We Searched for Creations That Didn't Exist Before 2021! (Scrap Mechanic Gameplay)

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to workshop hunters and it is the first workshop hunters of 2021. you know what we did last year or like 40 hours 40 hours into 2021 right something like that yeah 40 hours something like that i have the best creations already 2021's starting off so strong 2020 will be terrible year 2021 it's gonna be strong and and you're just gonna know this is by bruh you know what this is oh no that's an upside down toilet it's an australian toilet oh i get it see i'm in australia toilet not in australia in australia not in australia in australia well they've been in they've been in 2021 a lot longer than we have that's true yeah they started 2021 before everyone else yeah wow yeah okay um so if you guys didn't get the hint by now we're looking at only creations that have have existed in 2021 nothing that we're looking at today was uploaded before this year all right so i actually have i have the literal first creation of 2021 and i don't know what this means it better be good i don't know what this i don't i don't like the implication here but uh this is why [Music] no it is not this is by lorenzo and it is a m4a1 oh yeah that sounds about right yeah i know that makes sense yeah yeah yeah i mean yeah we're very defensive right now in 2021 say no to violence no we're saying no to violence it's 2021 it's a new year it's gonna be a nuke-free year and it's gonna be wonderful i feel protected by the nukes no no you don't no no that's such that's such an american thing to say no wonder you're an american i feel protected by my nuclear weapons yes it's mutually assured protection right yeah i know that yeah that's that's how that's the expression so i got something that's really cool this is something that i'm actually gonna probably use in my own survival world which is kind of neat so this is my mandrix um this is called one-way glass now it's not really one-way glass but you know how with like some of the mod packs you can there's like mirror blocks or whatever you know you know the effect like multiple layers of glass see through each other right so look at this if you're on this side the bubble block makes it really hard to see but if you're on this side the glass is going straight through the bubble block that's interesting right i feel like i feel like this is cool because it's all vanilla but i was thinking what if you did bubble block with like multiple layers because this is only one layer what if we did a second yeah i don't know i don't know that makes it clear whoa what that actually makes side oh here we go yeah sorry it's called the mirror block that would that would make sense mirror block there i see it on this side it's like almost a mirror on the side it's like see-through yeah it's kind of hard to see what's on this side right like you can see he ruined 20 21 guys 2021 we're done we're done i'm leaving bye um all right so when we were sorting by most recent i honestly wasn't expecting much but i'm there's some quality stuff that was uploaded so this is by um something a person whose name doesn't show up because of strange characters but this is called the ztc251v5 i feel like that's some sort of a holy crane i thought it was gonna be laggy but look it's not laggy okay so this thing it does work everything works uh and it's kind of crazy so you can drive around with that i'll get seat i'll get in this thing oh wait wait i'm off to the construction site oh man i'm gonna get so much work done you left me behind i'm gonna get so much work done with my super good crane crew and oh take me away oh yeah check this out this thing's super legit super legit can you deploy the bracers for the crane so it doesn't fall over like it's doing or is it uh i don't know maybe you have the button oh there you go oh they're all on the side right here look at that there you go that's what you need i need i ain't even find that now your crane doesn't fall over that's what you needed this actually looks really really good oh my god i don't know what's happening what do you mean what's happening oh my hook was doing weird stuff you're retracting the crane all right here you go look here's the package okay try not to knock it over while you pick it up which is no problem looks like you're about to what do you uh this is i don't think this is how cranes work i don't see what's happening very well i'm really sure it seems like it seems like you're very much in control of it yeah i'm trying to get it he's almost got it i'm i'm working on it i can't even see the pipe pieces disappear for me they're too far away yeah hold on let me bring it closer here what about what about there there you go okay hold on maybe if i i don't remember how to control this thing how do i reel in i think you gotta reel the cable first i think that's is it reeling in it looks like it's yeah it looks like it and then you got to bring it up here we go up there we go there we go yeah this is looking good here oh you hit the new i hit the nuke you hit the hit the new is this actually froze the game yeah i'm i'm not blowing up yet i saw the explosion but i didn't see the explosion i see the nuke with a spot of flame coming out of it oh i saw the explosion wow this is fun good game is this actually going to crash the game like is it oh there it goes there we go all right we're back this is called the robot no mods by yuri promet and i mean this is this is pretty beef tech look at this thing okay you got it there's a seat around the back and then you can get on top and then there's a seat in the back there there you go okay look at that this is this is the social distance robot take away enforcer yeah i will kill you with my social distancing beep beep you know this is pretty sweet though oh yeah you can put your shield out yeah no okay oh that's so interesting animation for the shield isn't that cool what are these buttons dude the shield deploys in front of you and then you can still walk oh no you can't still walk apparently oh hell oh i'm walking i'm having issues sir you need the social distance with the ground there yeah i'm trying to try it i just thought it was neat you know people are making so many good robots in vanilla nowadays and like granted none of them ever seem to be able to stand up for more than like 30 seconds but they're hey mine's they're still pretty good yeah can you imagine fighting a farm bot with this thing though oh oh why is my leg so far out oh there we go trying to like light up your shots on a farm bot but i love the shield i think the shield is great it's right here you go khan there you go try try to get rid of the nuke try to get rid of the nuke oh my god you actually did it that's so easy all right i got something here we can both try it out this is the dive bomber plane by nat track one so this thing's a little bit weird to get used to at first um but it has a ball it does work it does have a bomb that you can drop so i think you pressed um well not number one yet all right oh boy there's a lot of guns two yeah number two to take off and it's wasd okay and you can use four and five for roll four and five for roll you know this isn't bad yeah it's not terrible and the number six will drop your bomb when you're ready this is trying to get a good survival plane to be honest yeah this isn't too bad oh i dropped my bomb accidentally all right i'm gonna try to bomb our starting area that we were at and see how that goes all right here we go here we go and drop the bomb do you ever noticing survival though that the suspension glitch is even weaker than it is in creative and so like yeah i haven't used it much but well when you try to make a flyer it's like it's not as powerful as it should be yeah like it's super powerful here yeah it's ridiculously op here this thing's fast man oh i just uh oh you made a mistake i made a mistake all right i have uh i think the best summary of 2020. this creation does exactly what you would expect it to do but not what you would expect it's called spin by rjlo911 does it spin uh before you start i would say put it on strict follow cam and uh first person oh yeah this is feels this feels amazing this is the summary of how 2020 went for me so up next uh i have phantom by cell rack and this is another quite amazing thing man you had all the good stuff on the i did i had some really really good stuff oh this so this one you get it right on the top yeah if you didn't figure it out how do i uh so i think you press number five to start hovering six is for a million guns oh my god the wings automatically come down that's neat yep the wings automatically come down oh yeah six fires your guns one three one and two is roll oh okay pitch in a roll they're a little bit awkward this is really good it is really good oh boy there we go man look at all those spuds when you hold up when you press number six yeah it's uh oh no hold on i got it i gotta fly up up up there yeah it's uh man it's too bad that like you know survival mode's amazing and everything but stuff like this would never be built yeah survival because the fuel consumption and the spud go to conception which is too bad because it would be nice if there was ways to make this kind of thing happen you know what i actually might be if i can go stable enough yeah hold on i'm gonna turn off my spud guns here all right it kind of climbs slowly yeah all right i'm out all right oh i flipped me off all right i got a nuke on the wing of mine it's mine pushed me off so i can't okay well that's okay i can i can take yours out got it got it you missed that that was a mess i'm coming back i got it i got it this time come on come on come on no no i missed it remember when cosmo was all like i've seen khan fly no wonder the survival ship crashed yeah oh come on come on oh yeah himself and his name was john cena wow it didn't did you can you just shoot the new police on the mic uh working on it oh no you're behind the hill okay i've slammed the one into the ground i have a pretty cool creation this is a an keyboard animatronic finish uh by percent man keyboard and it's just it's it's crazy so it looks really good but it doesn't actually have any tote blocks to play any noise what what does the keyboard look like if you look you get up on your left here you'll see there's a there's a keyboard okay down here so you look keyboard keys oh okay all right all right all right so so now you've seen that so come back over here and then we'll turn on the switch and you can just see look at this oh that is not he's so aggressive yeah oh my goodness he's a very aggressive oh look at his eyebrows yeah his eyebrows are the best this is so cool yeah i really like the face i don't i don't understand it's so cool yeah he's pretty he's pretty upset though [Music] i love the animatronics of this yeah i do too it's sad one of his arms glitched oh yeah sometimes you know i just chop his arm off and then it fixes it see now he doesn't have an arm that is really i love that it looks so i thought it would be cool to take this and then put the tote blocks on it make it one step further you know put the mmm and have him actually like play a little too but his face looks great like the way his his eyes move and yeah you know the way he leans back and forth yeah he's like hardly even you know [Music] i really think that's gonna work i don't know maybe [Music] why isn't he hitting all right up next i got another crazy one similar to the last one by papajo 82. this is called the blue fighter i think it was supposed to be fighter but they mixed up some letters so there you go okay okay it's uh it's got what the heck hold on we just gotta get off the ground press number one i did there you go yeah three three will just you know increase your altitude and uh yeah you can just go around you can press number two to shoot your things and there was number four do or number four makes you go back down i guess um using a gyro yeah i'm not sure maybe i don't know where somewhere in the front it's like it's gotta be like a stabilized one or something like a suspension yeah there's something that auto corrects yeah in the back it's gotta be in the back i think with an infinite suspension glitch but you can feel it because like it it doesn't it corrects a bunch of loose bearings in the back yeah yeah it does it does automatically adjust itself but it's not just like really stable by itself all right this one we can do the nuke thing all right you ready for this yeah let's do it all right three two one go how are you you're so much higher than i am oh you got it you got him you had you had the high ground i don't know why i didn't change any settings it just you know but now we're oh boy nobody wins in a nuke battle it's a good screenshot oh this oh there he whoa whoa dude you got launched into the ground oh this is you know i guess this is back onto i don't everyone's making starships this is a tie fighter you know same same thing i could do a nuke battle with this one too it's uh very simple to fly infinitely stabilize press the switch get in the back and then press one and then just press w and then two shoots what does number three do i'll close the door probably yeah close the door yeah that just goes up automatically and you know that's it you want to you want to go lower you gotta press one and then you know first person is kind of cool oh i need next check limited limited view first person looks really nice yeah all right first person duke fight first person dude how is this gonna work i don't know put a nuke on the front of your thing uh right here above your cockpit okay i'll just do it above the window all right you in first person yeah yeah all right let's do it all right here we go oh i just missed i hear the clinking but all right let's just it's hard to like there's no stable altitude god oh you got me again let's go yeah this first person is really cool i really like it actually this is a neat one that's awesome all right i guess um we're we're going back to scrap mechanic basics here this is the scrap car by cell rack which i think oh the phantom was also by cell rack so this thing's actually pretty cool so this is made out of rockets survival rap yeah um and when you drive it around take it take a look at it first of all i love the fact that the seat is way at the back here i think that's i think that's awesome yeah but if you look closely at like the engine you can see a bunch of moving parts as you like give it gas and stuff yeah it's cool you can see like i think it's like a flywheel or something and you can see a bunch of pistons going up and down and you got a wheel spinning on the top yeah just look around the engine compartment as you're as you're holding down the gas this is actually a sick looking car it is it looks really really well done and it drives nice too yeah there's a tote block that makes noise as the engine drives like a clicking noise hard to hear unless you like zoom in and of course thrusters that's perfect all right scrap man this one this is pretty i'm gonna weld this versus a house by killer whale oh boy you hear that noise i do hear noise okay so let me read the description that noise will make more sense this is a two-floor house with a single bunk bed room one bathroom with a large garage and grill an elevator or stairs with a nice cozy fireplace in the first floor and right above it a big projector screen and a kitchen to make cookies for your grandchildren and porch to relax on after a long day of building creations enjoy thank you to sergeant dan for the doorbell and thank you to malcevius for helping me and remember to press the doorbell to stop it from going crazy that doesn't explain like i don't okay yeah like this will make the noise will make sense after this i mean dan clearly didn't do a good job on the doorbell that's that that's the explanation come on dan come on dan was it dan i think it was dan right it's dan sergeant dan is the doorbell still going off no it's me i'm actually oh now it actually works okay anyway welcome to welcome to the house all right as you'll see we've got a kitchen here like i like how we're storming the house with guns in hand like all right here we are you never know i mean you know yeah you know house here and then we've got the nice nice elevator in the corner whoa it's very that is not a nice that is a very not nice elevator very focused i mean it's not i'll stay down here then downstairs living room very you know cozy comfortable nice couch nice couch the uh your bedroom right here under the under the stairs hey hey you have an idea how valuable this stuff is there you go it's soft this is a great hey wait wait a minute there's no there you go there's no switch on the inside you should have checked that before you went into your bedroom i will nuke i will nuke my way out of here okay okay i'll open the door for you that's what i thought that's what i thought all right and then uh of course the garage very important look at this garage door magazine by the way this this i really like this oh just pistons and rollers see that it's like pushes it out oh that's kind of kind of neat right i thought that was kind of cool then it rolls back down look at that that's nice i mean it's kind of floppy there at the end but you know all right um the back half of the fireplace and of course the radio very important all right and then upstairs of course you come upstairs you got your big projector look at this is cool too this is an old-school projector this is one of those multi-colored projectors oh boy apparently we're watching minecraft gameplay yeah minecraft um yeah anyway minecraft gameplay oh this is nice right oh whoa what is this a helipad or something i mean it's the top of your garage patio on top of the garage it's a very common thing in canada do you not like you know where you put like a flat roof on top of your garage and put like a deck you don't you don't do that no no no well that's it's just you know you get a nice second floor patio or whatever anyway uh and then we've got the rest of the house this is the the kids room with the bunk beds i want the top bunk all right oh my god the top bung is actually painted in your colors file okay well oh it is uh and then finally we got of course the elevator here in the corner and then the utility room which is really just room full of you know controllers and doorbell things cool that's a nice house that is a nice house it would be a shame if someone were to beach to it all right so it's my understanding that you're gonna show us the literal most recent creation uh as of recording this video so before we get that i got i got two more to show you and they might blow your mind um the first one is by atl tracer gamer and it is a snoop dogg car and this thing is just amazing i have and uh i have um what do you have i have questions the wheelbase you know what about the wheelbase what are you doing that seem a little short to you well i don't what yeah i mean you gotta you know you gotta have your wheelbase it's all about the wheelbase yeah hop on in i'm trying all right and then i have my favorite creation that i've spawned in or that i've subscribed to from 2021 so far oh and it is by man cell rack has been really really busy apparently i didn't realize i had so many myself around he's just saving a bunch of creations and just uploading them all right oh my gosh so this one is absolutely insane i think so first of all uh first of all notice that when you uh turn that the the turret actually stays in one spot yeah you notice that yeah uh and then also here uh i forget how to oh there you go you can control it like that raise it up raise it down and then i press number five oh number six what did that bounce off of you oh you got me are you ready to show us what is currently the most recent well this is 2021. like when we first started recording um the most recent was this the terra now 1.0 by mgo siaa it's just a car so i'm gonna i'm gonna go right now and look at what the actual most recent is on the steam workshop uh let me just this was uploaded while we were recording this is this whatever yeah so this is the most recent while we're recording um this is called a stunt sled by aloo trell tech oh that looks good and uh it's got one forward mountain oh can i oh it's got it's got oh i'm just gonna have one can i have i'm just gonna look at me i'm just rolling away from you tonight can i have a sled i'm just gonna i'm just gonna con what are you doing just trying to avoid avoid talking to you right now just going to roll away look at that look at that you thought you were going to stop me but you did okay you can have that one here we go all right i'm going to the half pipe because that's where stunt sleds are going to fly up in the air i guess oh yeah look at that i'm in the halftime sled's hard look at this man i can't hear you i'm doing some sick tricks i'm just trying to get up on my skis not having oh there we go all right all right all right i got this now i'm gonna head over to you i'm gonna do some stunt sledding go like this up off the half pipe back flip 360 no scope to the mctwister i don't know i don't i i've literally never known what a single trick is i'm doing a one ski fancy trick here i'm doing a one ski manual i'm doing the crashing tumble down the halfway perfect landing perfect landing in the half pipe after the back flip that was amazing all right we're just gonna do a lip stall and do it you know the classic tumble and look at that another great landing oh hey well i think that was a great way to say goodbye to 2020 by not spotting in any creations that were made in 2020. that's the newest thing as of now so uh let us know if you have any other suggestions for workshop hunters themes for next week and we hope you all had a happy new year and we'll see you next video bye bye [Music] you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 118,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic workshop, scrap mechanic new workshop
Id: bJYrGVwDdLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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