Card Making- One SINGLE Sheet, chop it up BUT Not The Normal... (999)

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[Music] hi there it's Natasha and thank you so much for joining me today well today I am excited because I am doing a one sheet Cho it up we are going to make a whole lot of cards out of a singular 12x 12 sheet of card stock now this is the paper rose rainbow twirl paper pack and on the back of the very front page are all all these sentiments so by all means you could use these for today's trick there is everything I love the size of them there are so many on here in obviously every color so that you can match the backgrounds I will just tell you that this paper pack is a pack that I could happily hoard I love this paper pack but we're going to use one single sheet today and I want to show you it's it's not just sort of going to be like a cut it up and paste it kind of situation we want to be a bit creative because wow there are some gorgeous gorgeous designs in here so let me quickly run through them and then as you going through this in your mind which one would you pick if you had to pick one to do a you know one sheet Wonder sort of situation where you just use one piece which would you use now look at these beautiful flowers I just love this and then there's like rainbow Twirls on the back now honestly I don't use a lot of 12x 12 paper I don't purchase a lot of it I recently purchased a couple of packs because the one thing that I do do a lot with it is make my own envelopes now I definitely love making my own envelopes by all means I certainly don't do it for every card but anything that is a little more bulky anything that I'm going to hand deliver anything a little bit special um or something that I really want to coordinate those are the ones that I'm going to uh make sure sure that I create my own envelope and I have a whole uh video a really short I think it's a 10-minute video and it shows you the three different ways no matter whether you're doing Slimline cards Square cards rectangle cards three different ways that cover everything all the different ways that you are able to make envelopes yourself so anyhow I decided that whilst I had this beautiful pack and boy did I not want to cut into this I am going to so let's get started because we want to make a lot of cards out of this one sheet and one sheet I think is going to make I think I make six or seven cards uh just out of this but I don't want to just cut this up I want to use some of these focal points too so I'm going to cut some of these Gorgeous Flowers out I could not resist using this piece this is stunning there is a blue flower down here I'm actually going to use this one and it doesn't matter that it is only you know it's got the edge cut off there we can build that into a design that's no problem at all so I'm going to cut that one out now by all means I wanted to cut out all of these flowers I truly did but we do have to leave some for kind of background so I picked a few of the flowers and I'm going to cut these out now I know it looks like I've sort of cut into the sheet randomly and you're like how is she going to make cards from there now that she's sort of just cut right directly in the middle well even these little scraps here let me tell you take your little punch take a circle Punch or take a d whatever you have this one is the 1 in I think it is punch and you are going to punch out every little bit that you have spear you will see how I use all the pieces from this just to create the cards now by all means you don't need this one of course this is just a fun challenge this is something that challenges my mind is something a little bit different if you have regular card stock and you want to cut these up and then you have individual focal points whether you've made the flowers you've made the butterflies you've made the birds and you want to add those on then that's great I hope that you just get ideas from this by no means do you have to have this piece of card stock but hopefully this gives you some ideas inspires you a little bit gives you some you know a starting point at least for a couple of ideas that you might have or you might like to just copy exactly what I've done and all of that all of the above all of those ideas are wonderful I do not mind what you do if you copy this directly or if you take the tiniest little bit of inspiration and turn it on its head I love all of it and that's exactly what my channel is for so you can see I'm getting the most out of all of this I have cut a couple of rectangles that are sort of um card Bish size just a fraction smaller so that we've got a nice little border but other ones I'm going to cut on an angle this bit here I didn't want to waste that corner up the top so I'm going to cut this nice little triangle going down here and I was just sort of trying to picture you know roughly what that would look like on my card these scraps here we want to make sure that we punch out everything I'm going to have some bigger circles some smaller circles depending on what you can fit just make the most out of it and here's the bigger one I'm going to come in and punch out some of these and we are going to create some really fun cards today this is I had so much fun doing this I must admit now at this point I was trying to avoid that flower because I was like am I going to want to cut that out later on but anyhow right let's crack into this I have a sheet of acetate and I have these little strips that I cut up I'm actually going to cut these up even smaller now on the back of these ones I have put some double-sided adhesive we are going to move through these things relatively quick just because a we're making a lot of cards in this video B I like to have shorter videos because I don't have all the time in the world to watch things and I'm sure that you don't either we want to be making we want to be creating so you can definitely go back and rewatch these if you'd like to get more ideas if you like to just speed through and see them then turn up that speed down the bottom right of the YouTube channel you can speed me up and make me go as fast as you would like put me on mute put some music to it you can do whatever you like I don't mind at all I have a sheet of acetate here and I'm going to as I said these have double-sided tape on the back of all of them and I'm just going to pop these straps now they're all going to come off the ends I will trim it up later on that's okay my acetate sheet is trimmed down to be uh 4 by 5 and a/4 just so it's give us a nice little border now this is just a trick of course you don't have to do this if you feel confident in all of your measuring you could put this straight onto your card base there's no need for the acetate this just makes my life easier that I can sort of pre-measure everything get it all cut and perfect and then put it on my card so I'm not going to ruin one of my card bases you could also do some die cutting out of this I use the heroarts acetate which is uh compatible with die cutting not all acetates are but you might uh want to cut out some floating shapes out of this and make several I mean lots of different things that you could do even with this design but I put all of these pieces down now none of them match none of them are side by side or perfect you know it's not a um a perfect picture but it looks beautiful now for this as I said I could have used the sentiments that were on the back of the page but a couple of things one I didn't want to ruin the front page page just yet because I have a plan for that as well and then two uh I wanted something that was going to be really neutral so I'm actually going to use some of these now this is the old lay Na's Stamp Set from woodwear and then this one here is the mini Circle sentiments and that is going to be a couple that I will use now one thing I love about these sentiments is that I can punch them out with my punch and that makes life heaps easier than having to you know use a die cutting machine with circles to um cut out those so I have got a couple of different little bits and pieces there stamp some sentiments on them I fussy cut out the old labels I love those labels it is definitely an older stamp set but I think it's still available now you could either put foam on the back of these foam tape or you could just do what I did and do the um double-sided tape that's fine too then one of the flowers that I cut out I'm going to use as if a focal point on this one and I'm going to pop some foam tape behind that because everything else is flat at this point and then again if you've got somewhere where it overlaps or you didn't like some of your cutting or something like that with the flower that we cut out then make sure that that's a bit that you cover up this one's actually pretty good I am going to add some foam tape behind one of the little sentiments as well and pop this on just overlapping the flower ever so slightly by all means you could go ahead and add string you could add a little tag make all those good things for this one so that's definitely options I was trying to keep this pretty simple and honestly not bring in too many extra things because I feel like when you bring in extra things it just complicates it because then where do you stop so I definitely could have added in and you know put it on some thread some gold thread some twine some burlap ribbon something like that but I'm just trying to keep these pretty simple so bear in mind that these are sort of the basic versions you could by all means Jazz these up and take it much further as well this one here I'm going to give a little black matting layer to and then pop this down onto my card base all of my card bases today are going to be 4 and 1/4 by 5 and 1/2 in now I've got these gorgeous little sentiments all three of these are going to go on I'm going to use my I think this is the one and a quarter punch I'm using at the moment and you could um these are going to layer up really nicely I'm going to put a little bit of foam tape behind the first sentiment these kind of almost remind me of Records I feel like you could make if you had a bigger black circle behind these that would look like a record but um anyhow I've got all three of these and I'm just going to pop these down here they all match nicely one is uh love you always one says happy birthday and one says you're the best so that is two cards completed already moving on to the next one I have another sheet of acetate and this is just a really fun technique now you can do this with any circles that you have now if I'd wanted to take this another step further I would have added in some little circles that were gold or silver or rose gold or something like that and I think that would have added the sparkle Factor but as I said I'm trying to limit the amount of things that I use here so I'm definitely trying to go for the less is more um option at this point but I think that you could take this and run with this idea and make it fabulous even more fabulous than it turns out as well but remember simple as great too and these cards are all in my opinion presentable perfect ready to go beautiful handmade cards so I have placed these out just roughly where I want them to go trying to separate the colors um you know make sure there's not too many oranges in one spot or just mix them up a little bit doesn't have to be too fussy these all have some double-sided tape on the back I actually am using up my scraps of my adhesive sheets so I store everything in the back of my packaging and I'm trying to go through and just make sure where I can if a project comes up that's suitable I actually chop up all those scraps that I have kept all those little extras from when you die cut out a heart or a circle or a square and you have those corners or something left over I keep them and I use them as double-sided tape on the back of these then I've have added some foam tape to the back of the acetate you could do like I did in the first version and put it completely flat or you can do like I have in this version and then add some foam tape just to give it a little bit of Dimension it pops those circles up off the page and looks very magical the acetate sheet itself again I love doing the step first because it means I can get everything measured and cut before it goes on the card base so the acetate measures 3 and 3/4 by 5 in because my card base is a qu of an inch bigger around all sides um and so then I have my little sentiment that I can pop on the front again if I wanted to some gold twine and each one of those little holes popped around the back of that acetate would have looked stunning but I am just happy as with the way that these turned out too right we are moving on to the next one here's this flower that remember it was actually off the edge of the page but we can still make this work for sure I've put a little bit of uh double-sided tape on the back there so it sticks where I think I want it to go and I'm going to have this little flower sort of peeking out from behind there so we want to make the most of the images that we have even though they might not be complete images we can just use that to our advantage I pop some foam tape on the back of that of course I'm trying to use up some foam strips at the moment uh I with when I purchase from there they always have a minimum basically of two three sometimes four free bees that you can add to your cart and you can add all of them to your cart you don't have to choose it all and so I have a real buildup of foam strips um because often they come as one of the freebies which I absolutely love they are really long and beautiful thin foam strips but I have a lot of them so we may as well use what we have before we want to go and purchase new foam tape so this one here this gorgeous big flower it did hurt my heart a little bit to cut it in half but what I'm actually going to do is pop this in the corners and then I'm going to cut off the excess and there's no point in wasting that beautiful excess because it creates a gorgeous flower so I'm actually going to use this and create Dimension so I'm going to put it on top of the old flower so I've actually got two pieces per half so I have four little pieces that I'm going to add on top as extra Dimension now this card is really really simple and this is probably the only card that I would definitely add some um you know some gems some glass drops some uh sequins something to it just to Jazz it up a tiny little bit before I send it off but I still really like it I love how basic and simple it is I might add some uh black splashes I might just fake them by using a little fine point marker in the background of this just to add a little bit more but I still think this is gorgeous and this has great bones as a card for sure now at the moment this is on the vanilla malt the lawn for vanilla malt card. color and then I put it down onto a white card base so looks good to go that's our next card complete I'll put that to the side and let's keep going so again here this is what I was talking up I'm using all my scraps at the moment some of them are funny shapes some of them are long bits that have been cut off the sides and it's just too hard to use them up so I just need to make a conscious effort to keep making sure that I use them even if they're bigger bits like this I find I tend to just leave them down the bottom of the pack so we definitely want to make sure we get value for money when we purchase these beautiful card making supplies so this is just an entire sheet but I'm actually going to cut this one up so I put it to the side so that I can remember how it goes because I knowing me it would end up like a puzzle that I couldn't end up completing um and I'm just going to slice through this a couple of times with my trimmer then again you could put this straight onto your card base but because it's going to throw all the sort of measurements off because we're going to leave a gap um I'm going to do this on acetate and then cut it down so many different ways you could go about this if you did this put this down onto a sticky sheet onto a double-sided um adhesive sheet then you could do like grouting through the Middle where we leave these gaps you could do that in embossing powder you could do that in glitter all the good things but I chose to do it on acetate today and then as I said your measurements are going to be out and things are going to be a little bit funny so this is where I'm actually going to cut it down and then make sure that my edges are all nice and straight and it's going to give me that nice even border all around the outside when I put it down that's just the benefit of doing it on the acetate it gives me the ability to control that now at this point I have put this up on some foam tape on the back of there you could absolutely put this down flat onto your card as well and I love that it's like a complete image except for with that gorgeous you know looks like big cracks going through it I really like that again here is a half flower that I cut out and we are just going to use that to our advantage by putting it down the side of our project and nobody would know that we actually only ever started out with that half flower again another little um ticket another little old label to pop on there with the best wishes and I think that this looks really good we are good to go again with the next one I have had so much fun creating these today and we created beautiful cards just using One Singular sheet you could buy an IND individual sheet as well you don't have to get a whole paper pack of course I just fell in love with the paper pack was the problem and so I hope that this has inspired you to try this that you don't need a whole lot to create beautiful beautiful cards so as usual I will leave all of the links uh in the description box down below if you're interested in checking those out then have a look I also have an address for my snail mail if you would like to send me an actual card I can feature it in a mail haul as well but other than that thank you so much for joining me thank you so much for making it through this long video I appreciate you and I will see you in the next video thanks [Music] bye [Music]
Channel: Natasha Foote
Views: 57,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #paperrose, #rainbowtwirl, #oldlabels
Id: QaiNaGJAY48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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