(225) How to Pick Your First REAL Lock

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[Music] hi its lock noob and I've been picking locks for a while now I want to try to teach you how to pick a real lock now you might have been playing around with practice locks there's nothing wrong with that but we're not talking about that for now now what you might want to pick it looks like this these are not good lots of start on what the friend of you know you don't want to be touching what you want to get are these yep you've seen them around these are called laminated padlocks they are usually very cheap and they're usually four or five pins and more importantly most of the time those pins are nothing special they have no what we call security pins in there to make your life difficult also look for keys which don't have too much in the way of extreme up-and-down that will cause you problems when you first starting to learn if you want to know how many pins the lock has just count the number of cuts in the key so one two three four and one two three four four so good five if you have to take what you don't want is this weird no brand badly made locks from unknown countries usually find that these are so unpredictable and often so badly made that whilst they should be easy to pick or often hard so now we've got the lock what do we need next we need some picking tools so where do you start well let's not worry about all of these yeah you can get silly you can buy a load of kit what you really need is some hooks city brakes and a couple of snake brakes now you can buy these from any number of places and from any number of manufacturers the truth is you just need to get some good quality ones to begin with when you get more confident with picking you can afford to buy cheaper picks and one from brands you might not have heard of but for now try and get sing from sparrows pizza north south order that's my tip these are short looks these city roads those are snake rakes if you get one of each one of those you're going to be able to pick a lot of locks so what do you need next you need tension tools what does attention till do well it provides a turning force on the lock well we don't use a key and we're picking it it goes in and you basically just turn it until it provides tension to the lock turning force which ones you need well the truth is you need the one which will fit your lock they come in four main types i'd say standard l wrench twisted our wrench this is so that it provides a little bit more flex around that joint as a wrench which is basically a double-ended tension tool and a pry bar which is often used for so-called top of the key way picking which we won't worry about today it's been probably more important that you have a range of tension tool so it is a range of picks right now you just need something which will fit the lock we have a cheap lock we have a tension wrench what tool should we use first I would say the city rake this is a great tool this is not a saw you're not supposed to be sawing back and forth on those pins this is purely used to rock rocking is where you add tension to the core just like this that's a little bit of tension too much tension a little bit of tension too much tension you're just holding it just enough so that the core is obviously turned and it stops naturally put your city rake in on all you need to do then is move it back and forth up and down and that's it don't do that you might get an open but you might also hurt the pins in the lock now again this move the tension tool off tension and just pulse it like this and you will get an open now let's move on to another technique this is a snake rake you'll see that this is rounded that's okay that means that you can move it across the pins or when you see you again there's a raking technique tension tool then turn until it stops naturally don't put any more pressure on look at my finger it's not turned white it's not like this okay gentle gentle brilliant and what we're going to do is move it in and out of the lock different depths and don't forget pulse attention here just like this every now and again to free up those pins and we have an open and now for our last technique single pin picking for this you will need a hook I would suggest a short hook like this a short hook is one which only has a small hook on the end there are hooks of different depths some which are deeper and longer you don't need those for now the first technique to do is put no tension in put the hook in put it right to the back of the lock and push up until it stops now pull it forward slowly and listen to the pins 1 2 3 4 this is a 4 pin lock that's what I recommend you start on and this little mass lock number 3 it's a really good starting block keep practicing over and over listening out for those pins and getting a feel for how they are when you push up on each pin with your hook you should feel a slight spring when we go on to picking the lock we will add some tension and the core will turn until the driver pins at the top of the lock of bound between the inside of the lock and the core we will then need to push them up until they go into the core if you listen out very carefully when they set you should hear a small click the trick with these locks not too much tension again just enough to hold the tension tool in place and put some tension on core any more than that you're going to damage your pick you might even damage your lock and your tension talk so let's put some tension on we go back in now just feel the pins as you gently move the pick pack you should feel that some of them don't feel springy pin won't feel springy but pin four doesn't gently then push up on the pins which feel sticky don't worry right now about which ones are bowed and or what number it is if it feels like it's stuck gently push it got a click for another tick got another click again and feel for any pins which feel hard and stuck feel like they've been trapped and gently lift them once we've picked all of those pins she'll be able to turn the lock open so good luck like all things all you need is a bit of practice find the right locks find the right tools practice practice practice and you'll soon be opening many many many locks so good luck have fun and I'll see you next time
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 724,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lock, pick, picking, hook, hooks, rake, rakes, raking, picks, picked, lock picks, locksport, locksmith, guide, how to, fun, hobby, padlock, snake, citty, city, city rake, wrench, tool, set, kit
Id: QcQL2oP8kyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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