Multiple Ways With Napkins In Card Making. (1008)

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[Music] hi there it's Natasha and thank you so much for joining me today well today we have got a fun one ahead of us because I have not done anything with napkins or cetes in a long time and I picked up a few uh over the weekend and so I definitely wanted to have a play now I love this one here with the birds and the Butterflies I'm in a bit of a bird phase at the moment and really enjoying it so I am going going to really cut out so that the bird that one bird is going to be my main focal point here now I actually want to show you a couple of different ways to do this using a couple of different types of ways to adhere this now I think there's probably four or five ways um you can also do one with plastic uh like glad wrap plastic wrap and an iron I am not going to do that today but I want to show you how even a simple glue stick is going to give you perfect results now I have this other one here this looks like lavender to me with a sort of you know vintagey feel in the background so make sure when you are using your napkins that you want to peel off the backing layers all we want is the first layer of your napkin and it may have uh two layers and it may have three uh so just whatever there is peel them off and keep those because they are going to be super useful for other techniques for sure so here's the part I just sort of separate them a little bit sometimes you can use a finger you can use a piece of sticky tape um and stick it to one of the sides and then pull it away lots of different ways I sometimes just crumple it between my thumb and forefinger and it kind of separates a little bit so we have our two pieces here and I'm going to as I said show you a couple of finished cards today so we're going to go through the entire process now the first way which honestly is usually my go-to however this might have changed my mind I have a little cup here with a tiny a little bit of water in the bottom then this is the matte medium that I use it's the ranger multi medium in the matte finish not the gloss but the matte and then I am just going to water down this glue now you can do this with you know all almost all liquid glues you can just water them down a little bit and that just makes it a whole lot easier to work with and less chance of us tearing our project and it makes your glue go a little bit further now I'm going to pop these down onto a little surface that I can shift away from my work area so that I can keep working whilst I'm waiting for it to dry this is the G Kay innocent pink and I thought I would do two of these cards just so that you could see the different versions and what putting one on a colored background can do uh to change the look of your card that's for sure so all I'm doing is just putting down a um you know like a thin layer but a decent layer and then I just pop my napkin down don't worry if you get wrinkles because I promise you you are the only person who has going to know there is a wrinkle there it you barely barely see them but if you want to go the other way and I quite like this you can add it as a feature and embrace the wrinkles and add in some more add in more texture and then you can bring it out with some ink and things once it's dry but that's a whole another a whole another scenario so I have popped this down I've also popped a light layer of the glue over top as well now these napkins are delicate of course once they get wet they are going to be relatively delicate so you don't want to overwork them once they are down and wet when you're putting on that final layer on top you don't want to keep going and going and going over top of it again because you will probably end up tearing it so just go gently and put a gentle layer on top um you know they they're pretty good but use a nice soft uh paintbrush and then get that glue layer on and you are good to go there there should be no puddles of glue but you also want to leave no we dry so make sure that this is very well sealed down onto our sheet of card stock now I'm going to pop that to the side and we are going to work on version number two so again I have a little piece of card stock this currently is cut to 4 and a/4 by 5 1/2 in I have my little piece of um lavender I think it's sort of a vintagey looking uh lavender and then I'm just going to use a plain glue stick now I actually rescued this one from the kids playroom they have all art supplies and things of course in their room because they love card making and they love crafting again I'm putting on a decent layer making sure I cover all of the sides and Corners in particular then I kind of start at one end when I put it down and then lay my napkin down for this version I do not do a layer of glue over top so you're definitely going to get a different texture on top and then I usually peel this off turn it upside down and let it dry that way so that everything nothing is going to stick you know no glue from the sides and then we wait until they are dry now this is the first two dry I'm just going to quickly tidy up these edges a little bit of course they ripped a little bit when I was um taking them off and that's what we want we want all that excess to be off in a way and then you can see two different versions here which are beautiful now just because it is the less obvious perhaps Choice I'm going to go with the pink background and I have taken two oval dyes and I'm really focusing on this bird this is the gorgeous little bird that I was sort of looking at the whole time and I really love him so I'm going to pop my first oval around there now I have two of them and one of them is a step bigger than the other so they are right beside each other there's just a small Gap I have used the smaller of the two to cut out the original bird so the first one here I run it through with a little bit of mint tape on there because I know that even after that goes through my D cutting machine I know that it's not going to tear my image or anything which is pretty delicate um even though we have added glue to both sides of course you know we still want to look after it we don't want anything to go wrong at this point then using the bigger of the two ovals I have cut out a plain white card stock uh oval in master layouts 2 there's this gorgeous die here that has the stitching now if you don't have this then just you know whip out your trimmer and cut off the edges where you want it to be I of course could absolutely do the same but I have this D and I like the little bit of stitching detail that this gives it so I am going to sort of you know move this where I want it to be capture the parts I want and then run this through my D cut machine and it gives us this beautiful little detailed panel here this is also going to leave of course a beautiful border um around whichever color card stock we use as a card base so you can see that gorgeous stitching and then from here this is really really simple to put everything together in the same packet the master LS too there is also the dieses that cut the plain uh layers here and these are going to mat nicely with the other layers they are meant to give a tiny little thin border um so we will cut one of those out in plain white card stock then I decided to use the same innocent pink for my card base as well now this is not a full sheet here this is just a partial sheet and I am going to create this into a 4 and a/4 x 5 1/2 in card base and that is how I do all of my card bases I cut all of them by hand I usually pre-cut most of them and I kind of have a session one day and sort of you know if I don't feel like crafting in particular I will just you know make lots and lots of card bases and lots and lots of card fronts so that they are all ready to go and that includes my colored card stock usually I go through and only make a handful of each one you know four to six or so of each one and I keep it in those little clear plastic envelopes now when I'm putting this together I'm adding my matte medium glue because this gives me wiggle time uh more than my art glitter glue that's for sure and I wasn't sure about the Border here I'm just not sure that it's going to help it stand out enough and so so when I'm doing this I'm putting this all together and you can see that when I add this pink pad on here it gives a little thicker border and I think that's what this needs the white really does need to be a little more prominent it needs to stand out a little bit more so I'm looking at this point and thinking just doesn't look right there's just not enough um border there to break it up so I can just pull this apart it had just started to set up um but it was okay so I am actually going to cut a piece of card stock down and I just want it I want to give it around the same border as what my oval has doesn't have to be perfect but just you know look roughly the same um and so that is one thing that I really love about the Met medium it does give you the actual wiggle time to do what you need to do and also you know there was probably a good 30 seconds in there where I could change my mind it truly it had just started to sit up um but yeah it was a good amount for me to be able to sort it out then I am putting a little bit of gold thread down the very bottom here just to to break up that beautiful pattern and I have a little piece of double-sided tape on each side that is catching um all of that thread then I'll put another piece over top so I can ensure that it is not going anywhere and not unraveling anytime soon and then this is where I'm able to layer this down onto my innocent pink card stock layer and that white border makes all the difference that is most definitely what I wanted to begin with then I take some uh foam tape and I'm going to pop up the white oval and this has our bird image and this is what I love the most because it carries on that image from the napkin see the branch down there and then this branch and then up there and at the top I really really like the continuity of that um technique and so then I'm going to add a sentiment this is the free printable sentiments that I created these are on my website www.n Natasha it's under the free resources Tib and here these squares you can cut these all out with a trimmer you just you know go straight along the top straight along the bottom you can cut all of these um banners here with a trimmer straight along the top straight along the bottom and then I just use my fussy cutting scissors to do the um Corners the edges but with this one I'm actually going to trim down that extra outside layer just so that it's a little bit smaller so I liked having the two double borders there so that you can decide how big you would like your sentiment to be and this one is going to work well so I will pop a little bit of foam tape on the back of that one and then pop this up with the gold thread coming out each side of this so I really like this cut I think it's very delicate um and really gentle for a Thinking of U card so I think that worked really well and then the next one we're going to do I'm going to H use the lavender version that we created with the glue stick so with this one this is all nice and dry I've given it plenty of time to dry in fact it probably had about maybe almost an hour or so and for this one I'm going to use my Tim Holtz uh trimmer just because this one does not have the layer of glue on top so I was worried that if I used my trimmer it may catch now it may not have absolutely but at this point I don't want to risk it because I've put all that time and effort into creating this piece so using the trimmer is the um best option for me this is the midsize one I know there's a bigger one and I know there's a mini as well um but I just have this size this is the Comfort size I think it's the 8 and 1/2 in and this is plenty fine for me I cut this one down a little bit and then for something a bit different I'm going to use the wild Wisteria from Gina K which is sort of um no I wouldn't call it a dark purple maybe a mid purple I guess and then I create my card base I have some matte silver card stock this one happens to be from Concord and 9th because I want to break up just a little bit and I didn't want to use black um so I used silver as a little bit of an alternative now I give my card base a really good crease and sorry about the sun popping in there we have to take all the Sun that we can get here down south now for this little white piece here I am actually going to use my corner rounder my corner trompet and I'm going to just round each one of these Corners now this card stock is not particularly dark like if I wrote on this in a black or a blue pen I feel like you would still see it I think if you wrote on it on a white pen that would also look cool but just in case um because I make my cards and I never know if I'm going to be the one giving them uh or you know someone else is going to pick it out of my stash and I don't want to take for granted that they may or may not have a white or a silver pen to use so just because I'm going to add my little layer here of um white card stock in the center and again I think it's a nice Finishing Touch to any card as well and then sometimes when I do this I even just use a Post-It note or you know an extra little piece um of card stock held on by a piece of washi tape and that way the recipient can actually take out that that I have written on and then they can reuse the card again so then I have my layer here of the um card stock the silver and I'm going to met that up nicely the silver just catches the light and I really like the idea of having just something that catches the light on each card that I create it doesn't necessarily have to be sparkly but I do think the matte silver does a really nice job of that now I have this sticker book here this is the simple vintage Essentials there are 12 sheets in here so lots of different actual uh sentiments there are large letters there are small letters there's letters in different colors and then there are also these little um smaller sentiments as well that would go really well for art journals and um scrapbooking and that sort of thing and maybe some cards as well then they have all these little circles that me they kind of look like little buttons or something but anyway these were pretty cute and I thought it went really nice with the vintagey background so I have the big U from J K and I'm going to die cut that out three times now I've already done that just to you know speed up the process here you know how to do that I did add some double-sided adhesive onto the back of the sheet that I die cut them from this way makes it super easy for me to stack these up and give them that little bit of Dimension but if you don't have that then liquid glue is going to work just as well and you can sort of add it together and again it gives you that nice wiggle time to adjust things and move it around so that everything is nice and even but this um double-sided adhesive does exactly the same job it means that I can just get a little bit of dimension but if you just want to do one layer that's okay too and obviously I have the word u the y u and I have my t- roller out because I want to make sure I get this uh relatively straight as straight as I can so I've placed my letters you know sort of where I want them to go they're not stuck down there just sitting there and then I'm going to um spell out the word think I'm going to do it backwards so that because I know I want the K Center to the right and I want to leave as much of that lavender sort of free and not covered as I can so I'm using my t ruler just a you know they don't have to be perfect but just relatively straight and then the word u is going to go underneath here again I can just peel off that release paper and these are good to be stuck down so a really really actually pretty quick and simple card to put together but I think this one is my favorite I really love the lavender I really love the black stickers um I'm going to be using those you'll see them coming up in a few videos as well um just so simple and yeah so i hadit a whole lot of fun trying these two different techniques for the napkin technique as I said there are different ways to do this by all means this is just two of them I do have more videos which I will leave at the end of this video you can click on them on how on different designs and a whole lot more videos on the napkin or ciet technique if you would like to try some of them out head on over to my website and you can get those free printable sentiments that you can download and print out as many times as you like and in as many colors As You Wish uh the link to that website will also be down below but it's just Natasha foot and of course supplies are listed below this video too but anyhow thank you so much for joining me today let me know in the comment section which is your favorite and I will see you in the next video thanks [Music] bye
Channel: Natasha Foote
Views: 42,201
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Id: q09jwidUFYE
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Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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