Interesting finds at the beach - Aberystwyth sea and river in the rain!

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well there's air in the tire so we can go a little further afield so come with us now as we go along the course here in cardigan bay [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so well here we are back at aberystwyth so lexi will be happy because abrasive is a university town and we're going to have a look now up here on the north beach just behind us is the royal pier so a different bit of aberystwyth to share with everyone today hopefully some interesting buildings some interesting views but also if the sea goes out a bit some interesting finds come on let's have a look hello from a very cold and stormy aberystwyth we're going to have a look on the beach when the tide goes out a little bit further but for now we're going to go for a wander up the prom and see what's right up there hello mr johnson hello i found this bit of sand and i noticed that if you scrape away this seems to be something underneath it is this signs of an ancient civilization underneath the beach wow do you think the storms have washed away so much sand that this is dating right back to the romans well it's not it's just that the sea has been so rough here at aberystwyth it has washed all this sand up onto the prom so underneath is the very nice paving which is now covered in an inch or sore sand oh well we'll keep looking for something a little older the sea is just there we're not going too close because it's very dangerous today but i thought i'd show you some of these beautiful pebbles look at that isn't that lovely with the lines through it and we got this sort of thing with some marbling in and there's this which it's got like lilac raining that's really nice let's have a look what else we can see you can see all the different shades really lovely oh this is a nice one that's quite green yes i like that oh i like far too many stones here today that's a nice one again i have to resist temptation look they're so pretty that one's very pink another nice one and oh i like that whoops drop one oh the last one i'm going to pick up honestly really is this one here oops can i drop that one oh i can't help it sorry i want that one as well right back to put these in phil's bag and then we're going to be good no more collecting stones do you think phil's going to get caught in the water whoops yes good girl what have you got two bits of sea glass oh yes they're only little but at least i think they see glass yep oh well done i haven't found any sea glass yet oh it's very difficult in these tiny stalls yes you look there you've got to watch the squeeze at the same time yes i don't think we're going to get drenched today but because the tide is on the way out you just have to keep one eye on it well that's the first you actually found some china on the beach do you think that's plain or patterned it is plain but i think it's possibly been washed to death in this water and the patterns actually come off we find that a lot around these beaches we'll have a little look around this area here the grounds are pretty well worn and rotted but they're still gathering things so there's always a chance is that metal no it's a bit of plant oh it's very slippery trying to walk up tables going from underneath your feet here we've got some driftwood and what's that red under there ah part of a plastic sign i think we've got a couple more of these sharks purses some people call them oh three there they all hatched out more bits of more wood pebbles i am going to resist motorcycles well you wouldn't need ever to buy logs you could just come to the beach every day if you look here and run your log fire on beach logs oh we missed phil getting him wet i heard a shout and he was running out of the water is an interesting one now i know i said i wasn't going to collect any more and i have got this much but look at that oops oh no there is just far too many nice stoves i love that i also love this look at that that's absolutely standing on this another one one stripy one sporty oh that is just gorgeous oh i can't leave it here i've got to take it with me aha i found a painted stone there that's definitely got paint on it [Music] let's have a look at this woodland finds co dot uk woodland finds dot uk or just uk ah it's just an address right that's a little bit of a plain pebble then we'll leave that there we were looking down checking out the stones and we've lost phil again he's terrible to wandering off we've got to be so careful with these waves what are you doing in there you found anything exciting oh they're nice there's a few little bits of sea glass well wool oh look at that it's almost like a cave it's not really really deep let's go have a look sorry it's a bit bouncy and bumpy but underfoot as you can see is very open i would imagine in like a thousand years this is going to be well either completely collapsed into the sea or a lovely big cave what's that is that a tail no yes it's a big ship oh watchful phone oh that's a prettier one than ours it's about there just a second the light thank you very nice look at the difference phil found a really pretty one under the seaweed this is an interesting phenomenon we often see in wales on the beaches and that's these little dark spots on the pebbles and there's a reason for that and that's because in wales it's either raining it's just stopped raining or it's going to rain and as you can see more spots are appearing it started raining pop your braille yeah quick whoa we're getting soaked it's gonna rain it's raining look at that i'm gonna stretch in the rain the weather is definitely stormy today and the waves are pretty big but nothing like they were in the 1860s that's when the pier was built and just a year or so after it was built a big storm took out 30 meters of the pier which in total length is 244 meters that was a bit of a setback took a while to repair and to get the confidence of the people to go out onto the pier again and then the next thing that happens a few years later they claim somebody left a pipe burning and the next thing you know the pier was burning because everything was timber back then so the pier burned down but somebody bought it this time they used cast iron and then in the 1890s down came the prince of wales to open the pier yet again which is probably why it's called the royal pier well we're going to walk towards the pier now and see what we can find on this beach come on now this you couldn't quite describe the sand is more grit isn't it below the gritty sand the top layer is all these little tiny teeny pebbles that haven't quite gone small enough to be classed as sand i don't know maybe there's some sort of benchmark that you can find out when suddenly become sand but i don't think that is is it oh there's another broken shell her face either more stones but i'm not picking in here i'm going to be very well behaved are you impressed well don't tell phil but i did pick this one up because i thought that would be fun to paint and that could be a snowy mountain and then i can paint the sky above there with a christmas tree pops but that's our little secret don't tell me ah now these steps are supposed to be quite big but the sand is all washed up so most of the steps are under the sand so we've only got when we get off the beach four steps to get to the prom but the prom is understand there you are the sandy prom oh you can bring your bucket and speed and just play on the prom well it's warmer than you than out there and less windy so now it's time to open the flask and enjoy a nice freshly baked roll for coffee but what have you got in your roll mr johnson i've got cheese in my roll and in a moment i'm going to pop some cheese and onion crisps in with it oh you are so classy sophistication oh a chef on the go this is a lovely little paddling pool so if you can't get down on the beach because of this high tide or perhaps your children don't like walking on the sand you can bring them to paddle in this little pool here but there's a bit of a problem because of the roughness of the seas look at this end there's no water it's just sand rocks and the odd pigeon you can tell just how crazy these tides get pigeon wants to know why you think he's odd [Music] [Music] so [Music] so it's a long way down to the beach there are loads of stone steps and i couldn't get down there with my tiki knees so i sent spill down he's a wonderful little guinea pig he's going to wander around and have a look underneath the pier see if there's anything worth collecting meanwhile we'll stand up here and just enjoy the view [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll tell you something now that you'll probably remember and we'll drive you bonkers when you watch videos of the horizon now there's the end of the pier and if i just turn around you can see the horizon starts to tip until eventually all the water's going to run off the side of the earth and that happens a lot because you tend to get distracted and you just turn not looking at the horizon so what you need to do is turn and as i'm turning i'm watching constantly that horizon and keeping it nice and level well as level as possible so now when you look at videos of people at the seaside recording or even just looking at a flat horizon on the land you'll notice it go like that because it's panning around and it will drive you completely bananas sorry i told you now you could never oh forget got a handle or something there must be something interesting down there what you got yeah oh shells yeah i don't like it as many of you know phil doesn't like heights and it's quite a drop down there oh what you got that's how they get your treasure no sea glass no china no nothing no nothing that means it's something double negative ten times all right you've got that nice flat stove if you have a paint on like a christmas tree isn't it that one someone was suggesting yes you can put a wick and run wax in there oh yes i put them on a dinner table what i use them for is putting my glue in my pva glue what i'm making craft it's a nice little deep one oh yeah that's a nice one then i spotted these which i thought were ever so nice see they're sort of iridescent very funny oh yes they are nice they're so serious they're the bottoms off these i think yeah i think that oh that's pretty i love these scallop shells whatever the size i think they're really cute so we better pop them in the bag and then put the umbrella up crazy rain again main feature of a welsh holiday lately is rain twice your feet away and twice it is poured down could be something to do with the practice december oh yes i suppose so there we go right on away here we go [Music] so [Music] do [Music] where are we now mr johnson we're not at the beach we are the sea is just over that wall there's the sea here is the river a streth which you can only assume aberystwyth took its name from so we've got two choices due to the fact the wind is blowing in off the sea i suggest we have a go at a bit of a medlock on the river i don't know how close we can get and how deep the water is at the edge but we have a look and maybe there's mud maybe there's not maybe this treasure maybe there's not let's go have a look well it's windy it's drafty and it's cold but i still think we should go in the water what do you think oh come on pop your wellies on and here we are we have a little look don't forget shout if you see something some seaweed in the river can you see what i can see it's the bridge pottery what is a medlock without rich pottery hmm i've come out of the water because it is just so cold on my toes but i've spotted something it's big white thank you what do you think that is oh it's a shell it's nice but i thought it was some sort of china figurine that had smashed but it's not it's a pretty shell so many pebbles i think we should throw one in the water which one should we throw what about this one everything's so slimy here we go oh and another one oh phil's going to throw one oh look at that too skim no we're very good at splashing though he watches squash now i picked up this bit of white but i didn't turn the camera on because it looked a bit boring i was beginning to think we're not going to find anything pretty along here and then i saw this it's a pretty piece of blue and white so without a huge amount of vines so far but we can go up a little bit further i've got to be careful it's really slippery underfoot i don't know if you can see all the green algae on everything so i can't film and look where i'm going so that's why i'm not doing very much filming as i walk along here i have spotted something amazing can you see it there now as you all know we're in wales and this seems to be either some dragon skin or a fossil part of a dragon look at the pattern on that do you think i found a fossilized part of dragon or a piece of dragon skin because their skin is very tough and would survive hundreds of years after they die oh wow what have you got mr johnson i have treasure oh genuine treasure genuine treasure that infused gold doubloons oh that's pretty see it's not patented it is it's only a tiny little bit but there is a pattern on it oh a lump of frosted river glass bottom of the bottle i tell you it looks like doesn't it oh that's nice is there any sunshine green plain plain and and my treasure oh show us your treasure oh wow it's monet's treasure wow genuine treasure oh wow a pound coin hey the drinks are on phil definitely elizabethan queen elizabeth ii's on the top yeah we've given up on the river it's just too dangerous it's very slippery not worth falling over for so we're walking along the path and something caught my eye now what do you think it is what do we always find on a mud lock is it a shopping trolley is it a ball is it some ridge pottery is it a dog it's a practice golf ball what is a mud without a ball with this field coming up from the river path and there's another path here and over that big tank of pebbles can you hear the sea should be over the brow of that pebble hill i'll turn the camera off because it's going to be a very bumpy ride that's a noisy ocean i wouldn't say it's very likely we're going to find any sea glass down here but you never know it's always worth checking apparently there are places out here with lots of sea glass but nobody tells anybody where they are it's a secret [Music] i've just found this pebble and come up with a really good idea i haven't got a posca pen this is the color of a gingerbread man well that is more gingerbread than my pasta pens that i have so i'm going to take that home and see if i can do anything with that and make it look like a gingerbread man and straight buns mainly gray in this part of the picture these don't look very natural do they anything painted on them no name that's nice all the colors of the scene and a big fat candy gloss or cotton candy no china no grass no shells no three lucky stones yes one wishes stolen [Music] it's a red almost hard shaped fishing stone oh yes very nice red wishes if you're running short or wishes come down to aboriginal beach you'll find plenty and according according to what i've read yes there's all kinds of rules tuition storms but one is you give them to someone else and their wishes come true so there we go dear three wishes here wishes thank you bye little genie [Music] [Music] [Music] uh-huh we seem to have found another lookout box or pillbox let's go up and check it out phil's keen he's going on ahead already oh that's a long way down i think we'll have to be very careful on this path hopefully that phil doesn't look down there because he'll get all giddy can we get in no they've cemented at the entrance here right and all the windows see the bricks right oh yes but unlike the other end up the north where we've got the castle from centuries ago this is sea defenses world war ii style yes look at this it could dated by the corrugated iron that they used to shatter in when they were covering it it's a very cold and blustery day hold on to your hat mr johnson [Music] and here we are at another beach we were previously over there on the river on the beach and you can see oh i'm really good at this this is the century box or pill box we just went to see and now we're going on to the beach here and phil has already spotted some all right bricks let's have a look at the beach in this area and see what we can find this seaweed smaller seaweed i wonder if that's relevant it's none of the big stuff it's just all this very fine delicate seaweed's very pretty i've got lots of bits of broken brick there's a bit of yellow one with a hole and we've got an orange one and we've got a little bit of something that's been washed to death not look like a pebble it's already been decorated to look like it's under the sea and it's not it's just little bits of seaweed have stuck themselves to it oh that's a pretty color it's very burgundy purple and this i thought was going to be some stoneware but i think it is just a piece of stone here's another bit of pre-built house i reckon over the years we found enough bits like this we could join them all together to make a nice little bungalow or this looks like a me foie ice slices some people call them a custard slice very nice you could eat it if you had very strong teeth and what's this oh no that's interesting it's a bit of stone and it's got like some strata running through the middle which makes it look like it's an egg about to hatch or maybe it is a fossilized dinosaur egg we are in wales you never know and look at this oh it's another pretty one one bit of advice i would give you if you have a problem when you see stones like this and all the other beautiful stones i see and you can't leave them behind don't come to aberystwyth you'll never manage to resist uh-huh i found some river glass or sea glass oh it's not very smooth just go like a fluted edge so i think it's recently smashed off something but has been dumped for quite a while oh what have you got yours are a bit bigger than mine it is isn't it but mine's smoother it is like a baby's bottom well phil has not much success of finding bricks with names on but i found this bit here which is a bit of wall again that's got bricks and stones oh that's nice yes i think ah corner they all were done like that for the corner very pretty yeah engineered for the corner very nice and they found a nut not a hazelnut not a cheese nut not a walnut but a metal nut i found a bike it's rather rusty i don't think it's going to be rideable i wonder if somebody dropped it in the river accidentally whether they fell off it landed in the river with it or whether it's been dumped could be anything but there's also bits of metal here as well so maybe this is where the rivers dropping metal off because who's a big chunk of something terribly exciting look at that i would say that is one of those feet off scaffolding pipes and put it down and that little sticky a bit would stick up you put your scaffolding pipe over there that's my idea what do you think am i right am i wrong uh-huh it's more of this terracotta and that's the rim off something with the glazing still on now that could easily be terracotta couldn't it till you pick it up you see there's some of the lines of the different stone that's a really pretty caramel color it looks like a toffee lump of fudge time to do a round up and a dog has decided to join in that's all right he's far enough away yes all right let's have a look oh you found some interesting things now then before you go looking at everything yes i've given this just a two-piece plainer pattern so it could be a draw it could be an outright win it could be a total lose but what do you think two pieces well let's play plano patterns [Music] all right this one i'm going to say oh there's two so i'm going to have a look at them both i'm going to say that one has got some writing on i don't know what i'm basing that on oh no it's patent but it doesn't have any writing on i'd say that's fairly modern but really well-worn look a nice big chunk but i think that's probably one of these modern coffee mugs you get from like amsters or something and this thing i'm going to go for oh now is this plain so they were one of each or is phil tricking me and there's something on there okay i'm going to risk it i'm going to say patent oh look at that yep two nil that's right i was walking towards this rock to set up my scrap and i found them just there walking up found virtually nothing all along and then found two pieces of china in one go there we go typical right then let's have a look what you got then i've got this which you go up in the bin that's a cartridge and there's a bit of unusual sea glass yes amazingly it is not broken yet no because that is sharp as stink if it do break so that can get in the bin as well right it's not safe so we take that a little bit of glass with the ribs on yeah top of a jar jam jar or something probably of course as always a bit of a marmalade pot strawberry pot it's going to have it's called one little ridge there so it's going to be a wide ridge one and this is just a little bit i just found interesting because it was that way up and it had a bit of a shape there and when i picked up it was glazed could well be off a sewer pipe it could be but quite lightly what do you reckon it's a sewer pipe or is that something really interesting and then i was looking for bricks but i did get a little bit of tile all right that's nice a little bit of probably quarry tile off the floor or perhaps a corner of a brick could be yes come off the brick hmm now looking at it what made me think was looking at the sort of size of the brick there yes could well be a bit of a brick this brick now i should know this because i know i've seen that before riyaban and tara tell us something terracotta terraformer i don't know viabon antera something we'll have to check that out and then we've got just a couple of little bits and pieces not sure what that indentation is is that just a chunk out i haven't seen a fossil in our area that looks like that so it could be a fossil oh it's a hard fossil look at that it could be wasted very pretty marine animal was clamped on or something could be or is it just a mark in the storm what do you think it's pretty hard oh there's a heart stone oh assume that didn't fit isn't it there we go our heart there and a heartbeat and come on playing our patent oh i'm going for it can't be three in a row playing oh i give up hey and then my scrap oh scrap no this is quite modern scrap is that off a bit of scaffolding or something i think i think it could be off the bottom of a pier yeah it's a bit more structured than a scaffolding piece that's very well done there something must have gone through there a boat perhaps came up threw it out something top of the railings maybe this oh i like that copper i love that sort of thing three one look and yeah obviously a hammer fit you tight or you should say hand tight but you could see us being hit by a hammer because it's a bit bent yeah tap it down tight but is there words on there let's have a look i think there may be possibly lock something right here no this i thought was metal oh it looks like a doorknob but i think it's speaking no speaker like that's nice is it one of those things you stand under your furniture could well be to stop your furniture rolling the casters sticking in the carpet rolling around the place but it could be the lid off a glass jar possibly i'm not sure but speaker like oh it was that way down so it looked rusty so i know more scrap for me a bit of scrap i end well that's definitely scrap yes i like that bit of cast it was my favorite my favorite find of the day oh that's a spike that's a dick into a spike a dick into a spike that's a solid bit of spike that is i spiked something long ago so why is that your favorite why do you like this spike because that's handmade and it served a purpose right somebody at some point 100 plus years ago perhaps when they were building the pier decided they needed this they made this and they drove it into place it's all fallen down it's been washed away and then i found this spike i like it i like it well if you've enjoyed our little jaunt along the coaster please give us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe and you'll know whenever we print out a video especially if you ding that bell for notifications but most importantly as we tell you every time i'm telling you this time until the next time have fun bye bye
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 6,510
Rating: 4.9304895 out of 5
Keywords: BEACHCOMBING wales, beachcombing wales aberystwyth, things to do wales, stormy weather at the beach, stormy weather wales, collecting pebbles from the beach, collecting pebbles to paint, interesting finds beach, finding old bricks, finding things in the river, finds from the past, out and about on the river, phil and caroline, something to watch when your bored, manky panda
Id: AO2l03L_ge0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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