i'm sorry to wake you up doctor i don't believe it you look sore about something my ad in the channel that's what i came about you got fire chicago not weathered huh the trip i made not just the chip if you don't mind my saying so don't mind a bit as a matter of fact i'd be surprised if you felt differently come on in i do most of my own lab work well at least you crossed the road and came in good sign that healthy curiosity i invested a dollar radiant fair here as well so mostly others far as i know more for all i know they didn't come in not a one nurse said she saw a few of them a few days after the ad appeared took one look from across the street and left look good and soar too like you doctor do you blame them not a bit i do feel sorry for them though dr logan can you tell me what makes this place worth a million dollars or is it some practical joke no joke doctor practical or otherwise this practice is worth every sense for the right party excuse me are you the doctor i'm the doctor trouble oh chrome mom's gonna be awful mad moms usually understand what happened that's all right he's a doctor too it's nothing nothing terrible it's a splinter you better come in here with me you climb up here we'll have a look at it well that's quite a splinter where did you ever pick up a sliver that long playing table tennis isn't that crazy off the corner of the table i guess didn't anybody do anything about it well i didn't say anything when when i saw the blood and all i just put on my sweater and left where was this oh oh boy i know he's got a table in the basement where the furnace is you know but but real nice your parents know you were coming here oh they'd be awful matt if i called him at work for something like this besides i was supposed to go straight home after school and it's after six now i see well we'll just get is it gonna hurt real bad no if it does i think perhaps dr grant would hold your hand if we asked it but grant would you give this young lady moral support and half a cc of tetanus toxoid while i take out the biggest splinter since jolly mccarthy you're working for your brownie badge in woodcraft a boyfriend's ping-pong table turned on any refrigeration around here your parents send you nurse will be back in a minute doctor you don't care to be involved how about that wow leave up this guy sting a bit a little pain's good now and then it's part of living thanks a lot what leave a scar that says you'll notice it okay that's it how much is that well now what's your allowance 50 cents a quarter please thanks thanks a lot you too doctor wash that skirt in cold water your mom won't notice it i will cold water mine goodbye doctor i know i didn't have parental release if anything goes wrong the chances of anything going wrong are about one in a million that makes it okay and legal of course on the other hand there's always a chance of tipping this in a case like this it was a pretty deep puncture the perfect setup for a malpractice you you wouldn't be at the school that would let a man die in the street for fierce ears and sue i don't go looking for trouble a mistake you might find interesting things in life looking for trouble thanks for the assistance anyway dr grant dr logan i believe it's customary to base the price of a practice on earnings i believe it is well from what i've seen so far 50 cents a quarter you haven't seen anything yet doctor doctor a terrible thing has happened to me sit down here relax trouble it's nothing with the pulses with my stomach i swallowed my cap your cap a bridge ridge cap by the dentist it is a cab 155 and it's already my stomach peace my insights honey prompt me please that won't be necessary take some bread and milk run a milk that's right you go home eat a bowl of bread and milk come back tomorrow bread and milk and for that you charge me nothing my friend good night right now i can see where i felt i could make a fortune on a place like this right in groceries look where you're going can't you can't you see your condition did he hurt your honey i'll knock his head off you clumsy oaf please better forgive me i didn't know oh really henry for goodness sakes the poor man didn't even touch me really it's all right what's all the trouble doctor my wife needs attention your immediate attention come on honey this doctor will tell you take milk and bread and come back tomorrow come on dear are you in labor no sir well it can happen any minute doctor you see in my family this uh which of you is having this baby well this is no joking matter doctor in my family henry dr really the baby isn't due for another month yet but henry keeps thinking doctor everyone in my family was premature my mother was premature i was premature that you are so take the girl home and quit fretting don't worry my dear i don't like your attitude doctor not one bit believe me if our obstetrician wasn't out of town today i never would have brought my wife to this dump henry come on you're quite right this is no place for it so take her home come on henry let's go sorry you made a wasted trip dr grant thanks anyway for crossing the road you still haven't let me in on a million dollar bit that was just a figure son but the right man will be getting here has an embrace involvement total involvement with his fellow men that's what life's about dr grant what makes it worthwhile come on lady i ain't gonna carry i can handle help yourself another pill job from the riverside hotel here's her purse i already got my fare yeah i've got it you call dr logan nurse my back you got to do something for you'll just have to wait dr logan hill hold it she's in bad shape like we're in my office she'll take time and she's lucky a levi's nurse five percent glucose drip all right sit down over there and shut up hey where's the doctor busy wait your turn in the waiting room you got him okay my friend here hasn't got time to wait you call a doctor doctor there's another emergency did you hear me doctor what about you see the timeless get this levi set up please there are some hoodlums out here that want you hey doc my buddy out there had an accident take a look at him with you this woman is in very serious condition i didn't ask you how's business doc i'm telling you to take care of my buddy now let me go i says doctor grant wait a minute you're gonna need him i'll let her know if i do oh doctor good evening i just dream after my vitamins are like i do everything i get i have to locate the slug do like he says help him off with his coat forget the lavage get the iv glucose drip going right away but dr logan didn't have her blood pressure i doubt it'll be time to do both there's a phone on the desk who is he is that doctor you kid i didn't give a hand that girl's going to die unless she gets old she send her flowers as you get out there and hold them up like the doc says matt go sit in the waiting room anybody comes in you keep them there what's a blood treasure it's falling put that light out nice right please okay but don't anybody try anything two slugs one on the long one on the stomach probably general hemorrhaging all right put the light on am i gonna make it that depends on your friend here how soon he gets to a place that's equipped for this kind of job i'm not but you're going to give it the old college try aren't you dog it's a matter of equipment who asked you you gotta put those slugs in him is dead we take him to a hospital he's as good as dead too follow me this is a two-hour operation at least so what are you waiting for all right you help dr grant get him on the table while i scrub up nah dog well doug grant here looks like a big strong boy to me he needs any help matt'll do it i can manage yeah i figured you could any reaction nothing doctor cover up the blankets and set the time of 30 minutes i'm going to need you yes doctor where's the phone there's a booth in the next block local calls 10 cents there's a phone on the desk why don't anybody use it why don't you rip it off the wall like a real good i'd have an emergency crew here in 10 minutes uh oh you are real cute [Music] hi quiet night tonight is uh doc logan in with a patient that's why i'm waiting y'all ken no nothing to do with me just waiting my turn ah sure glad to hear that everybody's got enough troubles wouldn't want to wish nothing on nobody yeah the nurse usually fixes me a cup of coffee around about this time all right how does anybody start anything nobody intends to start anything unless you do i hope you're right well i uh guess i'd better check back later when she's not so busy nice talking to young fella see ya and make them hurried up will ya hey i come no gloves i'll take a chance if your friend will i kind of feel that i've had it none of dr logan can do anything about him although i don't know why he should because he's a human being dr grant thought would you assist on this doctor it's gonna be a long job pressure's dropped a bit syncope two cc's forceps pressure steady after battle i wonder how many of those he deposited in other people right now i couldn't be less interested let's go after the other one i'll take care of that okay doctor go ahead glucose is under the sink how's he doing in there he's still breathing well he better be look the traits begin to stack up out there you tell the old man to hurry it up deliver your own message is dr logan's doing the best he can in a lousy cause so dr grant adrenaline quick hey you they're calling they want some adrenaline hey what's the matter with you or you get or something it's my move oh let's see adrenaline opera get me the police emergency this is the um street emergency hospital hold up make it fast but exercise caution bill well the police are on the way i lost the other one you picked a busy night guess i never will get resigned losing one they won't be missed but we don't know we're gonna have to do something about this girl did she have a handbag i for knowing as little as possible in cases like this time enough for that if she doesn't come out of it well somebody might want to see her before she doesn't pull out of it coffee break thank you that's stacked up three deep out there oh i thinned them out i got rid of little old winnie fishing the rest of that vitamin and blood pressure trade get out this is private i can't stand it a minute longer doc i got a bad back slip disc boy at x-rays it's agony doc i gotta have aspirin and cody in there right this way aspirin doc stuff like that won't touch it i gotta have paranormal it's the only thing all right i'll fix you up this'll do it this is what you need thanks doc what do i owe you hey the nurse thanks you didn't fall for that backache he looked like an addict to me baby i get a lot of them here you're thinking that's the million-dollar answer the great lucrative practice the old dope peddler posing as the good samaritan but i see you're resisting it giving me the benefit of the doubt i thank you there's a dose of b12 i gave that poor guy poor guy where do you think is gonna get you giving vitamins to a junkie you'd be surprised sometimes they get the message if they come back i'll report them you see well it makes sense you get them off your back that's right you see with experience and advancing years your horizons narrow and you stop trying to climb the highest mountain when i first opened this place years ago i really thought i could do something about it one of my first patients was on morphine that father used to come around here every night the greatest assortment of ailments all needing painkiller i must say he had a wonderful imagination i never refused him a shot little by little i reduced the dose and do you know i almost had him weaned what i didn't figure on was that this place became a waste station for all the junkies in indiana they used to come over from chicago and carloads that was a lesson bill you know sometimes we forget that we're people too not god as some of our patients would like us to believe yes mrs jackson again no i can't call him to the phone right now he's busy with a patient but i'll ask him jimmy jackson's done it again they just got in from a party and found an empty box of bird seed on his bed tell her give him some cream and berries to go with it dr logan says not to worry just give jimmy some cream and berries yes that's all no no i can't but but i'll tell him good night mrs jackson she says to tell you she just hopes it'll work i think about half of my practice is built on people swallowing things now they seem to swallow anything particularly by way of their ears you think you're smart i'll show you he got the message okay but he didn't like it they never do there are no asses who's next oh this young lady dropped a bowling ball on her foot she hates bowling let's have a look at it i appreciate your help bill but you don't have to stay all night you know well there's unfinished business doctor [Music] hi doc what happened here i heard a guy screaming his head up but i lost him i had my eye on a drunk back there sure made a mess out of this you know who did it i have no idea officer just been having one of those nights you can say that again hey you i saw you waving down the street now get out of here before i run you in he isn't drunk diabetic coma thus iv normal saline 100 units insulin [Applause] did you take care of that bill this man is going to need a lot of attention sure [Applause] nurse hurry up with that listen what was the name of the place where the cat picked up the girl the riverside hotel yeah so information give me the phone number of the riverside hotel thank you very much this is the elm street emergency hospital a girl was brought in here from your place earlier this evening right do you know her name and address oh no no that'll be fine foil f-o-y-l-e-j-c-1711 maple street thank you well i'm afraid i don't care too much how he'll feel goodnight give me the phone number of mr jc4l1711 maple street please i need the timer any improvement uh i got the name and the address of the man who was with her at the hotel the clerk knew him so what you gonna do about it calm thank you mr foyle this is the elm street emergency hospital a girl you're with today at the hotel was brought in here unconscious are you there well i'm afraid i can't tell you that we're doing all we can i'd like you to give me her name and address and next of kin yes no kid do you know what she took and why keep it quiet i guess there's no use by asking if you'll come down and pick her up if she does come out of it oh yes i can see how your wife might not go for it really well apparently it wasn't just one of those things to her mr thought sweet dreams you know what's bothering that laos the trouble he's liable to have with his wife that surprise you oh i guess not my name is shirley mason no kid in the city she rooms with a family of 279 west walnut we'll have to notify them she doesn't respond soon i know she's your case doctor the way you talk to that fellow i say you're more involved than i am what's on your mind i'd like to try picrotoxin intravenously go ahead it's on the shelf your diabetic you make it lucky thing for him that policeman didn't pick him up on the street yes he's surprised how many times they end up on the drug tank and i mean end it's because it's so seldom that anybody bothers take a second look you got a rough one there multiple my analoma i wouldn't give him three months that was about my prognosis tough verdict to deliver tougher still to accept you better keep a close watch for reaction after that [Applause] [Applause] um so you're in an emergency hospital you've been here quite a while almost all night gave us quite a time i wish i were dead alive is better you'll think so too after you've had a cup of coffee i'm about to do for one myself why don't you join me nurse according to the officer on the beach he makes the best coffee easter chicago well you finally came through for us you've gotten to be our oldest inhabitant around here you don't know how lucky you are oh i don't mean just being alive honey but i mean getting wise to that lawful wedded heel why don't you make us some of your super coffee and tell dr logan we're in fine shape i'll tell him he's busy setting the foot of that woman who dropped the bowling ball on it he finally got around to it you'll never know the trouble a woman will go to not to do the things she does more to do you feel hungover for a while she'll be okay want to sit up i want you to take a shower before you go if you feel woozy you just sit down and yell for the nurse after you get dressed we'll have some coffee okay how did she know about him the hotel clerk gave me his name and address i called him a little while ago oh how did he sound i mean what did he say when you told him he was sore at being awakened and worried about what his wife would say he didn't say anything at all didn't seem to care my guess is he never cared for anyone but himself ah you get up and we'll have some coffee and talk some more if you want to if you don't you're free to leave whenever you want we'll be glad to see you go under your own power come on in there there we are belgium i should have known right from the start and after a while i guess i did know but i couldn't face it then because i'd fallen hard for him last week i saw him in a store with a woman and two kids you could tell it was his wife and i felt sick like never in my whole life it's as if all my blood had turned to ice water better drink your coffee before it turns to ice water we had a date tonight i i mean last night and i kept it just to feel his arms around me one last time but i couldn't and when i told him why he said i was crazy what difference did it make for us he only stayed with her on account of the kids she hadn't been a wife to him for years that kind of corny stuff i knew he was lying but it didn't matter i'd already made up my mind to do it whatever he said if everybody who had done something that left a bad taste in the mouth killed themselves the world would be pretty thinly populated well i guess i'll take off if i had to be saved it couldn't have been by a nicer guy i could have easily hated you i i don't think i'll have the guts to try it again surely if you put it on that basis you will try again what you have to have right now is the guts to go on living until you want to live again that won't be so long believe me you want to see what death looks like here here take a look portrait of a man in real trouble three months from now he'll be dead all the glucose in the world can't save does he know no he still has to be told by you no he's not my patient i'm happy to say dr grant likes patients who are going to live who doesn't life is very precious you remember that my dear nobody and nothing worth killing yourself for i'll remember thanks i hope you really mean that now i think she does bless your girl that's the best thing she could do i hope she cries her head off the ones who walk out with a brave wooden smile that come back on a stretcher well bill if you have early duty you better get on your way we'll make it i won't make it anyway but it's been worth it for me at least you know it seems like an age since i was kicking myself about not having any responsibility now for the first time since i've been out of school i really feel 100 responsible for somebody for a while even if she was your patient that's because you became involved with a person instead of just treating her case you gave her a bit of yourself you gave her time the most priceless thing we have yes i guess you're right certain ways for that guy look at the extent of those osteolytic lesions you see that i really appreciate how precious time is it's you isn't it i'm the patient finally i think anything else could pry me away from this place yeah you know i understand been lucky really lucky how do you mean that bill you've had a good life everybody's got to die someday but not everybody in their whole lives gets as much living as you do here in a single day i think you really do understand more to the bill point you think a fellow like yourself could get as much out of a place like this as i do yes that's right i did come to look it over didn't i well i don't know i take it like a shot if i had a million dollars dr grant you've got a deal i'll take your check for a million dollars only we just dated a bit ahead about a year to be safe hello there hey well you got back just in time doctor we were about to call missing person yeah i see how concerned you are from like corner shots you just made so what was it bill a flourishing funeral parlor of girly bar uh boogie joint maybe i have a hunch you guys wouldn't believe me if i told you ah come on give it was an emergency hospital for a million bucks must have been something special about it like oil well in the basement no nothing like that it was a crummy little place as a matter of fact not much larger than this room but it was full of people and i bought it what do you mean you bought it i mean i bought it i've handed my resignation here i just dropped by to see you guys say goodbye and wish you luck what are you using for money this week well my credit may not be so good here but in stoke indiana all i had to do was write a check slightly post dated for a cool million dollars what else it'll never be cashed not a chance [Music] not a chance so long duckers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ruby Pearl
Views: 158,054
Rating: 4.8864884 out of 5
Id: kHPsMFxXGes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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