Multipick Elite 39 ‘Lock Noob’ Essential Selection Kit

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hello again it's loch noob and well this is a a real first for me this lockpick set was curated by myself this is the multi-pick elite 39 lock noob essential selection kit that's right i multipick reached out to me and asked me whether i would like to curate a lot pick set from all the things that they offer and you know what i thought that would be brilliant because whilst many lockpick sets and many manufacturers are out there and and many of them are brilliant not all of them really i think deliver what i would want as a complete set with all the essentials in i don't mean like every possible profile um that i i think that i tried to think of what would make a set which you could use on 80 of the locks that you come across commonly and you know clearly there are exotica out there where you know you would need other lock picks maybe but for the most part i wanted this to be a complete set or as complete as set as it's as it's possible uh to put together and you know i'm a big fan of multi-pick and you've got to bear in mind that because i've put this piece together it's hard for me to be uh purely objective about this kit so you know you've got to bear in mind whatever i say about this you've got it's being viewed through the lens of somebody who literally curated this set from what multipix sells so as long as you bear that in mind i i want to take you on the journey of what i've included in this and and really why i didn't want any filler i wanted everything to have its own space and to do its own job so starting over this site you'll notice that there are a number of ranks but what i didn't want to do is overload the set with loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads of different rake types and things i didn't want to do that so i thought what would be the most essential things and really i mean obviously we have here a triple peak that's i think in the central part of any set of rakes then you can see here i've got the cycloid and sinusoidal i think uh quad and quint rakes here which are just awesome in uh in many lock types especially ones with standard pins they're really really really good um love those so between these you're gonna rake open a lot of locks then instead of the classic city rake and snake rake i went well i had to really had to go for the um ones i designed as an update to those designs which are the monolith and the a boner here which uh offer similar dynamics as the city rank and the snake rake but also i think a little bit extra as well so get those and of course for raking small locks wafer locks and those sorts of things i didn't really think that a kit would be complete without one nice um well medium small diamond here you know if you if you pick a lot of cheap dimple locks or wafer locks or even very small padlocks and things these little half diamonds are just brilliant for that so that's the rake selection and i think it's it's pretty small really uh i didn't put some ball rakes in there because i think that and these will basically do that job for them um i didn't put the snake and the city rake in there because whilst they can be useful again i think that what's there offers the same job so those are the the rakes and um yeah it was hard to limit myself to just that many rakes but i think that there isn't many locks that these couldn't get you into if they're rakeable so that's the rakes there then of course you've got the the pick selection now i thought long and hard about this i know how popular things like the deforest ball and deforest half diamond are but i actually thought about the not well sort of the way that the tools work inside the locks and realistically um in terms of reach and not fouling pins before it just hooks they will do the same job so it might be that you have a preference to the feel of the the forest ball or or or diamond but in reality i felt for my picking style and personal preference that just the um a full selection of hooks in depth uh would would really be what you needed and uh i'll show you these and these are all in um oh it's worth saying actually that all of the rakes are twenty twenty three thousands of neutral they're about 0.6 millimeters and the reason why it's worth pointing that out is you might think why don't i have drill gauge rakes it's because realistically if you're raking it's very rare you'd need anything thinner than that you know so dual gauge rakes for me didn't make much sense when i personally have never used a rake thinner than that in pretty much any lock i mean there might be no odd occasion but around you know 0.6 ml 23 000 an inch is already quite slim and then should suffice then okay so let's look at the hook profiles you can see what i mean about them covering all the bases here there should be a hook of a depth for all occasions naturally you get better feedback with them more shallow hooks so you tend to use those the most but then of course there are locks where you just need deeper hooks and this is a really nice selection of profiles going from you know the ultra um short to short to sort of medium deep medium deep and and i guess the deepest hook is over here so that gives you six different hook depths for pretty much any lock let's face it but these are all again in your 23 thousandths of an inch over here are the same but in naught point four millimeters or about fifteen thousandths of an inch they are already a lot more flexible why well what you know most locks will take a 23 thousandths of an inch 0.6 millimeter hook very comfortably some more exotic locks and i've got a couple of keyways here which benefit from much thinner picks um are just more paracentric or have much tighter keyways and you would struggle to get feedback using a thicker pick so using something like a a uh point uh four millimeter fifteen thousandth of an inch pick is going to help you navigate those keyways a lot better so we do have dual gauge picks and what i really like here is if you look on the back you can apart from how they feel because they are obviously thinner and more whippy you can see here that they've etched 0.4 into the handles so you can see those better so just to to summarize the pick tools themselves the stand pixels limited set of rakes which i think cover all of your raking needs all the bases there um there are a few emissions to what you might normally see in a set but again i thought hard about what would actually work and i didn't do dual gauge because i didn't feel that they are necessary most of the time in terms of the hooks dual gauge hooks because uh whilst you tend to use the thickest and shortest hook that you can in a lock the fact is that you need multiple depths and and dual gauge to give you the greatest number of chances of picking any given lock so that's that's where we're at it might be worth just talking about the fact that these are a specially tempered alloy that multi-pick have and you can see here how the finish of these is just super if you're not familiar with multi-pick picks they really are a premium premium pick you just see the detail the attention the the workmanship that goes into these the finishing the overall design um they're they're popular and well and sort of renowned for a reason you know people like multi-pick picks for a reason and they're just made beautifully well finished out of the pack and they look great too you know they've got all the serial numbers on there and the model numbers and the things is it's all etched in um so that's that's all to those tools in terms of tension tools well um you just can't have enough i wanted to just start with these is the christian holler picks in the champion set and i love these these are 0.81 and 1.2 millimeters thick and they're nice and rigid really thick and they get give you really good feedback and they can be used top of the kiwi and bottom of the keyway i just really like those i had to have those in my kit then we have um well just look at all these standard tensioners you get as well the bottom of the keyway um there is really something for everybody all sorts of thicknesses as you know the tensioners are really as important as the picks going across we have to have of course um the full complement of 0.81 millimeter 1.2 millimeter top of the keyway tensioners as well and these are really good just really nice depth to them angles finish really nice you know so you got your bottom keyway top of the keyway also for your wafer locks you got two little y wrenches here which can be very very useful and uh they're useful in a number of other types of locks as well so i had to have those two like i said you don't come to the lock and find you can't tension it so i wanted all of the most central tensioners that multi pick offered then this which is a probe because if you're picking a tubular lock or you're um exploring the inside of a locker i mean i've used probes so often um that i just thought you know what i'll i'll get a probe included in this kit because it's just one of those tools which when you need something to poke around in a lock with it can be really useful so you get a probe as well and last but not least and if anything the piezo resistance which is this the inclusion of two of the multiplically g dimple flags and you can see here you've got a left hand and a right hand flag these are the ones i use the most out of my motorbike elite dimple flag set they do offer more tips and you can buy more tips which is really good so if you wanted to carry extra tips there is a little hex wrench there as well where you can just swap the tips out so if you had a preference to a certain set of tips you could carry around a little container with some more tips in as well so this is a really good starter set um but for the most part you know if you only pick the odd dimple log these will get you into again i'd say 80 percent of the most common dimple locks these are two great dimple flags and uh and i have to say i know that because these are the ones i use the most and these are absolutely stunningly nice um zed wrenches as well mostly because they're incredibly strong like really strong 1.2 and 1.5 millimeter tensioners and especially with dimple locks where you have to well you tend to have to put a lot more tension on these really really help you control that tension so yeah i don't know any other commercial set from a you know a premium manufacturer uh like multi-pick who offer dimple flags in um alongside a dual gauge set with all these tensioners and some brakes as well i think that what they didn't want to do is is have a lock pick set that really didn't offer anything different to anything else just had like you know i swapped out a ball rake for a half diamond saying that wasn't what i aim for i actually really thought about this i really thought about what i'd include and i wanted this to be a pixel if anybody picked up as a you know an experienced lock picker um this would be a great base for for for lock picking wouldn't be much else that you needed apart from some pics that you might want to choose to add in out of pure preference to your own style but you know i i really really really really like what's in this set and um i hope you do too um how do i want to finish this video off well first of all let's talk about price multi pick are a premium premium brand i think everybody knows that and this isn't a particularly cheap set but i do think it offers really good value for what you get so this is around and again prices will vary as time goes on and exchange rates go up and down but it's around um 239 euros and 90 cents which is around 219 pounds or 279 dollars that isn't um you know a really really cheap set that's absolutely true but you get 39 pieces plus this case which is beautifully um uh finished leather and it's really premium leather as well just so lovely and um and when you just if you exclude that that trifold case you exclude that it comes in at around five pounds 61 per tall which when you think about what you're getting terms of the multi-pick guarantee and the quality it's actually i think a good value multipix set what i want to do now is finish by doing some demos i i rarely do a review where i don't demo some picking so i'm just going to tag on right at the end a few locks which i think demonstrate different aspects of the kit and i really hope you enjoy that too anyway have fun watching those and if you can leave a like i'd really appreciate a like if you have a comment about this kit then please leave a comment i read as all of them and i reply to as many as i can if you haven't subscribed like content like this and please do consider subscribing it really helps my channel and of course i'll see you all next time now enjoy those demos one of the locks that i really wanted to demo off at the end of this video was the iso r6 an absolute classic super common but moderately high security dimple lock here in europe you can see the bidding on this one's really good actually um and we're just going to go picking it with the elite g series um dimple flag this is the right hand flag and the 1.2 mil pry bar like that or tension tool and we're going to put i'd say medium tension on here and just have a go what we can find so pin one double click pin two little click nothing on three at all four five okay to they'll click out of three a four sorry this is five now it's a nice default set good it's going to go along oh that was do you see that just touch two and we had that call turn even further so i can feel pin six now gonna be super careful with this very very deep pin six very very light counter bouncing off that tension might just lost something there i'm gonna go in pin uh we've got it back good good good okay who's next then three now okay good back through okay good good just seeing who's left over now definitely pin three now got that and we are open there we go super super fun pick and with that biting sort of really um uh exciting you dropped some spools ah great pick another lock i really wanted to demo was uh this american lock 1100 series there we go it's actually a cutaway one and why is because i get to use the deepest of deep hooks and remember that these keyways are not paracentric but they're quite tight but this in 0.6 millimeters or around 23 thousandths of an inch or thereabouts is a good fit to be able to reach up into those nice pins there we go so just going along to the back in the front that's a pin at the back and click there to the front again oh and we're open there we go nice just sort of do a demo of one of these uh quad wave rakes just thought we'll do a demo of the quad wave rate just show how good they are defeating these locks with standard pins i mean they they really are just just brilliant and i was using one of the christian holler tensioners here one of my favorites actually and finally i want to do a sort of a double demo here one is single pin picking using a short hook you're going to be using the short hook a lot so it's always nice to see it's being used in a very tight little key way this lock has good bitting and surprisingly uh nice security pins inside so just going to go in and into a bit of a full set there and oh wow and open and i couldn't help but finish on using the same lock again nice tight keyway but using the a boner which of course i designed for multi-pick which is really cool so just going to go in and have a rake around see if we can get an open using using this and there we go lovely
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 12,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lock, locksport, lock pick, lock picking, locks, Padlock, open, pick, picked, picking, lockpicking, locksmith, spp, single pin picking, gutting, gutted, how to, guide, tutorial, Review
Id: Z9t-4p8lnU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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