Multiplayer Cops & Robbers Challenge! (Scrap Mechanic #270)

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John you can really get a maid into the house if you were to win baby but I'm worried about is companies go that way okay [Music] Oh welcome ladies and gentlemen to the scrum-half bringing you another episode of multiplayer Monday with the crew we got car over here hello we got Mambo hello and we got komodo on the end hello and today we are doing the cops and robbers challenge which means we're gonna have two teams two cops and two robbers and we have this nice little cops and robbers playground over here nice and contained and there's gonna be gold like this this little stack Gold here is gonna be hidden somewhere on the map and the robbers have to go get the gold and then bring it back to their home which is over in this corner over here wait are we hiding the gold or we just know it's gonna be somewhere we're gonna put it somewhere and put it okay yeah and it is the cops job to incapacitate the robbers so on each team one person's gonna be in charge of building the robber vehicle and one church and person is gonna be in charge of building the cop vehicle and that way when you switch roles you each have a vehicle to use and yeah it's it's it's the cops job taking a past date the robbers if the robbers job to get the gold for their house and whichever one of those things happens first determines the winner do we have any build restrictions scrapped med what are the build restrictions builder stroll I'm glad you asked the old restrictions how the robbers are not allowed to use metal so their vehicles are going to be lighter than what the cops are capable of vehicle building vehicle link yes yeah they can only vehicle with with non metal materials but the cops however any size they use metal and they don't have a size restriction but the robbers do have a size restriction sixteen by sixteen for the robbers no restrictions for the cops so the robbers are at a disadvantage when it comes to stability okay any other any other any other questions what about Buster's and glitches are we are we everybody every potential allowed any throw I don't know the answer to that did we decide on pressors no no lick is all right do you want to ask me how we choose our teams yeah however you choose team scram in alright well we have the wheel of toilets here two of these seats are red and two of them are blue and you're just gonna press E to get on one of the seats and whatever color you get is the team that you get are you guys ready all right someone turn it off what color I don't know I think okay hi sky man I like this we can use this from now on this is a fun yeah I'm choosing about this is it right there so want to catch that that wasn't ready I'm really worried about disappointing scrap man with my amazing vehicle yes you're gonna you're gonna just create a rolling police car you were just gonna flip over at every turn alright click buttons all right 15 minutes on the clock now remember I forgot to mention no mechanisms to flip yourself or flip other people you have to do purely ramming derby ramming only ramblings alright by the way what's everybody building who's building what I forgot to add I'm gonna cop incommode or building robbers for RT limbo and connor building the cops okay let's do it this press the button alright that's button I'm folding my button oh here we go alright there we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right who's first all right all right okay move on go first no condom first all right very good BAM I don't feel bad about mine now looks like it this is the well look at that look at the hood well it's got some extra height and it'll turn ability Wow [Music] Wow there you go that's it Wow but it's like it's big it's quiet it's stable it's more like a truck Wow oh yeah and wow he's got that extra like duct lip on the front just so you know it cased their vehicle you know it's up a little higher whatever I thought the front was a little bit short all right that's lab block right there on the front I was a kind of a last minute measure it was a last minute today I was just kind of like yeah you know maybe a slab will help you can't read your abacus crap it's pretty pretty good driver probably try it out I'm gonna be using its pretty good to drive yeah it keeps it stable in the back alright the turning radius is a little little to be desired but maybe go back to zero and go backwards again I was debating on four-wheel steering but that always seems to be bad so I was just like but it'll never get because it's nice to statement right good job yeah okay I guess for doing police cars first then yeah boys please all right police cars first let's do it all right here we go for my police truck oh it's pretty tall no I'm fine with that whatever did you make it short grab it we could just drive under him like just your wheelbase is so narrow your wheelbase is really really near it's close to each other by teammate this is perfect this is great I do like your front grill though I'm not gonna lie your front grill is really I wanna be able to turn very tightly ya know for sure you can just for your friend grill what blocks with those those are the support beam kind of things those little tight cars for the pedals they sit pretty tall hopefully don't but yeah so that way you just get a nice turning radius because of a tight wheelbase yeah no it looks good yeah oh don't drive out that I feel like you're gonna get flipped though like I think the brahbrah piece that you think is gonna get and just flip you look at it like pounds yeah yeah no I know but yeah generally speaking when you rammed somebody you're gonna want to flip them and not oh there you go you got the sirens on the go that's pretty good okay alright alright now go first robbed robbers right alright I suppose so sure that's for us let's see what your robbers are gonna be like please be top-heavy Oh like a race car that is I wasn't really sure what to do for some reason I put two seats on at first thinking move go ahead understand the rules of the game okay okay do you have a spot to weld your gold to that would be that's what the the plot the gray mark is in the back oh sure sure I was actually pretty good yeah but I don't like that I just didn't like it 16 by 16 thing that we had but oh well yeah what's all right not bad not bad alright gonna be here tomorrow come on oh let's play chicken you ready we're gonna play chicken yeah oh boy oh well he didn't flip this might be kind of hard there at the robbers well wait what yeah I drove over top of his car good his car is uh his car is really short I have an idea though I have an idea all right all right Kahn you're ready to see what we're working with for robbing here yeah let's see this badge all right there we go is good today right there this is it it's looks yeah exciting isn't it deserve oh man that thing is quick oh yeah perfect yours whoa all right you're fine all right I'm good I'm good I'm good here let me let me try driving it because I want to see what the I'm gonna be your stolen car go well this is actually this is really well it's very smooth yeah it's not too bad I don't very smooth it does kind of look like some sort of a small animal though with the yeah ears or something like a dog it's like a dog nose we got a little flat bed in the back there to put the golden no that's good I like it we should probably make sure we put a block down before the gold so it doesn't so if we have to break it off it's easy to do that's true that's a good idea okay all right first okay so to choose who's gonna start as like cops and who's gonna start as the robbers we're gonna use our fancy toilet selector here and whoever gets in the blue seat there to their team is the cops for the first round are we ready jump in I got one oh this is so noisy the button but that easier the blue is the blue every time the blue the blue is got the switch yeah yeah they're young but yeah here somehow I just kept mashing ee and that eventually it worked all right let's go down let's go all right I just do it you guys have been so weird you can see the shadows everything down here yeah it is but you don't see the terrain shadow that is weird okay all right I'm ready ready I'm ready ready Komodos name on my screen really graduate well boo well let's go find him first then yeah all right why do I know all right strategy opposite of where the strategy said move towards gold first and then move towards them but I got some new Intel okay good what's your new Intel they're trying to throw us off how fast you I'm a little bit slower than you maybe I'm not sure we should wait until the game actually starts I agree you guys ready I'll take that as a yes are you driving get in the vehicle they're going wait wait what's hold on boy our suspect the back suspensions all broken that's not no all the suspension of this game is pretty you guys driving through the middle all right I see them both I see them both oh damn stuck all right all right here we go I'm trying to get out of here boo boo get out of here get out there get out of here all right I found mood bow but he's like he's on the bow here I'm grabbing the gold oh I'm standing on the goal no yes they are perfect what'd you do welded it to his car Oh get up get up get up all right oh no I went over Thomas car all right back up back up Komodos Doria quarter quarters useless at this point just go for Lubo I can't I'm trying Oh hit him hard okay hole I got around here no get out of here I'm bullying him now oh yeah ably gov coolly I don't know but I'll bun tapas card is this cow this is does this count for anything no it does not count you have not written this works you can't move you can't boo me scribe a just light up all right just right up all right this is good got a box all right no you guys are gonna free down it is like getting two frames a second right now okay come on this rock is hard to flip these guys I know right all right he's just running along the outside edge here yeah put a bit of a roll yes yes all right oh you flip oh yes he's traveled yes oh thank goodness it's so hard to you have to lay it's really weird I saw like scramming was inside and I think was Colin was inside of moonbow and I was like I don't know yeah blue bow is inside of me at one point and you have to like push them into an object though to flip them like it seems like you can't just you can't just hit them never you swap the sides I'm gonna be the robbers you guys gonna be the cops garden someone put the gold back I'll do that alright here we go in 3 2 1 go alright there's our Rob I'm gonna I'm gonna go for the main defense here Komodo this feels so much about our sirens I know okay oh yeah I forgot we have siren don't yeah we do and they work alright man I'm getting like pursuing right now alright I'm sneaking my way through that I'm trying not to flip it on my own just by driving - oh I see a cover to discover you flip yourself I've got some yeah I was fine on my screen and then I was complete oh boy hold on hold on let's see if I can scrap man somehow this is really bad I did oh maybe a horrible idea okay we're just gonna use you as a bait for move boat dodge that I'm not seeing okay good Komodos try to go two words beat you have to hum off and actually get the gold yeah I realize that wait I could help you I can help you well he hit my car but he didn't he didn't wreck it I can't get in the car I go come on well well okay I got it I got it welded I got that I got him well I got it welded I got the gold well I got two cops though right oh there we go Dodge I'm just seeing kind I'm just seeing coming to get you wait you guys are you guys okay right next to you guys are my buddies he's spying everywhere join me to put this boy look at this let me just does that make it better I just put her on a lift for now just so you guys kidding let's go backwards the whole way it's my go backwards oh no no okay no that was close almost almost okay there's another car here we're just kidding you guys are you slow this thing's fast go go go I'm gonna get my flowers so I can actually see what happens all right I'm just gonna just gonna keep going around the outside I'm trying to cut them off I got you okay they're trying to cut me off I got some Intel they're going they're going okay I'm just gonna go up into the trees I feel like this is the secure oh I see them oh oh okay watch it okay behind us oh god okay I know I got it just make sure I don't get hit here this is okay don't charge him can easily get around just go right in between them okay okay okay okay yeah no yeah yes what are so bad I was under him the whole time he was reach for them like the fact that you had to reset on the lift because of lag is yes it's a little boat baloney below I was literally going fine on my screen and then I was just upside down all right so we've realized that using colliding giggles and multiplayer is not the best thing or scrap mechanic monkey blaring oh yeah it does not make things easy so we decided for a special bonus round since cons the host and he doesn't experience all of this stuff we're gonna do three cops versus the host to stop him my turn I want to use your your cup vehicle can you spawn that for me you don't want to use mobos grape you know I don't I don't all right special bonus round three of us versus Khan are you ready I'm ready ready 3 2 1 go all right all right guys so if we all if we all focus on Khan I think that'll be around yeah I think that's the strategy nobody I was able to focus on here okay okay all right you go left I'll go right right it'll all work out he's working he's working at the team now yeah all right all right okay I see all three of them I got all three cops in the line of sight we need to spread out wait guys are you guys look kind of like oh yeah you want to delete that no no it's fine all right I see all three of you I'm going after I'm going to go what really yeah you're crazy man's up to me cops man also many cops right here what is this all right here we go oh that's what I be like they're just gonna push what if I well would go up to a cop car all right I got the gold you know the way cop-car okay thank no no no you're out dang it gotta go okay gonna go fast gotta go this way okay we're just gonna go this right no all right here we go let's go first why is there a lift here that's why this wasn't working it's just another no that lifts his guide with a limp it's not gonna okay dude he's gonna dodge this way get it on this way look at this amazing dodging cops every day of the week I just dipped you all oh boy I almost flipped myself that was bad he's going through the middle he's going up the hill where he started I like this Hill this hills good spot who's following me there's sky Betty's Cruz okay I'm interested dance party do this it's du Bois alright here we go ready oh boy that's not a good idea this dig does not have a pushing power okay you know I'm gonna go this place yeah no I'm good no I'm just I'm just hiding by this tree here I'm just gonna maybe but I'm worried about that way okay this deep really really Oh dodged yes no i did i do bow flipped his car and I drove underneath it that was the only way to win it was awesome yeah yeah we should probably not quit our YouTube jobs yeah so apparently being the host kind of wins and multiplayer you know what kind you've converted us we are now we're now bad cops gone bad I guess I'm here hideout show what it's like to be a robber oh he's trapped us we fell for it guys we felt oh no I blocked the door - you can't even open the door now I'm no steel border go look at this guy's oh you cut a window out secret secret pathway so your basement pathway every robber vehicle is the winning vehicle yes a good vote was the real winner I guess he just that was good chow it was fun make sure you guys uh you know there's some comments on some future challenges you'd like to see that preferably are creatures oh I think he's back preferably challenges that don't involve ramming other vehicles - because they don't seem to work too well alright I'm saying that's a good game everyone make sure you click the links in the descriptions and puppet channels and watch some other videos okay good game [Music]
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 918,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic multiplayer, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic cops and robbers, scrap mechanic cops, scrap mechanic robbers, scrap mechanic police, scrap mechanic police chase, scrap mechanic challenge, scrap mechanic best
Id: _14iSvtpK5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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