Mudlarking & Metal Detecting the Thames Foreshore London - Thames Treasures

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hi everyone firstly thank you very much indeed for your comments and feedback on my last video as usual I very much appreciate them now last July and December I travelled across London to Putney from my usual stomping ground in southeast London to meet up a friend and fellow mudlark Tobias Neto and this video is a combination of these two outings Tobias is generally a metal detectorists tour as I search eyes only but sometimes I could be persuaded to get behind the metal detector for a little while now Tobias also has a YouTube channel I'll put the link on here so that you can go and have a look and at some point in the not-too-distant future I expect he'll be telling the story of his once-in-a-lifetime find that every mudlark metal detectorists with dreamer in december 2015 Tobias found an 1854 November Victoria Cross medal as you can imagine this is a huge thing for anybody to find something like that and it's now in the house of the National Army Museum where soon hopefully it will be available for everyone to see but I'm sure that at some point this year Tobias will tell the story of that in one of his YouTube's so thank you very much for accompanying us I hope you enjoy it and see you again soon now today I am meeting up with friend and fellow Madlock Tobias Neto and we're meeting at Putney summer I don't come very often at all so this is going to be very interesting here we are that we're just getting up to the river [Applause] oh look at that beautiful heron look at that is an e respondent zoom in on him we don't get them down my way look about hedge feather hello buyers sorry I'm late so this is Tobias the amazing Tobias mess house great friend and fellow mudlark so now we're Putney somewhere but I don't come very often and where are we going Tobias walking all the way up yeah it's just different I tend to stay in my little area I should get out more really so umm yeah we've got about two hours and wait till it's no tries and fires even shortly wearing clothes for that it's not incredible that is a first so yes well done twice you've succeeded where many others have failed so Tobias is going to do some detecting around here and I'm going to have a look around bye I yeah this is totally different terrain answer to where I usually go so I wonder how the fines will be different anything interesting what have you got so just I can't see anything back in here there George the third over [Music] well Tara yeah oh he's smiling or if you got yeah really oh my god we can ID the quench girl sorry yes yes yes George the third I think it says 1806 on it George the third is it yes it is was it yeah that's a beautiful condition so I guess they've really are advantages to having to tend to something as of course I'd never find that eyes how many times out of 10 do you think it is that you detect something and then it turns out to be just an old piece of metal I guess you have to investigate it yeah it's a little Allie Cobb child's game like a little dice I mean I call them Allie gobs what would you call it yeah yeah yeah a couple of those very nice little dice game that kids used to play number one fine we're doing well so I wonder where that comes from it's great dairy or brewery LCS Portland got their supplies I started three days three rounds is a corner that particular support yeah one day I found 4545 do you think they're from the wall oh it could be it could be around the world war ii period yeah interesting it's funny isn't it obviously it just seems to be such a lot for a militia and [Applause] [Music] well I found a little plastic bra plastic rozier factory many of those before [Music] interesting little fragment of pottery hair looks like a chicken with some it's just down here it looks like a little dominoes sticking out of the mud do you think that's boo that's true games I found that's a nice one so it's a game thief this day I've got an ally God fully expected to find a chess piece next what have you got oh yes can you see it might be some team it might be French but I'm not sure we could have a look after it well carrying on the theme of games pilot skipper so that means nine hour of Domino and a league orb and a plastic stipple as you can see that the terrain is so different here and where I usually goes very muddy here it's actually very evident here it's quite sandy litter around swell sadly we've reached a little bit of mud now having said that it was some sandy nobody you are heading right over there in the distance Oh what have you got is that an iPhone photos and things here there's a wallet here probably it was stolen and then chucked in the river girls just want to have fun yep yep they do girls just wanna have fun oh girls just wanna have just spotted a coin and it's probably very very modern let's have a look yes it's a penny it's a penny fine see a penny pick it up all day long you'll have good luck girls just wanna have fun oh he's a little yes look up here yeah what's on the other side is it plain yeah oh it's a oh it's s oh oh that's so cool it's an Esso plate I guess it's in the days when well probably they still have when they have their canteen in Esso County following Tobias's discovery I've just made my own discovery flip this plate over and look at another s oak plate great matching pair just found a piece of wood with a bit of metal but what's interesting it's nice isn't it yeah so it's got rain is gonna be somebody for us to look up and Sun can you breathe that ni gh Oh Oh Nicholson you can say that is yeah that's that's interesting isn't it Ron REE so Nicholson Bromley well anyway it's certainly that's on the other side curious isn't it [Music] well that's going to be fun I wonder if it's a name or a company that's beautiful did you get that with the detector thank you I do love that so here we are doing him some mud locking metal detecting and me just searching my eye I'm still not converted to detecting I still prefer such shaking surface how's it going to come right no signals yet fully expecting any goes a hummock coin yet what was your experience so I've handed the sector back to Tobias now he's already found something oh it's quite a large percentage like the why that's let's give it a beautiful boy Zoe yes that's a nice butt oh it's an RAF button I think this is nice isn't it since it's the 100th centenary anniversary this year it is yes you should for an RAF burn see I've been using the detector for about 15 minutes and then Tobias comes along and ten seconds later he's found a button please say that again like place right time okay yeah but a bit of expertise thrown in as well that's that's beautiful you [Music] [Music] well I might not be very good at detecting for at least 18th century but yeah didn't you find it Metal Detectors see they don't see what's right in front of their eyes so busy looking for gold we spot the Heron over there hiding amongst the seagulls [Music] oh dear well we are finding a variety of things today aren't we [Music] how long have you been detecting longer terms how long have we detecting I would say four years [Music] what's your YouTube channel very important to M gob - and so do go over and check out Tobias's youtube channel [Music] [Music] well here is my fall from today my ISO plates which bias is coming back Laden down with warnings and things let's seal some modern coins aren't they they're modern okay so plates my truck I've got a few games going on here Domino's an alley Bob that would be from the 19th century expect children used to play with those plastic skittle some teeth plastic wrong now there's this relational trick there's so much you get to leave here and this is a stopper here with LC s on it but my favorite find my find of the day is this which I'm not terribly sure what it is at the moment but it has a name on it it's got Nicholson Bromley and so I'm looking forward to looking up Nicholson and Bromley Nicholson probably see what the story is with them and of course I've got my part of earring which Tobias has given me very kindly it's been nice discovering someone new I tend to stay in my little area during my expedition so this is really across the other side of London from where I usually am so it's interesting just to see different terrains and the different types of things that you might find [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I'm back at home now before we take a closer look at just a few of the objects that I found with Tobias I wanted to give you a little peek at my new studio space I've been moving it from my studio where it was before and I'm very grateful to Peter Carey my stepdad for helping to set it all up and put shelves up and things so I've got a porthole here in the window we have a little peek through very pleased of it and he's been putting up shelves quite madly so that I can get some of my things up on them this section here is the lost tens toys section all these toys were found washed up on the riverbank so there's some also a little plastic toys which I should do something with eventually quite a few containers full of them containers of fines and some of the treasures that I've picked out of the Thames murder it's really like my Haven in here being surrounded by these things that I love and or firstly here is this piece of woods with this round metal piece here which on it says Nicholson Bromley II and I'm not sure what this piece of wood would have come from some kind of crate perhaps so if you do have any ideas let me know but I do think that the Nicholson is related to the three Mills distillery in Stratford which dates right back to the mid 18th century and now I'm not sure if they're still there but it's Nicholson gin so I do think that there is a link between this and the three males distillery and as always looking it up I came across a a rather tragic story one of the managing directors a mr. Nicholson Godfrey Nicholson I think he was trying to rescue some people who were down well and he himself along with two others became overcome with poisonous gas and they died and there's now a memorial to them just near some pool station in London the memorial after this terrible accident where several people were overcome with gas down the well fear is the SA plate there are two through it's quite a surprise to come across these two plates and even more surprising to find out that they're actually quite vintage themselves and they're in such good condition they were made by G R line and Grindley Hotel where and date back to the 1960s this is an old s Oh logo and presumably they would have come out of their canteen but yeah they have some age to them themselves so quite a fun find there so thank you very much for watching everyone and see you again soon [Music] in a safe place I got room to breathe then on taste but at last I'm free [Music] these are fools I knew I could I'm PC nothing like the city where it catching up I got hungry for the sunny hi mountaintops so we'll need some plants and dreams to catch [Music] see the blue sky get the Russian heaven [Music] on a journey on aligning [Music] for the sunny high so I made some plants and dreams to catch the fire [Music]
Channel: nicola white mudlark - Tideline Art
Views: 90,786
Rating: 4.9569211 out of 5
Keywords: london mudlark, london mudlarking, uk mudlark, uk mudlarking, mudlark, mudlarking, river thames, thames, thames mudlark, thames mudlarking, metal detecting, detecting the thames, metal detecting london, dirt fishing, bottle digging, nicola white, nicola white tidelineart, nicholson bromley, esso, nicola white mudlark, military history
Id: 5O3dBvHfM7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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