Looking for old bricks, bottles, fossils and more! See our finds!

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let's go mud locking [Music] yes today in this special video we're going to be exploring the world of bricks as we explore the country we'll be going all across wales we'll be visiting interesting places we'll be going up and down the country to the south and to the north and hopefully bringing you some footage that you'll enjoy not only the fines but also the scenery and of course a little bit of history too because as everyone out there will know who watches our videos regularly somehow i've become a bit synonymous with a particular phrase but as you see here yes i do use it quite often but i'm not the only one a powder brick i found a brick oh well done bring it over we'll have a look phil has gone wandering i'm left all on my own but i have found a brick this is a nice one i've never seen one of these before atlas yes caroline two has been known to come out with the phrase i found a brick but probably not as often as i do but i have heard from so many in the comments that this is a phrase that's going around the world and in fact some people tell me that their other off often shouts out i found a brick with a very clear welsh accent which is lovely it's nice to share the joy and there is a joy in bricks i never would have thought you do those words come out of my mouth before i started my blocking a brick was a brick was a brick but now as you see i've got a display here on the shelves some i can't display because they're already cemented into the project out in the garden i've got new projects planned for the spring which we want to share with you but it's the names it's it's the places it's the history and it's the sense in which these things had a purpose they served that purpose perhaps for over a hundred years and now they turn up you there and everywhere for instance the one that caroline just found there atlas now that was a new one to us and when i looked it up and did a bit of research we realized that it had traveled a bit of a distance not from the furthest point that it may have come from because there was an atlas brick company at new york in america there's also one in ohio in america so they could have come across the channel but that didn't happen too often but they did come from outside of wales and beyond england because there was an atlas brick company and that was located in west lothian in scotland so that brick had come a few miles for us to find it here in the valleys of wales in a river and here are a few more local finds in local rivers that we've discovered during our medlocking adventures some letters here all right i don't know which of this we can get pd1 oh that's a big lump of rock but stone what is it the brick is it is it a marker to see i've seen those um they sign that there's something underneath the pavement or the road when they need to dig it up like a water main or a drain of course that's my guess first thing that comes to mind when i see the letters pd which i'm not saying is relevant on this occasion it's powell different all right yes because paul defran with a company that owned the mines around here right so i'm not saying this is necessarily linked to that it could be something completely different but the pds that's what i used to call it right they they weren't a popular bunch with the working men obviously and the reference was to pd's right what about that there is there another one let's see if there's pd on this one and it's a pd1 or pd some other number it's a bit more worn troll bridge stower bridge stower bridge something brothers i can't quite make it out and that's interesting i wonder if there are any more of them this was a look here's some writing over here on this one oh no a and jay reddery brick before it's an engineering brick it's very heavy it's very heavy and very thin possibly an engineering brick or a brick for a tunnel oh yes could be you know where they put them all like this all the way down do they make that noise it does it always makes that noise whenever they go oh interesting you didn't know that you learned that here and if you believe that you believe anything all right still found something let's go have a look sounds exciting careful where you tread everyone this ground is really uneven and every now and again you get a piece where you start to sink so just be a little bit careful oh wow just already found some good stuff very smashed but that's the price you pay for the storm something in evans a-s-i-c thomas and evans because that's a good welsh name arty here to probably pause probably or possibly the pop factory originally we'll have to have a look oh now he's our plane our patent oh that's pretty we like that oh it dropped a bit a nice job that's a big jar i don't know if they made marley jars in that size or whether it was something else quite a substantial chunker or is that is that what i think it is oh yes it is we have never found a clay pipe so close to home it's only the stem but still look at that are you impressed i'm impressed i've heard the prick oh yes what's on this brick let's have a look it's what we've seen before right now on the race for which one we've got the most of but i'll have to check on today but i did read up this week um in answering a comment to someone that in 1955 the evervale brickworks produced 20 million bricks in a year that's a lot probably explains why we find the odd one or two and i think trigger probably produced somewhere to you the same yep well let's keep looking it's time to break let's have a look what have you found mr johnson i would say if you have a look carefully south yes rwanda oh yes south rhonda a brick from the rhonda valley there's a big old gnaw tree above us this magical grotto beneath it more water seeping in over there you can see a lot of this iron that's coming out from underground leaching into the rivers not very nice stuff but at least it's a pretty color it's got a brilliant brick no brick i found a very very good trick right on there what's your brick yeah now see it's not tradiega no star brick company is it oh yes [Music] big company a-u-f-o-r-t profit brick company limited there we go there you go well there was quite a collection there from various parts of wales this time they were within wales we had bricks from beaufort we had bricks from tradiga we often turn at bricks that are from around the area but it's interesting how many find themselves in one particular spot because industry was located there in one place and the demand was so great they came in from all over but of course that last brick that i picked up there that was a little bit of a climb not for a brick enthusiast again if someone had told me that i would go scrambling down the banking to fetch a brick then i'd have said they were mad but then i became a med locker and then i became as you can see a brick enthusiast and i hope that enthusiasm is passing over to others who go out walking the rivers and looking for historical finds because these are genuinely a link to history but that wasn't the only time that i went a little out of my way to pick up a brick as you can see here on this piece of footage phil has spotted a brick right the way down there that is a long way but he's determined he can get down so let's see if he breaks the leg now there's nothing i can do i certainly can't drag him back up gravity is with me going down yeah it's gonna be funny seeing you come back to get back up if that hasn't got a word i don't know i'm in trouble even worse if it says possibly does i've looked down on the beach and i can't see anything that's going to lure me down an eight-foot drop well what's the verdict it says tradiga yeah right yes there's something else on there oh look ncb ncb now whether that's national call board something else but ncb trading fairly nice so worth risking life finland he says that he hasn't climbed back up yet well we're under the new bypass at podcast and i wouldn't normally chance this sort of drop because i don't think it's see behind me it's not sheer but it looks a bit slippery but i have spotted a brick so i'm sorry it has to be done i'll be back in a moment let's just hope there's something interesting on it see you in a minute [Music] so and back to brickman for an update on the brick situation the brick i started all the way you know i couldn't say written on it but saving the day one and three quarterbacks oh let's have a look at follow words we got eberville yep and although it's a little bit difficult to see that is another star brick company well worth the effort at least i think so yes those bricks i brought home but there are times when even i have to admit defeat it's not always possible to bring back the things you find as you'll see now on a trip over to the very eastern coast of wales where we discovered some bricks noted the name but had to leave them there what have you found i throw bricks let's have a look we won't be taking them home with us careful everyone is very slippery underfoot bricks oh wow what a lot of bricks gesture on the edge of that one i can get a camera down there i can only just bend over enough to see i think you're saying 24 are you water angled yes efficiently oh fishing line we've been getting stuck on me as well now we've got dexter's fingers and we're struggling getting it untangled from this marine life does this it's all the end of my grabber yeah let's see if we can pull it all out oh there's more is there yeah we take that home put it in the bin that's one thing it's a hobby but some creature may be saved from being killed by either eating that or getting tangled up in it it's quite fulfilling yes too heavy to carry too big to move sometimes the distance makes even single bricks difficult to retrieve because we've walked a mile or two miles through difficult terrain and carrying a couple of bricks back along with more delicate finds is really complicated but there are those days when it's not hard work at all those days when the sun shines the water is clear and the bricks just seem to appear on all sides such as our trip to the ancient wall town of aber giveni let's go there now and see the finds that we discovered there on a summer's day [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well we're down here at abergavenny and looking into this river it's looking good for finding bricks so let's go look for some bricks found a brick go have a look at phil's brick look at right let's have a look it may be a bit dark no there we go we can see another brick this is going to be a very good fine complex only problem is i have no idea what that's going to be unless they find the other alpha brick would you say that's a g dkn that's what i would say it isn't no even with the way the welsh language works that doesn't make sense no so i've got to keep looking for the other half a brick right i will keep searching i'll put this by half a second and then i'll see what else i can find oh look let's go ivy on it oh i like that and more plain here are three pieces i found another piece of glue this has got a bit of a pattern on it and that's plain plain oh that's the bottom of what you know it it's ridge pottery i risked my best trousers in the water and what do i end up with my second edleville brick of the day well then i can see a brick no no we'll find out in case you've had the other half of the answer to the mystery brick oh look at that we've got some spotty buttery that's lovely that's got to be whoops still alive and one of my favorite bits so far can you see the weir oh i think we need to see if we can get in further up this is a really nice piece of river to explore what do you think about big lump is we have a look i'd say that's probably you bend off a very old toilet what you're saying i'm not sure is that no no going coin i'd say never of that no we're going pb i haven't seen him before another one to go in my collection [Music] number two for little mill ponte pool but look how much clearer that's written because there was still mortal over that i just managed to scrape off pretty nice one hit it i got something new look at that they've written it look sort of down the brick see it's like a curve very artistic forfeit yes that was a wonderful trip and so many to add to the collection but as you saw there sometimes there's a repetition the the biggest number of bricks we have ever discovered is gotta be between epivale and tradiga but there it was little metal ponte pool it's all down to location it's down to who was the closest supplier with the largest quantity available at the time that the increase was going on because there was such a boom in building around here at the turn of the previous century when we were going from the 19th to 20th century it was massive houses being built so that people could live in them to work in the industries going down the mines and the mine buildings the engine houses everything had to be built and these were literally the building blocks of an industrial expansion that was colossal and now we get to pick them up one by one here and there sometimes half a dozen from the same place but that in itself tells us part of the story of that location because that's what it's all about for me everything in history the biggest part of the word history is story and the story is what matters to me that's why i love the names that's why i have on display you some of the names that we found some of those welsh names like talerie and of course one that i'll show you now in the film i've got two here that have got proper welsh names for those who like the sound of the welsh language another bit a brick let's have a look just to prove we are in welsh wales look at that for a word oh that's come it's definitely come let's have a look is it come corso come go so i see come ghosts do you think there's something lass a lot this is cool if you know where that is then let us know i viewed a ghost last could it become ghost glass it could become gold's glass yes this looks like an l you see this not glass there's a little pocket did you need a swirl you need wildlife can you see how you could get in there i don't think we'd better going through that it's a bit shallower here so i can use my hands oh that's got something on it firstly what about this oh yes moe patton again it's doing very well oh i got another breath oh dear the brick man has found another yeah that's not the word you heard often no well then everybody told them try saying ab a auburn yes on display today is the abbasakan brick right alongside tillery which is another boot that we found and just down here the same location as we found the tillery brick we have an the brick bit of welsh town names for those who enjoy the sound of the welsh language and i'm sure caroline will put up some of these names in legacy titles during the edit so that you can see them and practice the pronunciation yourself around the world but that is the beauty as i've said time and time again out of the word history the biggest portion is story and when you have a name on a brick you can find the story you can go on google you can look up the history you can see pictures of buildings that are no longer there that's why as excited as we are to find a brick that's come from scotland and found its way to wales we're all so excited to find the bricks from these local brick companies that don't exist anymore the one brick that we i went to collect on that banking had ncb tradiga from the time that the national coal board at nationalization back in the forties took over the production of the works there you won't see those letters anymore national call board doesn't exist british coal doesn't exist really all of our deep minds have gone but they're part of our history that i played a part in for i worked for the ncb that's where i did my apprenticeship when i left school at 16 years of age and i worked in the deep mines for 12 years so it is part of my story and these bricks bring that story to life but of course there is a problem they're in the water they've been there a long time and sometimes it's a struggle to try and decipher the history because they do get worn right i've got two more mystery bricks the one i'm completely at a loss with for sure and i'm so sad because it looks like it was a beautiful find this one here see there were two lines of writing along here and then there's see look at that deeply imprinted number there i wonder what that was now at first i thought that was a 19 in the beginning of a date but there's nothing imprinted after it and i think it's probably 61. yeah because these letters are definitely that way up two lines of right in d c e o or d g e o c e i wonder we'll see if you've got any idea what this brick is please let us know no i think it sometimes ebu vale did them in a stylized way and i think that's a w and that's a v right so i'm wondering if we've lost the e double b see the front yeah it could be it could have been the dot then e b b w and then v for ebu veil what else have you got there whether that oh that looks like the old holes offer cleaner the metal hose thing for a 1960s cleaner vacuum cleaner yeah that's quite possibly hmm and i've just noticed i didn't find this well i have now this here oh that's not natural is it no oh that's nice i don't know what it is ceramic possibly a bit of tile i don't think so it's that's done on the edge nicely oh i wonder could it be the part off a wash stand or something could be yeah see it's got a hole there it could have been fixed that end to the end and that was a long back of the wash down could well be yes and while worn bricks and difficult to read names are an issue occasionally on the rivers they're a much bigger issue when we visit the coast because the very turbulence of the water and the action of the sea that rounds the pebbles you can imagine what it does to the bricks but saying that as you're going to see now in the video there are still nice finds on the beach right so let's have a look at the beach in this area and see what we can find this seaweed smaller seaweed i wonder if that's relevant it's none of the big stuff it's just all this very fine delicate seaweed's very pretty i've got lots of bits of broken brick a little bit of yellow on with a hole and we got an orange one and we've got a little bit of something that's been washed to death [Applause] not look like a pebble it's already been decorated to look like it's under the sea and it's not it's just little bits of seaweed have stuck themselves to it oh that's a pretty color it's very burgundy purple and this i thought it was going to be some stoneware but i think it is just a piece of stone again very pretty there are so many pretty things over on this beach here's another bit of pre-built house i reckon over the years we found enough bits like this we could join them all together to make a nice little bungalow that looks like yes somebody's done the kinsagi is it the joining things together with gold and there's this one it's another pretty one these are a lovely clean looking color i don't know why i clean this that's what strikes this that's what i think of when i see these oh this looks like a me foie ice slices some people call them a custard slice oh no that's interesting it's a bit of stone and it's got like some strata running through the middle which makes it look like it's an egg about to hatch or maybe it is a fossilized dinosaur egg we are in wales you never know is this a tree what do you think no it's it's a catch or a latch off a door there's a bit i would imagine screws onto wood and then that flops do you think so interesting piece of metal isn't it i like that sort of thing what else can we see here lots of metal look at this whoa i don't know what that is it's oh i think it could be the holder or joiner for the cast iron down pipe oh it's got some rubber sealing here so yeah it's a down pipe or something like a sewer pipe and they join too with this big lump that's my guess what's this oh that's one of those electric things put your wires in well you used to put your wires in years ago what do you think this is copper yes now i think tell me if you think i'm right or wrong i think that is from an electrical heating element what do you reckon it's the right shape and size but it could be completely wrong oh another gummy bear piece of glass there is another one of those green stones all green glass it could be a solid green glass you need to find out does anybody know what have you found oh amazing a tiny little break oh that is cute and look it did have writing on but sadly even with my glasses i can't read it no it's got an itch in it okay i think possibly right hail possibly which is cornwall which isn't far from here well mr johnson what have you found i found that i thought that's pretty consistent oh yeah that's hot it's not sweet it was like to find a horseshoe one let's have a look a fork oh handy for a picnic some see some greens yeah any whites tiny bit of blue yes all the bitter blue are tiny today it is this one i thought of this right so it's a shell but if you feel it i'm pretty sure that's china it does seem to be china yes yeah i'm not taking my glove off because my hand is nice and warm now if i tap it blue and white oh it's blue on the back too yeah i saw the plain blue i picked it up and then it was broken that one is green dark green to the time yep very nice this one hmm plain outside a fossil on there you see the lines just about oh look it's got an ammonite on there well not a whole laminate a bit of fun i found a brick oh there we go just a minute a well washed a well-washed seaward drink right mossad [Music] there you go i've seen something behind you i've got to go it's behind me oops hold on tight everyone's a bit bumpy but we've got to have a look at this automatic scale co limited british made oh that's lovely if i show you the size is my hand two hand spans and it is silly heavy oh we won't be taking that back but what a lovely thing to find on the beach and i love this it's completely worthless no historic value at all look how roundy that bit of brick is i just think that is so pretty so attacked down my feet one of my favorite things to find these things that nobody else sees valuing but i love yes lots of pebble-shaped bricks on the beach but as you saw there was a nice brick for me and a very broken very worn but as caroline said a very cute piece of brick for her that she turned into a candle holder you never know what you're going to find and where and this is a piece of footage from the seaside it's actually on a river s3 as it flows onto the beach and it's directly opposite the little holiday home we visited in abu porth but this brick had come a fair way a brick we'll come and have a look you found a brick of you mr johnson brick right it's a baldy brick that side but i get the feeling it isn't on the other side it does look very very plain last night but i know what that is now because you told me before of full press london brick company full press do you think it's london yes there we go then long way from all it is it's on holiday we're on the west coast of wales we got a london brick there's me opening with flan actually because we were given a lovely gift at christmas a gift from sarah mick they uh the channel docking bay 51 an excellent mud locking channel and recently they've made a phenomenal discovery of a great site so i'd encourage you to have a look at their videos but here we have a brick mode and the clay would go in there and as you can see in the bar down it would have printed out the letter in for that brick which would have indicated the company it was from here are a couple more bricks that we found one right here in the river taff in wales but the other on a visit to our friend tom burley up in yorkshire [Applause] now this trick doesn't have the name of a place but see o b c something i am assuming brick company could be don't know where you're going or more possibility hogglevy yeah you see it all moving oh it is totally alive at least so it's probably because you put that back in the water and you're going to put it in the water i don't want anything to be damaged by it but so that will stay input but i'm going to make a note of obc and check out what brick company that is right look here there is a piece of pottery now the size on these pieces of pottery is so much bigger than we get in the valleys of wales and so much prettier look at that i'd say that's off a basin a larger or perhaps a punchbowl something like that oh what's phil found more blue and white it's not nice i have a brick but and it has written on it let me focus on that b s t and l co limited i think so interesting one yes there's a leech there's a leech there a leech there so they can go back into the leech so i'm going to put them back in the water and they'll be happy so there we have two bricks from two very different locations with very different lettering but using that same method to fit as much information as possible into a small space with the least fast the first one that we found there in the river taff that had traveled a bit of a distance because it had come from barrow and finesse and the letters stood for the ohmsgill brick company a brick company that was founded in 1875 and was producing bricks at quite a phenomenal rate right through to the 1920s of course a lot of the brick companies set up around that time around the 1870s and a lot of them struggled when you got into the 1920s because as we know the close of the 1920s met with the great depression wall street crash expansion of industry virtually nil something we understand from current times where things are slowing down because of the pressures on the economy and those pressures on the economy had an impact with numerous brick suppliers and of course you also have the issue that that massive building boom from 1870 1890 through to the 1910s and 20s was coming to a close because most of the calories in this area had already been established add as the mills up in yorkshire so there was less demand for the bricks and the brick company in yorkshire that was a bit more of a mouthful that was quite a sizable statement even in letters and that stood for the bingley sanitary tube and lime company limited that would be a lot of information to write in full on just one brick but this idea of the boom of industry drawing in and developing companies in the surrounding areas that supplied we saw the evidence for that not far from home but right here in our own town right in the river just down the hill which for many years flowed directly through the colorado because there was a super pit here that bargained a world record breaking quality that produced millions upon millions of tonnes of coal over the years and when we went to the river we realized that the bricks had not just been made in one place i've got two fines to share with you yeah but they're very different but i'm showing them to you for the same reason right the first one will be no surprise it's a brick oh in fact it's half a brick does it have anything on it it does and that's why i brought it over ponte pool brick company see the party pool or potty freeze i think it's a bit of an old there is there i think so and just in this couple of hundred yards that we've been investigating today we've had newport four foot potty pool tradiga and it just goes to show how the industrial impact when you sunk a collary in somewhere in this valley benefited the economies all around because these bricks have come from everywhere bar bargood so they were bringing them in shipping them in and of course they were shipping them around the world so that and the reason this is linked to the other item which is so different it's all about recognizing something from part of the word i'm sure that caroline will recognize this name there we are oh l'oreal because i'm worth it because you're worth it of course you are dear i would never question it i'm not sure what was in that was that lipstick 80 is it because it's got that narrow top and when you use one of them no eyelash things or something no the other the lid would have gone on with the rest of real on it right a lipstick just a little bit of the label but knowledge means we know where they came from yes in these parts it was very much the mining industry that developed the towns in which we live that's why at the center of our town there are three huge heads of colliers with their helmets and lamps on and a poem to remind people that this town was built on the coal industry but of course when we go up to yorkshire it's a lot more about the mills yes there's a yorkshire mining industry but they had a mill industry that stood the test of time the supply of coal to create the steam as well as the clear waters flowing out of the hills made it the perfect location for a booming and worldwide known flannel industry and cloth so we're going to go back to yorkshire now learn a little about their bricks also visit one of the mills that is now derelict but strangely enough we're not just staying above ground but we will be going underground because we're going in search beneath the mill and of course you guessed it i find a [Music] brick [Music] but every twist and turn you just find more bottles let's have a look at some fix them up what's this one there's nothing written on that but it's a knobbly bobbly one malt vinegar i think that says oh that's not what we get out oh cow burns limited burnley oh that's a nice one too what did you say all right that was a little bit isn't it right copyright's limited oh hang on headquarters oh burnley there you go look at that i love the way they wrote headquarters on the bottom of the bottle lovely that looks like one of their baskets yeah either side of a concrete donkey i think it's metal i wonder if that's some sort of smelting pot that's what i'm going for that is metal we're not taking it with us because it is very heavy we just said a moment ago oh that's interesting you said headquarters et cetera look another identical ball right identical look headquarters written on the box no so it's not really the one we found but this one's broken all right let's have a look at this brown one what does this say oh that's lovely um i can't actually read that it's something lovely though i love the script they've used i think on the other side but that is such an elegant script is this a green one or is it algae no it's algae and various other gunji bits this is a nice one tea tetley do you think just says tea it's very nicely decorated got a brick all right what's your brick nelson company now there's a place called nelson near where we live but i don't think that's come from our nelson has it no but i assume there must be a nelson up here with lord nelson he tended to get around at least his name did and possibly there's a nelson here because it says nelson company limited nelson right so probably that was the name of the brick company in the location which is interesting because of course we found a number of bricks with eland ellen yes and i found out last night that there were two brick companies in ireland which is a few miles just south of where we are near to where we're staying uh beautiful place ancient place was on the doomsday book actually ellen except it ended with a t in those days that was in 1086 but they had two brickworks but the ellen road brickworks was not in ellen oh it was on ellen road in leeds right but the last of the brickworks over at ireland i saw an advertisement where the actual site the six acre site was up for sale two years ago for 1.3 million so obviously a very desirable place to be oh phil's found some brick let's have a look look it's in the alpha brick i'm hoping to find the other half is that a t o n atom works so who knows what that is somebody local may know because they'll know the local places but like at home we'd raise both fat and risk from our forward but i'll try and find some more but uh there's a brick i haven't had before it's interesting to see the way nature has reclaimed all this land there's some gorgeous wild flowers here trees getting bigger and bigger another decade and that chimney will be lost in that tree yes you can see he's slowly getting kettled up nice and cozy in a tree and he's even got plants growing out of the top right here we go are you in charge of the camera and the big light and i'm in charge of making sure apparently don't fall over if she does i'd be in the dark right and that's what it looks like that's as far up as we can see a little corner please note i'm being very brave i don't know how long for but i'm brave at the moment oops it's very difficult to keep the light shining where the camera is pointing because the bottom is very bumpy and bright i'll do my best but sorry if it's a bit of a crazy ride oh there's something around there what do you think [Applause] yeah it's a solid tire on a metal rim i wonder what that was all scooter do you think chad's scooter from 50s 60s oh look i was right about it being a scooter oh there's no there's the other big of the scooter let's go and have a look i hope you can see properly there we go one little vintage scooter so your torch is much better than mine it is oh look out what's that one hey washing machine if you need your laundry done this is the place to come we've got a big boat hole in the ceiling now let's have a look at the ceiling see what you can see oh the spider right let's turn around and have a look how far we've come in we've walked a long way i will warn everybody that this may end suddenly because our batteries may go and then we'll have to give up and run away screaming [Applause] no piece of glass nothing written on it though oh well you'll be fine then now this is definitely getting lower i don't think i'm going to walk up much further because my back is always already doubled over all right where's your brick nothing on that side no there's a big lump of something there i'm not going to lift that cloth up just in case there's rats or something in it no we don't like your maverick so there's a board of grip that's stuff coming out of a dream earlier must be a sign here oh yeah tell me where you're going great got a long walk to find the other end of the tunnel whoops very slippery there i slipped there too very slippery [Applause] oh greenwood greenwood does that looks like could well be it looks like when i get home i'll double check s b h yes there are locks down here when you look really closely but there's nothing written on them i think maybe they've been in here such a long time they've just been worn away oh we've attracted some moths now if i hold my leg there you may see the moths flying at us we can't see the light still dark on this i think when we pass that corner would be fine it's like that and then you bring the light in yeah right still i'm going to turn the light away you can caught on yeah that's my torch which is about 10 times better than the one i used last time if you bring mine back in i think so because mine's perfect i spotted a brick oh right what does it say in the dark but no it's a baldy word see there's marks but not words no it says everywhere what's there yeah i couldn't see it yet it's too dark yeah but everywhere you break this is for all you mudlarkers in the uk this is what we have here we have nothing like you guys have no sea glass no [Music] uh what do you call it plates i can't think of the word anyway some pretty shells that's about it it's january 4th beautiful day the sun finally came out today thank goodness hello carrie from canada vancouver island thank you so much for that carrie it was lovely of you to share your view and to introduce yourself to all the folks that are part of our youtube world and that won't be the only time we'll be putting cameos in we've already received a very exciting one for next week from poe and joe i'm not going to give you any more information but well worth the watch as we play their video next week let's get back to this video now that i've promised you the last video of the day don't forget if you want to see more subscribe because that way they let you know especially if you ding that bell they'll send you a notification every time we put out a video and of course we've got content over on coffee that is free for everyone as well as the content that is for those who support us on a monthly basis big thank you to all our supporters but also a big thank you to everyone who watches for everyone who comments for everyone who gives us a thumbs up you're all part of this youtube family which we are so proud to be part of this video though is about a brick that i didn't have in my collection that i found on the coast there in port call i could read the name but i still don't have it in my collection come over and find out just why i love the texture on these rocks it's where they've had years and years of being washed by the waves and the wind and the sand and they've turned into this almost lunar landscape oh here's a brick we found a brickfilm you want to come and check out if it was taking a look at rather green it's completely wedged it's in there that's not coming out oh what a shame so look i can't see anything on it can you see anything anyone yeah before i dig that out let me show you what i found since i last spoke to you and did my disclosure oh wow we don't usually get much sea glass here but look at that that's a decent hand well yeah just found all those as i just walk along the pools it doesn't look like it's going to come out really ah wish i'd brought my screwdriver although digging tools are in the car we didn't think i on the beach right as expected i have failed nature has prevailed these rocks have got a grip on our stone on our brick but i have managed to clear it and i can read it oh so what does it say look see if you can see it for the camera okay hold tight there's a t up in this end and it runs diagonally says t-o-n-d-u ton tandy tandy so that's a brick i never seen before and i certainly didn't expect to find a brick on this beach with a wood on it as i said earlier but there we go you never know where you're gonna find you won't find nothing if you don't look we'll just keep on looking well that one got the better of me there's a point in time when you have to admit defeat and on this occasion the forces of nature won the day because that brick was jammed solid but as you saw it was a ton d brick a brick that i do not have in my collection yet and i say yet because the search goes on if you want to see some of those bricks in use there's a video out of a project i've began and there'll be new projects come in now in the spring when we go back into the garden and do some filming there it's been great sharing this with you hope you've enjoyed it but as always until the next time from caroline myself and monkey have fun bye [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 5,185
Rating: 4.9520001 out of 5
Keywords: Looking for old bricks, See our finds!, finding bottles in old rubbish dump in the river, finding old bricks, finding old stuff in the river, finding things in the mud, finding things in the river, happy videos that make you smile, looking for interesting things in the river, looking for old bottles in the river, looking for old things in river, looking for things in the river, out and about on the river, phil and caroline, something to watch when your bored, manky panda
Id: xmtEoqF6MCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 11sec (3551 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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