Mufti Menk on Hijaab, Niqaab & the Beard

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the question is a very important question and you will notice my answer I will tackle it from the reality before I say the question and the answer I want you to understand one thing what I'm about to say can be misunderstood so please don't misunderstand it if you have any misunderstandings raise your hand and stop me here and now the question is and listen very carefully what lie it is a deadly question is it compulsory in these days for a woman to cover her face that's the question the answer is every woman who is listening to me now you are on a certain level maintain that level if it is within the frame of the Sharia with an intention of getting to the next one and strive towards getting to the next one meaning when I say maintain it meaning don't go back on it that's what I meant if Allah has granted you the ability to put a scarf on your head don't ever remove it and try to get to the next stage if Allah has granted you the ability to wear a niqab don't ever remove it and try to get to the next stage if Allah has granted you the ability to cover even those eyes of yours and just put a little a few holes in the you know flap maintain it get to the next level if Allah has granted you the ability to wear a cloak maintain it and get to the next level if Allah has granted you the ability to wear a thick loose cloak maintain it and get to get to the next level if Allah has granted you the ability to wear a cloak or a burqa from your head going down so that even the shape of your shoulders is not shown maintain it and go to the next level if Allah has granted you the ability to abstain from speaking to now muharram maintain it and go to the next level if Allah has granted you the ability to do a job and to cover your face even from those who work for you of the opposite sex maintain it and go to the next level subhanAllah so I'm sure you can see the levels that I'm speaking about I have dodged the question and I intend to dodge it intentionally the reason is I don't want to give people who are trying you know sad news so that they feel you know we are useless everyone who is trying try harder there is no level that you can get to and say you know what now I've arrived Subhan Allah what Allah hey I tell you something even to do a hijab from your own gardeners and maids it's a requirement of the Sharia did we know it that's a level have you got to it if you haven't there it is aim for it get there Allahu Akbar I know of a woman subhanAllah no muslimah she accepted Islam a few years ago she has a swimming pool in a house well Allah he/she will pack away everybody before she goes in swim from Han Allah everyone is gone outside the gate and the yard out gone besides her and the females that are they'd unlike this is it she won't speak to her maids sorry to her to her gardeners those who work for him that is a level though to speak to a male who is a stranger within the limits of the Sharia for necessity is permissible you need to go to the doctor and speak to him it is permissible within the limits you don't become too friendly remember the doctors a good man you are a good woman but Shaitan is not good Allah same applies you need to speak to Mawlana Mawlana is a good man you might be a good woman but don't get too friendly and this is why my policy is and I'm mentioning it here today my wife is actually seated here the reality is if someone contacts me I'm speaking of a female yes I will respond and I will try to help as much as possible the minute I feel they are becoming a little bit too friendly I will tell them you know what email me affects me subhanAllah that's it alas because now we will adhere to I am a good man in sha allah and she is probably better than me in sha allah but Shaytan is worse than both of us and this is why I say we always need to check ourselves Allah so this is the answer for your question dodged isn't it you must be upset but never mind in sha allah may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us the ability to get to the level beyond the one where we are no matter where you are let's get to the next level don't look at those who are trying you know what is said sometimes those who cover their faces and please don't be insulted sometimes some of them would tend to look down upon those who haven't covered their faces do you know that it is your duty to call them towards the obedience of Allah sometimes we look at a Muslim lady in a miniskirt may Allah grant them all guidance our dua the night of laila to qatar make dua Allah all those women who are astray Allah help them make them strong and make us also stronger Allah they might be astray in one thing you might be astray in 10 things subhanAllah they might have a weakness in terms of dress you might have a weakness and you might be committing zina itself one is zina of the eyes and the other is the real Xena which is worse so let us always not look down upon others and you need to say Allah there might be a deal or two of hers which you love Ya Allah grant a acceptance make her from amongst those who will be able to be obedient to your command and grant agenda also we go around spreading rumors firstly we don't even want to greet such people and I'm not speaking to the males to go out and greet the women in miniskirt slap don't misunderstand me I'm speaking to the females sometimes you know it's a Muslim lady talk to us and I'm alaikum how are you being might don't speak about that topic initially become friends with her first win her heart then we'll llahi without even you saying anything you'll notice in skirts playing longer and longer and longer insha allah and amazing sometimes we wear the longest of skirts but from the top it becomes a little bit too low allahu akbar and we begin to show our chest and part of it Allah ho Akbar may Allah protect us remember I'm firing directly we are all in Sun we know what is going on around us so we need to deal with this sometimes we wear a cloak and a scarf and this is something very very important that scarf is tied in such a way that there is a gap between the scarf and the top of our cloak sometimes a lot of our chest is actually showing and do you know when a person is covered when a woman is covered she looks much more beautiful than when she's subhanAllah she's much more attractive Subhan Allah do you know why I can tell you why when I used to do art at school I'm actually an artist to be honest with you but what we were taught is you know you must leave some lines because beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder let the eye make that line different eyes will make different lines you know you shade in a ball for example you shade in part of it and the other part leave it blank but I will make that line for you so what happens when the woman is covered head-to-toe your imagination makes her a louse that's it so she is more beautiful than she really is Subhan Allah may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala grant us the ability to understand and the women the ability to understand that really you are much more beautiful in your hijab Subhan Allah it is Allah I've read a lot of articles of the new Muslim women who will tell you a lie I feel liberated now I'm not worried about this and that and how many centimetres and they are called these pouches that you get on the side of life they are normal they are a good science of Han Allah Masha Allah so may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us the ability to be as best as possible try harder wherever you've got to don't stop rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told not to stop until the point of death subhanAllah so surely we need to walk up the ladder for ever and ever may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant us the ability the sisters some of them might be cursing me so I need to also mention a few words for the brothers well Allah he wherever we have got let us get to the next level if Allah and I always mentioned this people ask me about the beard and I always say you know what what you need to do start off and I said this at the university the few weeks ago if you don't have a beard what you need to do Subhan Allah firstly you need to understand that listen we are meant to be having a beard that is one thing secondly don't be depressed what you do if you are weak and you can't keep one altogether then start off when you are shaving leave a few strands right at the bottom here something known as a goatee Subhan Allah keep a few years at least that is the beginning of a beard isn't it subhanAllah you are worried about the trends that is also in style subhanAllah so you keep a little goatee and every time you shave one hair on this side and one here on that side you live by the time the year finishes how many years will they be 365 by the time the next year finishes how many will there be and subhanAllah you can actually work your way through to that beard that you won't even notice of an Allah but we need to think of these ideas in Shara and therefore I myself I don't look down upon those who don't have a beard because they might have other deeds and I don't have I know of some people where I come from beardless people but all I they have served Islam even more than I have Subhan Allah because they have protected Islam and protected the Muslims of the country that I come from from the level of the government they have added in laws to protect all of us I did not been Allah to use them we might have today not been able to enjoy the freedoms we are enjoying so Allah is different worshippers to save this deal in Allah Allah UAE to have a teeny bit red jewel in Foggia famous hadith Allah will use a sinner to serve this Deen also sometimes may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala use us and I hope that message has also come across some ham
Channel: Imaan Boost TV
Views: 531,953
Rating: 4.8662968 out of 5
Keywords: Mufti Menk, Ismail Menk, Islam, hijaab, the, beard, Sunnah, quran
Id: idl3woywMmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2012
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