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so you need to just released their new huge demo project and it's called the FPS sample project it's a vertical slice of a triple a quality multiplayer FPS which is designed to give an insight into how a fairly small team of six people can create high-end Network games using unity the entire project is available for download right now and it's pretty big it's got one complete devil to rig characters for weapons deathmatch and assault game modes and also what is this nobody in all seriousness the graphics for this game are absolutely amazing so why put this thing but really crosshairs aside it's a really cool project also we have an announcement so for a long time now we've been getting a lot of requests to do one particular thing and after a lot of waiting it's finally here we have practice merge yeah we have practice merge guys but in fact we're not only making break is merge we're launching a full-featured store for all kinds of game dev related clothing it's called line of code and it's live now at line of code that I oh and of course it has a dark mode we currently have two designs on there one is of course deep break is loco and the other one is a cool custom design made by our amazing artist Thea full of you game drivers out there so far we're just testing this thing out everything is of course super early but we're definitely planning to add more designs as we go so stay tuned for that because the stores completely new we're having an opening sale so I can get everything at a discount we just feel like something like this has been lacking and we're hoping you guys will like it as much as we do that's of course a link in the description to where you can check it out now I believe that the assemble project is made using a bunch of custom netcode I'm not entirely sure if there's some unit in there as well unity hasn't really been too clear about this but I do know that it's built on an authoritative server architecture for the characters we have this cool robot who has a minigun and a grenade launcher and tracer has received a helmet as well as a machine gun and rocket launcher also a really cool thing about this project is that it's under continuous development unity isn't just dropping it and then leaving it instead the team behind the project is planning to update it and add more features as we go so enough talking about the project how do you actually start using it well let's go through it step by step so the first thing we need to do is go to the FPS sample on github and from here we need to clone the project if you've never cloned a project of github before I'll make sure to have a link in the description to where you can learn how to do that also since some of the files in this project are so large you need to use get large file support or LFS if you don't already have this installed make sure to follow this link to download it once you've cloned the project to your computer you need to go and check here to see what unity version you will need to download currently this supports 2018 point 3 beta 6 so I've gone ahead and downloaded this unity version and from there you can open up the project in unity this is going to take quite a while the first time now there's a few setup steps that we need to do in order to make our project run properly and the first one is actually because a bug in the 2000 18.3 beta if you're using later versions you can maybe skip this step but for now we actually need to go ahead and re import a bunch of assets so let's go in here and search for all prefabs by going T and then colon prefab that's like the first one scroll to the bottom select all them right click and hit re-import and again this might take some time then once that's done we need to do the same thing for models so we'll search for T colon models and let's go to the top let's take the first one go to the bottom shift select the last one right click and again re import' and this is probably gonna take even longer and that should be it for setup we're now going to fps sample windows and open up the project tools and this is going to be the main window for opening different scenes and running the game let's go ahead and dock it over here by the inspector and as you can see there are a few different levels in here level one is the main level that you've seen some footage of level menu is of course the main menu from American create and find games and level 0 is what we refer to as a white box level this is basically a much smaller level that is made up of placeholder assets so that it's much easier to run and play testing let's go ahead and open up that now by pressing the Open button here and it's then gonna load in all the assets and open up all the scenes that make up this level and when the level is loaded it might look really weird like this I found that for some reason in the scene view you to enable post-processing up here in order for it to actually show and for me the first time that I did this the scene actually just changed from white to black the solution to this was pretty simple I simply hit play in order to try and run the game in preview mode and after a bit of waiting this should take us into play mode where we can now run through and actually play the game and as you can see it works with shooting we have movement in here that is double jumping we even have this cool rocket launcher and yet the game is working just fine so if we go to the top here and stop playing you can see how we can pretty easily go in and configure different parts of our scene here say we wanted to move around this prop here we would simply do so and we can hit play and preview our changes in a project panel there are also a bunch of prefabs these are split into different categories like cameras characters environment gameplay and so forth we could for example go under characters then go under our terraformer and in here we actually have a scriptable object where if we look in the inspector we can configure different things about this character in fact we can also open up any of these prefabs and edit them or we could go on to say the grenade here and double-click on the robot grenade to open it up in the prefab manager and in here we have different settings such as the gravity as well as the damage that our grenade will inflict so to configure the game I really recommend you play around with the environment itself inside the scene view and go under the prefabs folder in the project in order to change settings I think you'll learn a lot from just playing around with it of course we can also go to project tools and open up our level 1 here so that's it open and I'm not gonna save any of my changes here and again this will probably take a little while and we're now inside of the main level we can go ahead and stay coming camera here and hit F to focus on it and this might make your computer lag a bit since we're loading in a bunch of assets and you can see how many gizmos are actually drawing here let's go to the FPS sample it's gone to hotkeys and let's hit toggle gizmos assembly press ctrl-g and I found that I actually needed to do this twice there we go so now I've seen looks much cleaner and you can see already that my FPS has certainly been improved quite a bit so this is what the main level looks like inside of the editor and just like with level 0 we can go ahead preview it by simply hitting play but since this is a multiplayer game it would make more sense if we could build two versions of the game and see them running side by side to do this we need to make sure to first build our asset bundles and we can do this using the project tools let's go to the right here and hit all and this is another one of those where you'll probably have to wait a bit and once that's done we can go ahead and build the game so now all the files necessary in order to run our game should be created we've set up our project we've created the asset bundles we've built the game and don't worry when you do this in the future it's gonna be much much faster but what we're now able to do is use this QuickStart down here in order to quickly boot up clients and test out the game as you can see we can choose what mode whether we want to play multiplayer single-player we choose what level we want to start how many clients we want to open up in my case I'm just gonna open to test clients as well as a server so if we press the green start button here it's actually quickly going to open up two windows and I'm just gonna resize these to fit these better on screen and as you can see both of these are actually running the game and each player has spawned in a separate location with a different character you will also see that it opens a third window this is a console window and this is actually just a very very very tiny version of the game without any assets in it that is running the server so now we can go in and play around in any of these builds and we should actually be able to meet each other in-game and there we go we can now see the two characters working together in multiplayer we can damage each other shoot them with different guns and there's even a scoreboard that we can bring up to always see what the score is pretty cool and one of the really cool things we can do when playing around with the game and testing is using the console so if we press f1 here it's gonna bring up the console window and in here we can type different commands if you're unsure about what commands you have at your disposal you can always type help and get a list of them for example we could force a respawn here by typing in respawn or we could shift to third-person mode by typing in third-person and you can see this client is now running in third person and the game is still fully playable I'll have a link in the description for a more detailed list for the different console commands now to shut down the game again we can go back to the unity editor and hit stop all and it's gonna close all of the running instances of the game and just like with our white box scene we can go in and move and change objects in this level and any changes we made inside our project window such as two prefabs or scriptable objects are of course going to carry over between levels remember that every time you make a change to a level you need to rebuild the levels asset bundles and every time you make a change to an asset such as a prefab we need to rebuild the assets if you add any new objects you need to press the update register button and of course if you're in doubt you can always press all of course the final scene that we need to check out is the menu so let's go ahead and open that up I'm not gonna save any of these changes and this is going to load much quicker both because it's a much smaller level but also because unity is now starting to cache a lot of these things behind the scenes if we just try and play this inside of the editor we can see that it's a fully working menu with a nice intro animation and from here we can create games and joint games and we can even configure settings under options awesome of course they are so much here that we haven't shown this is just scratching the surface of how to start working with the project I really recommend you look through the entire project folder and have a look at what scripts are there what assets make up the project and all the different prefabs that you can configure and also there are so many custom tools built for this project to make your life easier of course you can find all these under FPS sample and they've been nicely grouped into different categories so from here it's really up to you to play around with it and have fun that's pretty much it for this video if you liked it make sure to subscribe so you don't miss a future one and definitely check out line of code simply click the link in the description and go visit or you can just go to line of code do on that thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video thanks of the awesome patreon supporters who donated in November and especially thanks to make a king and your Canon Enco art Arman to VR systems like send the player infinity PPR Sybok mummy Dennis Sullivan Sheriff Abdullah Chris face Tamara Phi thanks a long Leela set fit xanthan skewer shreya ste Ronan Bruins cat no Kiyosaki Gregory pierced Mary tweet cool Swedish key james rogers repair her jackson / Campania robert pond Erasmus Anthony Patton of breezy James P Tim appalled / John as exterior at ski Travis Dillon Rudy in Toronto and custom Sue Ellen you guys Rock
Channel: Brackeys
Views: 359,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brackeys, unity, unity3d, asset, assets, model, texture, models, textures, material, materials, how, to, howto, learn, course, tutorial, tutorials, fix, tip, game, development, develop, games, C#, FPS, sample, FPS Sample, fps, engine, new, feature, merch, line of code, code
Id: aTnBAzin9vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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